Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 532 Escape Plan (1)

When the demon cultivator pulls the iron chain, a look of pain will appear on his face. The black air on his thick arms moves quickly and continuously. The thick blue veins are curled up, and the facial patterns are like individual ones. The living creatures, small insects, kept twisting and twisting, making one's scalp numb just by looking at them.

At this time, a demon cultivator who had just finished pulling the iron ring took a few deep breaths, turned to look at the other demon cultivator beside him, and then said a little tiredly.

"Karasu Yuan, this can't go on like this. My magic source power can't be consumed like this anymore, otherwise it may cause my cultivation level to drop."

"Gefeng, just now a demon lord gave an order to kill these five monks from the Huangyue Brigade. If you can't complete it, what will happen to you and me? Do you still need me to tell you?"

The demon monk who was called Wuyuan replied rudely. In fact, he was helpless in his heart. The demon clan was extremely strict. If he failed to complete the orders issued by his superiors, he would most likely be killed on the spot.

Although he knows that now is the time to employ people, and although the Demon Lord may not be able to kill the two of him, the end will definitely not be any better.

It's just that the flying magic weapon of the human monk in front is too sharp, and the magic cabinet that he has always been proud of can't catch up at all. Thinking of the consequences of failing to complete the order, he can only use the magic power without hesitation.

Demon power is second only to essence and blood in physical training. It is a unique product of the demon body. It originates from the demon core, but it is different from the ordinary demon energy in the demon core.

To be precise, every time the body is cultivated, a trace of the essence of the flesh and blood will be taken away by the demonic energy traveling throughout the body, which is stored in the center of the demonic core.

Its power is far greater than the demonic energy in the demonic core, and it plays an irreplaceable role in the future advancement and stabilization of the demonic cultivator's realm.

This flying magic cabinet belongs to Wuyuan, and behind it is a famous sect in the demon world, and the master is also a demon with a good reputation.

He was extremely satisfied with Wuyuan's disciple, so he spared no expense to build this flying magic weapon for him. Even if this flying magic weapon was obtained in the Desolate Moon Continent, it would still be an extremely rare flying weapon.

The most powerful thing about demon monks is their body. They are best at close combat, so descriptions such as lightness and dexterity have almost nothing to do with them.

Of course, this also includes speed, but this is not an absolute thing and is limited by cultivation.

For example, Li Yan once met the owner of Beiling Villa. After reaching a certain level of cultivation, he was able to keep up with Li Yan's Cloud-Piercing Willow just by running. That was extremely astonishing.

Even though the female demon cultivator in the sad Lingshan Villa has reached the level of a demon, she has only just become a demon. To catch up with Li Yan, she needs to rely on flying swords.

So when Karasuhara acquired this flying magic cabinet, coupled with his powerful physical body, he became famous among his peers in the demon world.

When he was fighting with others, if he was defeated, he would directly use the flying magic cabinet and escape far away. The other magic cultivators could only stop and curse, but few of them could pursue him.


\u003e Hand when actually fighting with people, during the fight, the magic cabinet can be transformed into a small step under the feet, and a short-distance raid can be carried out, leaving the magic cultivators who mainly focus on hard attack in a hurry.

Wuyuan and the others did not take it seriously after receiving the order to kill the five Li Yans at first. Their team was a powerful team composed of foreign monks. They were mainly used to hunt the Fengliang Mountain monks, not to spy on intelligence.

In the two months since its establishment, it has killed as many as 25 monks from the Desolate Moon Continent, even though it only suffered one casualty from one demon soldier and two monks.

Since Li Yan and the others are only more than 200 miles away from him, according to past experience, as long as one side uses the flying magic cabinet, it will most likely be difficult for the other side to escape.

But the next scene surprised Karasuhara as the captain. Just after he opened the flying magic cabinet with confidence, the five opponents actually opened the distance between them by several miles in an instant.

Wu Yuan couldn't help but become serious, but he still thought that he had underestimated the enemy just now, and did not think that the opponent could possess a flying magic weapon that could compete with the magic cabinet.

But after chasing for a few more breaths, he couldn't help but be surprised, and finally confirmed that the opponent also had a high-grade flying magic weapon in his hand, and it was even higher than the grade of his own magic cabinet.

So he mobilized the demonic energy billowing all over his body to catch up with all his strength, but after a while, to Karasuhara's chagrin, no matter how he activated the flying magic cabinet, the distance between him and the opponent continued to widen.

Although he didn't want to admit that his demon giant was not as good as the other's, he really had no choice. When he thought of the order given by the demon leader just now, he had no choice but to ask his colleague Ge Feng to use the magic source power to control the flying magic cabinet.

Although Ge Feng was extremely reluctant, at the level of a demon, how could he dare to disobey an order given by a demon, not to mention that he was only the deputy captain.

Ge Feng had no choice but to reluctantly use the magic source power. Sure enough, with the two of them taking turns using the magic source power, the flying magic cabinet was still pulled away bit by bit, but after all, they chased each other for thousands of miles, and still kept the opponent at a loss. Under the control of one's own spiritual consciousness.

But at this time, even Wu Yuan and Ge Feng couldn't bear it anymore. They started to use the magic power frequently, and now only after a while, one of them uses the magic power to control the flying magic cabinet, but they have almost reached their limit. .

Almost 40% of the two people's magic source power has disappeared from the magic core. When it drops to half, their cultivation will suffer an irreversible decline.

"Two fellow Taoists, in fact, those people in front may not be able to hold on anymore!"

At this moment, an emotionless voice came from behind Wu Yuan and Gefeng. Although he said the word "fellow Taoist" in his mouth, to anyone who heard it, it was like a puppet speaking coldly. .

Wu Yuan heard this and looked sideways.

The withered human monk felt a burst of disgust in his heart, but there was a smile on his face.

"Oh, why do you say this, Fellow Daoist Wang?" If these foreign monks cooperate with them, they will only be despicable human beings after all.

However, Wuyuan knew that these monks were far from comparable to the monks from the Desolate Moon Continent. Even the monk in front of him who called Wang Changkun might not be able to defeat him alone.

Wang Changkun just said, "Slow down!" His face was still stiff, his voice was cold, and his hands were still behind his back, looking superior to others.

In the past, Wu Yuan would have been dissatisfied when seeing Wang Changkun's attitude, but now he simply ignored it. Just now, he and Gefeng had been hesitating whether to continue using the magic source power, but he had not paid careful attention to the situation ahead. .

Wu Yuan and Gefeng hurriedly looked forward with their consciousness. To their surprise, the flying magic weapon in front finally slowed down.

Although their consciousness was blocked by the isolation restrictions outside Chuanyunliu and they could not see clearly what was going on inside, the sudden drop in speed must have been an accident.

At this time, an idea suddenly appeared in Karasuhara and Gefeng's mind.

"The opponent's magic weapon is the same as mine. In order to escape, he must not hesitate to use secret techniques such as essence and blood that can damage the body. That's why it is so fast. Now the five of them may have consumed it in turn. This is reaching the limit." ??

This made Wu Yuan feel even more balanced. It turned out that it was not that his magic cabinet was not fast, but that the other party must have used self-destructive body spells when he was desperate.


After King Hu Xiao and Yan Feijun finished talking, there was silence on Chuanyunliu for a while.

"The other party must have used a secret technique that caused serious damage to the body. This can be determined from the flying magic weapon behind him that flies quickly and slowly.

At this time, the demonic golden elixir cultivator is definitely unable to use his spiritual consciousness to detect the situation here. As long as his spiritual consciousness is released, it will be interrupted by the uncle, so we can ignore the golden elixir demonic cultivator. Now only this small group of enemies remains. "Li Yan finally broke the silence.

Bai Rou thought for a moment and nodded slightly, "I also noticed that the speed of their flight was sometimes strong and sometimes weak. Junior Brother Li was right, and Uncle Fengliangshan had the consciousness to intercept the demon. Here they are already." For now, only the eight-man team at the back is the biggest threat..."

"So what?" Yan Feijun felt that what Li Yan and Bai Rou said was meaningless, and even felt that it was a mistake to let Li Yan be the captain.

"So, we don't need to fly west anymore, otherwise it will take at least a thousand miles to completely escape their spiritual detection, and we are not sure whether there will be any accidents during the rest of the journey." Li Yan said lightly.

As soon as Li Yan finished speaking this time, even King Hu Xiao thought it was nonsense.

"Do you really want to fight the eight people behind you? Master Li


Brother, you have to think clearly, here... only Junior Sister Bai should be confident that she can protect herself..."

He originally wanted to say, except for you and Sun Guoshu, we can fight each other. Even if we can't beat them, we can still protect ourselves, but he didn't say it directly after all.

But anyone could tell that the tone of Yan Feijun and King Hu Xiao was no longer respectful. It was about their own lives, so how could they let Li Yan do what they wanted?

Li Yan smiled, with no trace of displeasure on his face.

"In this way, we will fly to the jungle below later, and then I will temporarily separate from you, and I will lure away the two demon monks.

There is only one fake elixir among the remaining five people. It is expected that with Senior Sister Bai's puppet, coupled with the cultivation of two senior brothers Hu and Yan, and with the help of fellow Taoist Sun, even the powerful foreign monks will probably be very powerful. The battle will be over soon. "

"What? want to lure away two demon monks alone?" "Junior brother Li, don't do anything wrong..." "Junior brother, this...what kind of plan is this?"...

After hearing Li Yan's calm words, the four people objected almost in unison, with a look of disbelief on everyone's face.

But Li Yan still looked at them with a smile, and then King Hu Xiao persuaded them again.

"Junior Brother Li, are you crazy? Don't tell me whether your plan to lure away the two demon cultivators is feasible?

So how could you make the other party listen to you obediently and pursue them separately?

And there are two demon cultivators chasing you together? "

Although King Hu Xiao was dissatisfied with Li Yan, thinking of the other party's identity and this mission, he still suppressed his complaints and spoke out to object.

The questions he mentioned were really wrong to the person. Regardless of the ultimate success of the plan, the other party seems to be cooperating with your plan, Li Yan. Isn't this whimsical? This is too self-righteous.

Bai Rou and the others also directly rejected Li Yan's proposal in their hearts. Seeing that Hu Jiaowang had put forward his opinion, they also stopped talking and looked at Li Yan.

After Li Yan glanced behind him with his spiritual consciousness, he said, "I should have a way to make the two demons give up chasing you and only pursue me in the direction in which I escaped.

Li would not joke about this. The pursuers from behind are still about 340 miles away from us.

Later we rushed into the jungle below. With Senior Brother Yan's formation skills, we had enough time to set up a small hidden formation.

When the time comes, I will set up an ambush formation inside it. As long as you deliberately leak some loopholes when escaping, the other party will definitely dedicate manpower to chase you. At the same time, I will distract the two demon cultivators. The rest is up to you. Senior brothers and sisters, my life is in your hands. "

At the end of Li Yan's words, his face became more serious, and he didn't mean to be joking at all.

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