Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 531 Westward Pursuit

Li Yan and others are actually not sure whether this Fengliang Mountain Golden elixir monk was sent by their master to protect the five of them, because there are often Golden elixir monks on both sides of the enemy and us appearing on the battlefield, either hunting low-level monks of the other side, or Protect your own monks.

Although the number of Golden Core cultivators is far less than that of Foundation Establishment cultivators, maybe I and others will encounter them today.

What Li Yan can be sure of is that whether they are Demon Clan Golden Elixir monks or Fengliang Mountain Golden Elixir monks they encounter, they are at least in the middle stage of Golden Elixir or above.

Otherwise, since he has already surpassed the spiritual consciousness of the early Golden Core monks, he would definitely have sensed it many times in advance, and just as soon as he sensed it, the other party's spiritual consciousness enveloped him.

Of course, if Li Yan were here by himself, then these two people would still be unable to do anything to him.

Li Yan dodged to the side of Bai Rou and the others, and the Cloud-piercing Willow appeared at his feet. Naturally, he had to stay away from the battle between the two Jindans.

At this moment, the stinging pain in the sea of ​​consciousness of Bai Rou and the others had eased. When they saw Li Yan coming with the flying magic weapon, they climbed up the Chuanyunliu with just one leap.

Li Yan swayed again, and they had appeared beside Sun Guoshu a few miles away. Sun Guoshu was also pale at this moment.

Just now, under the attack of the consciousness sea by the Golden Core cultivator, although his own masters took action in time, the consciousness sea was also affected, making him unable to move freely for a moment. Under the surge of spiritual power in his body, his body was shaking slightly.

Sun Guoshu didn't have any good flying magic weapons. If he chased by himself alone, he would probably be lost to Li Yan and the others soon.

Although the result may not be death, being alone on the frontline battlefield where the two armies are facing each other will end in disaster.

Unexpectedly, a disaster was imminent, but Li Yan still preferred to waste more time escaping and took him with him, which moved Sun Guoshu.

At this moment when their lives are at stake, the immortal cultivators have nothing to say about their relationship. They are the golden elixir cultivators. Although there are strong men on their own side to intercept them, no one knows the gap between the two sides. Maybe the demon cultivators will be there in the next moment. Being able to free his hands would cost the lives of five of them.

Just when Li Yan and the five of them had just flown out, a cold snort came from the sky in the distance, "Sneaking up here, you can come and leave whenever you want. Come on, kill these guys." Rats."

The sound was like rolling thunder. It was the demon monk. His body was rushing in this direction, but the golden elixir monk from Fengliang Mountain was also approaching him quickly. For a while, the golden elixir demon cultivator was unable to do it himself. Five people are chasing Li Yan.

The angry shouts of the Jindan Demon Cultivator also shocked Fengliangshan Jindan. Although he didn't know what kind of mission Li Yan and the others were going to perform, Wei Zhongran asked him to do his best to protect them secretly.

In order not to let the demons notice, Fengliangshan secretly sent only one of them. Immediately after his spiritual consciousness swept away, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of Li Yan’s previous choice


The route was all the way to the southwest, already far away from the center of the battlefield. There were not many monks here, and Li Yan's flying magic weapon was very fast, and even he might not be able to catch up.

In the consciousness of the Golden Core monks in Fengliang Mountain, only four teams appeared within a thousand miles. In addition to Li Yan's five-person team, there was another team on his side that appeared one thousand seven hundred miles away.

The demon side also has two teams, which are relatively close to Li Yan. Especially one of the eight-man teams is only more than 200 miles away from Li Yan.

What made the Fengliang Mountain Golden Core cultivator feel a little more relieved was that another team of twelve demons was at least a thousand miles away from Li Yan.

With the two sides facing each other, he sent a message to the team that appeared on his side to stop the enemy, but it was too late. They were the farthest away. Only the opponent's team of eight should be a threat to Li Yan and the five.

In his spiritual consciousness, he saw Li Yan using all his strength to activate the Cloud-Piercing Willow, which quickly disappeared to the west. The Fengliang Mountain Golden Elixir cultivator turned his face to face the Jindan Demon Cultivator who was approaching quickly. He sneered, "You'd better look after yourself first!".

After he clearly saw the speed of Li Yan's flight, he knew that as long as Li Yan's team traveled more than five hundred miles, there was no golden elixir in both teams, which would exceed the maximum range of spiritual consciousness in the foundation building period. Li Yan and the others would be able to compete with When the other party breaks away, just intercept the golden elixir demon cultivator yourself.

With a sharp roar from the Fengliang Mountain Golden Core cultivator, the two sides were approaching in an instant, and there was a rumbling sound of collision under the sky, as well as the roar of the Demonic Golden Core cultivator.

The demon Jindan monk swung away the Fengliangshan monk's sword with an axe. In his consciousness, Li Yan and the five others were galloping towards the west, followed closely by the eight-man demon team.

Although the demon team's flying speed was not as fast as Li Yan's Cloud-piercing Willow, after receiving the order, the leading demon monk did not hesitate to activate the secret method, causing the flying magic weapon under him to reach an astonishing speed.

In a short period of time, Li Yan didn't pull the opponent down too much.

Anger flashed in the eyes of the demon's golden elixir, and then he swung his axe, turning into a ball of magic light and striking towards the Fengliang Mountain's golden elixir monk.

What this demon golden elixir didn't know was that Li Yan was so scheming that even when he was escaping, he didn't forget some details, which made this demon golden elixir ignore Li Yan in the end.

Demon Jindan thought that the other party was just an ordinary scout, so he relaxed his vigilance. Otherwise, if he knew that due to his negligence, several more Nascent Soul experts might join forces behind him, he would probably regret it.

This demonic golden elixir will definitely not hesitate to use his own essence and blood, and he will probably drive back the golden elixir monks from Fengliang Mountain in front of him and kill all the five Li Yans.

Li Yan had already made a decision in his mind as soon as he escaped. It would be safest if they chose to flee to the north. It is estimated that if they escape for a while, their own monks will appear.

After all, that was their main battlefield, but in this way, their hard work of lurking here for two days was in vain.

And if they were forced to go south, this kind of abnormal behavior would also arouse the vigilance of the demon Jindan. The behavior of the five people rushing towards their own army in such a desperate manner was undoubtedly strange.

Therefore, Li Yan only had two directions: east and west, so Li Yan chose due west, and he did not even move a little to the southwest.

The demon army is currently insufficient in strength, and some demon masters have to stay behind to suppress the South China Sea. Therefore, apart from the south direction, the rest of the army is only scattered near Fengliang Mountain.

Not to mention worrying about going further to the east and west. Escape to the west like Li Yan meant that he would be far away from the front battlefield of the second army.

Therefore, from the perspective of the monks, it is actually safe to escape to the west, because there will definitely be human monks in the west, but there are almost no demon monks. Even if there are, they are scattered here and there to spy on the news, almost like drops of water. Like the sea.

The consequence of Li Yan's confusing plan was that time was taken up again in their subsequent actions, and the executable tasks were once again compressed and reduced, but this was undoubtedly the most correct approach at the moment.

Li Yan and the others were chasing and escaping like this, and soon traveled westward for about a thousand miles, and at this time they finally separated each other by nearly 400 miles.

Li Yan stood in front of the Cloud Chuanliu with an expressionless face. This was the first time he encountered someone of the same level who had such a sharp flying magic weapon. Although the opponent was blessed with a secret method, it was not much worse than the Cloud Chuanliu. too much.

He frowned and whispered to the four of them, "This won't work. Although we can eventually get rid of the pursuers behind us, we will get further and further away from the mission goal.

Although the speed of the pursuers behind them has begun to slow down, if they want to extend the range of their spiritual consciousness to more than 500 miles, they still need to be close to a thousand miles away. "

Yan Feijun was depressed in his heart. They had no choice but to flee when they encountered Jin Dan, and now they were chased by monks of the same level, so he gritted his teeth and said.

"Kill the pursuers behind. There are eight of them. Except for two demon cultivators at the level of demon soldiers, the other six look like those foreign human monks. If we set up a formation, there is still hope that we can destroy them. ”

When he said this, he was actually hesitant in his heart. He hoped that the six monks were Nanhai monks, so that the six monks would not use their full combat power.

King Hu Xiao shook his head, "Junior Brother Yan, we may not be able to do it. Those two demon cultivators have both reached the fake elixir realm, which is comparable to you and me.

If the other six people had encountered those Nanhai monks who had been banned before, it would be okay. only


These six people should be a group of foreign monks.

The key is that there is actually a fake alchemy monk among the six people on the other side, and the time to set up an ambush for us is only a short four hundred miles, which can be said to be here in a blink of an eye..." At the end of his words, he shook his head repeatedly.

He still had something to say. He and Yan Feijun were not sure that they could deal with a demon soldier each, and they were too busy to take care of themselves. Bai Rou should be able to take on the foreign fake pill, but what about the remaining five?

At the same time, King Hu Xiao complained in his heart about Wei Zhongran and Elder Chi Gong, why they did not send five fake alchemy monks for this mission.

Under this situation, as long as three people are separated to entangle the two demons and a foreign fake alchemy monk behind them, and the remaining two fake alchemy monks kill five enemies as quickly as possible, and then come back to help, even if their own side wins It's difficult, but the winning rate is several percent higher.

It's good now. Except that he, King Hu Xiao, and Bai Rou can barely block the other three, Li Yan and Sun Guoshu will probably be destroyed by the five of them in one encounter.

They had fought against each other several times, so they knew how powerful the foreign monks were. Even if Li Yan had that strange cold monster in his hands, he would have no chance of winning against five against two.

After hearing what King Hu Xiao and Yan Shoujun said, Bai Rou did not speak. She looked at Li Yan in front of her, while Sun Guoshu lowered his head as if he had not heard what others were saying.

In fact, Sun Guoshu was already thinking about how to escape at this time. Although he had a better chance of saving his life with the other four people, he would not die if these four people got into trouble and turned around to fight with the pursuers from behind.

Sun Guoshu thought to himself, "Even if the Demon Sect pursues me in the future, we have to wait until we find ourselves."

At this time, two demons and six people were standing on a magic weapon similar to a wardrobe at the back. The second demon was standing on the edge in front of the top of the gray wardrobe.

As Li Yan and the others sensed, these two famous demon corrections have reached the realm of human false elixirs and are already top-notch existences in the foundation-building stage.

They were all doing a weird action at the moment. The two demon cultivators had their feet on the edge of the wardrobe, and each of them held something similar to an iron ring in their hands.

There is a long iron chain on the two iron rings, and the other end is connected to the bottom of the wardrobe. Every once in a while, one of the two demon cultivators will pull the iron ring fiercely.

A thick black liquid will surge up from the iron ring, and this thick black liquid will immediately flow to the iron chain. The iron chain will make a harsh "zapping" sound, as if there is an empty sheet at the bottom of the wardrobe. Like a big mouth at the bottom, greedily sucking in everything.

The thick black liquid flowed to the bottom of the closet with a faint halo, and then quickly disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the slow speed of this gray wardrobe flying in the void will suddenly increase sharply again, and it will shoot forward like a gray stone piercing the sky.

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