Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 525 New Mission

Wei Chongran said "good" twice, and first praised Li Yan and his team's recent performance.

Li Yan now understands that his master has selfish motives. When he let him join the ninth team of "Chongfeng Camp", he must have known that Bai Rou and his team were strong as a whole.

If he let himself join, then he would definitely have more security.

"Brother Wei is right. My disciple is a rare genius in mechanical arts. With the help of her puppets, their team's performance has always been among the best in Fengliang Mountain, not to mention in the "Chongfeng Camp".

No wonder you let this kid join Bai Rou's team as soon as he came. But his cultivation is only in the middle stage of foundation building, not as good as Bai Rou often said..."

Before Elder Chi Gong finished speaking, Bai Rou, who was below, had already blushed and said hurriedly.

"Master, when did I tell you how powerful Junior Brother Li is? Oh, no, Junior Brother Li, I didn't mean that... I..."

Bai Rou heard Elder Chi Gong actually talk about their usual conversations, and even added the word "often said". She felt embarrassed and anxious.

For a moment, Bai Rou hurriedly tried to explain, but after the words were spoken, she found that this explanation clearly looked down on Li Yan, and hurriedly bowed to Li Yan beside her to explain.

Li Yan smiled bitterly at Bai Rou and said, "Senior Sister Bai, you are too suspicious. I just rely on my flying magic weapon to escape a lot faster."

Elder Chi Gong heard this and thought about it. It seemed that Bai Rou had said that this kid had taken them out of the enemy's encirclement several times.

He didn't mean anything else. It's just that when he saw Bai Rou recently and asked her about her recent situation, Bai Rou always mentioned Li Yan. Later, he remembered that Li Yan was Wei Chongran's disciple. Although he didn't participate in Li Yan's entry into the sect at the beginning, he still heard about him later.

With Elder Chi Gong's understanding of Bai Rou, he could not help but be suspicious when he saw Bai Rou repeatedly mentioning other male cultivators.

However, Elder Chi Gong did not know the relationship between Li Yan and Zhao Min. When he saw Li Yan today, he actually had a sense of scrutiny.

After hearing this, Wei Chongran looked at Bai Rou below and frowned slightly, but when he saw Li Yan's clear eyes, he was relieved. It seemed that he was too suspicious.

So Wei Chongran coughed lightly and said, "I asked you two to come here because I discussed with Elder Chi Gong and other elders a few days ago. There is something I need you to do.

The number of people on this trip can only be controlled at a maximum of five. We have checked all the recent tasks of the Deacon Hall and think that you have a much higher chance of success in carrying out this task.

However, the most critical point here is that this mission requires absolutely trustworthy people, so I chose you two.

After the task is finished, the other three people will be selected by you from the ninth team, provided that these three people are people you absolutely trust."

Li Yan and Bai Rou heard Wei Chongran directly state the purpose of calling them here. Although his tone was still gentle, it was clear that there was no room for negotiation.

Li Yan had long known that although his master was very protective of his disciples, he was very clear when it came to the interests of the sect. Li Yan immediately responded respectfully, and Bai Rou also nodded slightly, waiting for the next words.

Elder Chi Gong, who was about to continue asking questions, stopped smiling when he saw Wei Chongran had already started to get to the point.

"After you have selected the personnel, immediately go to a small town called 'Zhouyang Town' and pick up two cultivators from there.

These two cultivators are cultivators from the South China Sea. In name, they are disciples of the 'Qingling Sect', a sect of immortal cultivation in the South China Sea. They were recently recruited by the demon army along with the 'Qingling Sect'.

But in fact, these two are direct disciples of the 'Luoshu Lake', a first-class immortal cultivation family in the South China Sea.

This 'Luoshu Lake' immortal cultivation family has a powerful Yuanying mid-stage cultivator, who is very powerful and has a wide influence in the South China Sea.

This time the demons invaded, this Yuanying mid-stage cultivator happened to travel to the Wuliang Sect before the South China Sea was invaded, and thus escaped the terrible consequences of being captured and planted with a ban by the demon commander.

The 'Luoshu Lake' family is originally a hidden family, so not many people know about it, so for the time being, its family should not have been discovered by the demons.

And 'Luoshu Lake' and 'Qingling Sect' have some inheritance. origin.

These two disciples of the Qingling Sect are the most outstanding disciples of the younger generation of their family. They are the Luoshu Lake immortal cultivation family and the Qingling Sect who exchanged geniuses and learned each other's immortal arts for a short period of time, but they did not want to be dragged to the battlefield.

The two young cultivators of the Luoshu Lake kept sending out distress messages through the life-saving jade pendants they left behind. A few days ago, the Yuanying strongman of the Luoshu Lake finally sensed the information and knew that the direct disciples of their family had arrived here.

Finally, the Yuanying strongman of the Luoshu Lake discussed with the top leaders of our four sects that if we could send someone to pick up the two people, he would be willing to take the risk and sneak back to the South China Sea.

Then he could secretly contact a group of friends, and finally when the war started here, they would attack from the rear to kill the demon cultivators, so they called you here. Do you understand the importance of this? "

Elder Chi Gong spoke out the general outline of the mission in one breath.

Li Yan and Bai Rou naturally understood it, and they were also surprised.

Li Yan was more thoughtful, and he was thinking in his heart.

"It seems that those two disciples have an extremely important position in the "Luoshu Lake" Immortal Cultivation Family. It is possible that they are not just the younger generation of the family's geniuses. They are most likely the direct descendants of this "Luoshu Lake" Nascent Soul strongman. ”

It can make a strong person in the middle stage of Nascent Soul risk his life and death, knowing that the other party has four top masters at the god level.

In existence, I was willing to sneak back to repay the love of the four sects, and there are many articles in it.

But then again, the four major sects must take this matter very seriously. How can a friend of the powerful Nascent Soul be so weak?

The key to this battle is the cultivator, but the main combat power is Yuanying and Jindan. If there are such a group of strong men sneaking up from behind the demon clan at the critical moment of the battle, the harm to the opponent will be incalculable. It is estimated that it can even turn the tide of the war.

Bai Rou frowned after hearing this, and asked softly, "What are the cultivation levels of those two 'Luoshu Lake' disciples? Why didn't the 'Luoshu Lake' Nascent Soul strongman come out in person?"

Li Yan also thought about this just now, and nodded lightly at this time.

"One of the two 'Luoshu Lake' disciples is in the middle stage of foundation building, and the other is in the late stage of foundation building. Their cultivation levels are pretty good.

As for the location of ‘Zhouyang Town’? We are already close to the edge of the demon army. 'Zhouyang Town' is also an occasional resting point for the demon scouts. It can be said that it is a holding point for the demon cultivators.

The mission of the 'Qingling Sect' where the two 'Luoshu Lake' disciples were located was to scout for news, so they would stay temporarily in 'Zhouyang Town' from time to time.

That place is already under the control of the powerful demon clan’s consciousness, and there are often cross-detections of demon generals’ consciousness. Even if the mid-stage Nascent Soul monk from ‘Luoshu Lake’ appears, there is no guarantee that he can avoid all detections.

As for him suppressing and hiding his cultivation until the foundation building stage, if one of the opponent's demon generals has cultivated a great magical power similar to the 'Tian Tian Dharma Eyes', while scanning, he will be more sensitive to the hidden aura, and it may be faster to expose Xingzang.

Therefore, suppressing your cultivation and going to respond is not the best policy, but the last resort. If it is fake, it is fake.

In fact, Jindan monks can go there, because the other side also has some Jindan monks who come out to spy on information. There are Jindan monks in 'Zhouyang Town'.

But for both parties, although the Golden Core cultivators were much more numerous than the Nascent Souls, they were still very conspicuous compared to the Foundation Establishment cultivators everywhere.

Therefore, after getting this mission, I discussed with the elders and decided that you should go there. You are among the foundation-building monks in remote areas, but you are the most easily ignored. "

Wei Zhongran spoke slowly and answered the questions raised by Bai Rou.

"Then why don't these two 'Luoshu Lake' disciples use the opportunity to go out as scouts? Wouldn't it be better to get close to our control area and wait for an opportunity to escape secretly?"

Li Yan pondered for a moment and asked for a feasible escape plan.

"That's because they have been banned for a long time, and the demons will not completely believe them.

Whenever the monks who are recruited from Nanhai go out, they will be led by two people personally sent by the demon clan. These two demon cultivators hold activation prohibition tokens that control their life and death.

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If there is no news of the scouts who dispersed at the appointed time, whether these monks are really unable to return because of spying on the news, or for other reasons, they will activate the prohibition token regardless and kill this person.

Another important reason is that the people who can really get close to us are actually the demon cultivators and those mysterious human cultivators.

The mission that monks like the 'Qingling Sect' often do is to search for our past scouts, and then capture or kill them. This method actually requires them to submit a 'letter of surrender'.

We have killed too many monks on our side, and Zui will not be able to gain our approval in the future. "

Wei Zhongran explained carefully.

Elder Chi Gong snorted, "Perhaps these two people have killed many of our monks, but... if we can get a strong Nascent Soul to take action, of course all this can be done. "

"That means that after we pass, we must first kill the two leading demon cultivators, then pretend to be a team that came to spy on the news, and finally return."

Li Yan already knew the plan above, and might even have figured out how they would return.

Sure enough, Elder Chi Gong took the lead and nodded, "Your ideas and plans are basically the same. Anyway, there are the most foundation-building monks on both sides.

When the time comes for you to mix among them, it’s really not easy to attract special attention. This method is considered very thorough. "

Li Yan and Bai Rou looked at each other, and both saw worries in each other's eyes. Although the plan considered above was feasible, the enemy and our people were intertwined along the way. How could they easily go back and forth thousands of miles without Reveal flaws.

Along the way, you also have to beware of "accidental" assassinations by your own people. These are problems that exist all the time.

And how could they kill the two leading demon monks quietly? Then "Zhouyang Town" was the opponent's stronghold.

And sometimes, they are within the area controlled by the opponent's demon general's spiritual consciousness. Although these demon generals cannot pay attention to every inch of the place at all times, who can guarantee that the demon general's spiritual consciousness will not scan over them when they take action.

Although Elder Chi Gong said it was easy, in fact, he and Wei Zhongran had been discussing it for a long time. They were very worried about Bai Rou and Li Yan. As for the other three, they were directly ignored by Wei Zhongran and Elder Chi Gong.

But for such a major matter related to the decisive battle, they could only send out their most trusted disciples to complete it, so cruelly, they decided to let Bai Rou and Li Yan complete it.

But this does not mean that only the two of them are trustworthy, but it is the result of their final discussion after considering the completion of tasks of all the teams in the Deacon Hall.

It just happened that Bai Rou's team performed well. The other disciples of the Demon Sect in the ninth team did not have senior masters like Li Yan and Bai Rou, so they could only follow orders in this mission and had no right to know more. .

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