Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 524: Little Boundary Breaking Pearl

After a silence in the hall, the master finally said, "The key is whether the monks below can break through the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff. At that time, my three brothers and I will keep our promise to the 'Demon Emperor'. I can deal with Da Ling and another God of Transformation alone. The remaining person will be dealt with by the three of you together. In this way, even if the opponent really has a fifth-level monster, there is still hope." After listening to the master's words, Tu Tai smiled, but he was not very satisfied in his heart. Because he knew that with the strength of this master, even if he dealt with all three Gods alone, he should be able to hold them off for a while. ?? Then he and others can free up their hands and easily take down the cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff, but the other party can say that he can fight two people alone, which is also a promise. "In this way, except for the fifth-level monsters that may appear unexpectedly, all breakthroughs are on the cultivators below.

Whether it is Yuanying or Jindan, as long as someone can rush into the cracks of Yinmo Cliff, holding the 'small boundary-breaking beads' I brought, and work together with my demon army on the other side to destroy the seal of the formation, it is still possible to succeed."

Tu Tai responded, saying that in the end, only the real fight can decide everything.

"You demons have rested for such a long time, how come you only refined a fake 'boundary-breaking bead'?"

After listening to Tu Tai's words, the great master nodded, but thinking of the so-called "small boundary-breaking bead", he still asked in confusion.

Tu Tai listened to the great master's question, hesitated for a while, and then answered.

"Alas, the three gentlemen don't know that our demon clan has been seriously short of resources due to the refining of several 'Boundary Breaking Pearls' tens of millions of years ago. Many necessary raw materials can no longer be grown and obtained. Otherwise, the passage to the Desolate Moon Continent would have been reopened over the years. The cracks in the Yin Demon Cliff are already damaged, so we can just throw in two more 'Boundary Breaking Pearls'. Why bother to find the 'Boundary Breaking Pearls'? But our Demon Emperor has never given up the plan to refine the 'Boundary Breaking Pearls' and has been looking for refining materials. Unfortunately, in the end, only the 'Small Boundary Breaking Pearls' were refined to assist in destroying the barrier between the two realms." After listening to this, the great gentleman thought about it and realized that a magic weapon that can destroy the barrier between the two realms is a treasure that defies the heavens. Even with the vast area of ​​the demon world, those rare materials may have become extinct. In fact, there is another important reason that Tutai did not say, because this is a shame for the demon clan. Many years ago, a cultivator with terrifying cultivation had sneaked into the demon world. When he learned that the demon world was still preparing to attack the human continents, this person actually sneaked into the Demon Emperor's palace alone, and under the Demon Emperor's nose, he actually stole the jade slip for refining the "Break the World Pearl".

The method of refining the "Break the World Pearl" is the most precious secret of the demon clan. The top demon clan master who created the "Break the World Pearl" at the beginning put a ban on the jade slip in order to prevent it from being copied.

The magic power of this top demon clan master has reached the level of the legendary demon king. After he ascended and disappeared, even the Demon Emperor could not break the ban on the jade slip, let alone copy it. He could only read it at most.

So when this extremely rare jade slip was stolen, the demon clan could no longer refine the real "Break the World Pearl", and they would never be able to refine it again.

Finally, it was the Demon Emperor who took great pains to restore and record some of the contents of the method of refining the "Break the World Pearl", but its power was also unsatisfactory, and in the end it could only be called the "Small Break the World Pearl".

Now that this matter was brought up by the Master, Tu Tai didn't want to talk about it, but with the Master's cultivation level, it was difficult to find a reason to fool him, so he briefly explained it.

As a senior cultivator of the demon clan, Tu Tai naturally knew some inside information. He even knew that the cultivator who stole the rare jade slip was a human cultivator, and this person was so bold as to leave his name.

In his rage, the Demon Emperor, in addition to searching everywhere himself, did not hesitate to send several incarnations to various places in the demon world, but in the end, even if he searched the entire demon world, he could not find this person, which was really embarrassing.

Tu Tai certainly didn't want to say more on this topic, and then he changed the subject.

"Another important piece of news we got is that since the last time a demon general led his men to attack the Yin Demon Cliff Crack, the top masters of the Wild Moon Continent have readjusted the route of the passage that can enter the Yin Demon Cliff Crack.

Now, among the three human defense points we are facing, only one of them is the real way to the Yin Demon Cliff Crack. They have set up a teleportation array leading to the Yin Demon Cliff Crack there, so we have to find this defense point as soon as possible.

Recently, except for the last tentative attack, there has been no large-scale attack. We are also analyzing more intelligence. After all, the number of people we have here is limited, and we cannot launch attacks on three places at the same time. .

If it fails once, the opponent's top masters may adjust the route to enter the crack of Yinmo Cliff again.

However, through the continuous intelligence collected by scouts during this period, we have almost got the distribution of the opponent's forces.

There are only about 6,000 monks stationed in Fengliang Mountain; there are about 13,000 monks stationed in Tunmo Ridge; there are also about 10,000 monks stationed in Jianfuyuan.

There are also a large number of monks wandering outside, who can support these three defense points at any time.

At present, it seems that the location of the teleportation array that can enter the crack of Yinmo Cliff... is most likely in Tunmo Ridge or Jianfuyuan..."

Immediately, the voices of the four people began to become quieter. In the main hall, the elder and Tutai discussed for a long time before finally deciding on the marching plan.

Seeing that the discussion was over, Tutai was determined and he bowed his hands to the three of them.

"Mr. Da's analysis just now is very reasonable. Every sentence is the way of a military strategist. Then everything should be carried out according to Mister Da's wishes.

There is still some intelligence being reported. Once these circumstances are gathered and confirmed one by one with the situation we just discussed, we will immediately launch a formal military attack.

This matter should be completed within ten days, sooner rather than later. We have already given the other party a lot of time to maneuver.

In addition, I will definitely send more scouts to inquire about Mr. Da’s entrustment.

Oh, by the way, I don't know much about the 'picking' thing that Mr. Six asked about just now. It is said that five parties are fighting in teams. One battlefield is a picking area, and the other seems to be a 'wheel of life and death'. '..."

Before Tutai could finish what he said, Mr. Da and the three men's bodies were shaken violently, and they shouted at the same time, "The Wheel of Life and Death?"


When Li Yan and the others returned to Fengliang Mountain, Bai Rou went to take over the task.

After Li Yan, Chu Weixiong, Sun Guoshu and others said goodbye, they flew directly to the temporary cave where they lived.

When he landed on the platform in front of the cave, he saw a white talisman in the forbidden formation in front of the cave, like a headless fly, bumping around in the forbidden formation.

This is a transmission note, "Who is this looking for himself?"

Every time Li Yan goes out to perform a mission, the entire ninth team of the "Chongfeng Battalion" has to report to the Deacon Hall. After returning, the personnel will be counted and left to die. Therefore, when Li Yan and the others go out, they only need to check, but they still know. Someone sent a message to me.

Li Yan stretched back a little, and the restraining formation immediately made a buzzing sound, and then the transmission note, which was like a spiritual snake hitting left and right, shot towards Li Yan's face.

The next moment, Li Yan grabbed it in his hand. After Li Yan crushed the transmission talisman, Wei Zhongran's voice immediately sounded in his mind.

"When you come back, come and see the teacher!" After a simple sentence, there was no more content.

He didn't know what Wei Zhongran was looking for, but Li Yan didn't need to think too much. He would know it when he got there anyway. He didn't even enter the cave and soared into the sky again.

When Li Yang just landed in front of the cave halfway up the mountain where Wei Zhongran was, the mist surged violently in front of the cave door, revealing a passage first, and the cave door inside was already wide open.

Wei Zhongran's gentle voice then came out, "Come in!"

After Li Yan stepped into the cave, he unexpectedly discovered that Wei Zhongran was not the only one in the cave at this time. There was an old man with white beard and hair sitting on another stone chair to his right.

This person has an immortal spirit and a childish face, just like the immortal in the painting. He is also wearing the dark green robe of the Demon Sect.

Li Yan had never seen this person before, and what surprised Li Yan was that there was another person standing with hands hanging down below. It was Bai Rou who had just left her not long ago. She was also here.



When Bai Rou saw Li Yan arriving, she glanced at Li Yan and nodded awkwardly to Li Yan without making a sound. Now, Li Yan was even more confused.

There were many speculations on Li Yan's way here. For example, Wei Zhongran might be looking for him to ask about his recent situation;

What was more likely was that there was news from senior brothers and sisters, or that one of them came to come. It was not certain, but the situation in front of him was completely different from what he thought, and he was even a little confused.

Li Yan took a step forward, stood not far from Bai Rou, and then bowed upward, "I have seen Master and...Uncle Master, I wonder what I have to do to call this disciple here?"

Li Yan didn't know who the old man with the immortal spirit was, but he probably felt the powerful golden elixir aura on his body, so he worshiped him together.

"Is he your little disciple? His cultivation is pretty good, but his appearance? He's really ordinary." Before Wei Zhongran could speak, the old man with the immortal spirit spoke first.

But when these words fell in Li Yan's ears, Li Yan was stunned.

"Who is this person? There is nothing wrong with mentioning one's own cultivation. After all, among immortal cultivators, the first thing that elders usually pay attention to when meeting younger ones is their cultivation level. But why mention one's appearance when they meet?"

Although he knew that this old man was a monk from the Sprite Sect, he didn't know which peak he came from. The old man held the armrest of the stone chair with one hand and put the other hand flat on his leg, which happened to block the logo on his sleeve.

Li Yan couldn't scan with his spiritual consciousness, and for a moment he really didn't know who this person was.

But at the same time, Li Yan found that Bai Rou beside him quickly turned his face to the side after hearing this, and his face was instantly stained with a layer of pink.

"Haha, how many people can be as good-looking as you, Li Yan, why don't you come over and pay homage to Elder Chi Gong of Sixiang Peak."

Hearing Wei Zhongran speak like this, Li Yan knew this person's origin.

"This is Bai Rou's master!"

Of course Li Yan had heard the name of Elder Chi Gong more than once, but this was the first time he had seen him in person, but he was still wondering why Elder Chi Gong spoke like this when they met.

But doubts turned out to be doubts, so Li Yan bowed respectfully again, "Disciple pays homage to Uncle Chi Gong!"

Elder Chi Gong shook his hand and motioned for Li Yan to get up.

After Li Yan straightened up, Wei Zhongran spoke again this time, "I've been busy with my duties as a teacher recently, so I haven't been able to learn more about your current situation. Bai Rou has just come here, so I won't have time to ask about your team's situation in the future.

However, I got some news from the Deacon Hall a few days ago. The completion of tasks you have performed during this period has been at the forefront. Not bad, not bad! ! "

To Li Yan's ears, these words sounded like the preface of a narrative. He thought in his mind, "Could something big happen? Then, why did you call me here?"

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