Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 300: Lu Cong is white tonight

It has been a year since I wrote this book in the past few days. I had time to write it after ten o'clock last night. I added another chapter temporarily this morning. It can be regarded as a kind of encouragement for myself to persevere for a year. I will update the second chapter today.

"Sure enough, it's different from the news I gave yesterday." Hu Chen Wuding looked at the herbal fragments that looked like stars all over the sky in front of him. His consciousness spread out and swept towards a small piece of something that looked like a rhizome. As his consciousness moved, Locking it, the small piece of something similar to a rhizome was instantly dragged to his eyes.

"If all this was not quickly scanned and controlled in a wide range with spiritual consciousness, and just relying on eyes, I might not be able to piece together even one plant in half an hour."

He didn't hear what Hu Chen said after he moved outside in the evening, but he felt that the light mask that appeared in the square might not be the same as the message given by the father of the family leader yesterday, but he did not become suspicious because The news given by Hu Chen Wan Dong was the same as the one given by Hu Chen in return. With Hu Chen's uncertain intelligence, he now knew that all of this might have been done intentionally by the ancestor of Hu Chen, but for him, It doesn't matter, as long as it's fair.

Soon, Hu Chen Wuding calmed down and looked at the star-like herbal fragments in the sky. He took a deep breath. This test was the most basic thing for the first five levels of the Ghost Poison Scroll.

In another world, listening to the majestic voice in the void, Huchen Wanli's face turned livid. This was not at all the content of the competition that he had heard about a few days ago. He had carefully prepared for the content of the competition. He originally thought that This level is about refining a kind of elixir. I have repeatedly practiced several elixir refining methods in the alchemy room every day that are expected to be tested, but I never thought that it would be a different pattern.

"You are really my good father, but the information you have tried so hard to find out is false. Do you think this can trouble me?" Huchen Wanli gritted his teeth and said, and he became more and more dissatisfied. As a result, his foundation-building period cultivation Because the assessment of this level is of little significance, some of the original advantages no longer exist. Alchemy and cultivation are closely related. People with high cultivation are more comfortable in controlling the alchemy furnace, and now this Guan Chunzhen was only designed for the basic chapter of the Ghost Poison Scroll, but he still had confidence in the Ghost Poison Scroll he had cultivated, so after observing it for a moment, several fragments flew over with a flick of his consciousness.

Hu Chen Jianghai looked at the vast sea of ​​herbal fragments in front of him, and his face that was originally full of confidence became extremely solemn. "My good brother originally thought that this level was for refining elixirs. With the initial cultivation level of foundation building, whether it is the control of spiritual power." , or the control over Dan Fire, both have many advantages, but this has shattered his wishful thinking. But given that I am at the fourth level of the Ghostly Poison Scroll, let’s set a limit of three hundred..."

With a pair of pretty faces illuminated by boundless points of light flashing in the void, Hu Chen ruthlessly murmured to himself, "This is too perverted..." ??

At the same time, among the dozens of other light masks in the square, there were either whispers of curses or bursts of wailing, but these sounds could not be heard.

Time is passing by on its own...

Hu Chen Wanli looked at the thirty-two herbs that had been spliced ​​in front of him, and couldn't help but smile on his face. Only half a cup of tea had passed, and he had already completed such a large amount. His heart was filled with pride.


Thinking about it, it is still possible to get 300 plants in half an hour.

At this time, in the independent space of Huchen Jianghai, his consciousness quickly scanned around, constantly pulling the herbal fragments over, and then pushing them away after judging. Thirty-seven herbs were already floating beside him.

Huchen Huiqing and Huchen Qiukong stood beside them, and within half a cup of tea, about thirty complete herbs appeared.

There was no fixed space in the pot dust, and there was not even a complete herb beside him, and there were no herb fragments pulled over by him. He just closed his eyes, spread out his consciousness, and scanned all the herb fragments with all his strength.


On the square, everyone stared at the nearly a hundred light masks on the square. With the memory of the monks, of course they clearly remembered who had entered each person's light mask before.

At this time, many light masks in the square are deepening as time goes by, and the colors on them are deepening.

"You see, the dozen or so colors are now showing some black. This is a sign that they are much ahead of others."

"The five darkest colors among the dozen or so people seem to be the masks of Young Master Wanli, Young Master Jiang Hai, and Miss Huiqing, right? They are the blood of the family master after all." The colors of the masks mentioned by these people are almost Similarly, as long as the difference in agglomeration is not very large, it is still impossible to clearly distinguish from the mask color.

"Well, there are also Huchen Qiukong and Huchen Gu who are not much different. The color of the light mask is almost the same as theirs."

"Hey, have you noticed that the color of Young Master Wuding who came back from outside has not changed at all, it is still gray and white. Look at the several light masks next to him, but they are at least light gray. This What's going on? Didn't he condense any of them?"

"It's true, you didn't tell me that I really didn't pay attention. Master Wu Ding chose a light mask in the corner, and I didn't notice it for a while..."

Everyone in the square kept talking in low voices, and Xie Xiaoxiao and Ye Luoyan who were sitting in the seats slowly showed smiles on their faces. As for the ancestors in front of them, all the old gods seemed to be in a slumber, and there was nothing wrong with them. reaction.

Chi Dongli frowned, and at this moment, the voice of the ancestor of the Chi family who had been half-closing his eyes came out of his mind: "The child is really good in returning love, but with her ability, if she wants to stand out at this level, she has to get rid of her." It's not easy for those two families. They seem to be evenly matched, and it is difficult to judge the winner or loser.

Also, didn't you say that the guy from Sanfang is very confident when he comes back? Not only was there no movement at all, it simply seemed to be stagnant. "The ancestor of the Chi family said slowly, with his early Nascent Soul cultivation level, he could easily penetrate the light barrier in the square, but not only would he lose his identity, but it was also not allowed by the ancestor of Hu Chen.

"It's definitely wrong to not move at all. Even if he doesn't have family resources outside to help him, the ghost poisonous volume is still there."

It should be possible to cultivate to the second level, but I don’t know what his plan is there. Is he trying to make a big splash? "The beautiful woman Chi Dongli said in a message. Based on the news she got from her daughter about Hu Chen Wuding yesterday, it was definitely not like this.

"If this is the case, it is extremely risky. The last time attack is always less calm..." The ancestor of the Chi family whispered and stopped talking.

Although Hu Chen Wandong in front looked at everything in the square expressionlessly, he was also full of suspicions in his heart. "He had such a hostile attitude last night and vowed to win this competition. How come the first level has passed?" During the tea time, he still made no progress. Do you really want to hope that Hu Chen Qiukong and Hu Chen Gu will fail?" He was a little disappointed, but he was also prepared. He has been secretly cultivating Hu Chen Qiukong and Hu Chen Gu for these years. The true level of these two people is not as ordinary as it seems on the surface.

Sitting next to him, Patriarch Hu Chen just glanced sideways at Hu Chen Wan Dong, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at the square with an interested expression. This assessment was all arranged by him, and no one else knew what was going on inside the mask. , but he didn't know what the scene was inside.

Li Yan listened to the discussions around him, and then glanced at Zhuo Lingfeng out of the corner of his eye. When he saw Zhuo Lingfeng sitting there, he was squinting as if he was asleep, as if he had completely forgotten his young master's game.

"This is interesting. It seems that he is not worried at all. Is Hu Chen Wuding trying to accumulate more knowledge? Or is he deliberately attracting attention? I really don't know how to do this kind of assessment. It would be great if I could see the scene inside the mask with my own eyes. ." Li Yan said in his heart.

Halfway through the assessment time, except for one mask in the square that was still off-white, the rest of the masks had begun to turn gray or black to a greater or lesser extent. In particular, the color of eight masks had turned into deep black.

The solitary gray-white mask looked so unique and dazzling, attracting the attention of many people from time to time.

Xie Xiaoxiao and Ye Luoyan looked at each other and saw a trace of disdain in each other's eyes. There was no movement for such a long time. It seemed that this kid really didn't learn anything outside. And when they looked at each other with contempt, the only The color of the gray-white mask began to change, and slowly turned into gray within a few breaths.

Xie Xiaoxiao was stunned at first, then stared at the gray light shield for a while, and finally relaxed, "Have you finally condensed it into some herbs now? Half of the time has passed. If you just chase, how much can you accomplish?"

In the separate space of Huchen Wuding, ten herbs had condensed beside him, and it took less than fifty breaths before and after. His consciousness was fully spread out, divided into dozens of fragments and shot at different herbs. Fragments, it took him a quarter of an hour to complete the rough memory of the herbal fragments in each area here. This is not just a rote memorization, but requires the combination of the unique method of analyzing herbal medicine classification marks in the Ghost Poison Volume. This is also The first five basic levels of the Ghost Poison Scroll are the most troublesome practice, and it is also one of the reasons why no one is willing to purely practice the Ghost Poison Scroll. After roughly memorizing the shapes of these herbal fragments,


When condensing according to a specific mark instead of condensing every fragment, the spiritual consciousness will repeatedly scan the areas that may have been scanned before.

Just when Hu Chen Wuding began to condense the herbs, the outside world began to change. At half the time, under the gaze of everyone in the square, the light on some light masks in the square flashed rapidly, or a figure staggered. If someone falls out of it, or if someone falls out of the light barrier and falls unconscious on the square, at this time, a disciple from the clan will fly quickly to the person from the edge of the square and help him sit up directly. Next to the light mask, he quickly took out the elixir and put it into his mouth. After a while, the person would be conscious. Without waiting for instructions from the disciples in the clan, he would sit cross-legged and close his eyes to meditate. All of them were exhausted. It seems that as the disciples inside the mask continue to fall out, a mask that was originally shrouded in color becomes transparent in an instant, and there will be different numbers of medicinal herbs floating in it that have been condensed into whole branches.

"That's the pot dust spirit. She condensed one hundred and ninety-three medicinal herbs. This... this... the herbal fragments are so dense. It's really not easy to condense this amount." There are people in the square who have quick consciousness. Scanning the light mask and looking at the densely packed herbal fragments inside the light mask made many people feel helpless. With these hundreds of thousands of fragments, they probably wouldn't be able to gather many plants at all.

"Someone came out again. It was Huchen Feishan. He condensed... he gathered 170 plants, which is much less than that of Huchenling."

"Don't even look at it. When Hu Chen Feishan came out, he was sitting cross-legged and meditating. Obviously, he didn't dare to fight hard in the end. That Hu Chen Ling fell unconscious and fell out. This level of competition should consume a lot of spiritual consciousness. of."

"That should be the case, but it depends on who has a firmer grasp of the basics of pharmacology, otherwise too much spiritual consciousness will be wasted and consumed..."

When everyone in the square saw that the results had appeared, their somewhat dull mood just now was suddenly aroused. They looked at the masks that started to fall out one after another, and began to comment.

In the space of thousands of miles of dust, at this moment, his eyes were red, his face was pale, and a lot of sweat was oozing out from his forehead. There were 312 complete herbs floating beside him, but at this moment, he , His state dropped drastically. Whenever he scanned an area with his spiritual consciousness, or used his spiritual consciousness to hook a piece of herbal medicine, his body would tremble violently, and sweat would appear on his forehead in layers like rain.

At this moment, a small half of a herb was floating in front of him. Hu Chen Wanli gritted his teeth and released his almost dry consciousness, trembling towards the fragment that had been locked just now. However, when he released his consciousness, it was less than one foot away. At this moment, this extremely simple action, like drinking water and eating, suddenly caused a sharp pain in his head. The next moment, he felt dizzy and dizzy. He yelled and fell directly to the ground. The moment he fell to the ground, half of the herbs that had condensed in front of him also collapsed, and in his void space, a human face emerged, exactly like that of Hu Chen Tingchun. When he saw it, he opened his mouth and inhaled, and the diaphragm on the light mask quickly became transparent.

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