Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 299 Ancestor Huchen

Li Yan looked at the four people in front, but he was surprised in his heart. "The first-class family is really extraordinary. Three Yuanying monks were present at this appearance." In his induction, there were three Yuanying monks among the four people in front, but Li Yan However, it is impossible to accurately judge the specific state of cultivation. Among the four, there is also a golden elixir peak, which may even be a false infant monk, especially the young man with abyss-like eyes who has a stronger aura than the other two middle-aged faces beside him. The aura of Yuanying was much more restrained. His black hair was scattered casually, and he was wearing a long black gown, which gave people a feeling of being like an abyss. The appearance of these Yuanying monks made the whole square immediately quiet down. Li Yan found many The eyes of people looking at the young man were full of enthusiasm, while he was thoughtful.

Soon, all eight people walked up to the steps. The young man in the dark long gown sat in the middle. Hu Chen Wan Dong sat beside him, and the other four on either side of him On the seat, a middle-aged Nascent Soul monk and an old man in the late Golden Core stage sat on one side at the same time. The Grand Mistress Xie Xiaoxiao was next to the middle-aged Nascent Soul monk. Ye Luoyan sat next to the old man in the late Golden Core stage. side.

The two seats on the other side were occupied by another middle-aged Nascent Soul monk. Next to him was Erfang Chi Dongli, but there was no one behind the other table.

Li Yan also followed everyone's gaze and looked at these people, but he was a little surprised why there was still an empty seat above. Just after the people above sat down, four figures flew directly from a corner of the square to the center of the venue. , these four people stood on the ground in a flash. They were four old men. They all had the early stage of Jindan cultivation. After the four people arrived in the center of the field, they saluted the young man in the dark gown and the other three.

"See Ancestor, can we start the battle for the inheritance son now?"

The dark-colored young man sitting in the middle raised his hand and flicked the four people up. This man was the ancestor of the Huchen family. He looked so young. Although Li Yan had guessed it, he still sighed inwardly at his appearance. So young, in fact, this ancestor of Huchen is at least five hundred years old. Either his skills are exquisite, or he is good at keeping his appearance.

Ancestor Huchen looked around and then spoke loudly.

"Today is the day of the battle for the son inherited from my Huchen family. However, this is a family matter, and there are not many other friends and colleagues invited. These three are not outsiders. They need to witness the ceremony, but usually they are not It’s a divine dragon that has its head but not its tail. We only hear its name but not its person. This incident has given me, the younger members of the Huchen family, a chance to become immortals.” Speaking of this, the ancestor of Huchen smiled.

When he said these words, most of the Huchen family sitting on the two sides looked puzzled, but many people had already guessed the identities of these people. Li Yan narrowed his eyes, and Zhuo Ling on the side Feng also lost his dull look, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

"These are the ancestors of the Xie family, the ancestors of the Ye family, and the ancestors of the Chi family, but they are the in-laws of my Huchen family, haha." As he said this, the ancestor of Huchen pointed at the three of them with one hand. Although he did not specify them one by one, he said that only from the three


Judging from where the housekeeper's wife was sitting, everyone could see it clearly.

The person with the weakest cultivation here is the ancestor of the Ye family, the old man with a fake appearance and a fake infant cultivation.

"I originally invited the leader of the 'Bie Xue Sect' to come over, but he is busy with something, which is really a pity." Ancestor Hu Chen said, pointing to the empty seat next to the ancestor of the Chi family, with a look of regret on his face. said.

When he said these words, Hu Chen Wan Dong's body beside him trembled slightly inadvertently, and then returned to normal.

Li Yan noticed that when ancestor Hu Chen said "Farewell Snow Sect", Hu Chen Wuding's face turned pale, and Zhuo Lingfeng beside him was clearly breathing a little heavier. At the same time, he clearly felt Many people in the audience looked at Huchen Wuding. Many of these eyes contained coldness and ridicule. The look cast by Huchen Wanli was full of ridicule and ridicule. Li Yan still doesn't understand.

"I think the 'Bie Xue Sect' is the sect where Mother Huchen Wuding and Zhuo Lingfeng belong. Ancestor Huchen said he would invite him, but he may not actually invite him. The leader of a second-rate sect may not even have the gold medal." Even if you are invited, how dare you come, not to mention that his disciple is the daughter-in-law who escaped from the Huchen family, but when he comes, he will only be talked about. "

"Okay, it's getting late, Tingchun, please announce the rules of the competition." Ancestor Huchen didn't want to say more. After a few words, he looked at the four people on the square. These four people were Huchen. The Jindan elder of the Chen family.

The old man he called "Tingchun" bowed slightly, and the other three elders dispersed, went directly to the steps where Patriarch Huchen and the others were seated, and sat down cross-legged.

Huchen Tingchun was an old man with a ruddy complexion and a head full of silver hair, with roots as sharp as needles. He looked extremely powerful. After saluting Ancestor Huchen, he stood up straight and looked at the steps on both sides.

"The competition is divided into two games. In the first game, the top ten will be selected, and in the second game, the ten players will decide the winner. The final winner will be the next generation son of my Juchen family, so the first game begins now." Juchen Tingchun spoke very neatly, and went straight to the topic in two sentences. Then he looked at Patriarch Huchen on the chair, who smiled and nodded.

After Hu Chen received permission, he also walked to the steps and sat cross-legged opposite the three elders. Then the four of them raised their hands in unison and drew a Yin-Yang formula on their chests. A surging spiritual power rose from their hands, and then the four of them shouted "Go!" at the same time. Four dazzling rays of light shot directly into the sky from their chests, and a huge ball of light immediately appeared in the sky. As soon as the ball appeared, nearly a hundred small gray masks descended from above. These small masks were like small

The cage fell on the square below.

"All participating disciples quickly enter the light shield. Each person can only enter one light shield. The competition will begin in ten breaths and end in half an hour. The actual test at this level is basic pharmacology, which is the basis of all the immortal arts of my Huchen family. ." Just as the light shield fell, the head of the family, Hu Chen Wandong, stood up, glanced at both sides, and shouted in a deep voice.

As soon as he stopped shouting, there was an uproar on the steps on both sides. Then, under the cold gaze of Hu Chen Wan Dong, they all responded in unison, "Yes, Patriarch!" Then dozens of figures were like moths flying into the flames. Generally, there were bursts of sound that broke through the air, and they were shot from the stands towards the small black light masks on the square, among which were the people such as Hu Chen Wuding, Hu Chen Hui Qing and others.

Huchen Wanli smiled sinisterly at Huchen Wuding and said through a message, "I will beat you back to your slave mother in the first battle." Then he ducked away.

Huchen Wuding, who was about to leave, looked at Huchen Wanli with increasingly cold eyes. At this time, his shoulder was lightly patted by a smooth white jade palm: "Wuding, no matter what that guy said just now, don't take it to heart. That's just a trick to anger you, let's go, but we only have half an hour." It was Hu Chen who responded. She had already guessed it when she saw Hu Chen's lips moving slightly when he looked at this direction.

Hu Chen looked at Hu Chen with a calm expression and nodded in return. The two of them jumped up and flew towards the center of the square.

After Huchen Wuding also flew towards the square, Huchen Jianghai on the other side witnessed all this. He smiled, raised the corner of his mouth, and disappeared from the place into a ray of light.

On the main stage, Hu Chen Wan Dong bowed slightly to his father-in-laws, "This time they are competing on the most basic pharmacology. Tens of thousands of herbs that are almost divided into pieces will appear in each mask. They have to do it in half." Within an hour, you can use your own ability to re-condensate and splice these fragments into intact herbs. In the end, whoever splices and condenses more plants will win. There is no right or wrong here. Only by correct splicing can they be gathered together, otherwise We can only try one piece at a time, maybe we can succeed, but it will take at least a few days or even longer to complete. In order to prevent anyone from cheating, outsiders' consciousness cannot penetrate the mask and cannot see inside. The actions of the contestants, but whoever gathers more complete plants, the color of his mask will continue to deepen." Hu Chen Wan Dong seemed to explain to several spectators, but his voice resounded throughout the audience. Everyone here. All heard clearly.

"At the same time, this kind of competition is very mentally draining, so some disciples may not be able to continue for half an hour due to lack of spiritual consciousness, and will be directly ejected from the light shield." After Huchen Wandong said this, he sat down. The Xie family Yuanying ancestors, the Chi family Yuanying ancestors, and the Ye family ancestors nodded.

After Li Yan sat on the steps and listened, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He had studied a lot about Poison over the years, but this was the first time he heard it.


In this kind of assessment, a medicinal herb is crushed into pieces and then reorganized according to one's own understanding. This requires a detailed study of each herb, and even the texture and meridians within it. Only when you understand.

"The cultivation of this poison cultivator family has reached such a perverted level." Li Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. On the other hand, Zhuo Lingfeng beside him had not only restrained his aura, but also returned to his unwavering appearance. Hu Chen Wu Ding looked very confident.

Behind them, there were many gasps and many people whispering in low voices.

"Why is this inheritance test so difficult? I've heard of previous tests that tested the basics of pharmacology. They only tested some unorthodox uses of herbal medicines, and distributed raw materials to refine corresponding elixirs within a specified time. The medicine will be ranked according to the grade of the successfully refined medicine. "

"This assessment is set by the ancestor himself, so it is different."

"In half an hour, I don't know how many plants I can gather if I go in?"

"I don't know about that. The light shield isolates the spiritual consciousness and prevents anyone from cheating on sound transmission. Therefore, there is no way to know how big the fragments were when the herb was separated into pieces by the owner of the family..."

While everyone in the stands was whispering, the expression of Patriarch Huchen in front of him remained unchanged, but he sneered in his heart: "How could I not know what you and other people think, forcibly improving your cultivation level, or hiding your cultivation level? Will I directly arrange a fight as you wish?" Although he looked towards the square, he was secretly paying attention to the ancestors. When Hu Chen Wan Dong announced the content of the competition, he could clearly feel the faces of the three ancestors twitching. one time.

"You guys all covet my Huchen family. We'll see who wins in the end." Ancestor Huchen sneered in his heart. Immortal cultivators are dangerous at every step. If they are not careful, they will be doomed. The same goes for sects and families. , everyone wants to annex others and strengthen their own family.

The other ancestors cursed Ancestor Huchen in their hearts, "This old ghost is too cunning. The content of today's game that I found before is all fake without exception."

After Hu Chen Wuding entered the light shield, he felt his eyes go dark, and then he felt as if he was standing in an endless void. Everything was quiet and void. There were no sun, moon or stars in the sky, as if there was only one person left in the whole world.

And just as he was looking around, a majestic voice came from the void, "After three breaths, the game begins."

At the same time as the sound came out, dense masses of tens of thousands of herbs appeared in the void. As Hu Chen was dumbfounded, they instantly split into tens of millions of fragments, some of which were small roots, and some of which were just A small cross-section of a branch, or even an edge of a leaf.

"The one who reorganizes and condenses the most complete herbs within half an hour wins." The majestic voice sounded again.

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