Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2076 Linshui City

Linshui City, 8,000 miles away from Xuanqing Temple, is a city built by independent cultivators. It was originally a temporary base built by independent cultivators for the convenience of exchanging items. As its popularity grew, some powerful independent cultivators gradually united together to form an alliance called "Piao Ling". They began to gradually build a city here, and the headquarters of the alliance was also set up in the city. They were free, but when something happened, the alliance members would unite and face the outside world together. As a result, many independent cultivators came here to join. However, the "Piao Ling" alliance did not accept everyone. For example, those with a bad reputation and those hunted by the four major sects would not be allowed to enter. They still took the four major sects into consideration, otherwise they would not be able to grow and develop.

Linshui City is quite large, with a radius of about 30 miles. There are also shops and merchants in it, and even some sects and families have set up bases here, so there are always people coming and going every day, which is very lively. In view of this, Xuanqing Temple also spent a huge amount of money to purchase a plot of land in the city and built a teleportation formation to facilitate the monks here to travel between the shops.

Li Yan only felt dizzy and dizzy. After a long time and space, it seemed like only a moment. The white halo in front of his eyes gradually dissipated, and the feeling of his body returned to normal.

Li Yan had experienced this feeling several times a few months ago, and some of them were even more severe than this dizziness. Even with his cultivation level, it took a long time to recover after the teleportation.

A soft light appeared in front of Li Yan's eyes. This was a spacious room. At this moment, there were soft night pearls emitting light on the walls of the room. Li Yan looked around and saw that just when the white light of the teleportation array had just dissipated, two figures had jumped out of the teleportation array and disappeared at the door in front of them in the blink of an eye. They were the purple-shirted young man and the hunchbacked old man, who seemed to be in a hurry to get on the road.

And at the moment when the purple-shirted young man disappeared, Li Yan heard a sneer in his ear. It was the two black-robed men who also walked down the teleportation array and walked towards the door without hurrying. One of them was laughing coldly.

These four people didn't even look at Li Yan at all, and disappeared outside the door one after another.

Li Yan saw some situations in Xuanqing Temple. These two groups of people should be chasing and fleeing, but he didn't care about other people's affairs.

Looking around the room, there was only one teleportation array, and standing on one side of the door was a middle-aged Taoist wearing a Taoist robe from Xuanqing Temple. He was looking at Li Yan with a smile on his face, as if he didn't care at all that the four people didn't even look at him.

When the middle-aged Taoist saw Li Yan looking at him, he smiled at Li Yan and said, "My fellow Taoist, if you need to teleport again, please come back tomorrow. Today, the array needs to be maintained. Please forgive me."

Li Yan heard this, and in a flash, he understood what Xuanqing Temple meant. This was to wait for the Jindan cultivator to return tonight, so all teleportations were stopped. However, according to what Taoist Gong had said before, even if the teleportation array was opened again tomorrow, I think Xuanqing Temple would focus on checking the people who went there.

Li Yan also smiled in return and walked out of the door. When he walked out of the door, he found that there was a courtyard outside the room, as if he was in a room in the backyard. After passing through the courtyard, the house in front was a temporary store. There were crowds of people outside the store, which was a lively scene.

Before Li Yan came, he had already inquired about the situation in Linshui City. Today, he got a more detailed introduction from Gong Daoren. He knew that there was also a market here, so he had to go and take a look. Maybe he could find what he needed.

A few hours later, Li Yan appeared at the gate of Linshui City. He walked towards the gate with an expressionless face, but he sighed in his heart. The refining materials of Guiyi Water Splitting Thorn were not so easy to find. It was not something he could easily find as soon as he went out. However, he also got news about another main material. Just a few years ago, "bitter powder" appeared at this time and was later bought by a middle-aged woman.

Although this news came very late, it ignited hope in Li Yan's heart. It seemed that except for the "You Wuxian" tree, which was very difficult to find, the other four kinds could be seen.

Li Yan followed the crowd out of Linshui City while thinking. He planned to fly north for a day and then look for the next teleportation sect, which was still under the jurisdiction of the Wuliang Sect.

Linshui City, as the name suggests, is a city by the water, and the water is beside the city. The city is surrounded by rivers on three sides, and three rivers meander into the dense jungle outside the city. There are countless swamps and small rivers in the jungle.

After leaving the city, Li Yan identified the direction and looked at the lush jungle outside the city under the setting sun. Li Yan flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Li Yan was flying in the sky, with undulating forests under his feet. After leaving Linshui City, there were still many lights passing in the sky at first. As he moved away from the city, the world seemed to become more vast. Even if there were cultivators flying occasionally, they would avoid each other from a distance. Li Yan still maintained his Qi Condensation period and stepped on a flying sword. Although the flying speed was not weak, it was still much slower than flying with real strength. Li Yan was depressed and thought that he would resume his cultivation at the initial stage of foundation building after walking another ten thousand miles.

Just now, during the flight, several groups of cultivators saw that Li Yan was alone and only had Qi Condensation cultivators, and they all seemed to approach him. However, this place was still close to Linshui City, and Li Yan deliberately showed an arrogant look, which made

After those few auras swept over Li Yan's body, he hesitated a little, apparently thinking that Li Yan was a descendant of a nearby sect or a powerful monk in the city, and finally gave up. Such people often have life-saving things on their bodies. , and as soon as you make a move, the message will be sent back, and someone will come soon.

Seeing this, Li Yan couldn't help but ponder in his mind while flying, "It seems that the previous plan will no longer work. Then every time he approaches the teleportation point, he will turn into a Qi Condensation Stage monk and use the identity of the Blood Leaf Sect." , when walking daily, just change the appearance and return to the foundation, this will save you trouble. "

In this way, under his caution, he let go of his powerful spiritual consciousness, tried his best to avoid the crowd of monks, and flew forward for several hours. Li Yan, who was flying, suddenly changed his expression, and then turned his head to look far away. Go, there are spiritual energy fluctuations there. It's obvious that someone is fighting there. Li Yan doesn't want to cause trouble, but he can't fly over here so arrogantly. So he stepped on the flying sword and fell into it. In the jungle below.

After falling into the jungle, Li Yan spread out his body and started to fly through the jungle. But after he flew forward for dozens of miles, he suddenly stopped, and then the aura on his body quickly converged. After a while, he even lost his body. It also turned into a very light smoke, floating in the forest, vaguely blending with the faint mist of the streams in the forest. It is exactly the "sneaking and hiding at night" in the Guishui Sutra. This is Li Yan has practiced the magic to the first level, and can already borrow objects and turn them into objects. However, if you look closely at the form, you can still see some clues. However, the sky is already dark at this time, making him almost integrated with the surrounding environment. If you get to the second level, even this faint trace of smoke will be more similar. At that time, it will be difficult for anyone at the same level of foundation-building stage monks to detect his existence.

Just now, while Li Yan was flying, he suddenly sensed a somewhat familiar aura in his consciousness. It was just that this person shouldn't be here. And that person seemed to have sensed something strange in the forest, and actually circled around. Fly towards him.

A few breaths after Li Yan turned into smoke, a sound of breaking through the air came from the distance. In an instant, a vague figure appeared in the sky above the jungle where Li Yan was. As the figure stopped, the person's face gradually became clearer. This person was A Confucian scholar wearing a moonlight white robe stood in the air, his consciousness instantly released. After scanning around, he couldn't help but frown slightly, "Maybe I sensed it wrong. Could it be that it was a small spiritual beast in the stream just now?" , that’s why there is a slight fluctuation in spiritual power. I have been looking for it all the way. According to the Taoist priest guarding the Xuanqing Temple teleportation array in the city, those people just arrived here this morning, and they must not be far away. I wonder if they are there? " The Confucian scholar seemed to be whispering, then raised his head and looked at the place where Li Yan sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations. After he glanced around here again, the folding fan in his hand was half-opened.


With a tap of his palm, it turned into a white light and shot away. However, as he folded the fan half-open, a strong smell of blood was left in this place.

Just a dozen breaths after the Confucian scholar left, Li Yan's figure slowly appeared from the smoke on the stream. He looked at the direction where the Confucian scholar disappeared and narrowed his eyes, "It turned out to be the monk surnamed Lin with the bloody flying sickle. He Didn't he teleport eastward yesterday? Why are he here again? From what he said just now, it seems that he is following some of us. Could it be that he is also related to that mysterious force, just like Qin Chengyi? "

Thinking of this, Li Yan stood there and thought deeply. After a moment, he made a decision, "If there are clues about the mysterious force here, it can also be passed back to the sect. The direction of the bloody sickle is the spiritual power just now." In the fluctuating place, most of the foundation-building monks were fighting there during the previous detection, but I can follow them. If I see that the situation is not good, I need to escape immediately. "

After making the decision, Li Yan became even more cautious. He simply launched the "sneaking and hiding at night" technique in the forest, turning into a light smoke and traveling through the forest at high speed. The speed was not much slower than flying, but this However, using it normally consumes a lot of spiritual power.

After half a cup of tea, Li Yan came to a place dozens of miles away. From a distance, he saw the bloody-handed flying sickle Confucian scholar surnamed Lin hiding in a big tree, staring at him unblinkingly. In a clearing in the forest.

After Li Yan looked over, he couldn't help but be stunned. Since he didn't want to alert the monks fighting here, his consciousness only briefly swept away before leaving. Now that he was following the Confucian scholar surnamed Lin at close range, he even restrained his aura. The consciousness did not release with all its strength, but only observed with eyesight. At this time, four people were fighting together in the clearing in the forest. Li Yan actually knew all four of them. They were the two young men in purple shirts and the two men in black robes who teleported here with him.

The young man in purple shirt was holding a white jade bottle about one foot high and stood behind the hunchbacked old man with a nervous look on his face. The hunchbacked old man was fighting two black-robed monks one against two.

At this moment, the hunchbacked old man still looked dull. His body was upright, the look of age on his face was gone, and his eyes were shining brightly. He was able to do it one-on-one without losing the slightest bit. At such a distance, Li Yan It can already be felt that the cultivation level of the hunchbacked old man should be at the peak of Foundation Establishment Dzogchen, or even higher. It is also possible that he has already half-stepped into the realm of fake elixirs.

The cultivation levels exuded by the two men in black robes are all in the late stage of Foundation Establishment. For a Foundation Establishment Dzogchen monk, not to mention one against two, even one against ten, it is easy to defeat the enemy, but this The two men in black robes were obviously proficient in the art of joint attack. Their offensive and defensive formations were connected, and the hunchbacked old man had to take care of the young man in purple robes behind him. For a time, they were able to fight the old man in black robes to a draw.

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