Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2075: Teleportation Direction

When Li Yan was led to a hall at the back by the Qi Condensation cultivator named Feng Zhiran, there were already four people standing there, namely the purple-shirted youth and two black-robed men.

After Li Yan and Taoist Gong came out, he asked Taoist Gong for a map. When Li Yan scanned the map with his spiritual sense, he couldn't help but feel happy. Xuanqing Temple was in the teleportation array business after all. Although the map it had was not as wide as the one given by Wei Chongran, it was extremely detailed with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles. Then Li Yan asked for some sandalwood used in the hall before. This incense was comparable to a first-level elixir and was very beneficial to calming the mind. Li Yan would certainly not be polite. Taoist Gong naturally satisfied all these things.

Originally, Taoist Gong wanted to personally send Li Yan to the teleportation array, but how could Li Yan be willing to do so? That would make others suspicious of his identity. Seeing this, Taoist Gong called a Qi Condensation disciple according to Li Yan's wishes, told him that the matter in the Taoist temple had been investigated, and asked him to take the guest to the teleportation array.

Li Yan actually knew the young Taoist priest who was called over. He was Feng Zhiran, who had introduced him to the sect yesterday. Although Feng Zhiran felt a little strange when he saw the head of the sect personally with the young monk, he felt relieved after thinking about it. What happened in the Taoist temple in the past day made them panic all day long. Those were the three great masters in the Taoist temple, the pillars of the sect from the founder down, and they died in such a strange way. Although these Qi Condensation cultivators also discussed it privately, they became more and more afraid. This morning, they suddenly received a message from the Supervisory Hall saying that the murderer had been caught. It turned out to be the youngest Uncle Qin. This incident shocked the disciples in the Taoist temple. For a while, they didn’t know what happened, but the Supervisory Hall only said so, and strictly prohibited private discussions.

The guest Li Yan was with the headmaster, and he must have asked some questions or explained to them, just like the other four guests that Ji had met before. After all, the things in the Taoist temple implicated the guests and they could not leave. It was not possible to just give a random explanation afterwards. That would be too insincere. The teleportation array business still needed to be done in the future.

In the hall, Feng Zhiran made a Taoist call to Li Yan and asked him to wait for a while. Someone would arrange for them to be teleported, and then he turned around and left. He was also depressed. It seemed that the spiritual stone reward discussed yesterday was gone.

Li Yan looked at the four people standing in the middle of the hall. His face still showed some fear, but his eyes hurriedly swept over the four people, and then he lowered his head, making it difficult for people to see his face.

The other four saw the shadows swaying at the door, and then they came in. They glanced and saw that it was Li Yan, who was still terrified, so they all retracted their gazes and no longer paid attention.

After Li Yan lowered his head, his eyes flashed a few times. Although he only glanced at them just now, the four people were divided into two groups, with a distance between them. The purple-robed young man kept looking around, his face looked a little unnatural, and the hunchbacked old man still had a dull expression. The two black-robed men, although their faces could not be seen clearly under the cloak, seemed to be staring at the purple-robed young man from the direction they were facing. The yin energy on their bodies emanated from them, making the hall feel cold in this July summer. For a while, the hall seemed quiet and strange, but this situation did not last long. Not long after Feng Zhiran left, an old man with gray hair walked in. He came directly to the front of several people in the hall, and then said in a low voice, "Dear Taoist friends and seniors, my uncles in my sect are busy, and I will arrange for you to teleport. Please follow me." The gray-haired old man's cultivation was only the tenth level of Qi Condensation, and he was straightforward. After a simple sentence, he walked directly to a room on the side of the hall. Li Yan and his companions heard this, but they did not say anything. Then they followed him. After they walked around several huge and thick pillars in the hall, they saw the gray-haired old man walk to the side wall, stretched out his hand to push a door, and then walked in first.

Li Yan and his companions followed him in one by one. Li Yan felt that his eyes went dark, and then two formations with soft white light appeared in front of him. Both formations were in the shape of Bagua, and dense and complicated runes were engraved on them. They were constantly wandering on them with the soft white light emitted from the ground, which looked simple and mysterious.

The gray-haired old man walked to one of the formations, then turned around and looked at Li Yan and others who had come in. He still whispered, "In view of what happened in my sect yesterday, the head of the sect has ordered that all spirit stones will be waived for this transmission. Although there are less than six people, the transmission will be started now. Please tell me where you want to go, fellow Taoists and seniors, so that I can mark the node exit for you. The formation I am standing on is to the north, and the formation next to it is to the east. You all wanted to go north yesterday. If you change your mind, even if it is just one person, my sect can also teleport you to the east alone." As he said, he stretched out a skinny finger and pointed to another formation that also emitted a soft white light.

Li Yan and others heard this and felt that Xuanqing Temple's attitude was sincere this time. Even if it was alone, they would open the transmission formation alone once.

After the gray-haired old man finished speaking, he stood in front of the formation that teleported to the north and waited for a while. After a moment, a puzzled look appeared on his old face. He had said it very clearly, but no one came forward.

The purple-shirted young man and the hunchbacked old man seemed to be hesitating, while the two black-robed men stood there motionless, as if they had not heard anything. Li Yan stood at the end, also looking at the four people in front with a hesitant look on his face, wondering why the four people in front did not leave.

"Fellow Taoists and seniors, is the old man's explanation unclear, or do you have any questions?" The gray-haired old man had no choice but to speak again.

Although Li Yan looked hesitant, there were apparently three seniors in front of him, so he behaved like a junior.

Zi, did not choose first, but looked at the four people who were still motionless again, and seemed to have some understanding in his heart. He also got the information about the four people from the Taoist Gong, and learned some information about them.

But he wanted to leave, so in silence, he seemed to have gained courage and walked towards the gray-haired old man. At the same time, he said nervously, "Fellow Taoist, I am going to Linshui City."

The gray-haired old man had long been impatient with the waiting. These people had been leaving early in the morning, but when they got here, they were all strangely silent. Could it be that they were just entertaining themselves. Seeing Li Yan walking over, he nodded, stretched out his hand and patted his waist. A token that looked like a military arrow appeared in his hand. With his other hand, he made a seal against the token. In an instant, a white light shot directly at Li Yan from the token.

Li Yan just stayed where he was and did not dodge. The white light flashed on the corner of Li Yan's clothes, forming a white light spot, and then flashed faintly. Yan Qiaoran sensed it with his spiritual consciousness. In his spiritual consciousness, there was a rune that flickered on and off in the white light spot. It was the source of the flashing light spot, as if it was sending some kind of signal.

After the gray-haired old man finished all this, he looked at the four people who were still motionless and said directly, "Is this fellow Taoist the only one going to the north? If so, then ask this fellow Taoist to go up to the teleportation array. I will activate it now, but the remaining four fellow Taoists can only go to the east. After all, it is not easy to activate the teleportation array once. Today, you can only activate it once in each direction for free."

After Li Yan heard this, he stopped looking at the other four people. He didn't care about them, but stepped into the formation in front of him. Among the remaining four people, the two men in black robes still seemed to have not heard anything and were still standing quietly. After the young man in purple robes glanced at the two men in black robes opposite him, he seemed to be able to feel the sound coming from under the cloak. With eyes full of sneer, he glanced at the hunchbacked old man again, knowing that no matter where he chose, the two men would probably follow him, unless he didn't leave, but I guess the two men in black robes wouldn't leave either.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped out. It was the teleportation array heading north. Since he was going to teleport, it was obviously not a wise choice to take a detour. As he started, the old man with a hunchback also followed, and the two men in black robes Just looking at the backs of the two of them.

The young man in purple shirt and the old man with a hunchback came to the front and rear of the formation. He looked back behind him and saw that the two men in black robes did not follow him. He couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that he had guessed wrong all along? After taking a breath, he He said to the gray-haired old man, "The two of us are going to Linshui City."

The gray-haired old man also nodded, and with the same pinch, the token in the arrow shape in his hand shot out two white lights, and the next moment it landed on the clothes corners of the purple-shirted young man and the hunchbacked old man.

After the young man in purple shirt saw white spots falling on the corners of his clothes, he


Without hesitation, he and the hunchbacked old man also stepped into the formation where Li Yan was. After he stepped into the formation, when he turned around, he saw that the two men in black robes were still standing there, and he felt even more suspicious and nervous. .

"Am I really paranoid? Are these two people the kind of people who don't like to talk too much?" The young man in purple shirt thought in his mind. Just as the thoughts in his mind just came up, the two men in black robes also moved and walked over in a few steps. In front of the gray-haired old man, a cold voice came from under the cloak, "We two, go to Linshui City!"

After saying that, the cloak moved and seemed to be pointed in the direction of the purple-shirted young man. The joy that had risen in the purple-shirted young man's heart instantly cooled down. Why didn't he understand that these two people wanted to confirm that he had truly stepped into the teleportation He spoke again after the formation, and he heard a joking tone from this cold voice, and anger suddenly arose in his heart, and his face became more and more embarrassed.

Just as the last two men in black robes also stepped into the teleportation array, the spiritual shields on each person were opened one after another. The teleportation they used this time was a multi-node teleportation array, not the single-node teleportation, which directly defeated the purpose. Well, if someone's teleportation node imprint is destroyed by others during the transmission, there will only be one fate. In the end, they will be teleported to the turbulent space in an undirected manner, so self-protection is very necessary.

Moreover, the spiritual shield can resist the power of space during the transmission. Even if it is a single-node transmission, everyone will often do this. Otherwise, as long as the transmission distance is slightly longer, even a foundation-building monk, that kind Dizziness is also overwhelming.

The five people in front of them finally entered the teleportation array, and also opened their spiritual power shields. The gray-haired old man walked around the teleportation array. With a flick of his robe sleeves, pieces of spiritual stones exuding rich spiritual power were scattered in all directions. Flying into the corners of the Bagua formation.

Then he pinched the magic formula again, and a dazzling white light flashed from the top of the arrow-shaped token, which hit directly on the cornerstone of the formation where Li Yan and the five of them were. The cornerstone of the formation suddenly emitted a bright white light and rose into the sky. A huge pillar of light was formed, instantly submerging the five people in the pillar of light, and then quickly spinning. Those ancient runes were like a waterfall filled with white pillars of light that quickly appeared, and then quickly disappeared, alternating like this.

The entire formation made bursts of "buzzing" sounds. The sound was very small at first, and then got louder and louder, almost deafening the eardrums. However, the gray-haired old man had already closed his six senses, and the side hall here was also It's covered by a soundproof formation, so it can't be heard from outside.

The huge white light beam rotated more and more rapidly, and finally it was like a whirlwind soaring into the sky. In the last loud noise, it had soared into the sky and submerged into the side hall, looking like an infinitely tall black hole roof, leaving only the formation still emitting bursts of " "Buzzing" sound, but the sound became smaller and smaller, until the sound disappeared, and gradually the original appearance of the formation was revealed. It was still the octagonal formation with a soft white light, and the runes were slowly flowing.

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