Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2023: The clouds disperse and go against the sky

After Li Yan whispered, he looked into the sky again. The lightning in the sky became thicker and brighter. The sound of thunder no longer stopped, but continued to get louder and louder. The aura in the sky and the earth stirred chaos. Li Yan Knowing that the first thunder tribulation was about to take shape, he felt the chaotic spiritual energy here. He couldn't help but smile bitterly, stepped on the flying sword and flew out for dozens of miles.

Although Li Yan did not survive the calamity, he understood the meaning of what Wei Zhongran said just now. It is recorded in the classics that regardless of any tribulation, whether it is the initial Dan tribulation, or the later Nascent Soul Great Heavenly tribulation, the Three-Ninth Heavenly tribulation in the Divine Transformation stage, etc., it is best for those who are overcoming the tribulation to go through it with all their strength and be helped by outsiders. In the end, although it can reduce one's own pressure, it is not the same as the combat power after overcoming the calamity on one's own. People who successfully overcome the calamity on their own are often extremely powerful in the same level. Because overcoming the tribulation is not just about resisting the rules of heaven and earth, you will be tempered like never before in the process. From the tempering of the body to the artistic conception, you can deeply understand the changes in the rules of heaven and earth. The longer you resist, the more you understand, and the stronger your body becomes. The toughness has been tempered and become even tougher. This is actually an extremely rare training opportunity for a monk in his training career.

In the same way, if others help you successfully overcome the tribulation quickly, the understanding and practice involved will naturally be greatly reduced, which will have an impact on your own cultivation in the future. Moreover, the tribulation will also attack the person who helped you, which is why it came down all at once. The reason why there are so many golden elixir monks is that it is extremely difficult for a golden elixir monk to share the tribulation, and one bad move will cause him to get burned. Especially when condensing the Nascent Soul, few Nascent Soul monks were willing to help others overcome the calamity. The calamity at that time was not like condensing the elixir. It was a terrifying calamity that could kill a Nascent Soul Ancestor in an instant. Tribulation.

What Wei Zhongran said just now was to tell Li Wuyi that even if he went to form the elixir, he would help him when the real life-and-death crisis came. This was to tell Li Wuyi not to let go of this training opportunity. Once the elixir was successfully formed, Everything is doomed.

Three days later, Li Yan was sitting cross-legged four hundred miles away from the main peak of Xiaozhu Peak, looking at the dissipating dark clouds. Although Li Yan was calm on the outside, his heart was already boiling.

"Is this the power of the Danjie? Even though I was more than four hundred miles away, I still struggled to resist the messy spiritual energy. At the same time, the pressure of heaven and earth generated almost made it impossible for me to stand." Li Yan sighed in his heart.

Since the first thunder tribulation began to form three days ago, Li Yan and the others have been forced to fly away. Even Bailiyuan, Wang Tian, ​​Gong Chenying and others who also had fake elixirs also flew away again. Two hundred miles, and finally stayed within the range of three hundred miles, while some of the foundation-building Dzogchen monks like Wei Chituo, although they had already touched the threshold of the fake elixir, stayed at three hundred and thirty miles. Within the scope of the foundation building, the middle stage, the early stage, and so on, there may be a few people or a dozen people divided into different areas. Li Yan is four hundred and twenty miles away and is the outermost monk, but this It was like this because of Li Yan's deliberate actions.

"I should be able to maintain my status of three hundred and seventy miles, which is better than some early-stage foundation-building monks, but this requires the complete activation of Qiongqi's purgatory body.


Only then, otherwise it would be impossible to withstand the residual power caused by the pill calamity. "Li Yan looked at the dark clouds that were quickly dissipating in the distant sky, and weighed his own cultivation in his heart.

"The calamity of these three days has become more and more terrible day by day. The next day is more than five times that of the previous day, and today it is more than ten times that of the first day. This is too terrible, golden elixir, golden elixir!" Li Yan As he thought about it, his eyes became more determined.

"However, Senior Brother is really amazing. He actually took care of himself for three days without asking Master to take action. However, no one wants to experience the dangers involved again. Now is the time to go and congratulate you." "Thinking of this, Li Yan stood up, looked at the dense rays of light in the sky in front of him, chuckled, and flew towards Xiaozhu Peak.

The distance of several hundred miles still takes half an hour for Li Yan to reach now, but just as he stood up with his sword, Wei Chituo had already arrived with a flying magic weapon amidst loud laughter, and Gong Chen Ying, Yunchun Qu, Wen Xinliang, and Lin Daqiao were all on top, and they all looked at Li Yan with happy faces.

"Junior brother, you have to seize the time to improve your cultivation. If I hadn't come back to pick you up and go together to congratulate senior brother, we would have arrived earlier, haha." Wei Chituo laughed, and Li Yan had already jumped onto the flight with a smile. The magic weapon then circled, merged into various colors of light, and rushed towards Xiaozhu Peak.

After hundreds of miles of journey, under Wei Chituo's full urging, it took only half a stick of incense to return to Xiaozhu Peak. Wei Chituo waved his hand, and the three nephews and more than a dozen handymen had already returned to the front mountain of Xiaozhu Peak. , these people have been protected by Wei Chituo and the others in the past few days, but they have not been harmed at all, but at this moment, their faces are pale, and they look like they are in shock, obviously they have been frightened.

Originally, Wei Chituo wanted to protect Li Yan with spiritual power, but he was rejected by Li Yan's message. He also wanted to experience the power of the elixir for himself. Although he was far away from the elixir formation, the result of personal experience was also disappointing. He had some thoughts.

Just when everyone arrived at Xiaozhu Peak, they saw Wei Zhongran and his wife, Yan Longzi, the master of the Fourth Peak and several Jindan elders from a distance. They were standing in mid-air with smiles on their faces, facing The Foundation Establishment disciples who kept coming did not stop them immediately. For the Demon Sect, adding a new Jindan was a big deal, and it was also a good thing to take the opportunity to increase the confidence of the Foundation Establishment monks.

In front of the monks from each peak, most of the high-level sects gathered here. They consciously separated and then gathered according to the peaks they belonged to, forming a situation where the monks from the five peaks were surrounding each other. They just didn't dare to get too close, but they were far away from Xiaozhu Peak. With a distance of more than ten miles, Wei Chituo and the others had no worries and flew directly to the sky above Xiaozhu Peak.

Wei Zhongran saw several of his disciples and smiled at them

Nodding, at this moment, Yan Longzi flicked his sleeves, and his voice slowly sounded in the world: "This time, Li Wuyi succeeded in forming the elixir, which is a blessing for our sect. However, we have to let You guys are disappointed. He formed the pill all by himself this time. Although he succeeded in forming the pill, he was still injured. What’s more, the state of the pill he just condensed needs to be stable. Therefore, the sect decided to make the pill in one month. Afterwards, we will hold a celebration for Li Wuyi’s promotion to the elder of the sect at Laojun Peak. Okay, let’s leave here.”

As soon as Yan Longzi said these words, there was an uproar around him. He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for seeing Li Wuyi immediately. This was the first time in the sect's younger generation that someone had successfully formed an elixir in decades. In addition, they are also whispering that Li Wuyi will be promoted to the elder of the sect. This is equivalent to saying that Li Wuyi has reached the sky and stepped into the level of Jindan elder, which is almost the same rights as the master of the Five Peaks.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion among the foundation builders below, especially Bailiyuan, Wang Tian, ​​Gan Shi, Wei Feng and others looked at each other. According to the ranking of seniority in the cultivation world, when they see Li Wuyi again, but Fang was respectfully called "Uncle Master", which made them strengthen their confidence in forming pills with bitter laughter, but at the same time they were disappointed that they could not see Li Wuyi. Now that they could see Li Wuyi, they passed His previous understanding of Li Wuyi's cultivation allowed him to judge one or two points of his situation when he formed the elixir.

After hearing this, Li Changting wrinkled his nose, "I don't want to call him uncle, huh, I don't want to..." Zhao Min looked at Li Changting who looked depressed with a rare smile. She whispered, "He, but my brother, would you like to call me 'Senior Aunt'..." Before she could finish her words, Li Chang covered her mouth and stamped her foot with hatred. flying magic weapon.

"Okay, let's all disperse. What do you think of hundreds of people gathering here?" After saying that, Yan Longzi looked solemn and spoke coldly in the face of the discussion below.

When the monks below heard this, they all bowed their heads. They did not dare to say anything more here, and hurried to their caves. They also had something on their minds. These three days also gave them a lot of insights, so they must It's better to go back and retreat for a while to gain some insights, especially the fake alchemy monks who immediately left quickly when they saw that they couldn't see Li Wuyi.

When Yan Longzi and others saw the disciples leaving, they also smiled and bowed their hands to Wei Zhongran, and they turned into rainbows and disappeared. Li Yuyin sent a message to Wei Zhongran before leaving, which made Wei Zhongran look embarrassed. To the wife beside him. Li Yuyin blinked at the beautiful woman in palace attire, then glanced around Wei Zhongran's body with her seductive eyes, then she giggled and flew away. The beautiful woman in palace attire looked at Wei Zhongran with evil eyes. Wei Zhongran spread his hands with an innocent face and was about to explain. But at this moment, Li Changting and Zhao Min on the other side also flew away. The beautiful woman in palace attire also flew away. As if he was about to step forward to speak, he saw that one of the two women was worrying about gains and losses, and the other woman seemed to have not seen her and flew away directly, and she couldn't help but have a trace of sadness in her eyes.

Wei Zhongran put his hand gently on her shoulder


After patting her, the beautiful woman in palace attire still lowered her head and said nothing. Wei Zhongran could only sigh softly when he saw this.

Then he fixed his gaze on the few disciples in front of him. He glanced over, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. When his gaze rested on Li Yan and Gong Chenying, he was even more filled with admiration. The two of them were From the seventh level of Qi Condensation, he has risen all the way to the late stage of the tenth level of Qi Condensation, and the other one has directly reached the realm of fake elixir. This surprised Wei Zhongran, especially because Li Yan's physique was so unbelievable. Exceeded his expectations.

"You are all very good. I haven't given you any guidance during this period of seclusion as a teacher, but you have made great progress. Okay, very good. This time I left the seclusion with your teacher and wife too hastily. The rest of the matter Let's talk about it in a month." Wei Zhongran showed a look of exhaustion. After sensing the abnormality in Xiaozhu Peak, he interrupted the retreat this time, but he was still affected. Especially in the past three days, although he did not take action, he It is necessary to raise the mana to the peak at all times to prepare for emergencies, and the mental drain is also very high.

After saying that, she turned around and flew down to Xiaozhu Peak. The beautiful woman in palace clothes nodded lightly to Li Yan and others, and flew down with a somewhat sad expression. She just glanced at Li Yan one more time before turning around. Then it disappeared into the vast sea of ​​bamboo. Others didn't pay much attention, but Gong Chenying saw it. His heart skipped a beat, but he didn't speak.

The six people headed by Wei Chituo greeted each other respectfully in mid-air. Seeing the two of them walking away, Wei Chituo's eyes slowly showed excitement, and then he quickly stood up straight: "Hey, fellow juniors, congratulations on your promotion. First level, this is worthy of celebration, ah, hahaha..." He said with a look of joy on his face, and burst out laughing at the end of the sentence. The suddenness of these words made the five of them stunned, but at this moment The man was not an idiot, and he soon understood.

"Hoho, Second Senior Brother, are you so anxious that you want to usurp the throne?" Lin Daqiao curled his lips and said with a smile.

"He's been holding it in for a long time." Yun Chunqu suddenly said.

"What's the benefit? Otherwise, this doesn't have to be in order. Now the Sixth Junior Sister is in the realm of fake elixir, and she can be rearranged according to her ability. Second Senior Brother, am I right..." Wen Xinliang showed a rare smile. .

Gong Chenying and Li Yan were also unable to speak. They both looked at Wei Chituo with smiles.

Li Wuyi has successfully condensed the golden elixir. From now on, he is no longer his peers with them. This is an ironclad law in the world of cultivation. Everything is based on strength. I am afraid that the next time he comes out of seclusion, he will be at the same level as Wei Zhongran. It has nothing to do with anything else. It is a recognition of a person's strength. So Wei Chituo and the others don't think there's anything wrong. It's been like this almost since ancient times. In this way, Wei Chituo is the senior brother of Xiaozhufeng. Li Wuyi has been weighing on him for decades. He couldn't beat him again, and he couldn't even win. Now he finally felt proud. Suddenly, he was the boss in Xiaozhufeng except the master and his wife. He couldn't help but feel a little excited, but he pretended to be calm and congratulated the others.

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