Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 2022: Golden Pill Tribulation

Li Yan was flying out of Xiaozhu Peak, thinking in his mind, "Senior Brother, after half a year of preparation, I think he has reached the best state in all aspects. With the help of 'Wuchen Pill', this is the time to start." Let's start attacking the golden elixir." Thinking of this, he looked back at the surging cloud that had a radius of dozens of miles.

"This is the precursor of the calamity when the golden elixir is condensed. The pressure alone is extremely frightening. Before it even comes down, it makes me feel terrified and invincible."

Li Yan is no longer a young boy who has just entered the path of immortality. He now knows a lot about the path of cultivating immortality. When a monk successfully condenses Qi and successfully builds a foundation, he will only make a roaring sound within himself and will not cause any abnormal phenomena in the outside world. Once it reaches the level of elixir formation or infant formation, it will cause strange phenomena in the world, which monks usually call the elixir tribulation and the Yuanying tribulation. This is mainly because the monks at this time have embarked on a path that defies heaven. When the foundation is successfully built, the monk's lifespan is only two hundred years. This can also be achieved in the mortal world, such as Taoist Qi practitioners in the mortal world. , there are people who can live to 150 to 200 years old with the help of elixirs.

There are also some top insiders and royal emperors in the world who have their own set of health-preserving methods. Although they are not immortal cultivators, they also yearn for immortality and use other means to greatly extend their lifespan. For example, under the jurisdiction of Shibuyuan In the mortal dynasty, there was an emperor of the Qin family ten thousand years ago. He was a very powerful master in the martial arts world. At the age of nine, he became an indelible emperor in the history of mortals.

After the monks have established the foundation, once they can successfully condense the golden elixir within two hundred years, their life span can reach a terrifying five hundred years in an instant. This is not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth. This is a path to change one's destiny against the will of heaven. Depend on

This will cause the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth, preventing monks from forming elixirs. If the monks, under this power of heaven, overcome the shackles of heaven and earth, they can truly embark on a path of cultivating immortality that defies heaven. Otherwise, it will be worse than death at best. Mortals who live a few more years usually die within two hundred years. Only a very small number of people live a little longer, but they will not exceed two hundred and fifty years old, and they will definitely die by then.

There are three thunder tribulations in the golden elixir tribulation, each one more powerful than the last. The reason why golden elixir monks are rare is that most of the foundation-building monks will fall into the second and third thunder tribulations when they attack the golden elixir. Under this situation, only a very small number of people can succeed. Therefore, once a monk intends to condense the golden elixir, he will usually choose an extremely safe place and then ask one or two golden elixir elders to help him, in order to increase the certainty of forming the elixir. Probability.

When the foundation-building monks of the Demon Sect attack the golden elixir, they are often assisted by the peak's golden elixir elder or peak master. This time, Li Wuyi suddenly attacked the golden elixir and failed to notify Wei Zhongran in time. This can only mean that his The timing of elixir formation is unexpected, and this is actually a common thing. Many monks will have an inexplicable feeling before attacking the golden elixir.


, you will roughly know the date when you will hit the golden elixir. It is a mysterious and mysterious induction. It will be impossible for you not to hit the golden elixir by then. However, this induction date is not very accurate, but generally the difference will not exceed seven On the same day, Li Wuyi suddenly caused a weather phenomenon, and Wei Zhongran also failed to appear in time. This can only mean that Li Wuyi's induction was biased. Today, the calamity has arrived, but it can no longer be suppressed, and there is no time to notify again. Wei Zhongran, this led to the initial chaos in Xiaozhu Peak, but fortunately it was within the Xiaozhu Sect. Yan Longzi and the others quickly noticed the abnormality of Xiaozhu Peak and rushed over immediately. This is the benefit of the big sect, and there is no lack of it. Golden elixir or even Nascent Soul master, not to mention that a golden elixir is the mainstay of the sect. Anyone who condenses the golden elixir will shake the sect, even if it is as big as the Demon Sect.

While Li Yan was thinking, he had flown hundreds of miles away from Xiaozhu Peak, and saw Wei Chituo and the others from a distance, as well as hundreds of foundation-building monks standing densely around them. The flying speed of these people was naturally much faster than him, and here Except for the three nephews and a dozen handymen who were captured by Wei Chituo in Xiaozhufeng, the one with the lowest cultivation level standing in the sky is himself.

Seeing no less than a few hundred foundation-building monks, Li Yan on the one hand sighed at the rich foundation of the Demon Sect, and on the other hand he also knew the purpose of these people coming here, which was to observe the impact of the golden elixir at close range. The basic monks are very concerned about it. This kind of observation will bring indescribable benefits to themselves in the future to attack the golden elixir. However, it is of little use to the disciples in the Qi Condensation stage because they cannot feel the direction of the spiritual power in the air. , let alone the profound understanding of the weather like a foundation-building monk, so Li Yan thought that he was just watching the fun.

The most recent attack on Jindan by the Sprite Sect was forty years ago. This kind of opportunity is definitely rare, so everyone wants to observe it from the nearest distance, but Yan Longzi and the others will definitely not accept this situation. It's allowed, the thunder tribulation is large-scale, and you don't know who is the one who has overcome the tribulation. If they are all chopped up, it will be too late to save them, and the fun will be great.

Li Yan glanced around and noticed a few people. These people were all in the fake elixir realm. Their expressions were particularly solemn now. They didn't let anyone talk to them at all. Instead, they had their consciousness fully opened and looked at Xiaozhufeng intently. Bian Dan Yun's thunder disaster places, such as Baili Garden, Wang Tian, ​​Gong Chenying and others, for them, this is no less than their own attack on the golden elixir.

Of course, there is also an extremely solemn expression, even worried, but the focus is not on whether the attack on the golden elixir is successful or not, but on Li Wuyi himself. You must know that the consequences of a failed attack on the golden elixir are, at the very least, serious injury due to backlash. In severe cases, the cultivation level will drop significantly, or even death. These people were Li Yan, senior fellow apprentices, Li Changting and Li Changting who looked anxious.

Add pale Zhao Min. Needless to say, Li Yan and the others, except for Miao Wangqing, who was also in retreat, knew nothing about it, and the others looked nervous. Li Wuyi's position in Xiaozhu Peak was unbreakable. He was gentle and considerate. He took good care of his junior brothers and sisters. Everyone knew Li Changting's deep affection. At this moment, a pair of jade hands held up a few strands of black hair from time to time, but it was obvious that his arms were shaking slightly from time to time. Zhao Min had been watched by Li Wuyi since he was a child. When they grew up, in Li Wuyi's own words, they were as close as brothers and sisters. Zhao Min hugged the frightened Li Changting's shoulders. At this moment, she seemed like Li Changting's senior sister.

Li Yan did not go over to join Wei Chituo, Gong Chenying and the others, nor did he go to Li Changting. Instead, he chose a more remote place and silently looked at everything in front of him. At the same time, he softly said, "Big Senior brother, you can definitely do it!" Li Yan and the others didn't know that Wei Zhongran and his wife had left the country in a hurry, otherwise they might feel more at ease.

While some people were whispering around, the dark clouds over the southeast corner of Xiaozhu Peak were surging more and more fiercely, the wind was howling louder, and lightning was constantly shining from the dark clouds falling from the sky, followed by a series of Explosions and thunder rolled in, and with Li Wu's small courtyard as the center, the dense clouds that were already dozens of miles away were still expanding outwards. In a short time, they had expanded to nearly 100 meters in the dark sky and dark ground. It looks like seventy or eighty miles away.

At this time, looking from a distance, dark clouds were falling from the sky, pillars above the sky and pillars below. The thick clouds at the bottom were only about ten feet away from the roof of Li Wuyi's courtyard. While everyone was stunned, a dazzling white light emerged from the dark clouds. The Zhongji drama lit up. This white light was so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it. The white light was a huge lightning that fell from the sky and was hundreds of miles long. Li Yan and all the monks around him took a deep breath when they looked straight at it. My scalp was numb and my mind was unsteady.

After the huge and shuddering lightning flashed, it did not disappear like the previous small lightnings, and then thunder continued to be heard. Instead, after a flash, there was no sound, and the light suddenly became more dazzling, shining directly. The color of the whole world changed. Then, a thunder that seemed to tear the world apart exploded in the air. The monks hundreds of miles away were dizzy. Many monks with lower cultivation levels were stunned. The foundation-building cultivator staggered while standing on the flying magic weapon, and more than half of them were on the verge of falling. Li Yan also swayed under his feet. In the roar of his mind, the flying sword suddenly lost control and fell directly, but it was only a moment of trance. The spiritual power in Li Yan's body exploded violently, and the flying sword below was sucked to his feet again. Li Yan was horrified. He didn't expect that he was standing a hundred miles away and was struck by a thunderstorm. Moreover, this was the first time that he had lost his mind. A thunder catastrophe, and it was the first thunder catastrophe that had just formed. Just when Li Yan barely stabilized his body, many screams were heard around him. Li Yan raised his eyes to look at the clouds, and the surroundings were like dumplings. Generally speaking, many monks have fallen directly downwards. Obviously these foundation-building monks are


Unable to withstand the initial pressure of the thunderstorm, he had already lost his mind.

When Li Yan saw this, he couldn't help but frown. He glanced briefly and saw a mountain cliff not far from him. He quickly flew over with his sword. The place where he was standing in the air was already extremely remote, so there were not many people there. People noticed Li Yan. Although Li Yan stabilized the situation, he did not want to attract other people's attention. He looked around and saw at least forty or fifty foundation-building monks. Those should be monks in the early stage of foundation-building. , Li Yan didn't want to be pointed out by others, how could he, a monk in the Qi Condensation Stage, still be suspended in mid-air, not to mention that he thought that after the real thunder disaster unfolded, he would not be able to withstand the pressure, so why not Landing directly on a mountain peak, if he still feels that the pressure is too great later, he will quietly move away to a farther mountain peak again.

The moment Li Yan landed on the mountain peak, he raised his head sharply because he felt two powerful spiritual consciousnesses following him. The last thing Li Yan wanted to do was to be seen with his cultivation and fall gently on the cliff of the mountain. Finally, he couldn't help but frown, and looked along with his spiritual consciousness, and then couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face. He was very familiar with the owners of these two spiritual consciousnesses. One was Gong Chenying, and the other was Zhao Min. When he saw Li Yan looking there , Gong Chenying nodded to him, then looked away and looked at Jie Yun again, while Zhao Min had a strange look on his face. She didn't expect that Li Yan's cultivation level had reached such a level, and he could still levitate when the thunder calamity was initially formed. In mid-air.

On the other hand, Gong Chenying was not so surprised. When the first sound of the thunderstorm came out, she immediately thought of Li Yan, fearing that he would not be able to resist him. However, when her consciousness swept over Li Yan, she saw that he had already stabilized. She regained her body shape and immediately flew to the mountain peak. She couldn't help but feel relieved. As for Li Yan's cultivation, she didn't regard Li Yan as a Qi Condensation monk at all now. Li Yan surprised her too much, so she Put your mind on the thunder tribulation. This thunder tribulation is extremely important to help her attack the golden elixir in the future. Now that she has also reached the fake elixir realm, this opportunity can give her vital help in the future.

Just when the first thunder tribulation was formed, a strong voice seemed to be immune to the shocking thunder, and resounded in all directions at the same time in the thunder: "No one, just do it, everything will be your own teacher." The sound came rolling in, seeming to be even more domineering than the first thunder tribulation.

Li Yan was shocked when he heard this and couldn't help but whisper, "Master."

Wei Chituo and the others in the distance couldn't help but look happy when they heard this voice. Although they knew that even if the master was away, the master and others would help, they felt as if they had received reassurance after hearing Wei Zhongran's voice.

Li Changting listened to Wei Zhongran's thunderous voice, and her pretty face relaxed. Although she had received the assurance from her aunt before, she felt more relieved now. Even Zhao Min, who had been frowning next to her, heard After hearing this voice, he just curled up the corner of his mouth at first, but his brows obviously slowly widened.

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