Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 204: Invisible situation (1)

Lin Daqiao looked at Li Yan's dull expression and continued with a hint of pride, "Junior brother, you will actually know if you come out a few more times. Like those small sects, small families, or casual cultivators, how can they survive?" It was very difficult. It was impossible to say that they were killed quietly that day, especially the female cultivators from the small sects. It would have been better if they were a little less beautiful, and if they were not strong. A strong backer protects her, but her final fate is not even as good as that of a prostitute in the mortal world. It is common for people to use her as a double cultivator to make a furnace. The fate is extremely miserable. It may only take a few short years to be sucked. After drying the essence on her body, she turned into a goose-skinned old woman, and finally turned into a cup of loess. Therefore, some female cultivators often take the opportunity to get close to the monks of large sects, even if they are to be concubines, they are very willing to do so. Therefore, the two you just saw. This is what women are like.”

After listening to this, Li Yan slowly came to his senses. He looked at the two girls in front of him who were walking in a charming and swaying manner. He couldn't help but be stunned. He stammered and asked, "Seventh Senior Brother, don't you want to bring someone with you?" Go back and be a concubine, or do double cultivation..."

"Hehe, don't be alarmed, little junior brother. Although our cultivating skills in the Demon Sect are vicious, we don't have such inferior dual cultivation methods. You can't see the fifth senior brother being so colorful. Some things are not as simple as you think. Yes, these two women clearly know that we are disciples of the Demon Sect, and they want to get closer again and again. There are only two purposes. They may really want to find a supporter, whether they are waiting here on purpose, or they meet by chance. , just for the sake of future survival; secondly, it is not certain that they may be secret agents of the enemy. They may often search here. Once they discover my sect disciples, they will try their best to use their beauty to get closer. After gaining trust, they may spy on information. Or they were carrying out assassinations. However, although these two women were very beautiful, they actually dared to come out with the cultivation level of the tenth level of the Qi Condensation Stage, and they were not accompanied by a master. They were really courageous. I guess the first possibility was more likely. ”

Li Yan could only break into a cold sweat when he heard "Oh? That's how it is. Then you are taking the opportunity to spy on each other..." He didn't expect that he would encounter such a trick the first time he came out. He was really acting like two senior brothers just now. The desire is over the top.

"Otherwise, what do you think? I'm not interested in this kind of woman. I have to find someone who agrees with me before I can devote myself to this woman. Hey, but then again, if these two people are not secretly working for their enemies, Wu Senior brother said it was impossible for him to be a deceitful couple. After all, he was born as a gangster in the mortal world." Lin Daqiao's voice echoed in Li Yan's heart. No matter how Li Yan heard it, there was a sinister look in it, especially the first half of the sentence. Hearing this made him feel cold. As for the second half of the sentence, for Li Yan, who used to frequent military camps, after meeting Liu Chengyong's gang of soldiers, he already knew that there was no real difference between soldiers and gangsters, so it was no surprise.

However, Li Yan still admired the cooperation between Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao. From the beginning to the end, the two of them did not show anything wrong, but they looked like two scum disciples of the Demon Sect. He couldn't help but sigh that people's hearts are sinister. A person like Lian Lin Daqiao who originally had a pure heart


, he also performed with full skill, and he was deceived into thinking that he had seen the wrong person.

While Li Yan and Lin Daqiao were following them leisurely, the two women in front seemed to be walking much slower. In a short time, they actually walked together with Wen Xinliang, and one of the women was even more excited in their eyes. The spring breeze was rippling, and she slowly began to whisper to Wen Xinliang. She seemed to be embarrassed and annoyed as she spoke, and occasionally even gave her a good meal. Even Li Yan, who was walking behind, could clearly see the pink color on her jade neck, which was really lovely. The other woman kept looking back behind her, looking back at Li Yan with a look of tenderness and anger on her face.

When Li Yan saw this kind of gaze directed at him, he didn't know what to do for a moment. Lin Daqiao beside him had already taken a few steps hastily, as if he wanted to get the upper hand, and greeted him with a bright smile on his fair face. He went up and arrived at three places ahead in just a few steps. Only a dazed Li Yan was left standing there.

Among the four people in front, Wen Xinliang didn't even look back, teasing softly with the woman who seemed to be able to drip water. Lin Daqiao was already with another woman at this time. He didn't care about Li Yan at all, and soon seemed to be immersed in the sound of Yan Yuying. Li Yan even saw Lin Daqiao's side face, he was carrying a With a mean smile on her face, after a few words, she and the woman started to hug each other. The woman seemed to welcome but refused to let Lin Daqiao put his hand on her shoulder. Her face was as shy as a flower, and she lowered her head and walked away quickly. Lin Daqiao chased after him with a smile.

Li Yan was a little stunned when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the two senior brothers could have such a worldly side, and they were as comfortable as a fish in water.

Wen Xinliang and the woman in front looked more and more happy with each other. I don't know what Wen Xinliang said. The woman's delicate body trembled, and then she actually giggled, as if there was a burst of laughter on the green forest avenue. The array of silver bells attracted many monks to look sideways, but after they saw clearly that they were monks from the Sprite Sect, they all looked fearful and quickly moved to the other side of the road, quickening their pace and leaving quickly.

Li Yan saw many monks with expressions of hatred in their eyes. Although some of these expressions were fleeting, when Li Yan walked behind and looked carefully, he still found one or two of them, and most of them were Not wanting to avoid him, even those who saw Li Yan walking alone got out of the way.

Although Li Yan's cultivation level was low, they looked at the two people in front of them, Wen Xinliang, and they were not fools. Even if they didn't come all the way, they were from the same sect, so how could they offend them.

Seeing this, Li Yan had no choice but to follow behind depressedly. For a moment, he didn't know why he came to Fangshi this time. Until now, he had only seen Fangshi from the air. Since landing, it seemed that Fangshi was still far away from here. After a long journey, I don’t know why I ended up here? Is it just for fishing?

Li Yan was full of doubts and couldn't solve them for a while.

He looked at the monks who occasionally passed by on the road, and really wanted to go up and ask him something about Fangshi, but when those people saw Li Yan turning to look at them, they lowered their heads and hurried away without even asking Li Yan. Opportunity.

There were a few people who were not afraid of Li Yan's gaze. They just looked back calmly, and then continued to walk forward without saying a word, with no intention of speaking at all. These people were all Foundation Establishment Stage monks. Li Yan knew that although he had a different status in the eyes of others, he was actually still a Qi Condensation Stage monk. It was not easy for him to step forward and talk rashly.

After walking like this for about half a cup of tea, Li Yan, who was walking behind, noticed that the four people in front of him slipped and turned into the dense jungle on the side. However, Li Yan clearly saw that the two women seemed reluctant. , but after Wen Xinliang whispered something, the two enchanting women lowered their heads in shame, one of them kept rubbing the corners of his clothes with his hands, and his cheeks were flushed. Lin Daqiao smiled and hugged another woman who was also blushing, half pulling and half accommodating, and they entered the woods like this.

This scene fell in the eyes of several people besides Li Yan who passed by here one after another. Some of those people's eyes flashed with a trace of obscenity, and even a trace of lewd smiles appeared at the corners of their mouths, while others showed disgust in their eyes. However, they didn't even glance at the woods, but walked forward as if they didn't see them.

Li Yan stared blankly at the woods where no one had disappeared, touched his nose, coughed lightly, and walked forward on his own, as if he was the one who came here alone today.

But just when Li Yan had walked no more than a hundred meters, the sound of footsteps came from behind him, and they were getting closer and closer to him. Li Yan turned around and saw that Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao were walking away briskly. Come over, but the two women came out without following. ??

Li Yan smiled softly, then stopped and stood on the roadside waiting for the two of them.

"Haha, junior brother, wait a minute." Wen Xinliang's voice came over, and the two of them arrived very quickly, and they were in front of Li Yan in a blink of an eye.

Hearing this, Li Yan chuckled, "The two senior brothers are so fast, there's nothing to worry about."

Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao, who were smiling, staggered at the same time. Li Yan seemed to see black lines dripping from their foreheads, and his eyes narrowed into slits with laughter.

"Junior brother, you are not very old, but you know a lot!" Lin Daqiao came over and spoke every word, reaching out to pat Li Yan on the shoulder, but Li Yan ducked away as he chuckled.

Li Yan looked around and saw that the people here had gone away. Only a few newcomers passed by in a hurry. He didn't notice what happened. After looking here, he also walked away. His face changed. Ning, the voice transmission asked, "Did you ask?"

Wen Xinliang walked past the two of them without stopping and walked forward. Lin Daqiao


He didn't take a picture of Li Yan, so he glared at him and walked forward. Li Yan rubbed his nose and followed quickly.

The moment Li Yang just caught up, Wen Xinliang's lazy voice sounded in his mind, "What are you asking? Just kill him."

These words made Li Yan shrink in his heart. He thought that the two senior brothers brought the two women to the woods for detailed interrogation. After asking the results, they would either capture them and bring them back to the sect, or knock them unconscious. Unexpectedly, He was killed so quickly. But think about it, he only walked a hundred meters. If he was interrogated, he wouldn't be so fast, and he doesn't know the soul-searching technique below the golden elixir. But if two foundation-building cultivators were to kill two Qi-Condensation stage disciples, it would be a simple effort, and they would not even make a sound. However, wouldn't they be afraid of killing them by mistake?

"Are they sure they are the enemy's secret plot?" Seeing Wen Xinliang and Wen Xinliang's indifferent expressions, Li Yan couldn't help but ask.

"No, I guess there's only half a chance that it's a hidden secret, but I'm still not sure." Wen Xinliang replied lightly.

Although Li Yan had experienced a lot of killings, but seeing how easily and indiscriminately he killed two people like this, he couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart. After all, these were two human lives that were as beautiful as flowers. Just now, he was standing here looking fresh and clear. He died in the woods in a short time. He was killed so directly without any conclusive evidence, which still made him a little unbearable.

Lin Daqiao, who was walking aside, saw the unbearable look in Li Yan's eyes. He also sent a message and said, "Junior brother, do you think it is too rash? Haha, this matter would be the same even if it were senior brother and the others here." Unless the fourth senior sister is so weak-minded as to let the other party go, there is a half chance that this is enough, otherwise I don’t know which senior brother will be unlucky next time.”

"Oh? Then how do you judge the possibility that they have a secret conspiracy of their enemies?" Although Li Yan couldn't bear it, he had already killed someone, and he was not an indecisive person. What's more, what Lin Daqiao said made sense. , he simply turned his attention to the cause of the matter.

"It's very simple. When the fifth senior brother was joking with them just now, he only meant that although we are just a few ordinary disciples of the Demon Sect, we can still protect their safety for a while. However, a woman said, 'Senior brother, you are too humble. The three of them are the elite disciples of the sect at first glance. From now on, we will have to rely on the two slaves you protect to be considerate." Lin Daqiao stopped talking when he said this.

After listening to Lin Daqiao's words, Li Yan was stunned at first. He didn't think there was anything wrong in what the woman said. He couldn't help but look at the two people walking between them strangely. Wen Xinliang still had the same lazy look. , walking forward with three unsteady steps, Lin Daqiao blinked at him a few times, and when he saw that Li Yan was still confused, he smiled strangely and said, "Junior brother, you Think about what happened since we met the two of them." In the voice transmission, he even emphasized the first few words with a sly smile.

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