Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 203 Senior Brother Fengchen

"Haha, so to speak, with Quanjiuxing's status in Taixuan Sect, Wang Lang will always get chills on his back in the future. By the way, there is another thing that my junior brother doesn't know yet. Even if you see him now, Wang Lang and others are also unrecognizable. Hey, all of them were detained in that secret realm and had to think about nothing except eating, drinking and sleeping. Now Wang Lang is a The real white fat old man is comparable to his fat master uncle Chi Jianwang, haha... haha... I also heard that Qiu Jiuzhen from Taixuan Sect is three times fatter than before. Four laps, it is said that it is 'full'...haha." After hearing Li Yan's question, Lin Daqiao couldn't help but laugh while answering.

"Oh, there is such a method..." Li Yan was stunned at first, but when he understood, black lines appeared on his forehead. He didn't expect that the secret realm would do this to take hostages. Although this kind of small method is not considered useful for monks, Nothing, as long as you come back and practice a little bit, you will be back to your original state, but showing such an appearance in front of your peers or outsiders is a huge loss of face, especially for people like Qiu Jiuzhen and Hangzhi who care about their appearance. It may leave a huge psychological shadow.

It was just Lin Daqiao's actions that caused the dozen or so monks who had just flown closer around the three of them to quickly move away with doubts in their eyes after hearing Lin Daqiao's sudden laughter. These monks were dressed in various colors. Some were scribes, some were woodcutters, some were pretty women, and some were octogenarians. Some were traveling in groups of two or three, some were in groups, or some were alone. Although Li Yan and the other three were not speaking from behind, they kept speaking in a low voice. Listening to the sound, flying at such a high speed, I was not afraid that others could hear it, but Lin Daqiao's laughter just now made these people look sideways. When they saw the clothes on Li Yan and the three of them clearly, they all looked at him. They all looked in awe and avoided some roads intentionally or unintentionally.

But among them were two pretty women who were very revealingly dressed. They were wrapped in gauze red clothes, which could not help but expose large areas of snow-white skin from time to time. Their breasts were high. Although they looked at Li Yan and the others with awe, they were more provocative. Even while her eyes were turning, her slender jade fingers lightly brushed her jade-like skin, she pursed her lips and smiled, her face was like a peach blossom, and her brows were springy. Li Yan couldn't help but look away quickly, which made Lin Daqiao and Wen Xinliang burst into laughter. Even the two charming women couldn't help but giggle when they saw Li Yan's appearance, and they were even more charming.

Li Yan saw more and more monks around him, and in the distance there was a faint flying brilliance on the horizon. It was obvious that more people were rushing here in the distance. After seeing the different looks in these people's eyes, Li Yan lowered his head and thought. He knew that the awe in some people's eyes was only for the Sprite Sect, not for a few of them. These might be just appearances, but it was unknown how many people were truly in awe of the Sprite Sect from their hearts.

Li Yan just glanced at these people and already judged that among the dozen or so people around, there were actually two Foundation Establishment monks, and they were all above the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. They were the octogenarian and the No. 1 Middle School cultivator. Years of scribes, the rest are all monks in the Qi Condensation stage, and their cultivation levels vary from high to low.


, some even only have the fifth level of Qi Condensation. This reminds Li Yan of what Lin Daqiao said back then. In addition to the four major sects, some of the sect masters of the small sects are only in the foundation building stage. It seems that this is true. . When he passed away, he had been staying in the Demon Sect and had seen a lot of foundation-building monks. He had even been exposed to golden elixirs, but he felt that these people didn't care about their cultivation.

Thinking of this, Li Yan couldn't help but shake his head, feeling inadequate about his own knowledge. Although the two foundation-building monks with a rainbow-like aura avoided Li Yan and the others, their eyes were less respectful and they were still flying forward unhurriedly. The old man and the middle-aged man were flying forward. The young scribes all walked alone and did not hang out with others. Their eyes fell more on Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao. But after feeling the auras of the two of them, they all narrowed their eyes and Wen Xinliang After months of experience with Lin Daqiao, the bloody aura on his body has not dissipated, giving people a sense of extreme danger.

Seeing these things in his eyes, Li Yan understood that monks below the foundation of the Demon Sect were not allowed to go out of the sect alone. If he did not wear sect clothes and went out alone, he would not be allowed to go out alone in just a few hours. I met two foundation-building monks. If the other party was really a secret agent of the three sects of Shibuyuan, they could easily kill me.

Now that so many monks are slowly gathering in the same direction, it seems that the destination is not far away, Li Yan judged in his heart.

"We are almost there, but today we didn't know that those golden elixirs were stationed here!" Wen Xinliang also looked back at the two foundation-building monks. When he saw that their flight path was some distance away from the three of them, he said: No longer looking, he looked into the distance from the pergola with his hands. The morning sun was already high in front of him. Under the dazzling sunshine, a hundred miles away, there was a hundred-foot mountain standing in front of him, like a mountain covered with gold and silver.

Looking at the dazzling golden peaks in front of the sky, Li Yan was slightly stunned. They had encountered more than a dozen such mountains along the way today.

"Could it be that Fangshi is on this mountain peak?" Li Yan thought to himself.

While Li Yan was thinking, Wen Xinliang's purple butterfly had already gone away quickly. In just a few dozen breaths, it had arrived in front of the mountain peak. As the mountain peak approached, the glare of the sun was no longer dazzling. Li Yan stared at it. , this mountain peak is covered with layers of forests, and some exposed areas are jagged with strange rocks. There is no suitable place to stay. He can't believe that Fangshi is on this mountain peak. Just when he is confused, the purple butterfly spins and has already left the mountain peak. One side went around.

As the purple butterfly slid sideways, Li Yan's eyes suddenly widened, and a large star-studded building appeared in his field of vision, and it was rapidly enlarging.

What Li Yan saw was a large open area behind the mountain peak, with a large radius and a large area.

It is about 20 to 30 miles long, surrounded by mountains. Looking from the sky, the buildings below are jumping like star balls, piece by piece, little by little. If you look closely, they are very regular. The whole layout is in the shape of a "well", with pavilions. Towers and pavilions rise from the ground everywhere, some are high or short, some are long or narrow. Four main roads are divided into nine areas by "well" shapes, and various buildings are gathered together in an orderly manner.

Although Li Yan was in the air and still more than twenty miles away, a sense of the market had already filled his heart, reminding him of Qingshan Pass. Li Yan had never been to a market since he was a child. Or the town had only been to Qingshan Pass. During that time, Li Yan could feel the strong atmosphere of urban life and daily life coming to his face every time he entered the city. When he saw it today, Li Yan couldn't help but think of the past.

The purple butterfly is getting faster and faster, and the town below is getting bigger and bigger in Li Yan's eyes. And around the three of them, there are more flying magic weapons and magic weapons shining with all kinds of brilliance, and they are rushing downwards. There are dozens of them, and from a distance they look like a colorful meteor shower under the golden light of the rising sun.

Wen Xinliang and Lin Daqiao have not spoken since they just said a word. The purple butterfly did not continue to fly in the direction of the dotted towns. Instead, after bypassing the mountain peak, like other streamers around it, Rushing down to the ground, looking at Li Yan's surprised eyes as he looked around, the two of them looked at each other and smiled softly. They both remembered the first time they came to this city, so they did not interrupt Li Yan. words of observation.

Soon, Li Yan was falling at a rapid speed, his eyes filled with green. What came towards him was a large emerald green dense forest. There was a circular open space in the middle of the large forest, as if someone had used huge strips. The stones were paved in the shape of a circular altar, but there were no objects, only crowds of people constantly coming and going, some falling, some flying up, whizzing back and forth among the rainbows of light.

Before Li Yan could see clearly, the purple butterfly whistled and landed on an open space on the edge of the huge stone platform. Looking at the monks coming and going around, Li Yan was a little confused.

"This is Fangshi?" Li Yan thought in his mind, but before he could think about it, his clothes were pulled by someone. He turned around and saw Lin Daqiao with a smile on his face, "Let's go, this is not the destination."

"Oh!" Li Yan replied hurriedly after hearing this, but he was full of doubts. Seeing Lin Daqiao walking forward directly, he had to suppress his doubts. As Lin Daqiao walked down the purple butterfly, Wen Xinliang was the last one. Stepping down, with a smooth move, the purple butterfly turned into a stream of purple light and instantly retracted into the sleeves of his wide robe.

At this moment, not far from Li Yan and the others, many monks had fallen down one after another, including the two foundation-building monks they met on the road just now, and the dozen or so Qi Condensation monks. They were all separated by some distance. While looking at each other, they slowly stepped off their flying instruments until they stepped off


The magic weapon, which had been vigilant all the way, relaxed slightly, as if it was safer here.

When these people saw Li Yan and the three of them stepping off the flying magic weapon, some of them still bowed humbly, then turned and walked forward, while others stopped looking at the two of them at all and walked away directly. Such as those two foundation-building monks.

The two charming women gave a gentle bow to the three of them, and walked away while whispering and laughing. However, before leaving, their eyes still glanced at the three of them passionately, and then they turned away slightly shyly.

Li Yan kept looking around. This place was paved with stones and resembled an altar. It was surrounded by forests on three sides. One side faced a very wide road that led directly to the distance. The road was straight and lined with pines and cypresses. Brother Li Yan's eyesight still couldn't see the end, and those who left got off the circular altar and walked along the road.

"Okay, let's go. It's getting late now. It will probably take nearly half a stick of incense to get there." A lazy voice came from the side, interrupting Li Yan's observation. It was Wen Xin cold.

"Oh." Li Yan quickly calmed down, turned around, and saw Lin Daqiao and Wen Xinliang looking at him with smiles. Li Yan smiled back in embarrassment. He knew how terrible he looked just now. He was so stupid, just like entering Qingshan Pass for the first time. In the eyes of others, one could tell at a glance that he was an ignorant monk who had never been out.

After Li Yan smiled, he was about to ask why he landed here, but Wen Xinliang seemed not to give Li Yan a chance to ask, and said "Let's go!" again.

After Wen Xinliang said that, he smiled evilly and walked forward. However, as he walked, he walked towards the back of the two bewitching women who had just left. He followed them leisurely, Li While Yan was stunned, Lin Daqiao pulled his sleeves and followed him.

Looking at the two girls in front of them with their plump buttocks swaying slightly and their waists swaying, Li Yan was a little depressed and thought to himself, "These two people are not walking fast. They must either pass them faster or walk slower, like this." After walking for a long time, as if following him, it inevitably aroused people's gossip. "And he still had many questions in his mind that needed to be asked, but Wen Xinliang looked casual and did not look at him at all. , but smiled and looked at the graceful figure in the wind ahead. Lin Daqiao also looked at the front with a playful expression, and made a "tsk, tsk" sound in his mouth. Li Yan found it difficult to ask the two of them for a while. .

"Hehehe, junior brother, do you think this is inappropriate, but they are very happy, hehe..." At this moment, Lin Daqiao's voice sounded in Li Yan's mind. Li Yan raised his head and saw Lin Daqiao winking at him, and suddenly started transmitting messages.

Then the two women in front of them pouted from behind, with rather vulgar expressions. This made Li Yan feel a little hairy in his heart. He didn't know what this meant. Game Fengchen?

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