Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 192: King Qing

"That's it? Then I will be the so-called 'King Qing'. Is this too rash?" Li Yan was stunned.

"!" Gong Chenying stomped her jade feet on the ground after hearing what Li Yan said, causing a rumbling sound in the courtyard. Her jade hands kept intertwining and her jade face was already charming. The slender figure sitting in front of the stone table was swaying like a mature peach branch, which made Li Yan dizzy and fascinated. He even had a certain impulse in his heart.

For a while, the courtyard was filled with charming feelings. Gong Chenying lowered his head and listened to Li Yan's rapid breathing. His heartbeat accelerated and his breathing also began to speed up.

Li Yan shook his head and his eyes gradually became clear. He was not a lustful person. Besides, if he forced Gong Chenying, who was ashamed and angry, to get angry, he would just throw his leg over and let him lie down for ten days and a half months.

"It seems that the 'King Qing' must have a very high status in the Tianli tribe, and is close to the core position of the Tianli tribe. Ah Ying must have a very high status in the Tianli tribe." After Li Yan woke up, he quickly analyzed in his mind.

"There will only be one 'King Qing' in a generation, and usually they come from a few core families in the tribe. You and Lu Zhenyuan are exceptions." At this time, Gong Chenying's voice came over. Although she was still shy, she had slowly recovered her composure.

"There are some things you don't need to know now, at least not before you reach the middle stage of the Golden Core. What you need to know is that if you are willing to practice the 'Qiongqi Purgatory', you must accept the assessment from the Tianli Clan, and within five years, someone from the family will definitely come to assess you. If you fail the assessment, you may...may have to erase the formula in your memory, or even destroy the 'Qiongqi Purgatory' body that you have successfully cultivated. This will definitely cause harm to your body, and the most important point is that you may die during the assessment.

If you pass the assessment, the next six levels of skills will be the same as Min'er. Every time you complete a task, you will get a level of skills." Gong Chenying's voice began to calm down and he spoke slowly.

Li Yan frowned when he heard this. The cost of this practice is extremely high. A mistake will affect even his current cultivation, or even directly kill him. Even if he didn't die, he didn't want to have any memory wiped out after failing the test, but he didn't want to give up this top-level cultivation method. He estimated that if he succeeded in cultivation, it would at least increase his strength by one or two levels. What a heaven-defying method it was. Unlike now, without spiritual power and amulets, his body was only a little tougher than that of ordinary people. Think about the scene where Gong Chenying was directly pierced into the lower abdomen by the demon cultivator's Sky-breaking Spear. If it were him, Gan Shi and the others would probably have exploded and died immediately under the stimulation of the magic weapon's spiritual power.

"Is that Lu Zhenyuan the same?" Li Yan thought for a while and asked.


"He? He is different. He practiced after marrying the core woman of that generation... generation of Tianli tribe and becoming the real 'King Qing'. You can also choose this path, but you need to reach the middle stage of Jindan at least to be qualified to go to Tianli tribe. Lu Zhenyuan also got married after reaching the middle stage of Jindan. Of course, if you don't go to Tianli tribe before the middle stage of Jindan, you can also get married, but you will lose the noble status of 'King Qing' and the qualification to practice 'Qiongqi Purgatory' forever." Gong Chenying answered, but paused at the beginning of speaking. Li Yan keenly discovered the loophole in her words, but immediately understood Gong Chenying's hesitation, which might involve her identity, so she changed the words.

Li Yan already understood what Gong Chenying meant. He was different from Lu Zhenyuan. One was the real "King Qing" and the other was a quasi-"King Qing". He still didn't understand this identity, but he understood the meaning. He didn't expect that he had to reach the middle stage of the Golden Core before he could practice this top-level body refining technique. Another way was what Gong Chenying said now, to practice in advance, but the risk was great and he needed to accept the assessment from the Tianli tribe. The result of the assessment could even be the sacrifice of his life.

After Gong Chenying said these words, she fell silent. She waited for Li Yan's decision. She wanted Li Yan to become stronger. She knew what a top-level technique could bring to a cultivator, but she couldn't violate the clan rules, so everything needed Li Yan to decide on his own. She was a courageous woman with the brave, sassy, ​​and fearless blood of the Tianli tribe flowing in her body. She also expected the man she chose to be extremely powerful and have a brave heart, especially for cultivators like them who went against the will of heaven. It was difficult to go far without a heart against the will of heaven.

In fact, she didn't say one thing. If Li Yan failed the Tianli tribe assessment, she would live if Li Yan lived, and she would die if Li Yan died. She would follow him without hesitation, and she would not leave any of her own things in this world.

If Li Yan failed the assessment, he might lose his status as the "King Qing'a" of the Tianli tribe. If Li Yan was still alive at that time, she would extinguish her wishes, give up everything, and follow Li Yan to wander around the world.

Li Yan's expression was uncertain and kept changing. Time passed by little by little. Gong Chenying also lowered her head and thought about her own thoughts. Today, she came to explain Zhao Min and the "Qiongqi Purgatory" technique before retreating. In this way, she would have less distractions from her thoughts and could impact the realm with her whole heart.

After half a cup of tea, Li Yan's eyes flashed with determination. After repeatedly weighing the gains and losses, he finally made a decision.

He himself

It is unknown when he will be able to cultivate the golden elixir. Although he has Ping Tu's help, it only helps a certain promotion. But there is one thing. No matter now or in the future, if he dies when he goes out for a certain time, no matter how many more Guarantees are empty talk, it is better to leave more life-saving means. As for the five-year assessment, with Li Yan's mind, how can he resist it? At worst, when his life is in danger, he will just wrap up Gong Chen's shadow and transport it to Pingtu's secret room. Who can do it with the ability of a monk in this world? We can find them again.

As for erasing the memory, that is even more impossible. At that time, we will simply practice in the secret room to the middle stage of the Golden Elixir before coming out, or even to the Yuanying. How can a Yuanying still be controlled by others at that time? , this matter can definitely be resolved. Thinking of this, Li Yan already has a conclusion.

"Then I have learned this technique. I want to see if I, Li Yan, have this ability." A fierce look flashed in Li Yan's eyes.

However, his words did not indicate clearly whether he was capable of passing the first three sentences of the first-level formula, or whether he was capable of passing the assessment within five years.

Gong Chenying was lowering her head to think when she suddenly heard Li Yan speak. When she heard what Li Yan said clearly again, she couldn't help but feel happy. The most despised thing among the Tianli tribe was timid people. Although she had already recognized Li Yan in her life, But deep down in my heart, I still hope that Li Yan is a man who can carry mountains and seas. What's more, if the "Qiongqi Purgatory" technique is allowed to be practiced by the tribe, as long as it does not require immediate death, no matter how difficult the conditions are, the Tianli tribe will choose to practice it without hesitation. This is the nature of the Tianli tribe. But how did she know what Li Yan was thinking? He was a person who could use his brain but not force, and who could use force would never use brute force.

"Well, I will teach you the first level of this 'Qiongqi Purgatory' first." Seeing that he had the answer, Gong Chenying said no more. He waved his jade hand, and a light yellow jade slip appeared in his hand. She placed it on her smooth forehead and closed her eyes.

When the time was short, Gong Chenying opened her eyes and looked at Li Yan, who had been looking at her quietly across the stone table. Her pretty face turned red, and she reached out and handed the jade slip over, and at the same time said, "This is the first floor." The formula, if you can practice the first three formulas, you can continue to practice, otherwise you must not force the practice, as the consequences will only cause you to explode and die. "

Li Yan reached out and took the jade slip. There was still a faint girl's body fragrance and residual body temperature on it. After Li Yan took it, he also put it on his forehead, and his consciousness immediately sank into it.

When Gong Chenying saw Li Yan holding the jade slip directly against his forehead, he seemed to have thought of something. His pretty face turned redder, and his eyes were full of spring rain, just like a begonia bathing in the rain.

After Li Yan's spiritual consciousness entered the jade slip, the first thing that caught his consciousness were two pictures of human figures. The figures in these two pictures had dark faces.


Like iron, barefoot and half-naked, they are doing two extremely weird postures. There are several mantras underneath each picture.

Li Yan was attracted by these two pictures at first glance. But at the first glance, the strange postures on the two pictures made Li Yan indescribably awkward. Li Yan calmed down and looked at one of them carefully. , a sense of confusion and boredom immediately arose in his heart, and he suddenly felt a depression like a heavy mountain of rocks blocking his heart. He felt indescribably uncomfortable. Li Yan was shocked. He hadn't read the formula yet, but just glanced at this picture. With this feeling of suffocating to death, he bit the tip of his tongue fiercely. Under the severe pain, Li Yan's consciousness instantly withdrew. His face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and the long shirt on his back was soaked with sweat. He took big mouthfuls. 's breathing heavily.

Gong Chenying sat opposite and kept looking at Li Yan, silently counting "three breaths" in his heart. She couldn't help but sigh in her heart. This jade slip was carved from her memory, and it was not the original jade slip from the clan. If it were the original jade slip from the clan, the backlash would be even greater.

This is actually an assessment to assess the potential of those who practice this method. When anyone enters this jade slip, they will usually be attracted by the weird picture at first sight, and they will look over it unconsciously. No matter which one of the two pictures they look at, their mind will be attracted by the great truth contained in it. As a result, the longer you persist, the greater the chance of cultivating "Qiongqi Purgatory". At the beginning, Gong Chenying persisted for five breaths, and Zhao Min persisted for eight breaths, but Gong Chenying only looked at the members of the clan. Zhao Min looked at the original version and the rubbing version. Generally speaking, the two of them had the same qualifications. However, Li Yan only persisted for three breaths. This chance is too small, which shows that Li Yan's qualifications are very ordinary. If this was placed in the clan, it should be directly rejected.

Gong Chenying suppressed the disappointment in his heart and smiled softly, like a peach blossom in full bloom. "This technique needs to be practiced in conjunction with the formula below, and it can only be watched by using the spiritual power."

Then she had a serious look on her pretty face, and said slowly to Li Yan, who was slowly recovering, in a solemn tone, "The first picture is to match the method of practicing the first three formulas. It is the standard for determining whether a person has the ability to practice this technique. It is also The basis of the 'Qiongqi Purgatory' technique, you can proceed to the next step after completing this picture, which is the second picture in the jade slip. Only by practicing the first three sentences can the body have the foundation for the subsequent cultivation of this technique. One thing you must keep in mind, absolutely.

The first picture can only be practiced for seven days at most. If you fail to complete it within seven days, you must not practice again, otherwise you will suffer backlash, which can range from your muscles and veins being completely shattered to your body's death. "

Listening to Gong Chenying's extremely serious warning, Li Yan looked at the jade slip in his hand, still a little horrified in his heart. Just one picture almost made him suffocate and faint. This "Qiongqi Purgatory" technique is really terrifying, but he I still don’t know, but if he had faced the original jade slips treasured by the Tianli clan, he might not have ended up like this. His consciousness would have collapsed, and a serious illness would be a minor one.

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