Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 191 Zhao Min’s Secret

Seeing Li Yan was there, Gong Chenying's expression was still solemn: "You also know this body refining technique. It is the most precious treasure of our Tianli clan. People who are not the core members of our clan cannot practice it, otherwise they will face the pursuit of our clan for generations to come. Even if he is reincarnated, he will be killed until his soul is annihilated, which is basically a certain death. I also asked you about your intention just now. I have also considered this matter for a long time. There will be great risks in learning this technique. You Listen to what I have to say and decide for yourself.

Qiongqi Purgatory Technique is the supreme secret technique of our clan, but it has not been practiced by outsiders. According to me, there are four people who are not from my clan who have learned this technique, and you are the fifth person. One person is Lu Zhenyuan, who lived in the Fengshen Continent a million years ago. He is not from our Tianli clan, but he became the 'King Qing' of that generation, and he has the qualifications to practice this secret technique.

The other person, well, it’s not a person to be exact, specifically it’s a great cultivator of the God Transformation from your Desolate Moon Continent hundreds of thousands of years ago. He came to the Fengshen Continent while traveling, and by chance met with the great priest of our clan. When they met, the two chatted happily, and after several discussions and exchanges, they became close friends. After that, the great monk who transformed into gods actually stayed in our clan for a long time. While communicating with the high priest, he also waited for opportunities to ascend.

However, a few hundred years later, our clan had a racial war with the Northern Fengluo clan. During the melee, our clan's chief priest fell into the opponent's trap and was trapped in the Luotian Formation for several days, unable to stand out, and his mana was also blocked by the Luotian Formation. Life and life are exhausted, and the Tianli tribe outside the formation is also retreating steadily because there is no big priest to sit in the formation. It is also a time of life and death.

And that great god-transformation monk from the Desolate Moon Continent stepped forward at the critical moment and held back the other party's only mid-level god-transformation great monk, Feng Luo Ancestor, otherwise our clan would have been annihilated long ago. However, his cultivation was only at the early stage of becoming a god, and he would become invincible over time. Seeing this, this god-transforming monk from the Desolate Moon Continent used some self-destructive magical power. After paying a huge price, he actually broke Luo Tian's body. The great formation allowed the great priest of our clan to escape from the trap, but he was seriously injured after performing this operation.

For the rest, he dragged his seriously injured body to surround the great priest of our clan, and finally severely injured the Feng Luo Ancestor, causing the Feng Luo Ancestor to fall down a small level, from the middle stage of God Transformation to the early stage of God Transformation. In the end, even his body was also destroyed. After the explosion, only Yuanying was seriously injured and escaped.

However, this god-forming monk from the Desolate Moon Continent ended up being seriously injured and died. The high priest grieved for this for a long time, and then held a grand ceremony for him to sacrifice to heaven, which had not been held by the Tianli tribe for tens of thousands of years, so that he could transcend the soul of the dead. From then on, the high priest issued a decree that this person would die. The descendants of future generations can directly inherit the first three levels of the 'Qiongqi Purgatory' body refining method, and Min'er is the direct descendant of this great cultivator of transformation into gods. "

Gong Chenying spoke slowly, but Li Yan's heart felt as if there were waves of turmoil in his heart. He didn't expect that Zhao Min's ancestor actually had a legendary god-transformation monk. The monks are unstoppable throughout the mortal world. At the Nascent Soul stage, the Nascent Soul has been condensed. As long as the Nascent Soul is there, even if the physical body is damaged, as long as a suitable physical body is found, it can still be reborn, and its cultivation can basically be restored after dozens or hundreds of years of hard work. , then its Nascent Soul and the physical body will be completely integrated, and all magical powers will be restored.


. And if this physical body is stronger than the previous physical body, the cultivation level can even be improved to another level. It's just that the conditions for seizing the body are extremely harsh, and no one will be willing to seize the body unless absolutely necessary.

Therefore, if the ancestor of Zhao Min did not fight his opponent head-on, but chose to fight or leave, it would be difficult for the ancestor Feng Luo to kill him even in the late stage of divine transformation, not to mention that he was only in the middle stage of divine transformation. This made Li Yan was very surprised as to why a god-forming monk was so impulsive and went to save the Tianli clan at all costs.

I had said before when chatting with Li Wuyi that in this boundless mortal world, there may only be at most three to five god-transforming monks on each continent. This shows how rare they are. The earth can no longer be tolerated by the rules of heaven and earth in the mortal world. They stayed in the mortal world for various reasons, either because they were unable to ascend or for other reasons. Therefore, they are basically in a state of seclusion, using secret methods to avoid the punishment of heaven in this world. Just like Qianzhong Zhenjun, who borrowed the secret methods to form his own small world in the mortal world, or like Dong Foyi, who borrowed secret methods to suppress his cultivation. Nascent Soul can deceive the rules of heaven and earth and stay in the mortal world for a long time.

This news shocked Li Yan for a moment. He did not expect that Zhao Min's origin was so mysterious. If he had not cultivated immortality, he would have no idea about these things. However, since he entered the immortal path and practiced for several years, he has only Even though he was a small Qi Condensation Stage monk, Li Yan himself believed that if he went to destroy Qingshan Pass today, it would only take half a stick of incense, including top martial arts masters like Marshal Hong and Ji Junshi. Even if he is half a cultivator of immortality, it won't cost him much at all. Massacre of the city is not too difficult. But when he saw the actions of Gong Chenying and other foundation-building monks, the earth-shattering power made him feel insignificant. The spirit-transforming monks had already exceeded his knowledge and imagination.

While Li Yan was in shock, he didn't realize that when Gong Chenying said the words "Qing Ah Wang", her pretty face, which had just regained its calmness, turned red again. Seeing that Li Yan was still immersed in shock, After she calmed down, she secretly cursed that her shyness in the recent period had already exceeded the sum total of her whole life several times, and she paused for a moment before continuing.

"Qiongqi Purgatory" is divided into nine levels. The first three levels are elementary chapters, the third to sixth levels are intermediate chapters, and the seventh to ninth floors are advanced chapters. Qiongqi is one of the four evil beasts in ancient times. The four ancient evils are chaos. , Qiongqi, Taotie, and Taotie, these four ferocious beasts all have boundless magical powers and are ferocious to the sky. Each of them is a peerless ferocious beast. According to legend, even the true immortal may not be its opponent.

Qiongqi, its shape is like a cow, its hair is like blood, its wings are evil, its body is solid, and it can protect all things. It is said that Qiongqi is shaped like an ox, its body is covered with blood thorns like hedgehogs, it has a pair of terrifying wings, and its body is so hard that it can destroy everything in the world. It can be said to be quite terrifying.

According to legend, Qiongqi is one of four unique beasts

Among them, the beast with the strongest defense and the greatest power. Therefore, the ancient shamans and immortals of the Tianli tribe created this method after observing this beast. They dared to use it to compare themselves with the most extraordinary things, and there are no equals in the mortal world. This is really a great supernatural power.

As Min'er, I can only practice the first three levels, and not everyone in their family can practice it. They need to pass the test and approval of our family, and they are absolutely not allowed to spread it privately, otherwise they will also be abolished. In terms of cultivation, those who studied privately wanted to exterminate the entire family. From now on, Qiongqi Purgatory Technique would no longer be taught to the family. This was because of the face of her ancestors, so she would not kill them.

But so far, as far as I know, in the Min'er family for hundreds of thousands of years, only three people are qualified to learn the Qiongqi purgatory technique. Therefore, in the eyes of some people outside, it seems that I taught Min'er this technique. Even the senior brother and the others knew nothing about what Min'er had obtained. Min'er and the others had to pass the first level of Qiongqi Purgatory to practice. If they couldn't succeed within seven days, they would lose the qualification to practice.

The first three sentences of this first-level formula are a natural chasm. If you fail to practice these three sentences, you are not suitable for this method, and those who fail will forget these three sentences in the fainting caused by failure, as if Never seen it in general. "

Li Yan was moved when he heard that the Li people on this day claimed to be the Wu people. Even the method of body refining was overbearing and weird. They were even more powerful than one of the four most unparalleled ferocious beasts in ancient times. Moreover, after their cultivation failed, they became This memory will be wiped away forever.

"Then what level of cultivation has Zhao Min reached? If you want to continue to practice the skills behind Qiongqi Purgatory in the future, what price will you have to pay?" Li Yan suppressed the surprise in his heart and thought of what Gong Chenying said just now: "Their descendants Heirs can directly inherit the first three levels of the 'Qiongqi Purgatory' body refining method." There are four words "direct inheritance" in this sentence. Highlighting the meaning of these four points out the conditions for its inheritance. In this way, the following The skills are not passed down unconditionally.

Gong Chenying nodded slightly after hearing this. He had already understood Li Yan's observations and scheming in the secret realm, and he didn't find it strange. "Miner's 'Qiongqi Purgatory' has reached the late stage of the second level. I am ahead of him." After practicing for several years, she is only in the middle stage of the third level. Min'er's aptitude and perseverance are really rare. Although her ancestors have been very kind to our clan in life and death, in view of the ancestral training, the great priest can do it for generations to come. We have tried our best to inherit the first three levels unconditionally, but we are still doubted by some tribesmen. However, these voices said to the great priest, 'If the Tianli tribe is gone, you still inherit... inheritance is nothing.' Then it disappeared."

When Gong Chenying said the last sentence, her pretty face turned red.

Li Yan was also dumbfounded when he heard this. He didn't expect that a person who was comparable to a great monk in the transformation stage, a mysterious and powerful existence in his mind, who was unsmiling, could speak such temperamental words. He must be a heroic person. This kind of person is most likely to make close friends. At the same time, I also feel a bit sad. When a race is in danger of life and death, everything can be sacrificed. But in the peaceful and prosperous times, all kinds of voices come one after another, especially some stubborn adherents.


When our own race is in the most danger, there is often a group of loyal soldiers who will never look back even if they die. When the race was prosperous, this kind of people were the most rigid people at heart and could not tolerate any blasphemy against the ancestral precepts.

"In order to prevent the Tianli clan from splitting, the high priest used other conditions in exchange for Min'er and his family's follow-up training. Of course, if the high priest uses strong methods to promulgate it, he will pass on all the 'Qiongqi Purgatory' to the Min'er family, so that No one in the clan dares to object to the skills and status of the high priest. However, the hidden dangers will be great. If one day the high priest no longer exists, it may bring not inheritance but disaster to the Min'er family. I am also the same. Listen to what Abba said.

When Min'er and the others reach the third level of cultivation, if they want to continue to obtain the qualifications for subsequent cultivation, they need to complete one thing for our clan. I don't know what thing they have completed. Every time they complete something, they can obtain the next level. Regarding the exercise formula, I heard that the first two people in the Min'er family who had practiced 'Qiongqi Purgatory' had tried it, but neither of them had completed it, and one of them died. "

Speaking of this, Gong Chenying looked a little gloomy. Firstly, she thought of her father, and secondly, she was worried about Zhao Min. What she can be sure of is that when Zhao Min reaches the late third level of "Qiongqi Purgatory", she will definitely complete that task with her character, but...

Li Yan nodded silently after hearing this, and guessed the general reason for Gong Chenying's lonely expression, and said, "You don't have to worry too much about Zhao Min. I guess with the method of great sacrifice, the probability of completing those tasks is probably the same." Five to five, otherwise how could he agree?"

After hearing this, Gong Chenying thought for a moment and felt that Li Yan's words really made sense. She thought so too, but as soon as she thought of Zhao Min's character, she became confused.

"Then why can you teach this technique to me?" Li Yan's subsequent words made Gong Chenying feel embarrassed. He couldn't help but take back his jade hand on the stone table, and hurriedly held it by his ear. short hair.

"That...that...that, just...didn't you just say that the first person who is not from my race can also cultivate?" Gong Chenying lowered his head, his voice was almost inaudible. Fortunately, so did Li Yan. The monk could barely hear clearly.

"Ah, yes, what is that Lu, a prince? What's wrong, can you practice cultivation by becoming a prince? You mean, can I do this to celebrate the king? But listen to you "It's not like this person has existed for millions of years. Isn't this difficult?" Li Yan thought for a while and saw Gong Chenying's strange look. Although he analyzed some problems for a while, it was Still don't know the answer.

At this moment, Gong Chen's voice sounded like a mosquito in his ear: "You are 'King Qing'."

Li Yan was stunned after hearing this, but his mind was racing: "You mean, because of you, if I marry you, I will be 'King Qing'?"

"Yeah." Gong Chenying lowered her head to her plump chest in shame, but was blocked by the high mountain and could no longer lower her head.

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