Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1783 Jun Xingyuan (Part 3)

The "thin" demon cultivator was not actually thin, but he was much shorter than most male demon cultivators, and his body also looked thinner in comparison.

At this time, the high platforms around were filled with all kinds of cultivators. Some stretched their necks and shouted wildly, while others kept waving their arms and making "ho ho" sounds.

There were also many female demon cultivators, revealing large areas of smooth skin like silk, and their beautiful faces were full of primitive wildness.

They exposed their slender limbs, waved their arms at the two people in the field, and let out a series of sharp whistles.

From the shouts accompanying these people, it can be heard that some of them were shouting "Mu, Mu, Mu!" and some were shouting "Yan, Yan, Yan!"

Mu Sha felt the wild shouts around him, and the blood in his heart had been ignited. That was the passionate fighting blood of the demons in his body.

Here, no one knows the former "Immortal Demon Vine", and he also feels that he is not worthy of that name, and his father is the real "Immortal".

So, he only has his own name "Mu Sha"!

He has always wondered why his father didn't let him change his surname? But he didn't ask, didn't ask his father, and didn't ask his mother.

Besides, he has become accustomed to the name "Mu Sha", which makes him have too many bits and pieces of memories. Maybe one day his father will ask him to change his surname back, and he will obey without hesitation.

That person is very powerful. Not only did he horrify his heart with the skills he gave, but it was the legendary soul technique.

The other party can protect himself in secret, and even the strong people in his own clan don't know.

Now, although he is already in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and is infinitely close to the peak of the middle stage, he still has a long way to go from the late stage of the Nascent Soul.

The so-called late stage of the Nascent Soul in the lower world is not worthy of being called a "great cultivator" here, and he doesn't even have much self-protection ability outside.

Therefore, the previous goal was just a threshold that he was about to step over. He wanted to become the strongest among the demons and dominate the fairy realm where there were many strong people.

In the upper realm of the black demons, he and his mother joined the army again. Although the black demons in the upper realm no longer went to various continents and small realms to fight like the lower realm.

But as long as there is life, there will be fighting, and this is even more so for cultivators to cultivate resources.

In the upper realm, the black demons also have to fight for the continuation of the race. The development of a powerful race only requires more cultivation resources. They also have many enemies.

But the direct enemy here is no longer the white demons. Although the white demons are also in the sacrifice world, they are less hostile.

The lost continent in the lower realm was originally controlled by the demons, and because of the appearance of the black demons, the feud of killing each other appeared.

But later, although the two races fought constantly, the big wars have not appeared for so long.

In the upper realm, these two races seemed to avoid each other deliberately. The Black Demon Clan was established later, and the place they chose later was far away from the White Demon Clan.

These two races may only fight each other occasionally when they meet.

But in the fairy world, which is a huge group of immortal cultivators and with many races, these two races have not had any wars again, as if they deliberately forgot each other.

The military camp where Mu Sha is still going out to fight with hostile forces to grab resources. The demons are still a warlike race, and most of them are still based on occupying other people's resources.

It's just that they no longer force and dominate, but follow certain rules in the fairy world, so that others can't find problems, so as not to become the target of public criticism and be exterminated by others.

And when he, a "short" demon cultivator, first came to the fairy world, many people in his own clan wanted to make trouble for him.

But the final result was far beyond the expectations of these clansmen.

It is very difficult to get an advantage from Mu Sha. Even if some late-stage Yuanying cultivators can defeat Mu Sha, they have to pay a big price.

Many clansmen know that once Mu Sha fights with others, his reaction and scheming are very terrible. He likes to use various surrounding environments to temporarily set traps, which often makes people unable to defend against him.

Mu Sha gives people the feeling that he is not an upright demon cultivator at all, but the other party is more vicious than the demon cultivator, cruel and dark.

At the same time, although Mu Sha's body is thin, the power he bursts out is very amazing, and his attack speed is even more agile and changeable.

The body defense is also quite thick. After his defense is turned on, even the late-stage Yuanying cultivator cannot easily break it.

This makes many people try not to provoke this person again after they have troubled him once.

Although they are not afraid of being remembered by such a scheming person, it is also the most headache. After all, they are of the same clan, and they cannot kill each other directly without reason.

As long as such people live, they will bring endless troubles to themselves in the future. Demon cultivators like to cut the Gordian knot when doing things, and they are most afraid of entanglement.

So Mu Sha gradually gained a foothold in the military camp, and more and more people recognized his strength.

And those people are often some Jindan demons and Yuanying primary and intermediate demon generals. They all think that when Mu Sha reaches the peak of the intermediate demon general, the late demon generals are no longer his opponents.

Such people are more likely to get some people to follow them in the military camp, so they also have more chances to save their lives.

In addition to training and missions in the military camp, the greatest fun is the ring competition.

This kind of competition is a one-on-one duel between two people. As long as you have the guts, even if a Jindan-level demon challenges a Yuanying-level demon general, the other party will not feel ashamed.

They will directly go on stage and beat you severely, and will spit a few times, mocking you for overestimating your abilities.

The ring competition is the hottest and most passionate place in the army. The Black Demon Clan encourages this kind of duel.

In addition to not being allowed to kill the opponent, you only need to leave the opponent with a breath, and any monk injured in the duel can be exempted from his temporary mission in the army.

However, this kind of duel also requires a request to the superiors. After the superiors have made a judgment, both parties can take action, but often the result is that nine out of ten will agree.

The reason for not being able to pass may be that the person will go out to perform a certain task immediately or soon. If the task is very urgent or important, it will naturally not be approved.

And some people will be severely punished by the superiors for this request.

"You are not allowed to use excuses to delay military opportunities!"

This rule is very strict to enforce. If someone thinks that he might die in a certain mission, and deliberately finds someone to fight and let himself be injured.

If he uses an excuse to avoid that mission, then once his intention is verified, he may be sent to a more dangerous mission next time, or even be executed directly.

So, all the demon cultivators understand this, and they will not violate this rule.

Mu Sha's eyes are cold. The demon cultivator opposite is called "Mountain Opening Flame Demon". He is already at the peak of the middle-level demon general and a strong man in another military camp.

A few days ago, the two of them had a disagreement in cooperation during the mission, and they fought on the spot.

Later, when he was pulled apart by his men, the other party challenged him.

Of course, if one of the two died there while performing the mission that day, naturally everything would be invalid.

Mu Sha agreed to this without hesitation, but he seemed straightforward, of course, he also saw the other party's strength clearly.

Even his most trusted subordinates don't know his current strength. He is not afraid of even the late-stage demon generals.

Although he has not even reached the peak of the mid-stage demon general, he is 70% sure that he can kill a late-stage demon general.

But that kind of method cannot be used in a stage duel. My father and mother said that once that method is used, the opponent will die.

Otherwise, it will cause trouble for himself, or be coveted by others, and it may be difficult to live in peace in the future.

However, to deal with people like Kaishan Yanmo, his own strength is enough.

When the two of them were fighting for the task that day, even if the opponent would not take the initiative to challenge him later, he would provoke the opponent to agree to duel with him.

He wanted to let the other party know that when he sees him in the future, he should be honest and hide as far away as possible!

Although Mu Sha and Li Yan are both taciturn people, their personalities are completely different. Mu Sha's personality is even more bloodthirsty and murderous.

But all of this of his. He also maintained a calm state, and had some characteristics of Li Yan, so the combination of the two made him a sinister and vicious person.

"You only learned the cruelty of the lower world cultivators, but forgot your own strength. Do you really think you can crush the same level like others?

In my eyes, you are just a villain who likes to play tricks!"

Listening to the sound like waves around him, the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon exhaled and spoke to Mu Sha.

His voice was very deep, although low, but in the midst of the sound waves, it was still clearly transmitted to Mu Sha's ears.

After listening to it, Mu Sha's expression did not change at all. He kept looking at the other party calmly, which made the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon very uncomfortable.

He hated the other party's calmness, which made him unable to see the fear and fear he liked. Just before the Mountain-Opening Flame Demon finished speaking, Mu Sha suddenly exerted force without warning.


A burst sound came from the ground under his feet, and Mu Sha's body was cut into a black lightning, and instantly reached the top of the other party's head.

At the moment when the body flew into the air, the long whip shot down at the same time like lightning, turning into a green light, like a long spear piercing straight out.

The cold light of the sharp blade in front of the whip tip flashed, and it reached the top of the head of the Kaishan Flame Demon, which was as big as a small mountain, and went straight to the opponent's Baihui acupoint.

That is the vital point of the human body. Once the opponent's defense is broken, it will definitely be seriously injured.

"Get out!"

A loud shout suddenly came out, and the snowflake axe bounced violently from the shoulder. The Kaishan Flame Demon's palm exerted force instantly, and the action was direct and crisp, without any fancy moves.

The axe body seemed extremely heavy, but at the moment it bounced, it was like a lightly picked branch, turning into a thin cold light, and directly chopped towards the sharp blade at the tip of the whip.

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