Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1782 Jun Xingyuan (Part 2)

He also took the initiative to give up the "Return to the" shop to pass on the message. He even saw the branch of the shop in two large markets, but he did not enter it again.

Gong Chenying had just returned from the sect mission and saw a jade slip flying around in the restriction in front of the bamboo courtyard.

She and Zhao Min both lived in the bamboo courtyard chosen by Li Yan. After reaching the late stage of the Nascent Soul, the two women would go out from time to time to perform sect missions.

In the ghosts of the fairy world, cultivators below the Refining Void Realm have three tasks to complete within a hundred years.

They had been in seclusion to impact the late stage of the Nascent Soul before, so naturally they did not complete any of them.

Now that they have been promoted, they not only choose to complete their own tasks, but also often take the initiative to go to the mission hall to find some dangerous tasks to do.

After coming to the fairy world, they became low-level cultivators again, and the two women also found the feeling when they were building the foundation.

There are more peaks ahead, and they need to keep climbing. Naturally, it is no longer just hard work. The late Yuanying cultivators have just understood the laws of heaven and earth, which requires more experience and understanding.

Zhao Min returned to the sect two months ago. The task she performed was to capture a fourth-stage mid-stage sea monster. This was not to kill it, and the difficulty increased exponentially.

When she completed this task alone, she encountered a pair of monsters and fought with the sea monsters in the sea. This was not easy for Zhao Min.

Moreover, in the end, she still faced two sea monsters, and her internal organs were seriously injured. She began to retreat and heal her injuries after returning.

Gong Chenying also took a single-person task afterwards. This was also due to the personalities of the two women. They did not like to be with others.

Gong Chenying was going to help a vassal sect of the Wuliang Sect to kill the great elder of the enemy's hostile forces.

This task took her twenty days. The great elder was also a late-stage Yuanying cultivator, and a veteran Yuanying cultivator.

Gong Chenying looked for the right time and waited for the right opportunity, but when he finally made his move, a big accident happened.

The enemy's elder was possessed by someone, and the Nascent Soul that was possessed was originally a cultivation of the Spiritualization Realm.

He possessed the body of a Nascent Soul cultivator because he was beaten and his realm dropped when he was exploring a place.

And he took advantage of the power of this sect to plunder the cultivation resources of other sects, trying to restore himself to his original realm as soon as possible.

The strength of this late Nascent Soul cultivator who had been possessed could not be measured by the normal Nascent Soul realm at all. The other party's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth was already a level higher.

Fortunately, after Gong Chenying followed Li Yan, he also learned the way of surprise and killing from him, and no longer fought hard like a physical cultivator.

That sneak attack had already injured the other party. After a bloody battle, Gong Chenying used the sixth level of the Qiongqi Purgatory Technique in succession, and also severely injured the other party under the backlash.

Then, she used the unique skills of Hongfu Temple passed down by Hongyin to finally kill the other party.

For this level of dangerous mission, the sect would certainly send higher-level cultivators to be more secure, but no one could predict the changes in the mission.

At the same time, the sect also needs disciples to experience, and high-level cultivators disdain to accept low-level tasks.

That is, just a few decades after arriving in the fairy world, Gong Chenying and Zhao Min's strength has barely been able to compete with the initial stage of the transformation of the spirit alone.

This has made them famous in the sect, and many disciples have once again recognized the strength of the lower world cultivators.

This also includes Wei Chongran, Mo Qing and Zi Kun, and the three of them often travel together!

These people have quickly become the most solid group of forces among the cultivators of the same level.

Just before the two women went into seclusion, the sect had come to find Li Yan several times, but found that this disciple had just registered and left the sect in a hurry.

It is said that it was to treat another fellow disciple of the Wuliang Sect. This matter was also confirmed by the monk who diagnosed Bai Rou at the beginning, so the sect had to give up.

Under such circumstances, the original intention to find Li Yan to continue to verify the last battle in the lower world and verify his fragmented poisonous body, but in the end it had to be put aside.

The last time Li Yan came, the lower world sect almost wiped out the matter was too serious.

So even Da Cen ignored Li Yan's unique physique, and people like Wei Chongran would naturally not spread it everywhere.

After reading the contents of the jade slip, Gong Chenying immediately woke Zhao Min from seclusion.

This was the first time they had heard from Li Yan in decades.

However, they could also guess that when Li Yan first left, he might have gone to find Mu to kill the mother and daughter. They knew Li Yan's character too well.

Since he brought up the matter of Mu Guyue, he would not favor one over the other later, not to mention that there was also the blood heir of the Li family.

"Even if it is a second-rate sect, although it is controlled by a cultivator of the Refining Void Realm, it is possible that a cultivator of the Fusion Realm will appear!"

A trace of worry still appeared in Zhao Min's eyes. Now they are no longer ignorant as they were at the beginning, and they are very clear about the division of the sects in the Immortal Spirit Realm.

In most second-rate sects, the strongest are cultivators of the Refining Void Realm, but there are also some special ones, which are signs of upgrading to first-rate sects.

"He has gone through too many dangers and is confident of dealing with them. With his caution, he will be able to resolve all problems as before!"

Gong Chenying, whose body exuded a strong smell of blood, raised his head and looked at Zhao Min with a smile on his face.

But she actually knew in her heart that Min'er didn't believe it any more than she did that Li Yan had entered a second-rate sect, which was probably a first-rate or even top-level sect.

This can be seen from the preciousness of the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass. Over the years, they have often inquired about the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass.

"How is Sister Ying's injury?"

Zhao Min suddenly changed the topic.

"It's okay, just practice for a while and you'll be fine. It's just the magic that backfires!"

"If that's the case, then I'll go back to practice!"

After Zhao Min said this, he picked up the jade slip on the stone table seemingly casually, and then walked slowly towards the back.

There was certainly no politeness between her and Gong Chenying, and it was not like the other party would deliberately say that her injuries were fine at a moment of war.

Gong Chenying looked at Zhao Min's back, sighed softly in his heart, and then stood up gently.

She knew that Zhao Min was anxious, not that Li Yan hadn't come back, but that she couldn't help Li Yan.

Therefore, she will seize all the time to practice, and Zhao Min picked up the jade slip seemingly casually. It means that she is missing Li Yan, and why is she not the same?

"Since we can overcome the most difficult stage of Nascent Soul in the early stage, how far can we go to become gods..."

Gong Chenying's thoughts were wandering and he also walked towards another room.

Now everyone is practicing hard. Even Li Zhaoyan, who was once the most playful, has become very hard in practice because of his master Bai Rou.

I have been in seclusion for more than ten years, and I am looking for the slightest opportunity to impact the birth!


In Jiyoujie, on a stage, a tall demonic cultivator carried a battle ax on his shoulder, looking very powerful and powerful.

He was wearing a short armor, with his thick limbs exposed, and his delicate muscles, like pieces of fine iron that lasted ten thousand years.

It gave people the feeling that he could easily tear apart mountains and rocks, tear tigers into pieces and crush dragons. He was looking coldly ahead.

A hundred feet away in front of him, a "lean" demon cultivator, wearing a set of deep armor, holding a long whip in his hand, stared at him with the same cold eyes.

The long whip was glowing with green light, and the whip's body was long and dragged on the ground. There was a sharp blade like the tip of a sword on the head of the whip, which was shining with a cold light.

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