Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1769: A Different Kind of Confrontation (I)

Although the two sisters of the Ming family said the word "senior" in their mouths, they were always extremely vigilant and constantly judging and confirming the other party's cultivation.

And they were more confused. They couldn't judge whether the gray-clothed old man who suddenly appeared was an enemy or a friend.

It was not impossible for him to suddenly attack the next moment, just like Yan Qingchen did before.

While the few people were talking, the two women took out the pills in their hands and swallowed them in front of the gray-clothed old man. The two women did not hide the truth of their injuries.

This person had obviously been hiding in the dark for a long time, so the gray-clothed old man must have had a rough judgment of the extent of their injuries.

They just wanted to do this to see how the other party would react?

If the gray-clothed old man had evil intentions, he would most likely immediately stop them from recovering to avoid causing trouble for himself.

But until the two swallowed the pills, the gray-clothed old man still stood there, without moving, which made the two women feel a little more at ease.

But after observing for a while, they still couldn't tell whether the gray-clothed old man was his original appearance or an illusion.

Because they couldn't feel any traces of magic on his face, but his facial muscles and bones were particularly natural.

"You appeared here at this time, you should be from Huangqi Valley, two monsters who worshipped Huangqi Valley, what are you doing here?"

Li Yan looked at the two people opposite him, frowned and asked back, how could he let the other party lead him by the nose, and the other party actually wanted to do this without leaving any trace.

"Junior is indeed from Huangqi Valley, and I am very grateful for the help of the senior before."

Mingqi was very smart and directly put Li Yan on the side of the benefactor, which was to directly dissolve the hostility.

"I don't want to embarrass you either. Since you don't want to tell your origins, leave here quickly!"

Li Yan seemed to turn a deaf ear to this, and said impatiently.

After hearing that Li Yan had already chased them away from here, Mingyu couldn't help but say.

"Senior, is this your territory?"

After hearing this, Li Yan immediately glanced at Mingyu, and his expression instantly turned cold.

"Leave here!"

This time, he only said four words, but his voice was full of unquestionable meaning.

And at this moment, Mingqi suddenly said.

"Senior, are the Immortal Dark Phoenix clan, right?"

After she finished speaking, Li Yan had not expressed anything, but Mingyu suddenly became a little excited with a slight pause in her expression.

"Sister, he...he is...the one we are looking for..."

But before she finished her voice transmission, Mingqi's negative voice came over.

"No, although his cultivation is higher than ours, he should not be, but there may be a connection!"

Mingyu also woke up at this time. She was too excited. The other party's attitude was a little ambiguous, but the situation in front of her was very different from the news speculated by the clan.

But if this gray-clothed old man is also the Immortal Dark Phoenix, then where is the other party from? Why did her sister say that? Mingyu still felt confused.


This time, Li Yan just said "oh" lightly, his eyes were still calm, just looking at Mingqi quietly.

"When the senior attacked before, the second punch was extremely powerful, but there was a silver light flashing..."

Mingqi stopped talking after saying this.

There are countless attacks with silver light in this world, but she pointed it out at this time, so she can be sure that her perception is correct.

At the same time, the attitude of the gray-clothed old man towards the two of them is completely different from Yan Qingchen. They don't know the gray-clothed old man either.

But why did the other party do this and let the two of them leave?

After the two of them left, this place was exposed. If the gray-clothed old man is really a person in this secret realm, how can he continue to hide in the future?

This can only mean that the gray-clothed old man does not want to kill himself and his sister from the bottom of his heart, which may be related to her guess.

But even though Mingqi's scheming was already the best among her peers, she was still far behind Li Yan in terms of cunning.

Once Li Yan knew her origins, and she couldn't recognize what he said, she had already suffered a loss, so how could she be Li Yan's opponent?

After being brought into Li Yan's rhythm, Mingqi still didn't notice it. After hearing it, Li Yan raised his eyebrows slightly. His slight change was seen by the two women.

But at this moment, Li Yan thought to himself.

"Sure enough, there is a reaction to the silver light. Do you admit it?"

His face changed only slightly, and he laughed, but it was the kind of smile that was not real, which made people unable to see through it.

"Hehehe... I covered it up very quickly, and you could sense it! But... I am not from the Immortal Nether Phoenix clan, but a human!"

Li Yan's old face suddenly had a strange smile, and his voice was a little floating, as if he was talking to himself.

There was even some self-mockery in his voice, and the meaning was hard to discern.

"I understand now, but why did you ask us to leave? After driving that man away, it would be a good opportunity for us to stay here!"

Mingqi didn't look surprised, but said such a sentence without a beginning or an end.

But her words made the three of them understand the meaning immediately.

After Mingyu understood the meaning, the breath on his body suddenly shrank, and with a step back, the circulation of mana in his body was instantly accelerated.

But the breath of Mingqi and the gray-clothed old man did not change at all, and even their expressions remained the same.

In Mingyu's mind, the gray-clothed old man and his sister just said a few words. Although his sister did not admit that she had any relationship with the Undead Nether Phoenix, she also did not admit that there was no relationship.

And the gray-clothed old man's words that he was a human race meant that he was a human cultivator who refined the blood of the Undead Nether Phoenix.

And Mingqi's words showed that the gray-clothed old man's action of saving them was not goodwill. This was to get them completely after driving Yan Qingchen away.

Yan Qingchen didn't know the true identity of the two of them, so he just felt that he couldn't understand that others appeared here, which interfered with his purpose, so he moved his killing intention.

However, this gray-clothed old man wanted to capture them and refine their blood essence.

Asking them to leave verbally might be a trap to lower their vigilance so that they could kill them secretly.

This man's sneak attack method was very clever. Later, the two of them really couldn't be on guard all the time, and there would always be a time to relax.

Or the other party was also a test, because this man had been hiding before, and he should have noticed the purpose of the two of them coming.

Knowing that he already knew that there was something strange at the bottom of the river, he wanted to further confirm this matter and see what the two of them knew.

"This man's mind is too insidious!"

Mingyu thought in his heart.

"Leave you? Whether you believe it or not, I just had an opportunity by accident, but I would not take the initiative to provoke powerful races such as dragons and phoenixes. Wouldn't that be a waste of life?

But... if I want to keep you, it's not a difficult thing..."

When Li Yan turned into a gray-clothed old man, he suddenly disappeared from the spot when he said this.

The two girls had been on guard against Li Yan for a long time. When Li Yan was halfway through his words, they had already heard something wrong from his words.

But the gray-clothed old man in the void in front of them was still standing there, but the faces of the Ming sisters suddenly changed.

Almost at the same time, the two kicked backwards. They kicked back with all their strength that they had accumulated for a long time.

Although they failed to completely recover from their injuries after swallowing the pills.

But for the pills that treat physical injuries, they are masters of alchemy, and the pills in their hands are also extraordinary.

In just a short while, the injuries on the tendons and internal organs in their bodies have recovered a lot.

When they kicked back, their legs were like straight spears piercing the clouds, and a long yellow arc of light came out from the heels.

Where the long legs passed, black cracks appeared in the surrounding space, which were the space cracks after the void was broken.

But at such a fast speed, there was no harsh explosion, but only a "hiss" sound overlapped at the same time.

That was because their attack speed was too fast, exceeding the speed of sound, compressing everything into a very short explosion.

However, just as they kicked back, their expressions changed again, and their jade faces were pale!

Because they knew that their judgment was wrong, they felt a gust of wind suddenly blowing in front of them, and they suddenly felt dizzy.

At this time, it was too late to hold their breath, and the power in their bodies suddenly slowed down and was no longer under their control.

They knew that they were attacked by the other party, but it was too late to react.

"Too strong!"

A thought flashed through Mingqi's mind.

But she and her sister were already powerless to resist. At the same time as they felt sad in their hearts, they suddenly felt their dizziness disappear and their power was instantly restored.


There was a burst of sound from behind them. It was the kick of the two of them, which directly broke through the void, but kicked in the air.

The two girls quickly retracted their long legs. When they looked up again, they found that the old man in gray was still standing there, still in the same appearance as before, looking at them quietly.

It was as if he had just finished speaking the previous words and had never moved.

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