Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1768: Uncovering the Origin

The old man in gray clothes did not answer Ming Qi's question, but while staring at Ming Qi, he suddenly said such a sentence.

As soon as he said these words, Mingyu's expression changed, but before she could make any move, she heard her sister's message.

"Don't act rashly!"

The two of them had the same mind, and Ming Qi could sense Ming Yu's mood changes without even turning her head.

At the same time, Ming Qi acted relatively calmly, and she still looked at the old man in gray indifferently.

"Senior, where did you start from saying this? Is it just because you see that we are physical practitioners?"

"The yellow skirt you are wearing is not only a defensive treasure, if I guess correctly, it can also cover up the aura and traces of your body.

So it gives the impression that you are more like a normal body cultivator, and of course you are two body cultivators who are proficient in alchemy.

The yellow and white light that flashed out from your last blow just now, to be precise... was relying on this magic weapon to cover up the immortal Phoenix when it used its power.

A unique silver light appears when inspired by power.

It's just that when you attacked just now, you used too much power from the Immortal Phoenix, and even under cover, white still appeared.

Moreover, you were able to instantly avoid that person's sneak attack before, as well as the extremely fast counterattack, and almost caused the opponent to be surrounded, all because of the innate magical power of 'Feng Chongtian'! "

The old man in gray said calmly.

In fact, he was a little surprised at this moment. Finally, after seeing these two people doing it again today, he got the answer.

The old man in gray clothes was Li Yan who had been following Yan Qingchen all the way. The behavior of Yan Qingchen and his group was so strange that Li Yan naturally wanted to know what the other party was doing.

Especially after hearing the conversation between Yan Qingchen and others, Li Yan knew that the other party actually knew something that outsiders didn't know.

And his original purpose was just to see if he could find any clues to the Misty Moon Clear Immortal Grass in an unknown place.

But when he followed him all the way into the abyss, a series of things he saw later made him feel terrible, and there were waves of undercurrents in his heart.

Li Yan unexpectedly saw a scene that he couldn't believe. The control magic weapon used by Yan Qingchen to break the "Reef Formation" turned out to be the art of yin and yang!

Others may not care too much about this, but today Li Yan is quite sensitive to it.

Anyone who sees Yin Yang magic will immediately become vigilant.

Especially from what Yan Qingchen said, it was known that the other party was outside, and there was a so-called master from Huang Qigu.

But the technique performed by the other party, including the power of the law of yin and yang, was so pure. It was not Huang Qigu's technique at all.

This made Li Yan wonder if it was really the first time since he came to the Fairy World that he met someone from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect, his mortal enemy, in the Cangxuan Realm?

If Yan Qingchen was really a monk in the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect, then what was he doing sneaking into Huangqi Valley?

Although Li Yan couldn't figure out this problem, he felt that this Yan Qingchen might be a monk from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect.

The original purpose and idea had changed, and this Yan Qingchen was very insidious. Even though he was sure that he could control the other four people, he said he was using the Five Elements magic weapon.

The Five Immortals Sect rarely shows up now, so even the disciples of Huang Qigu probably don't know much about it, but Yan Qingchen still did it.

If his guess was correct, then this Yan Qingchen was not only ruthless, but also thoughtful, and would never forget to lay traps for the Five Elements Sect at any time.

In this case, of course he will not let the other party go. This is the sect that not only almost captured his own relatives, but also caused Senior Sister Bai to get into trouble.

"If you are serious, then you can avenge Senior Sister Bai first!"

This was Li Yan's thought at the time.

Li Yan wanted to capture the opponent's soul or kill him directly. Even if his guess was wrong and he accidentally killed this person, he would not feel any regret.

However, this Yan Qingchen was also quite powerful, and Li Yan was not sure that he could hit him with one blow.

Even if he uses soul skills, Li Yan is not sure what kind of defensive magic weapon the opponent has on him? This person sneaked into Huangqi Valley, and he must have a lot of life-saving things on him.

Moreover, the other party is also good at concealment. When Li Yan followed him in the early stage, he was not aware of his existence.

Li Yan was also an expert and daring person. When Yan Qingchen entered the "reef formation", he turned into a wisp of breeze and took the risk to follow him.

This is because Li Yan has realized that Yan Qingchen's spiritual power is probably not as good as his own.

However, entering the "Reef Formation" was extremely risky. If Yan Qingchen had noticed him and was just pretending not to know and wanted to lure him into a trap, then Li Yan would be in trouble.

Li Yan finally believed in his own judgment. He was cautious in doing things, but he also had a certain degree of confidence in his intuition.

After that, he followed all the way to a secret place, only to find that there was only a glorious and magnificent river here.

But after a while, Li Yan was very surprised. Although this place was extremely beautiful, it was full of weirdness, making it seem like a dead zone...

He has been following Yan Qingchen for several days, but he has not found a living being, not even a mayfly in the river.

Then, Yan Qingchen kept searching and compared it with a jade slip, and found the current location at the bottom of the river.

Li Yan had been hiding in the dark, watching the other party set up a formation, but he had not made a move, and kept confirming Yan Qingchen's methods in his heart.

That was because he was not sure that he could capture the other party alive. Li Yan felt that he had to go all out once he made a move.

But it was obvious that Yan Qingchen came here for an important purpose, so he wanted to use the other party's hand to see what was at the bottom of the river?

Something that could be worth a cultivator who might be from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect to sneak into Huangqi Valley with all his heart and soul must be of great value.

But what Li Yan never expected was that accidents happened one after another. While he was waiting, he welcomed two hidden auras approaching.

Then, the two people who sneaked over triggered Yan Qingchen's formation, and the two sides soon had a big fight.

And when Li Yan saw that it was the Ming sisters, the expression on his face at that time was very exciting.

The other party was someone he was familiar with, which surprised him. He saw what kind of means Yan Qingchen used to come here with great difficulty.

And the Ming sisters were also able to come here, so their methods can be imagined...

However, when Li Yan thought of Ming Qi's strange way of breaking through the formation during the mission of escorting elixirs, he remembered some of his previous speculations.

That was when he saw the sisters' attack when he entered the inner valley during the assessment, and he felt that their speed was extremely fast at that time.

Although the body movement of approaching the enemy in an instant was not as good as his own, it was definitely not something that a normal Divine Transformation cultivator could possess.

Then Ming Yu made a move, and with just one palm, he cut off one arm of the golden robe cultivator.

The two sides were a small realm apart, and Ming Yu broke the opponent's defense with one strike, which was already surprising. The remaining strength was still enough to easily kill the body of a Divine Transformation.

At that time, Li Yan was sure that the sisters were a pair of physical cultivators!

Some of the other party's performance in that battle made Li Yan feel familiar, but he was unable to resolve the confusion after thinking about it carefully later.

In the end, he felt that it was because he was also good at physical cultivation attacks, so he felt familiar with the same attack methods.

But he didn't realize that he didn't see the characteristics of the Undead Phoenix using its power, which was exactly what the other party wanted to cover up the most.

Later, when he saw Mingqi appear outside Xianhe Manor and confirmed that the other party had indeed broken through the formation, his previous doubts were aroused again.

After he carefully combined all the things together and slowly sorted them out bit by bit, Li Yan unexpectedly discovered a piece of news that shocked him.

That is, Mingqi was able to break through the formation so quickly. The other party might understand the law of space, but the other party's previous identity was that of a casual cultivator.

First of all, what kind of Hongfu opportunity could allow her to obtain the method of practicing the law of space? This probability is not non-existent, but it is too rare.

And if a cultivator practices the law of space without anyone to teach him, it is extremely difficult to achieve success in practice.

It is almost possible that he will be stuck in the Nascent Soul Realm and cannot make any further progress. At that time, it is the initial stage of perceiving the law. Of course, if the other party is a natural genius, it is also possible to succeed.

However, if all the conditions of the Ming sisters are added together, the chance of successfully cultivating the space law for a casual cultivator is too small.

At the same time, Li Yan is not sure whether Ming Yu knows the space law or not?

If you want to explain all this, there is another easier explanation, that is, innate magical power...

When thinking of this, Li Yan immediately thought that the other party might be a monster, and used some method to cover up the breath, so that it is difficult for others to see.

Although the space law is one of the three supreme laws, there are still many monsters in the world that have this innate magical power.

Races like dragons, phoenixes, and phoenixes have such top bloodlines, and the bodies of these monsters are strong.

They can easily achieve the palm attack of Ming Yu.

When Li Yan's mind appeared the two phoenix tribes, he first thought of the immortal dark phoenix, this race that he was both familiar with and unfamiliar with, and almost accompanied him through all the immortal cultivation process.

However, the immortal dark phoenix tribe is not as good at the power of space as other phoenix tribes.

But their bloodline inheritance still has the innate magical power of space law, but it is slightly lower than that of other phoenix groups, but this is only relative.

If it is used to break some formations, the success rate is definitely stronger than that of most cultivators who rely on magic and magic weapons.

Li Yan's final guess is still inclined to this point of view. This pair of sisters may be transformed from monsters, but it is not certain what their true bodies are?

He has only seen the two women attack that time. The speed performance is somewhat similar, but when exerting power, there are no characteristics of the immortal underworld phoenix at all.

However, this matter was later dropped. The other party, like himself, guessed that each other concealed the means, and finally deliberately stayed away from each other.

Li Yan entered Huangqi Valley with a clear purpose. Of course, he still had to focus on finding the gloomy moon clear fairy grass, and finally he didn't pay special attention to it.

But here today, Li Yan saw the sisters fighting with Yan Qingchen again. Both sides only tested each other once, and their strength was not too much reserved afterwards. At least this is Li Yan's judgment.

The first person he confirmed was Yan Qingchen. The possibility that this person was from the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect suddenly increased to half the probability.

The other party's pair of magic wheels were too powerful, almost as powerful as the dark gold bowl.

Li Yan thought to himself that if he didn't know about it, he might not be able to deal with it, but might suffer a great loss. The other party only used magic weapons twice, and each one was so strange.

Who knows what other powerful treasures he has?

However, he also saw Yan Qingchen's weakness. The other party was a pure magic cultivator, so his physical body was not strong.

In addition, Yan Qingchen's realm was indeed the late stage of the spirit transformation, but he also had the powerful ability to fight across levels.

Li Yan estimated that Yan Qingchen's strength should be at the peak of the early stage of the refining void, or even higher. Only when he made a full move, he would have a certain chance of winning.

However, Yan Qingchen's magic was too strange, and the power was switched at will without a trace. Li Yan was constantly speculating in his heart.

He felt that it would be very difficult for him to deal with it head-on, unless he attacked secretly, or used poison or soul magic to directly destroy the opponent's combat power first.

After judging Yan Qingchen's fighting power and possible origin, Li Yan planned to take action.

This Yan Qingchen is not easy to deal with. Li Yan's timing for action must not wait until the battle between the two sides is over.

After controlling the Ming sisters, Yan Qingchen still looked like he still had some strength left. The final result can only be the defeat of the Ming sisters, and there will be no result of both sides being injured.

Based on his observation of Yan Qingchen these days, this person's cautiousness is not inferior to his own, and it is also engraved in his bones.

The Ming sisters have unexpectedly appeared here, which is completely different from what Yan Qingchen imagined. Apart from him, there are no other creatures.

On the contrary, he will be more cautious because of this, and it will be difficult to sneak attack again. So Li Yan made a prompt decision and chose to take action during the battle between the two sides.

Of course, he did not take action to rescue the Ming sisters. The purpose is very simple, that is, to kill an important enemy who may be the Yin-Yang Chaos Sect.

Once this Yan Qingchen grows up, he will definitely be a great enemy of the Five Immortal Sect.

When Li Yan attacked, he had to choose between soul technique and poison technique, and finally he decided to use poison technique.

Because the incident happened suddenly, he had not yet decided how to deal with the Ming sisters. He also saw something from the sisters' evasion and attacking skills.

Using soul technique is not really invisible, and it is still possible that people nearby can sense the throbbing of their souls.

So as long as Li Yan uses soul technique, he must completely kill all enemies and passers-by, and the Ming sisters seem to be useful.

What Li Yan never expected was that although Yan Qingchen's spiritual awareness was not as good as his, Li Yan was also sure that his concealment technique had not been discovered by the other party.

But just as he approached, when he reached the most suitable attack position and was still a little short of distance, an accident occurred.

Yan Qingchen's sense of his own life and death had long exceeded the limit of his cultivation. Just as Li Yan approached, the other party reacted.

In that situation, Li Yan chose to attack in advance without hesitation!

But what made Li Yan regretful in the end was that Yan Qingchen's sudden evasion startled him, so he didn't use his full strength.

He had just broken through the opponent's defense when he was blocked by the magic weapon, which made Li Yan's first attack not touch the opponent's body at all.

Yan Qingchen actually escaped from the attack of himself and Mingqi.

This was a rare mistake for Li Yan, because Li Yan gave up using the Five Immortal Sect's magic and soul skills at the last moment.

The reason was the Ming sisters, who spared no effort to attack, although the two sides only fought for a few short moves.

Li Yan determined that it was "Feng Chongtian" through the trajectory of the opponent's body movement and the penetrating power that crossed the space.

That is, after determining "Feng Chongtian", Li Yan saw Mingqi's full-strength palm.

When Mingqi slashed that palm, she was already injured, so she couldn't control the power as she wanted, and she just hit hard.

When the yellow and white light appeared at the edge of Mingqi's palm, Li Yan also felt some familiar breath from the white light.

It was just because it was covered by the yellow light, so it was still very vague, but with these confirmations, it was enough.

Li Yan had already changed his appearance while following Yan Qingchen. He was still careful and used the Chaos True Pill to cover himself up as much as possible.

After hearing Li Yan's answer, Mingqi and the others were slightly surprised in their hearts, although they had expected it. The other party actually saw the body movement of "Feng Chongtian".

"Senior, do you know us?"

Mingqi still did not admit it, but did not deny it in her words.

Instead, she continued to ask a question, is this gray-clothed old man a person in this secret realm, or is he a person who has changed his appearance?

In her heart, she also had the same question as Yan Qingchen!

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