Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1757 Strange Whereabouts

Li Yan felt a flash in front of his eyes, the light in front of him was no longer yellow, and the air became fresh instantly.

He was standing outside a vermilion courtyard wall at this time. The courtyard wall was ten feet high and extended to both sides, but the view was blocked by the vegetation on both sides.

Li Yan looked back and saw that the ancient heritage hall behind was mostly blocked by the vermilion courtyard wall. He could see some walls of a huge palace upwards, and the rest extended upwards into the dark clouds.

Under Li Yan's feet was a cobblestone path, which meandered forward, with a dark green bamboo forest on both sides.

The whole sky was still that dark color, giving people the feeling that it was a sign of a coming storm, and this end of the path stopped abruptly at the courtyard wall.

There was no gate here either. After a brief exploration, Li Yan immediately raised his legs and walked forward, and soon disappeared into the dark bamboo forest.

The bamboo forest was rustling in the strong wind, and the bamboo branches were shaking wildly. The sky seemed to be getting gloomier, as if it would rain heavily in the next moment.

Looking at the bamboo leaves on the ground and in the air, which were constantly blown by the strong wind, and the bamboo forest made a strange "woohoo" sound, Li Yan did not fly into the sky, but just kept moving forward along this cobblestone path.

His spiritual consciousness had already spread far away, and the disciples in the hall had already been teleported out, but Li Yan did not see anyone.

The strong wind rolled the bamboo branches that stretched out obliquely on both sides towards Li Yan, as if to drown him in it, and Li Yan's green shirt was also rustling.

Li Yan felt that there were obscure fluctuations in the bamboo forests that were exploring him. They were some thorn bushes that had already had spiritual intelligence.

After sensing the breath on Li Yan, the other party quickly quieted down, which made Li Yan know that this place had indeed been cleaned up by someone, and there was no danger for him.

After exploring the surroundings for a while, Li Yan confirmed that there was no danger, and then he took off into the air...

The space outside the vermilion courtyard wall was very large. On the first day, Li Yan walked through a snowy field. He found three caves one after another between some huge ice cracks on the snowy field.

But after entering, Li Yan found that the inside was bare, which was a polite way of saying it.

Not only were there no treasures inside, many walls were dug through, and even the entire wall was left with only a little debris...

Ten days later, Li Yan appeared in an endless spiritual field, which was basically full of weeds, and because of the soil and spiritual energy, the growth was particularly vigorous.

From the height of the distribution of those weeds, you can still see some of the shapes of the spiritual fields at the beginning, and there are still some spiritual plants growing in them.

But what Li Yan saw were all ordinary spiritual plants that he knew, and some of them were only a few decades old, which means that even rare spiritual plants with a short age have been plundered long ago.

Here, Li Yan searched carefully for six days, but there was no trace of the Misty Moon Pure Immortal Grass, so he had to fly to other areas again...

During this half month, Li Yan also met three cultivators, two Yuanying and one Lianxu realm cultivator.

Both sides saw each other from a distance, and then chose not to approach each other and left quickly.

Here, although the white-clothed woman said that killing people to rob treasures is not allowed, the disciples who dared to appear outside the palace all had a certain confidence.

For example, the two Yuanying disciples were good at joining forces at a glance, and normal Huashen cultivators might not be able to easily take them down.

Especially since they had limited time here, they would not attack each other under normal circumstances before finding any precious treasures.

When Li Yan met the Lianxu realm cultivator, he quickly moved away on his own, and the man also saw clearly that Li Yan was a Huashen realm disciple.

In the end, perhaps because he did not find any strange phenomena nearby before, he watched Li Yan fly away and did not set out to chase him.

Another four days later, Li Yan was flying close to the ground. This place was already a hilly area, and the ground was covered with dark thorny bushes, giving people the feeling that there was no place to step.

"The spiritual field found there covers thousands of acres. It should be the place where spiritual plants were planted more concentratedly in this Taoist sect.

But I stayed there for six days and checked it over and over again. Not to mention the Misty Moon Pure Fairy Grass, even spiritual plants with a little value could not be found.

These days, even spiritual plants have not been seen. Is it possible that the inheritance here is only valuable in the ancient temple now? Are the resources in other places really exhausted?

Or is it as I guessed, only some areas are open here, and rare spiritual plants like the Misty Moon Pure Fairy Grass are hidden in the core area..."

Li Yan kept thinking in his heart while flying close to the ground, but he didn't think too much. How could the Misty Moon Pure Fairy Grass be so easy to find?

Originally, when they were in the ancient palace, the woman in white had described the situation outside the ancient palace very clearly, but many cultivators who came for the first time felt that they needed to go there in person.

This is also a normal mentality of people. Without seeing it with their own eyes, they will always have some expectations in their hearts. Li Yan is even less likely to stay in the palace.

The area outside the ancient palace has not been explored yet, so Li Yan can only continue to search.

While Li Yan was flying, his expression suddenly changed slightly, and then he stopped where he was.

He was already a faint shadow, and the moment he stopped, he completely disappeared out of thin air.

Not long after, several equally illusory figures also flew over quickly, close to the ground.

These illusory figures were not very fast, and occasionally stopped for a while, as if observing the surrounding environment, but no one made any sound.

When Li Yan stopped before, they also made the same move, but soon flew over here.

They flew directly from the position where Li Yan disappeared before, and at the same time, they also swept their quietly probing spiritual sense to the front.

These shadows did not notice at all that after they flew away, there was a breath that they did not notice, quietly following behind.

And that person was naturally Li Yan who had just stopped here. After Li Yan suddenly discovered the abnormal breath, he only paid a little attention.

In these days, Li Yan has sensed the breath of more cultivators one after another. They should be some cultivators in the ancient temple of inheritance. Maybe for various reasons, they also want to come out to see the situation outside the ancient temple.

On that occasion, Li Yan was discovered by a cultivator of the Refining Void because he did not hide his figure when he was looking for the Immortal Grass of the Moon in the spiritual field.

After that, Li Yan used the method of concealment when he left, trying not to meet others.

But just now, after discovering those people, Li Yan immediately changed his mind, because in his consciousness, he saw four very faint figures.

Moreover, the other party also flew close to the ground, allowing the black bushes on the ground to better blend their shadows.

Li Yan was too familiar with this approach.

"The strength of these four people should all be in the realm of transformation. Judging from the vague fluctuations, this strength is already very strong among this group of disciples. Why do the four people have to be so careful when they join forces..."

Li Yan's consciousness felt several fluctuations of mana, which were emitted by the other party during the flight. Although the four people's concealment technique was very exquisite, it did not hide from Li Yan's consciousness.

Li Yan quickly judged the cultivation level of the four people, which should be in the middle and late stages of transformation.

However, he only used his spiritual sense to scan the surroundings and found that the four people were also constantly exploring the surroundings, so Li Yan immediately retracted his spiritual sense.

The other party's appearance was clearly looking for something, and they didn't want others to know at all, so Li Yan immediately decided to follow behind.

These four people were very cautious. They would often stop suddenly without any signs after flying a certain distance.

Then, they would carefully detect and continue to fly forward.

Once they met other cultivators, if they found that the other party's cultivation was very low, they would quietly fly past from one side.

If they found that the other party's cultivation was not bad, they would hide in the place and wait for others to leave. At least during the time Li Yan was tracking, these four people had not been noticed by others.

This was also their good luck. They did not encounter the strong people in the Refining Void Realm. But think about it, there were only a few cultivators in the Refining Void Realm who came this time.

The chance of encountering like Li Yan was already very bad for him, not to mention that the space outside the ancient inheritance hall was very vast...

Li Yan followed behind these four people. Although he found that the other party would cast a series of spiritual senses to scan his position, Li Yan knew that the other party did not find his tracking.

Therefore, those spiritual senses did not stay together, and the other party was just exploring normally, but he did not dare to get too close to the other party.

The skills of the fairy world are wonderful, and some magic weapons that sometimes appear in the market are also amazing.

It is not uncommon in the fairy world for a magic weapon that can detect the hidden magic of a cultivator in the refining realm to appear on the body of a cultivator in the spirit transformation realm.

Li Yan is not a top cultivator, he can only be regarded as a leader among the same level, but he never dares to say that he can completely defeat the same level.

For example, his senior brother Pei Bu Chong, Li Yan has no confidence that he can defeat him.

Pei Bu Chong has been out for much more time than himself. Without the two of them really meeting, Li Yan does not know what the other party has?

But when he returned with his master Dong Fuyi, he heard his master say more than once that Pei Buchong was very strong.

If the master could say that a junior was very strong, he must be the best among the same level, not to mention that Dong Fuyi knew Li Yan's strength clearly.

Four figures kept flying along the ground. Although Li Yan had never been here, he could clearly feel that the terrain they were flying to was getting more and more remote.

If Li Yan passed by the place he was in now, he might leave after a little exploration.

Because the spiritual energy here was getting thinner and thinner, it was not a place where spiritual plants could grow, and there was no trace of any cultivator's cave.

The terrain here was sinking along the high hills...

Five days later, at the bottom of a low hill, the bushes here were more dense, and there were clusters of sharp black thorns.

After the four phantoms flew here, they stopped again. Li Yan knew that the other party was exploring as usual.

But this time, Li Yan found that he had guessed wrong. After about a few dozen breaths, the four shadows stopped flying and solidified in an instant.

Li Yan, who was in the back, also saw the faces of the four people for the first time after tracking them for a few days. There were three men and one woman.

The moment he saw the faces of the four people clearly, Li Yan was surprised to find that these people were all people he knew.

The four people were the ones who often appeared around Yan Qingchen, including Liu Siyu who was in the middle stage of divine transformation and one of the monks who was in the late stage of divine transformation. Li Yan was familiar with these two monks and they were the monks who participated in the internal selection.

As for the other two monks, Li Yan had seen them when he was at the Huangqi Valley Lake. Their cultivation levels were also in the late stages of becoming gods.

Li Yan had already judged at that time that he should be a disciple who entered the core elite earlier.

But the moment Li Yan saw the faces of these four people clearly, Li Yan suddenly felt that the hair on his entire back stood up in an instant.

Because at the moment when these four people solidified, a fifth figure suddenly appeared among the four people.

Li Yan, who was hiding in the dark, could clearly see with his eyesight that at the moment Liu Siyu's figure solidified, a person seemed to step out from her shadow.

That man was handsome, extremely handsome, and he was none other than Yan Qingchen, who had extremely powerful alchemy qualifications!

In the scene before his eyes, even though Li Yan had a calm mind, he almost appeared to have an unstable breath. Finally, it was his profound concentration that prevented unstable fluctuations from escaping from his hidden state.

"This... this person has been flying invisibly all this time? Or was Liu Siyu put into the spirit storage bag?"

Li Yan was already very shocked. He had experienced too many storms and waves, and more than once, he had encountered people who were more than a step stronger than him.

And he had thought more than once that there must be more monks of the same level who were more powerful than him, but even after he returned to the sect, he had never really met Pei Buchong because of his seclusion.

Although Li Yan had two guesses in his mind at this moment, he was still 90% sure that Yan Qingchen was not received into the spirit storage space by Liu Siyu.

Because he only sensed fluctuations in the Five Elements Law nearby, but there were no spatial fluctuations. There should be no one using the spatial magic weapon.

Li Yanqiang suppressed the discomfort in his heart. He had been following the other person for more than five days, but he never discovered that there was another person... hiding among them.

If you want to intercept and kill four of the other party, you will definitely be attacked and killed by the other party, and even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured.

Fortunately, the other five people probably didn't notice him, otherwise Yan Qingchen wouldn't have been exposed at all, but would have set a trap for him.

"I have met Yan Qingchen more than once, and I have carefully determined his cultivation level, which is the realm of the late stage of divine transformation.

Could it be that he is a strong person above the Void Refining Realm, or does he also have a treasure similar to Guarding Wings in his body? "

Li Yan's heart was filled with ups and downs for a moment. He was now completely unable to determine Yan Qingchen's true cultivation level, but the opponent could only be a monk in the Void Refining Realm at best.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to hide it from the other party. Could it be that a strong person in the Fusion Realm couldn't detect his own aura?

After thinking of this, Li Yan's shocked mood calmed down a bit. If an old monster from the Fusion Realm appeared in front of him, he would not even have a chance to escape.

But Li Yan also knew what the rules of Huang Qi Valley were, so he was more confident that the Yan Qingchen in front of him would not dare to hide in with the cultivation level of the Fusion Realm.

At the same time, Li Yan also remembered something. When he met these "four" people a few days ago, the moment he hid, his spiritual consciousness explored the location where he was hiding.

Now that I think about it, it must have been this Yan Qingchen who sensed it for a moment, and then stopped to look for him. However, he didn't find him, so he gave up.

And if this is the case, Li Yan can basically be sure of one thing. Even though Yan Qingchen has the strength of the Void Refining Realm, his spiritual consciousness is not as good as his own.

"He has also practiced some very clever concealment skills, or has some kind of hidden treasure, which makes him unable to detect it!"

Li Yan's thoughts were racing and he finally began to calm down.

After having this speculation, Li Yan immediately gave up his plan to leave because of the mysterious behavior of these five people.

Needless to say, it also has some unknown purpose!

At this time, after Yan Qingchen appeared, he immediately looked around, with a vigilant expression on his face!

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