Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1756 Waiting for an opportunity to leave

The woman in white glanced at the people below and saw that they were all listening, so she continued.

"So, cultivators who practice any kind of skills can gain enlightenment here. The great way of heaven and earth is nothing more than various laws.

However, the most powerful person here is only in the realm of refining emptiness, so it is no problem to get close to the statue 499 feet away to gain enlightenment.

But if you step into this range to gain enlightenment, don't do anything that overestimates your ability. I said that there are disciples who died here, including this kind of thing.

After the mind communicates with the statue and those lights, once you gain some enlightenment, the power of the laws that appear when the statue and the light in the air interweave will instantly cut off your sea of ​​consciousness.

Another place for inheritance is the wing rooms on both sides of the hall, and each wing room is different.

Some are array inheritance, Some are the inheritance of fire control techniques, some are the inheritance or enlightenment of the way of alchemy, and some are the enlightenment of refining tools, etc.

Everything here has one common feature, that is, they are all incomplete recordings.

When this ancient inheritance hall was discovered by the ancestor, it was actually even more dilapidated. Later, after the efforts of several generations of ancestors in the sect, it was restored to its current level.

But that's all. Otherwise, the restorer might have injected too much of his own speculation and lost the original mystery.

However, although these inheritances are broken, even if the content recorded in a certain room is just a personal enlightenment of the way of alchemy, it can also benefit you endlessly.

You should know that the people who can leave these in the ancient inheritance hall are all from the ancient times. The peerless geniuses have their own unique features.

In addition to the statue and the yellow light, if you have no insights in other inheritances for more than seven days, it is best to give up.

Then you can change to other places for enlightenment. Anyway, there are many rooms here, and there are many types. Don't be obsessed with the gains and losses in front of you.

Otherwise, if you waste time and have no time to comprehend other inheritances in the end, you can't blame anyone.

Each room on both sides cannot be entered at will. There are prohibitions there. At the same time, in front of a room, multiple people can comprehend the array prohibitions on the door together.

The array prohibitions there are related to the inheritance in that room. If you can't even understand the array prohibitions on the door, there is no need to enter.

And when you understand it, you will be sucked into the room by yourself, and once someone enters a room, no one else can open it.

Even if you understand the formation restriction on the door, it will not work. You must wait for the last person to come out before you can re-trigger the formation restriction.

There is another thing to note here, that is, once you feel strong discomfort during the process of comprehension, or there is no result after comprehension for seven days.

But some people just don't believe it and force themselves to continue comprehension, then after you die here, I can only take your corpse out! "

The woman in white paused when she said this, and there was a strong warning in her voice, but the disciples below were shocked.

Many of them also began to wake up from their previous excitement.

Li Yan stood at the back of the crowd, listening to the woman in white's narration while his mind was turning rapidly. This has always been his habit.

"As expected of a top sect, this kind of heritage place is willing to be opened to disciples. If I guess correctly, this ancient temple should be from the ancient times.

In most sects, this place would only be controlled by a few people, and would not be open to all disciples..."

Li Yan thought about this in his heart, and he admired the courage of those old monsters in Huangqi Valley.

But on second thought, Li Yan felt something was wrong. He felt that this ancient heritage temple might not be what he thought.

"Is it that they only opened some places, and the most important core essence should still be in the hands of a few people at the top of the sect.

They opened this place to disciples, just because the heritage in this ancient temple cannot be reproduced, so it cannot be separated out separately and selected to give some to the true disciples.

Maybe... they may have used the means of the sky to isolate some open areas?

This can not only enhance the strength of the sect disciples, but also make the disciples more dependent on this mountain, and they will not lose the most core things because of this..."

Li Yan listened to the story of the woman in white. The other party talked about great merits and virtues.

Such a situation must be exciting and even grateful to the cultivators who entered here.

The faction can come up with such things, which means that they are truly recognized and trained as the backbone of the sect's inheritance.

But Li Yan has seen too many situations and calculations. He soon realized something wrong from the seemingly cold and emotionless narration of the woman in white.

For this guess, Li Yan was not sure whether he was right?

When the woman in white explained the functions of the side rooms on both sides, some cultivators in front looked at both sides with undisguised greed.

Of course, Li Yan can understand this, that is, he would also want to comprehend them one by one, but it is obvious that there are more monks than porridge here.

At the beginning, the eyes of those cultivators who practiced emptiness and transformed spirits were the most ardent. Of course, they could occupy a side room by force with their tyrannical strength.

Just as the white-clothed woman spoke the following words, the eyes of those Nascent Soul cultivators suddenly lit up.

It turns out that there are limits to comprehension. In this case, adding the people who comprehend the statues in the hall, it is enough.

Li Yanke is completely different from others. At this moment, he is a little anxious. He has heard so much, and it is all about cultivation.

But these have nothing to do with the matter of the Longyue Qingxiancao, and the white-clothed woman clearly stated that there are only these two places of inheritance.

"Could it be that there are other special uses in some wing rooms, but what kind of signs are there on the arrays and restrictions on the doors of these wing rooms?"

Li Yan was anxious and began to extend his guesses. He thought that some wing rooms had some materials for alchemy and refining.

But if that was the case, what if he couldn't crack it?

Just as Li Yan was guessing, the white-clothed woman in front of him paused for a moment and continued to speak.

"…These are two direct places of inheritance, and this is also the best place for Yuanying cultivators.

Some inheritances are indirect inheritances, which are the inheritance of one's own immortal fate, a more ethereal kind of inheritance, and an opportunity that can be encountered but not sought.

Behind this statue, there is a teleportation array leading to the outside of the hall, and the entrance and exit are there.

After going out of the other end of the teleportation array, there used to be an area where the ancient cultivators of this inheritance place practiced, lived, planted spiritual plants, and refined pills and tools.

There used to be some treasures left by the ancient cultivators, such as magic weapons, pills, and materials for refining pills and tools, etc.

However, don't get too excited, I have said that it was in the past, and this space has long been explored by the successive generations of cultivators in the sect.

In fact, it is already a relatively safe place, and most of the treasures in it have been almost plundered by the core elite disciples of successive generations.

But every cultivator has his own means and secrets, so... the ancient cultivators certainly have their own means of protecting treasures, and no one can say that this place has been plundered.

This is what I mean by indirect inheritance, you We may find treasures that others have not found, and we may also find some rare herbs that have grown again.

Three months later, you must return to this hall, and I will take you away.

If you don't show up by then, then the disciples who stay here don't have to wait until three hundred years later to think about going out again.

Because this hall was discovered by the first generation of ancestors when drifting outside the domain. He used his great magical power to lead it to a relatively stable place, and then connected it to the fairy world.

So the power here has a tidal phenomenon. At that time, the power emitted will only turn into a pile of blood foam in an instant, and the soul will be destroyed even if the cultivators of the refining realm stay here.

Also, during the period of perception, do not try to perform magic in the hall, otherwise you will die in the next moment, but you can use your consciousness and magic power normally.

There is no such restriction outside the hall. You can fight, but don't kill your fellow disciples! "

After the white-clothed woman said this, her figure appeared in the air and quickly faded away, not letting these people ask a single word.

The next moment after the woman in white disappeared, a group of figures flew out, heading towards the rooms on both sides.

Everyone knew that the statue could be comprehended anytime and anywhere, and things were rare and valuable. Of course, they wanted to enter the rooms on both sides and occupy a place first.

As for the last warning of the woman in white, they only listened half and ignored half.

What they listened to was that magic could not be used in the ancient palace, and the so-called killing of fellow disciples was simply ignored by these people.

The youngest among them was several hundred years old. To be able to live to this day and to be among the elite disciples, which one of them was not covered in blood.

As long as they were not caught when they killed someone, they would be fine, and there were too many disciples here who had killed their fellow disciples in the sect and were not caught.

In just a moment, there were only seven or eight people left at the gate of the palace, and Li Yan was among them.

After the remaining few people looked at each other, some immediately walked towards the magnificent statue in front, while others stood in place and looked at the hall again carefully...

Li Yan was not familiar with these people. After thinking for a while, he also walked towards the side room.

At this time, he also saw a few people flashing and flying behind the huge statue. They should be disciples who wanted to be teleported and go to explore the indirect inheritance place first.

Li Yan did not go directly. According to normal people's thinking, of course, this kind of direct inheritance is more in line with the current needs.

Sure enough, when those people flew behind the statue, too many eyes and consciousness swept over. Although they quickly retracted their eyes and consciousness, it was obvious that these people were remembered.

When Li Yan walked towards the side room, he also saw Yan Qingchen and others who had just stayed behind, and they had arrived in front of the side room on the other side. Li Yan just glanced at them and stopped caring about them.

Although his eyes were looking forward and he was walking slowly, he was actually thinking about what the woman in white said.

"Something is wrong. Although the so-called indirect inheritance has appeared, that is, the place where the ancient monks once lived and practiced.

And the other party also said that there might be rare spiritual plants that have regrown there, but what the elder said before is more correct.

The places outside the hall have been plundered by generations of Huangqi Valley disciples. That is to say, the focus of the opening of the ancient heritage hall should be on this hall.

Rather than the places that were teleported to, which may not only have been plundered three feet, but even the caves should have been almost completely demolished.

I believe that even many spiritual fields have been dug out of the underground spiritual springs. If this is true, then where did the main materials for Huangqi Valley to refine the Seven Spirit Pills come from?

Uncle Ningke judged that there is a 50% chance that the origin of the Longyue Qingxiancao came from here. How can this be explained? "

Although Li Yan's heart had not yet sunk, he had already felt whether he had occupied the other half of the "impossibility".

His plan to come to Huangqi Valley was to do his best to do this, and he had actually been mentally prepared.

But since he had come step by step, if he really came here, of course he would not want such a thing to happen.

Li Yan suddenly felt several sharp eyes sweeping towards him, and he woke up from his thoughts. He had walked to the door of a wing room at this time.

There were already three people standing at the door of the wing room. These three people were all cultivators in the Transformation Realm. Seeing Li Yan approaching, they couldn't help but look at Li Yan with unfriendly eyes.

One more person came to comprehend, naturally, others would have one less chance.

Li Yan's expression did not change. The woman in white had said that magic was not allowed in the hall, so what was he afraid of?

In the eyes of several people, Li Yan swept towards the closed door of the wing room, and two words were engraved on the lintel of the wing room.

"Dan Yi! "

Li Yan immediately realized that this wing room should record the insights of the alchemy.

The ancient cultivators paid more attention to the unity of man and nature when refining alchemy, which is an important reference for alchemists. This may allow an alchemist to directly break through to the level of yellow-level alchemy master.

It is also possible for a heaven-level alchemy master to break through to the level of yellow-level grandmaster and directly cross a major realm of alchemy.

After reading it, Li Yan ignored those people and walked forward again.

"Control fire", "array intention", "bright array", "dark array", "heavenly weapon"...

The words on the lintels kept coming into Li Yan's eyes.

And here, as long as it is in front of the wing room about the array, it is the place where the most cultivators gather.

Arrays and alchemy, refining weapons, puppets, etc. are all of vital importance. The close connection between the two is necessary, such as the refining of elixirs above the seventh grade, which requires the assistance of formations.

Otherwise, the condensation between the raw materials alone is already not tolerated by the laws of heaven and earth. It is necessary to add formations to integrate the laws of heaven and earth and successfully condense the elixir.

For example, Master Lan is proficient in formations, alchemy, and refining at the same time, and Bai Rou is also good at formations and mechanical puppets. There are many connections between them.

Therefore, these different types that appear in the ancient hall of inheritance are all abilities needed by the monks of Huangqi Valley.

Li Yan walked all the way, occasionally stopping in front of a wing room, and then quietly closed his eyes and stood there to sense the restrictions on the door for a while.

Until he had walked most of the wing rooms on both sides, he finally stopped in front of a door with "spiritual plant" engraved on the lintel and looked at it carefully.

Li Yan didn't care Six people had gathered there. They found an open space and sat cross-legged. Then they began to comprehend the array on the door...

Five days later, Li Yan opened his eyes from his comprehension. He actually had some mental intuition about the array on the door in front of him.

Looking at the frowning faces of the other six people, it was known that the progress was not smooth, but at this moment, Li Yan immediately interrupted his comprehension.

Li Yan stood up with a blank expression on his face, and continued to walk to the back along this side as someone showed disdain.

Along the way, Li Yan would continue to stop in front of some wing doors until half a day later, Li Yan finally walked to the back of the hall.

At this time, he had also walked to the end of the hall, behind the magnificent statue.

Here, Li Yan's tall figure also It only reached half of the heel of the cloud boots of the Great Purity Daode Tianzun.

Looking up here, the golden light sprinkled everywhere, which was even more dazzling. At most, only the half of the body below the sitting position of the statue could be seen clearly.

Behind the statue, there was a railing made of white jade, which separated the entire rear road from the wall by a distance, forming a long staircase.

But in this row of railings, there was a gap that only allowed one person to pass through, as if it was a small door leading to the back of the hall.

But there was a thick wall blocking it, and there was no exit.

At this time, behind the magnificent statue, except for some interlaced shadows cast by the statue, there was only Li Yan nearby.

Seeing this, Li Yan no longer hesitated, walked slowly to the gap in the white jade railing, and stepped onto that step.

Just when Li Yan stepped onto the steps, a white light suddenly appeared on the steps where there was nothing unusual. The moment it wrapped around Li Yan, the white light disappeared without a trace.

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