Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1751 An unexpected gain

"Although the Heaven-stealing Pagoda is very magical, its ability to break the ban has certain limitations after all..."

Li Yan thought in his heart.

As his cultivation level continues to improve, the dangers and various difficulties he encounters now are getting stronger and stronger.

Even problems that seemed difficult to him and impossible to solve before, in most cases now, Li Yan didn't even need to use any magic weapon at all, he could solve them with a wave of his hand.

Therefore, many of his magic weapons are used much less often than before.

And when Li Yan encountered a problem that he couldn't solve, he needed to use the magic weapon again, but the magic weapon still had the same ability as before, so it seemed a little inadequate.

Although he failed to make further progress, Li Yan did not withdraw the Tiantian Pa, and continued to control the Tiantian Pa, covering it firmly like that...

Two hours later, Li Yan, who had been concentrating all the time, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and the sky-stealing handkerchief that turned into small dots flew away at this moment.

There was already a small hole in the place where the Thiefian Pagoda had previously covered. However, the small hole began to shrink immediately after the Thiefian Tianpa left.

Without hesitation, Li Yan reached in with his spiritual consciousness in an instant. After entering, he quickly scanned the inside with his spiritual consciousness, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

In less than three breaths, Li Yan's consciousness retreated.

The small hole formed by the light white dot also completely closed and disappeared in an instant, and the light white dot appeared again in that position.

Li Yan glanced at the brocade handkerchief floating beside him, which had returned to its original size, and a smile appeared on his face.

Then, after he sighed slightly and moved his thoughts again, the Tiantian Pagoda disappeared and was put away by him.

Li Yan became more and more aware that as the Heaven-Stealing Pagoda accompanied him along the way, its ability would only become weaker and weaker, but he could not enhance the Heaven-Stealing Pagoda's ability.

However, formation is one of his weaknesses. If he had strong formation skills, he might have broken the formation restriction on the dark red blade long ago.

It's just that the cultivation of immortals and hundreds of arts is too broad and profound. Everyone's time is really limited. Li Yan has no more time to try to cultivate other things.

Just coming to Huangqi Valley this time, he has put down many of his cultivations, and Alchemy has taken up most of his time!

Li Yan quickly retracted his thoughts. There was a flash of light in his hand, and suddenly a blank jade slip appeared. After his consciousness sank in, he quickly started burning it.

Soon after, Li Yan no longer paid attention to the dark red blade in the air, but carefully looked at the jade slip that had just been burned. At this time, his expression was changing.

What he saw in the light white dots was the method for controlling the dark red blade, or a basic training method.

Through the preface of this technique, Li Yan also knew the origin of the dark red blade. It was probably not a magic weapon refined by the middle-aged monk who killed him.

It was an unknown magic weapon that he also obtained in an accident, and what was burned into it was a magic technique called "Micro Thoughts".

What made Li Yan's expression keep changing was that this was an extremely rare method of cultivating spiritual consciousness.

Wei Nian is a basic introductory auxiliary method for cultivating spiritual consciousness. It cannot increase spiritual consciousness. It is an auxiliary method for training spiritual consciousness.

Controlling the dark red blade through this technique is actually a kind of training, which can train the subtle control of spiritual consciousness.

There are three stages in total, the first level is subtle, the second level is moving subtle, and the third level is non-subtle.

Although this technique cannot enhance the consciousness itself, it can increase the attack strength of the consciousness.

To use the most common metaphor, when you practice to the next level, the strength and toughness of the same spiritual consciousness thorn will be three times higher than before you practiced this skill.

The dynamic and subtle realm is increased by six times, and the Wuwei realm is increased by nine times.

Taoism emphasizes the return of ninety-nine to one. After reaching this stage, the entire training is completed.

And that mysterious dark red blade that Li Yan valued very much was actually just a tool for training Wei Nian.

After seeing this, Li Yan's heart was already in ups and downs, and he couldn't calm down.

"It turns out that this is just an auxiliary technique for training spiritual consciousness, and a small auxiliary magic weapon. So who made these things?"

At this time, Li Yan had already realized one thing. The origin of this magic weapon was not simple. It was most likely a sect with the ability to cultivate spiritual consciousness.

Because the dark red blade I saw, I always thought it was the flying magic weapon of a monk in the late stage of Void Refining. But in fact, such a powerful magic weapon is just a small auxiliary tool for getting started with spiritual consciousness.

It can be imagined that in the hands of the other party, there must be a shocking skill for cultivating spiritual consciousness!

Looking at the entire world of cultivating immortals, the soul and spiritual consciousness techniques are all techniques that can only be encountered but not sought. This is why the Guishui Sutra can become the top technique.

However, the Guishui Scripture is not a specialized spiritual consciousness technique. This is also the first time that Li Yan has seen a real spiritual consciousness technique since he began to cultivate immortality.

Although it was only an entry-level auxiliary skill, Li Yan had seen part of the power of the dark red blade with his own eyes. The flight speed and concealment effect alone made him extremely happy.

Now that he had such a discovery, Li Yan couldn't help but feel excited.

Li Yan also thought of the middle-aged monk, who was most likely not from such a sect.

Otherwise, if he had a more powerful technique, he would definitely have a more powerful corresponding magic weapon, and he would not use a dark red blade as an entry-level auxiliary tool as his flying magic weapon.

Once he learned about these situations, Li Yan's back suddenly felt cold again. He believed that with his current strength, he could run away even if he couldn't beat a cultivator in the late stage of refining emptiness.

After escaping from the maze, he felt that he was still somewhat confident that he could escape on the way. Now thinking about this, he could only be lucky that he had always been careful and didn't cause a big disaster.

He could have means that surpassed cultivators of the same level, and others also had them. He didn't know to what extent the middle-aged cultivator's micro-mind technique had been cultivated.

Although the strength of his and the opponent's spiritual consciousness was similar, it seemed that he was definitely not as powerful and well-controlled as the other person.

Spiritual consciousness attack is similar to soul attack, that is, a kind of attack that comes and goes without a trace, and it is also the most bizarre and insidious way of attack, which makes people hard to defend against.

If Li Yan had not first poisoned the middle-aged cultivator, causing his Nascent Soul to be poisoned, and then suddenly attacked, what would the final result be? But it is unknown.

Li Yan did not know how much power the middle-aged cultivator's spiritual sense attack would have after being poisoned? This unknown was enough to be fatal.

And he did not know that the middle-aged cultivator had used his spiritual sense to attack when the female cultivator he controlled was exposed and suddenly attacked him.

It was just that the target of the attack was not Li Yan, but the female cultivator. When the middle-aged cultivator's spiritual sense attacked the female cultivator's sea of ​​consciousness, the other party immediately noticed that something was wrong.

But at that time, Li Yan had already performed Feng Chongtian and was behind the other party. When the middle-aged cultivator wanted to react again, his soul was severely damaged by Li Yan at the same time.

At that time, let alone condensing his spiritual sense, the whole person could barely get the Nascent Soul out of the body, which was already the last strength...

And all this was not a coincidence. It was because Li Yan had always been cautious that such a result occurred.

At this moment, Li Yan, after thinking of this, could only feel a moment of fear.

Li Yan carefully read the micro-thought formula several times. This is not only a method of cultivating spiritual consciousness, but also a method of controlling the dark red blade.

Moreover, the reason why the dark red blade can be hidden is that it must be controlled by special spiritual consciousness. Li Yan wants to control it at will in a very short time, which is definitely impossible.

He must cultivate micro-thought to the first level before he can exert a certain speed and concealment function.

When thinking of this, Li Yan has a headache, and his time is even less, but he still feels that he needs to take out some time to practice this technique.

As for the current situation, the use of the dark red blade is at most simple and rough forced control, which is naturally not very powerful.

After Li Yan figured out these situations, he was still very happy in his heart. This method is of course a pleasant surprise for him.

The Wuxianmen's method can enhance spiritual consciousness, but will the control of spiritual consciousness, which is the most normal control, appear in the later techniques?

Li Yan didn't have time to ask Dong Fuyi, but at least for now, there is no magic for spiritual consciousness.

After getting this result, Li Yan thought about it and named the dark red blade "Piercing Cloud Blade", in fact, it was to commemorate the "Piercing Cloud Willow" that had accompanied him for countless years.

After putting away the "Piercing Cloud Blade" and the jade slip, Li Yan waved forward again, and with a series of light sounds, forty-nine formation flags appeared in the air.

Li Yan looked at the dense formation flags, he quickly raised his hand again, and cast a series of spells.

And those formation flags were controlled by the spells, and several of them directly sank into the ground in the corners of the surrounding walls and disappeared...

Another day later, Li Yan in the training room was already exhausted. Studying this set of formations also consumed a lot of his mind.

The final result cannot be regarded as a good result, but it also has some effects.

That is, he can control seven of the formation flags to form a maze with a not very wide range. There are differences between mazes and illusion formations, as well as psychedelic formations.

The maze is generally a reflection of the real scene. Although only one of the reflections is real, the scene is real. Once a person steps into the trap, he will come and go, and teleport repeatedly.

Therefore, the scenery you see when you turn around in it is actually the same, but you just can't get out.

However, most of what you see in the illusion array does not exist. It is the scenery created by the array, or the environment imagined by your mind.

The psychedelic array is a combination of the two. The power of that array is stronger and greater, but the difficulty of refining is also greatly increased.

After studying it, Li Yan could only activate the seven array flags and set up a simple maze.

Li Yan felt that with his array attainments, although he might not be able to break this array, if he was a person who studied it carefully, he should still be able to break it.

After searching for the array composed of seven array flags, he was able to find the array's enchantment, which means that there was a loophole in the array.

The barrier will be found somewhere, which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the maze, and the opponent will have a way to crack it. This is why he cannot master this formation.

And in this formation, he can't find the method to use the vortex rope noose that appeared above his head. For now, he can only give up for the time being.

"This formation can only be used reluctantly at present. I will ask Master or Second Uncle for advice after returning to the sect.

See if they can fully activate the formation. With their cultivation, they should be able to complete it..."

Li Yan thought in his heart that this formation was very practical, but when he thought of the power of this formation, Li Yan thought of Mingqi.

That woman broke the formation in an instant, and it was after the formation was completely set up.

"Does she have a treasure similar to the Sky Stealing Handkerchief in her hand? Or is she a formation master who is proficient in formation..."

After thinking of Mingqi, Li Yan couldn't help but think of the time he had been with her. This woman was not only intelligent, but also had many secrets.

However, Li Yan still tended to think that Mingqi might be a master who was proficient in formation, because if she had a magic weapon similar to the Sky Stealing Handkerchief, then how did she find this maze barrier?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the magic weapon in her hand has a detection function. This possibility certainly exists, but such a magic weapon with multiple incredible effects is much more difficult than obtaining the Stealing Heaven Handkerchief.

He also renamed this set of mazes, calling it "Ghost Trace".

After Li Yan rested for another five days, he set out on the journey to the Elite Mission Hall again...

Time flies, and Li Yan's figure still rarely appears in his courtyard. Until two years later, finally one day, Li Yan interrupted all tasks.

Those deacons of the Elite Mission Hall who were familiar with him never saw Li Yan again for a long time afterwards...

And Li Yan finally made time to concentrate on practicing the Micro-Mind Technique!

After all these years of hard work, he took on one dangerous task after another. Finally, one day ago, he handed in the last task and got the sect contribution points he needed.

Looking at the number of sect contribution points accumulated in the token, Li Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief. He reached the qualification to enter the Ancient Hall of Inheritance.

And his purpose of coming to Huangqi Valley has finally taken another big step forward. In the next few months, all he has to do is wait in cultivation!

As for the final result, he can only take it one step at a time and do his best to achieve the next goal!

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