Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1750: Unable to Refine

In the training room, Li Yan once again looked through the jade slips and classics, but to his disappointment, he still did not find any useful information.

"It seems that it is an important secret of the other party, and he does not want to record it and carry it with him!"

Li Yan thought helplessly, and then he checked the other things of the middle-aged cultivator, except for the formation.

His persistent investigation lasted for more than half an hour, and in the end, his hard work did not bring any rewards.

Li Yan could only sigh and put away those things.

Afterwards, a spiritual consciousness shot towards the dark red blade in the air. The moment Li Yan's spiritual consciousness fell and touched it, the dark red blade flew to the side again.

But this time under Li Yan's control, where could it fly?

"No matter who you are! Dare to touch someone's things..."

Just when Li Yan's spiritual consciousness probed into the dark red blade, a cold and indifferent voice suddenly appeared in his spiritual consciousness.

But before the other party finished speaking, Li Yan had no expression on his face. His consciousness instantly turned into a brute force and directly hit the remaining consciousness imprint.


The dark red blade in the air shook violently, and a red light suddenly appeared. The unfinished voice also stopped immediately.

It was just the last ownerless consciousness imprint. How could Li Yan be polite to him? Moreover, it was a remnant of consciousness, and there was no soul to search the soul. Just destroy it directly.

After the other party's consciousness imprint dissipated, Li Yan no longer hesitated and immediately re-refined the treasure.

He bit his tongue and a drop of blood was sprayed on his mouth. He raised his hands and pinched the magic formula at the same time, and the magic formula flew out of his hands.

These runes also exuded Li Yan's consciousness imprint, and they fell on the dark red blade one after another. The next step was to use the infant fire to perform the ritual...

After an hour, Li Yan in the training room showed a look of surprise and doubt on his face.

Although the time to refine a magic weapon is certainly different, some may only take a few breaths to complete, while others may take months, years, or even longer...

But no matter what kind of magic weapon he refined in the past, as long as he cast the spell, he would either complete the ritual quickly or continue to refine it for a long time.

But in either case, it is often only a few breaths later that the magic weapon will gradually connect with his mind as he refines it, and this process is a trend of gradual strengthening.

The dark red blade has now become an ownerless thing, but today he has been refining it for an hour, not to mention that the connection between his mind and spirit has gradually strengthened, that is, there is not even a little connection.

"My way of refining cannot be used for this treasure?"

Li Yan thought in his heart, and then he waved his hand and took the dark red blade into his hand, turning it over and over to observe it carefully.

After a while, Li Yan started to sacrifice again. He didn't see anything unusual on the blade, so he changed to another way of sacrifice...

Four days later, Li Yan in the practice room had suspended the dark red blade in front of his forehead, and he explored it again.

He had done this kind of exploration dozens of times, and no matter whether he enlarged or reduced the dark red blade, or looked at it in different ways, he didn't see any difference.

And he had changed dozens of ways of sacrifice, but none of them could succeed in the end.

In this way, Li Yan was not depressed or anxious, but his expression became more serious.

This situation may indicate one thing, that this magic weapon has a big secret.

Li Yan sensed the consciousness of the middle-aged cultivator, and he could judge that the strength of the other party's consciousness should be about the same as his own. Even if it was stronger than his own, it was limited.

So the other party could succeed in the sacrifice, why couldn't he?

Li Yan's consciousness entered again, and he probed the dark red blade bit by bit. In fact, he had been doing this every time in the past few days.

This time, Li Yan probed more carefully, and also used his magic power to activate the dark red blade at the same time, wanting to see what kind of difference the dark red blade would have when spiritual power was flowing.

When another hour and a half passed, Li Yan took the longest time this time, and he had just finished probing one side of the dark red blade.

This blade was not big to begin with, and with Li Yan's exploration, every trace of it had already been memorized in his mind.

But this time, he would use various methods to carefully test every suspicious trace, light spot, and even the subtle fluctuations that he felt...

In addition to being able to be activated by magic power and consciousness like ordinary magic weapons, the dark red blade did not show any other abnormalities.

At this time, he could activate this magic weapon to take him flying, which would be no problem, but that would only be forced to activate it, and he could not use it as he wished, let alone exert its true speed.

Li Yan remembered that this magic weapon had a strong concealment effect. Even at that high speed, he was still amazed.

But now, as long as it was activated, the entire dark red blade made a buzzing sound. Not to mention hiding, even if the consciousness of a Yuanying cultivator could keep up with the speed, he could sense its position.

Just when Li Yan was about to turn the dark red blade over and detect the other side, his movements suddenly paused slightly.

Because his eyes had already fallen on the dark red blade at this time, and the blade had become a thin line.

The dark red blade was only two inches in size, and the blade was so thin that it became a "line" as thin as a hair.

When Li Yan was investigating, his attention was naturally focused on the blade, but he ignored the invisible "blade"!

Li Yan looked indifferent, and his consciousness explored the sharp blade, but his eyes and facial expression did not show any impatience because of the fruitless exploration.

The blade of the dark red blade, because of its extremely thinness, has already shown a transparent color from top to bottom, like a circle of light jade white, wrapped around the thin blade.

When the consciousness passed over it, only the chill was revealed, and there was no other abnormality.

In this way, Li Yan quickly observed the two blades, and the dark red blade rotated again under the control of his consciousness.

This is the narrow side, which is now in front of Li Yan.

This small piece of dark red blade, except for the tip, has three smooth and sharp sections, two long sides and one short side, like a cut-off tip.

But the part that might be cut off is just as smooth, and the sharpness is no different from the other two blades.

Li Yan looked at the last blade, and his consciousness swept slowly across the sharp blade, and he could see the things on the blade, without even a single line.

The cleanness gave people a sharper feeling, as if it could cut through everything in the world.

Li Yan frowned, he thought that the blade he didn't notice might have some discovery, but the result was still the same.

"Maybe this dark red blade has a unique control method, but the cultivator didn't record it, so its power is greatly reduced..."

Li Yan thought in his heart.

At this time, he planned to turn the dark red blade over, and just as he controlled the dark red blade with his consciousness, tilting it slightly and turning it, he suddenly stopped all actions.

At this moment, he suddenly found a small light white dot, and this dot was at the junction of the two blades.

Because the blade was too thin, the light white dot was almost indistinguishable from the transparency of the blade.

If Li Yan had not been very careful, he would not have noticed it at all. He quickly rotated the dark red blade and stared at it with his consciousness.

After the dark red blade rotated smoothly for a circle, Li Yan found that there was only one corner where all the blades intersected, and there was this light white dot.

Li Yan did not check it immediately, but raised his hand and a spell was hit on the dark red blade.

He used the Tongbao Jue, which was effective for most magic weapons. When this spell landed on the blade, the blade of the dark red blade suddenly expanded in an instant.

In just one breath, the blade had expanded to more than ten feet, becoming a huge dark red blade, and at this point, Li Yan's spell was no longer activated.

Then, Li Yan rotated the blade again. Although the blade was still sharp, it had become much thicker.

Li Yan quickly looked at every corner of the blade, and a light flashed in his eyes.

The reason why he did this was that if he remembered correctly, he had not found the light white dot after expanding the blade before.

This means that the light white dot was not a defect during the refining of the weapon, but because of some special conditions, it would only be truly revealed when the magic weapon was at its original size.

Then, Li Yan used the magic formula again, and the dark red blade shrank to an inch, and Li Yan could not find the light white dot either.

When the entire blade was restored to its normal size, the light white dot at the intersection of the blades appeared again!

Li Yan finally confirmed his thoughts and had some guesses in his mind. He felt that this light white dot might be an invisible restriction planted on it by the refiner when refining this magic weapon.

Of course, he still couldn't rule out the possibility that this magic weapon needed special spells to be fully activated, but to crack someone else's magic weapon, he could only try repeatedly.

Without the other party controlling the spells, he could only think about whether there were other reasons. In the end, after trying everything and it didn't work, he could only wait for the next opportunity.

This time, Li Yan's consciousness quickly fell on the light white dot, and the light white dot immediately magnified countless times in his consciousness.

It was something like a white bubble, with lines on it. From an angle, it looked like a horizontal circle of spirals that expanded from the top to the middle.

Then the bubble shrank from the thickest part in the middle to the other end.

This made Li Yan, who also had some experience in refining tools, feel that this should be a certain kind of specific pattern that would appear during the refining process due to the material or under the engraving array.

This kind of pattern is like the invisible pattern on a knife. It is a forging pattern that appears during forging due to the material, and it is not deliberately kept on it.

Li Yan's consciousness touched the circular patterns in different ways, but there was no reaction.

On the contrary, because he stared at them for too long, the circles of patterns made Li Yan dizzy.


Li Yan looked at the patterns in his consciousness and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu. Some silk threads suddenly appeared in front of his eyes...

Those threads also made him feel this way every time he looked at them, as long as he stared at them for a little longer.

"This... this is the formation restriction!"

At this moment, Li Yan suddenly had an epiphany.

Because he was somewhat familiar with this kind of dizziness, he had experienced this kind of dizziness when he saw the threads inside when he was spying on the Sky Stealing Handkerchief.

And no matter whether he used his divine sense to observe or other methods to try to see through the Sky Stealing Handkerchief, he returned in vain in the end...

The Sky Stealing Handkerchief itself is also an unknown magic weapon. It can break the formation restriction. There should be some kind of rule power or some combination of formations in its body, which will have such a miraculous effect.

This time, Li Yan no longer used his divine sense to try to attack the light white dot, and he did not try to use his formation attainments to break it.

Instead, a brocade handkerchief appeared in front of him with a thought.

This is his strongest formation-breaking magic weapon. If this is useless, Li Yan believes that with his current formation attainments, he should also be able to break the formation restriction formed by the light white dot.

Li Yan's mind moved again, and the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, Li Yan could no longer see it with his naked eyes, and only a small dot appeared in his consciousness.

With his consciousness pulling, the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief, which had turned into a small dot, flew to the corner of the dark red blade.

At this moment, in Li Yan's consciousness, the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief was of normal size, flying towards the light white dot that looked like a large spot, and then directly covered it.

At the moment when the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief covered it, the entire dark red blade actually trembled slightly. Li Yan was shocked when he saw it.

He knew that this should be the formation on the blade, and it reacted after being threatened by the attack.

Unlike the various methods he tried before, either they did not fall on the formation, or they did not pose a threat at all, so the natural restriction would not be activated.

After a few breaths, the dark red blade was still trembling slightly, but there was no more abnormality.

Li Yan's consciousness did not move, but was locked there tightly, but he never saw the Heaven-stealing Handkerchief break the ban successfully.

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