Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1739 Cold rain and slanting wind around the peak

Ming Qi also chuckled.

"To each other, otherwise I wouldn't take on this kind of mission. If we can win the bet this time and everyone successfully completes the mission, we will be able to make a small fortune!"

Ming Qi had a smile on her face, but her consciousness was always looking around.

"I hope so, but with the alchemy attainments of the sisters, it would be much better to go directly to the sect's alchemy emperor tower than to accept this kind of mission?"

Li Yan was also wary of his surroundings, but there was a strange look on his face. When it came to alchemy attainments, the level of this pair of sisters was not low.

If you are not in such urgent need of the sect's contribution points like yourself, entering the Alchemy Emperor Tower can hone your alchemy skills and earn points, so that would be the best place.

When Ming Qi heard this, he gave Li Yan a meaningful look.

"Senior brother's alchemy is much stronger than ours. I wonder which level you have reached?"

"I can't do it. The last round of the internal selection was so miserable. It's not like you don't know that my alchemy foundation is too poor.

In some aspects, it's okay to rely on luck, but the first few floors of the Alchemy Emperor Tower happen to be a test of the basics of alchemy. I have long been stuck on the fourth floor! "

Li Yan didn't hide this. Anyway, as long as it wasn't a high-profile and secret matter, he didn't mind telling it, and he didn't care whether it was ugly or not.

Ming Qi did not continue to ask questions this time. She felt that the first two levels of Li Yan's last internal selection were his true level.

And in the last level, I probably fell out of the top ten on purpose.

"I feel ashamed to say it. My sister and I have tried many times, but the results have been disastrous, so I won't mention it.

On the other hand, Yan Qingchen heard that he broke through the sixth floor of the tower some time ago. Not only did he get astonishing sect contribution points, but he was also noticed by the elders above.

Maybe in the near future, he will be valued by a senior and accepted as a disciple, but that is not certain. "

Ming Qi first directly denied his ability. Although he talked about breaking into the Alchemy Emperor Tower, he did not say which level he had broken into, but instead turned the topic to others.

"Breaking through the sixth level? Doesn't that mean that his alchemy attainments have reached the level of a grandmaster!"

Li Yan was really surprised this time.

He has not been to the Alchemy Emperor Tower in the past few years. He never expected that among the people who entered the core elite disciples with him, someone would actually break through to the sixth level.

There is no big difference between alchemy and cultivation in terms of advancement. It becomes more difficult to advance as you go up. That Yan Qingchen's aptitude is evident...

The few people flew all the way like this. The location of Xianhe Village they were going to was a bit remote.

After Li Yan and the others checked the location, they found that there were only a few short-distance teleportation arrays in that direction, and there was no more convenient way.

As for those short-distance teleportation arrays, if you include the distance they had to travel to find the teleportation array, plus the time required to go through the formalities and wait for the teleportation array to open, etc., they would not be able to fly as fast as the others.

Therefore, they can only get there by flying.

This made Xie Xingzhi curse several times, saying how could Xianhe Village choose such an inhospitable place to establish a so-called sect.

His words spoke to everyone's thoughts, but when I think about it, I think that's how it should be. If it can really be teleported, then why issue this mission?

Soon, the time came to night, and they had flown above a rolling barren mountain. The number of monks coming and going here was greatly reduced.

This is also related to the vast land and sparse population of the fairy world. The six of them did not fly at full strength, but always kept their spiritual consciousness lingering around them, allowing them to react quickly.

These people are all veterans, there is no need to remind others, everyone knows what they are doing.

At the beginning, they discovered that there were some overlaps in each other's consciousness detection, and they quickly defined a certain area for themselves.

This can not only ensure that you are in the best condition, but also better form a team's defense.

Of course, they definitely cannot completely trust others, so a few of them will still pay attention in other directions, but they will not fully expand their spiritual consciousness.

After seeing all this, Yang Zun finally felt a little satisfied. He didn't want to lead a group of losers and even have to take care of waste.

They had flown from day to night, but nothing unusual happened along the way, which was something to be happy about.

But with the mentality of these people, such a smooth journey can only make them more vigilant.

Next, they flew from night to early morning, then from early morning to dawn, and then in the morning, afternoon...

Although I met some monks in the middle, it was smooth sailing all the way.

They were not flying very fast, but during this period, even though everyone was full of energy, they still stopped to rest twice to recover their mana, allowing themselves to be basically in a peak state.

No one brought up the idea of ​​sharing a flying magic weapon. To put it bluntly, they still couldn't completely trust each other.

Even Yang Zun, who vaguely considers himself the captain, is not willing to waste spiritual stones on others, and he has no such obligation.

Just in the evening of the next day, a heavy rain suddenly started falling from the sky. The rain fell very quickly and covered the ground.

If you just look at it with your naked eyes, you won't be able to see clearly even the scenery a few feet away.

The dense crackling raindrops hit everyone's spiritual shield, causing splashes of water.

But before those water splashes had time to splash out, they were covered up by large amounts of rising mist and rain all over the sky...

The six people just shuttled through the heavy rain, like six sharp arrows piercing the rain curtain, cutting through the wind and waves and piercing the air!

After flying over another empty field, mountains suspended in the air gradually appeared in front of them.

In the fairy world, there are actually many mountains like this suspended in the air in some places. They look like meteorites in turbulent space.

But they are completely different from meteorites. The meteorites in the turbulent space are lifeless, and most of them are moving all year round.

Only a few meteorite mountains will stay in one place.

These suspended peaks in the fairy world are suspended in one place all year round, and the vines hanging down from the bottom of the mountain seem to be tied to the earth below.

There are all kinds of lush green vegetation on the mountain, which is shrouded in large smog all year round, giving people a real fairyland feeling.

But there are often all kinds of ferocious monsters in these mountains. They are entrenched here, sucking up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cultivating non-stop.

Most of them are bird-like monsters, and most of them are in places where their tribes live in groups. Even the monks are not willing to mess with them.

In the heavy rain, more and more peaks were suspended in the air in front of them, as if there were thousands of threads hanging them in the air.

This caused Li Yan and the others to involuntarily slow down their flying speed.

Some of these suspended peaks are far apart from each other, some have only a narrow gap, and some can be passed by several people side by side.

But in the entire world, there are mountain peaks above, below, left and right, which makes it impossible for several people to fly at a high speed.

Li Yan and the others had already sensed some powerful auras emerging from many mountain peaks. The demonic aura here was soaring into the sky, and there were some auras of demonic beasts, which were not even inferior to the six of them.

No one needed to remind them, the six of them were already on the alert, fully alert to everything around them.

Li Yan looked at the dark shadows all around in the rain curtain. As they flew forward, they continued to expand in front of his eyes and in his consciousness.

There are huge mountains in all directions, giving people a strong sense of oppression!

In the midst of the wind and rain, the howling wind blew the rain curtain sideways, and also blew up various long vines hanging down from the bottom of some mountain peaks.

Strings of water droplets are constantly thrown out from those long whip-like vines, which are full of desolation and coldness. Everything in the sky is desolate and helpless...

Li Yan felt spiritual consciousness sweeping towards them from time to time, but after tracking them for a certain distance, many of the spiritual consciousness left on their own.

The demon cultivators here also have extremely high intelligence. They did not immediately come out to stop them. After confirming that Li Yan and the others were just passing by and watching them go away, they gave up tracking.

This made a few people relax slightly after they had been tense. After they entered these suspended mountain peaks, they no longer concealed their powerful aura.

Being able to make the other party retreat before the difficulties is of course the best result. At the same time, they are also avoiding the peaks where some powerful demon cultivators are located.

The sky was gloomy, and thick dark clouds seemed to be pressing on the six people. Li Yan watched the black shadow in front of him approaching quickly again.

In his consciousness, there was a "pile" of chaotic mountains in front of him, which seemed to go up to the top of the sky and down to the boundless earth.

Facing them were two peaks in the shape of a "human". These two peaks gave people the impression that they were like skinny giants, standing in front of them with their legs spread apart.

Although it is covered with thatch and tall trees, many rocks have been exposed under the erosion of rain, revealing its dark body.

The rainwater on the rocks gathered into streams, which continuously washed down, washing some weeds into straight vertical "|" shapes.

Those wild grasses have turned into long water plants in the rain. In the streams formed by the rain, they can only sway left and right with the water flow.

Then, these streams finally converged at the bottom of the mountain, and when connected with each other, formed a large waterfall, rushing directly into the sky below.

The huge rushing water, intertwined with the sound of wind and rain, seemed to fill everyone's mind.

If their group wanted to pass here, they would have to pass through the "herringbone" shaped gap. Otherwise, there would be huge mountains on the left and right, and they could only go around these two peaks in the distance.

There is a distance of hundreds of miles between these two mountain peaks, giving the impression that they are straddling the world.

And just as the six people continued to approach the two peaks, Li Yan suddenly stopped while flying.

His sudden behavior immediately caused Ming Qi and Xu Yihua who were beside him and behind him to stop. Only after the three people in front rushed out a short distance did they realize what was abnormal behind them.

"What's wrong, Junior Brother Li?"

After the three people in front stopped and looked back, Xie Xingzhi asked with a puzzled look on his face.

In his perception, although there were some monsters nearby at this time, the level of these monsters in the mountains was only around level three, and they were all non-threatening.

Similarly, Ming Qi and Xu Yihua also looked at Li Yan doubtfully, but they did not sense any abnormality.

"I feel something is wrong ahead?"

Li Yan suddenly switched to sound transmission, and the sound rang in the minds of several people. When his body stopped, his consciousness scanned the two peaks in front of him more carefully.

"What did senior brother find?"

Ming Qi also asked via voice transmission.

Li Yan did not answer, but continued to detect. His behavior immediately made the other five people feel tense.

None of them dared to be careless, and carefully explored the surroundings with their spiritual consciousness. However, after more than ten breaths, they found nothing at all except the dense wind and rain all around.

"Fellow Daoist Li, what exactly did you discover?"

The old man in brown clothes, Yang Zun, was suspended in the heavy rain. He frowned slightly and said, but he found nothing.

Yang Zun did not use sound transmission, but the sound penetrated the heavy rain curtain and poured directly into everyone's ears.

He always called Li Yan and the three people behind him as Taoist friends, and did not call them junior brother or junior sister. From this point, we can see his attitude towards these people.

"I just feel something uncomfortable in front of me, but I haven't found anything wrong yet?"

Li Yan didn't send any more messages, and his voice was also clearly transmitted through the heavy rain curtain.

Li Yan's seemingly unanswerable words did not arouse ridicule from the other people, but instead fell into silence.

Because it's hard to tell about a monk's senses. It's a mysterious and mysterious thing, sometimes more sensitive than divine consciousness, making it elusive.

Although these people all have different thoughts, they have all survived to this day, and no one of them is an old fox.

For a moment, there was only the sound of wind and rain between heaven and earth, and everyone was suspended in the air quietly...

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and even standing opposite each other, it was no longer possible to see each other clearly with the naked eye.

The entire sight was just endless water flowing down from the sky, as if it was going to reach the end of the world, turning the land below into an endless ocean.

Moreover, the sky at this moment was already dark again. Amidst the sound of wind and rain, every breath seemed to have taken thousands of years.

But it seemed that time passed quickly, washed away by the rapid rain!

After another while, Yang Zun's voice came from the front again.

"I didn't feel anything strange. Is there a problem?"

He was obviously asking other people to investigate.

"Nothing unusual!"

This was Xie Xingzhi's voice, with deep doubts in his voice.



Immediately afterwards, the voices of several other people also sounded one after another.

"Then keep going!"

There was a hint of displeasure in Yang Zun's voice, but he didn't say anything else. Each monk has different cultivation levels, so of course the strength of his perception is also different.

So, he immediately flew forward again. He wanted to complete this mission quickly and then get the sect's contribution points.

Just after he flew out, Xie Xingzhi and Jiang Tingye, who were beside him, immediately followed him.

They knew that this mission would certainly not be that simple. If everything went smoothly, then something might have gone wrong.

Therefore, although Li Yan's vigilance was just a false alarm, they would not say anything. After all, it was better for everyone to be careful.

But when the three people flew forward again, their consciousness swept behind them, and Yang Zun couldn't help but stop again, because the three people behind him still stood where they were.

As for the three people behind Li Yan, although the three people in front continued on their way after Yang Zun finished speaking, Li Yan did not move and was still exploring the surroundings.

This caused the two people who originally wanted to follow him to not fly forward immediately, but looked at Li Yan strangely.

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