Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1738 Thoughts

The deacon in white suppressed his fright and tried his best to stay calm.

"Senior Yang, please calm down. The items requested by the other party in this mission are urgent, and there are indeed risks, so the sect contribution points given are so high.

But before taking over the task, did the relevant deacons negotiate conditions with several seniors?

And several seniors probably accepted this task after listening to the conditions, right?

Now several seniors are aware of the content of this mission, and they did not provide reasons for withdrawing before notifying the mission to start.

This task has now been started and obviously cannot be canceled.

If Senior Yang insists on quitting, then he can only ask the law enforcement hall disciples stationed here to come over and let them weigh the losses of this mission and then decide.

At this point, it is not the juniors who have the final say. It is useless to make things difficult for the juniors! "

The deacon in white became more and more obedient as he spoke. He was just following orders. Whether he did it or not was not the final decision of these people. Of course, everything was decided by the sect.

Sure enough, after he said these words, the old man in brown clothes flashed his eyes for several times, his aura suddenly disappeared, and he stopped talking.

The other party's tone left no room for negotiation. He didn't want to attract disciples from the Law Enforcement Hall.

Upon seeing this, the white-clothed deacon glanced at several other people and saw that the other five people were just standing quietly with no intention of speaking.

Then a light flashed in his hand, and six storage rings and a jade slip appeared.

"This is the elixir to be escorted this time. Several seniors have collected it. The jade slip contains the map route of this mission and more detailed content.

Please ask the seniors to look at the jade slips now. After reading, please return the jade slips to the juniors, and then you can set off! "

After he finished speaking, he gently pushed forward with his palm, and the six storage rings immediately shot at six people respectively, and the jade slip was suspended in front of him.

Li Yan and the other two reached out and caught the flying storage ring. The moment they took the ring, almost everyone made the same move.

They all immediately released a ray of spiritual consciousness and looked for the ring in their hands. Of course, they had to confirm the elixir in it. This was the final confirmation before the mission started.

"Buzz buzz..."

But the next moment, the storage rings in the hands of the six people all emitted circles of green brilliance at almost the same moment, and made a trembling sound.

"Huh? What a powerful restriction!"

Li Yan felt that his consciousness was pushed away by a tyrannical force.

If he increases the power of his consciousness and wants to forcefully explore, Li Yan feels that the power will definitely become more powerful and may directly crush his consciousness.

He also saw the other five people, their faces changed, and their eyes also showed surprise.

Li Yan's power of spiritual consciousness reached around the middle stage of Void Refining, but he still felt that even if he used all the power of his spiritual consciousness, he should not be able to break the restrictions on the ring.

"This should be some kind of powerful magical seal, or a micro-array covering, rather than a divine consciousness seal..."

Li Yan thought quickly in his mind.

He felt that the powerful counterattack force just now was definitely not the consciousness restriction of a strong person in the Fusion Realm, or it was a powerful spell or formation defense.

A Fusion Realm monk would not do such a thing just for a mission. Instead of doing that, he might as well send it there himself.

The deacon in white seemed to have not seen what was happening in front of him, and just stood there waiting quietly.

Li Yan and the others immediately understood that the sect did not want them to know what they were escorting this time, so they told them that they were escorting pills, but that might not be the case.

"The seal on the storage ring is the identification of the escort item. The other party will have corresponding means of releasing it, so there is no need to confirm!"

The deacon in white explained immediately.

Since the other party said this, and several of them are veterans here, they will naturally not be obsessed with this matter anymore.

The old man in brown clothes immediately put away the storage ring. Without politeness, he raised his hand and took the jade slip in the air into his own hand, and immediately checked it...

Half a day later, Li Yan and the others were flying in the void. At this time, the six of them were together.

But invisibly, there are still some different distances.

The old man in brown clothes knew that this was the only way he could do this mission. In order to get the complete sect contribution points, under Xie Xingzhi's deliberate greeting, everyone had a simple communication.

The old man in brown clothes here has the highest cultivation level, so he proposed the route forward. After Li Yan and the others looked at it, no one raised any objections.

Although the old man in brown clothes is cold and arrogant, he is very experienced, and the route he gave is reasonable and can be regarded as the fastest one to the destination.

This is the common thought of everyone. Everyone wants to complete the task as soon as possible so that they can disperse.

After that, everyone also knew each other's names. The old man in brown clothes was named Yang Zun, and he had been among the core elite disciples for more than 600 years.

The reason why the other party took a long time to enter is because he is a true disciple of Huang Qigu. When he was still in the golden elixir realm, he became a core elite disciple and his qualifications are also very good.

The female cultivator was indeed Ming Qi, and Ming Yu also wanted to take on this mission, but because she was not strong enough in cultivation, she could only do other missions in frustration.

Of course, Ming Qi briefly transmitted the news about Ming Yu to Li Yan in private after seeing Li Yan's confused look.

Li Yan knew that his two sisters always went out together, so it was normal for Li Yan to have questions.

She still explained a little bit about this. After all, they were the only two people here who knew each other better.

Especially Ming Qi, Li Yan gave her and Mingyu the feeling that he was a bit mysterious, so she naturally wanted to take the opportunity to investigate...

And that person who looked like a young boy was, like Li Yan and Ming Qi, an internally selected disciple.

However, he entered earlier than the two of them. When he was still in the Nascent Soul Realm, he entered the core elite disciples through internal selection.

This person's name is Xu Yihua. He was not a casual cultivator in his early years, but a disciple of the Dan Sect. He later joined Huang Qi Valley.

After this person said his name, Xie Xingzhi seemed to know something about this person, and when he praised him to Li Yan and others, he revealed a little bit of information in his conversation.

But he did not say the reason why the other party left the original sect. Was it the sect's decline or was he recommended by the sect to come to Huangqi Valley...

After they left the sect, the old man in brown clothes, Yang Zun, seemed to want to win over Xie Xingzhi and Jiang Tingye, so he started talking to them.

Soon, the three people gathered together and flew ahead. Li Yan and Ming Qi were more familiar with each other, so they naturally got together.

In the end, only Xu Yihua, who looked like a young man, was left. He did not try to cause any trouble, but just followed silently at the end, remaining silent.

"Senior Brother Li, I heard that you have taken on many missions over the years, and you have a great reputation in the mission hall!"

At this time, Ming Qi and Li Yan had switched to sound transmission, and there was a faint hint of laughter in her words.

"It actually makes Junior Sister Ming laugh. No matter how famous you are, you just have no choice but to do it.

The permissions in the token are too low. If you want to improve your cultivation, you can only temporarily occupy your time to grab more low-level tasks.

Otherwise, if I rely on normal resources to practice, my qualifications will only stagnate! "

Li Yan said helplessly.

Ming Qi, on the other hand, was looking pretty around, but she didn't point out that the other party was taking low-level tasks. It seemed that most of them were high-risk tasks.

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