Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1713 Obtaining Runes

Although Li Yan was capturing the golden runes, he was always paying attention to the situation of other people around him.

When he saw the woman in the yellow dress in the barrier, after obtaining the fourth rune, she was pulled out by another person, and she crossed the barrier in just a moment.

At that moment, Li Yan discovered some problems, which made his heart move.

Because, he saw the light green belt around the opponent's waist. When it was pulled by another person outside the barrier, the entire light green belt collapsed instantly.

The body of the woman in the yellow skirt within the barrier instantly jumped into the air, and she was dragged out almost instantly.

But Li Yan still saw the light green belt, which was used as a fallback and for insurance.

Therefore, the belt had always been casually bent around the woman's waist.

But when she was pulled out tightly, the light green belt that should have been completely straightened was bent and discounted in one place.

And that curved place is exactly where the edge of the barrier is formed, and the belt there seems to have been bent at an angle.

This kind of scene gives people the feeling that the person pulling from outside is not using all his strength at all.

But Li Yan could feel that the woman in the yellow dress flying out of the barrier was driven out by a strong force from her waist, rather than being ejected by herself.

At this moment, Li Yan finally understood a problem that had troubled him before.

Why, when they are outside the barrier, no matter how hard everyone tries to capture the golden runes inside the barrier, they end up with nothing.

That's because the spaces inside and outside the barrier are not at the same eye level.

Originally, your position seemed to be a straight line, but in fact, there was an absolute distance between them.

Or you can think of it as the golden runes you see when you are outside the barrier, just like looking through the water to see something deep underwater.

When you reach out to fish, there will always be a gap in the position, causing mistakes.

As for the woman in the yellow skirt in the barrier, why she wanted to go out at this moment? It was because the mana in her veins was almost exhausted.

If she does not go out and continues to stay here, her mouth and nose will not be able to breathe, and the whole body will not be able to function. The internal organs also need to "breathe."

Therefore, she was like a mortal diving into the water. She ran out of air in her chest and had no choice but to go out for air.

By this time, Li Yan had basically understood, what was the difficulty of this assessment?

The golden runes here are not too difficult at all. Even if they turn into running water and want to escape, the magic can be easily controlled.

Under normal circumstances, even a golden elixir monk can easily obtain these flying golden runes after using his magic power.

The biggest difficulty here is the barrier that may be formed by Dan Yun.

Outside the barrier, it is impossible to correctly capture the location of the golden runes inside. Whether you see it with your eyes or your spiritual consciousness, the distance is wrong.

This forces you to enter the barrier. Once you enter, you will fall into a trap. The only power that can be used here is the little power left in your body and muscles...

The woman in the yellow dress who was in the middle stage of becoming a god just needed to go out to "breathe" after grabbing the fourth golden rune.

In this way, it seemed that the woman in the yellow skirt had obtained four golden runes within thirty or forty breaths. If she wanted to obtain the remaining runes, she could actually obtain them within half an hour.

But the result cannot be calculated in this way. The opponent must at least take a short rest before he can let his magic power circulate and refill the muscles and veins in his body.

This coming and going, at the fastest speed, should take ten or twenty breaths.

But there is a more important node here, that is, the golden runes in the barrier are too scattered.

After Li Yan and the others took out all the golden runes near the edge of the barrier, they had to continue to go deeper inside. As a result, the mana in their veins would become increasingly insufficient.

In order to pass the valley entrance examination, they may try to snatch the golden runes on the outside of the barrier, but this consumes more mana.

Therefore, Li Yan can guess that the final situation may be that when someone goes out to "take a breath" before the last time is approaching, someone will go out to snatch the golden runes from the opponent's hand.

Li Yan also discovered that he had physical strength that was beyond that of a monk in the realm of gods. He actually had a huge advantage in the barrier.

This would make him much faster. Li Yan felt that if he used his physical strength without reservation, he could quickly reach the target golden rune.

Furthermore, he can catch the flying golden runes with his quick moves without spending any mana.

But as a result of what Li Yan did, his physical strength would be exposed, which was also one of his trump cards.

He had just arrived at Huangqi Valley not long ago, and if he used it during the assessment, he would have one less way to save his life if he encountered danger later.

The four men on the side of the strong man also paid attention to the actions of the woman in the yellow skirt. After figuring out the whole story, it was just as Li Yan had guessed.

Everyone began to obtain the golden runes in the barrier as quickly as possible, and there was no snatching for the time being.

As a result, in the formation of the God Transformation Realm assessment, because it is different from other levels of assessment, there is a rare scene of harmony.

One by one, they constantly shuttled back and forth inside and outside the barrier. After entering as much as possible, they did not consume their own mana, but relied on their physical bodies to get close to the golden runes.

It wasn't until he captured the golden runes that he used his little bit of mana.

Including the twin sisters, they both entered the barrier at the same time, leaving no one outside to assist.

The white-robed god-forming monk outside the formation was observing the situation inside through his magic.

He looked at the busy figures inside, each of them looking at peace with each other, but with a smile on his face.

"A storm is coming!"

He knew that this seemingly peaceful situation could not last long.

When a quarter of an hour passed, each of Li Yan and the others basically got more than thirty golden runes in their hands.

At this moment, the golden runes on the periphery and the middle have disappeared. If you want to get the golden runes again, you must continue to go deeper.

And if the remaining time continues like this, it may not be possible to use just the time spent on the road.

When Li Yan got the thirty-seventh golden rune, he had to enter the deepest part of the barrier, but at this time, the mana in his body was almost exhausted.

He could only rely on this little magic power to maintain the operation and "breathing" of his internal organs, and returned with the help of his physical body.

When Li Yan returned to the outside of the barrier after spending another hundred and thirty breaths, the magic power in his dantian was immediately released from the restraints, flowing to his limbs and bones like a torrential river.

While Li Yan was using his magic power, a figure suddenly appeared on his side.

Li Yan didn't seem to notice, but he sneered in his heart.

"Are you going to take action? I just don't want to go deep into the barrier anymore!"

At the same time, the woman in the yellow dress on the other side who was in the middle stage of becoming a god also walked out of the barrier. The moment she came out, two people also came to her side.

The person who appeared next to Li Yan was the coquettish woman who was in the middle stage of transformation into a god and was wearing scantily clad clothes, revealing a large area of ​​snow-like skin.

The ones who rushed towards the woman in the yellow skirt were a strong black man in the late stage of divine transformation and a man in golden clothing in the middle stage of divine transformation. The two of them came together.

The previous distribution of these people, some people have recovered outside the barrier.

Some, when they saw Li Yan and the woman in the yellow skirt starting to walk back, they immediately turned back and walked out as if they were exhausted.

In fact, their return speed was still a little faster, that is, regardless of consumption, they retained only the extra mana and arrived outside the barrier in advance, allowing themselves to have a short recovery.

As soon as Li Yan and the others came out, these people flew by and arrived in front of them, not intending to give them any rest time.

Outside the barrier, the furthest distance between these people is only a few dozen miles. Not to mention the God Transformation monks who flew by, even the Golden Pill monks were there in an instant.

At this time, there were only another woman in a yellow dress in the early stage of divine transformation, and the man in black clothes in the late stage of divine transformation.

The women in yellow skirts in the early stage of divine transformation in the barrier obviously did not expect that the other party would suddenly make a move, or they had thought of this possibility before, but failed to accurately estimate the time when the other party would make a move.

The most likely people here to attack and kill are the four strong men, and one of the two most feared late stage gods of the opponent actually stayed inside.

This person has profound cultivation and is someone that Li Yan and the twin sisters have always paid special attention to.

But now he stays deep in the barrier. Firstly, he has indeed attracted a woman in a yellow skirt. Secondly, he can last longer after going deep. This is obviously because the other party wants to do both without delay.

After getting the golden runes in the formation, the next four people split the points equally again, of course there was no problem.

There is also a layout problem here, that is, the four people were constantly entering and leaving the barrier in order to "change their breath".

They also knew that Li Yan and the others must have taken precautions, so when they entered and exited the barrier before, they even deliberately showed their intention to attack, but they never took action.

That was to make Li Yan and the twin sisters make many mistakes in judgment, and they began to relax amidst exhaustion.

But the four of them always keep people inside and outside the barrier, and there will always be people there in rotation.

The actions of the four strong men were still sudden. They were in front of each other in an instant. Li Yan and the others would leave holes in their backs even if they wanted to retreat into the barrier.

The charming woman in the middle stage of divine transformation has been in the middle stage of divine transformation for many years. There is not much suspense in sneaking up on a monk like Li Yan who is in the early stage of divine transformation.

On the other side, the brawny man and the man in golden robes worked together to deal with a mid-stage god-transformation man. They should be able to take him down in a short period of time.

The two battle groups instantly erupted with strong mana fluctuations.

There was a trace of panic in Li Yan's eyes. As soon as the charming woman arrived in front of him, a red hijab appeared on one hand and she covered Li Yan's head.

While the other hand was waving at the same time, an emerald green jade bracelet on the snow-white wrist flew out from the wrist and hit Li Yan's face.

Li Yan's expression seemed to be slightly stagnant, and he reacted instantly, but he did not fight with the opponent at all.

At the moment when the charming woman attacked, he was leaning on one side and slipped out. Then he staggered and fled away.

At the same time, Li Yan's cold snort also came over.

"Want to grab it? It's ridiculous, it's just a waste of time!"

Although there was ridicule in his words, his expression and words gave the charming woman opposite the impression that he was just trying to keep himself calm.

Although Li Yan did not use the "Feng Chongtian" movement technique, he was a top-level physical practitioner at the same level. Even if he used his normal speed, a mid-stage god-transformation monk could not stop him.

Li Yan, however, made his evasive figure look very embarrassed.

But finally, at the moment when the opponent took action, he took the lead and folded to another place, and then flew away along the edge of the barrier to one side.

He did not enter the barrier immediately, as if he was afraid that if he moved too slowly, his back would be left to the opponent.

When the charming woman saw the monk in green robes escaping hastily, she was about to fall over. She used one hand to support herself in the air, and then she ran out.

The opponent dodged the red hijab, but when he fell sideways, his shoulder was rubbed by his jade bracelet.


The protective light shield on Li Yan's shoulder shattered in an instant, and Li Yan's whole body was also driven further away by the power of the jade bracelet.

The sudden attacks by the charming women all came to nothing.

"The response was unexpectedly slow!"

The charming woman was slightly surprised. Although the other party was in a mess, her reaction was very timely.

Seeing that the blow she was determined to win not only had no effect, but also had some sarcasm in his words, murderous intent suddenly emerged in her eyes.

"Want to escape? Let you know that in front of your true strength, you are really ridiculous!"

She turned around in an instant and chased after him.

At the moment Li Yan escaped, his consciousness also captured the woman in the yellow dress on the other side who was in the middle stage of becoming a god, and her reaction was unexpectedly fast.

The woman in the yellow skirt should have expected it and made preparations before coming out.

Surrounded by the two of them, her graceful figure quickly dwarfed and twisted, and she slipped out through the only gap left between the two of them!

It feels like a slippery loach that escaped at the last moment.

Li Yan also sensed that the moment the other party escaped from the siege, a piece of spiritual consciousness fell on him.

"This body technique has exceeded the normal speed of the middle stage of spiritual transformation. Could it be that she is also good at physical training of body technique?"

Li Yan saw the other party dodging, and an idea came to his mind.

At the same time, he also saw another woman in a yellow dress inside the barrier. When she saw her sister being attacked, she quickly "walked" out of the barrier.

When the man in black clothes saw another woman in yellow skirt walking out of the barrier immediately, he didn't waste a moment and walked out quickly.

This was a good time to close the net. Of course, they could also imagine that their opponents might enter the barrier again if they were forced.

But he no longer has to wait inside. If the other party really does that, it will be self-destruction.

They only need to chase one or two people inside and attack them inside at the same time, forcing the other party to defend or attack.

In that case, both sides will soon run out of mana and have to go out to "get some air." At that time, those left behind will be caught in a turret.

Li Yan kept running away in front. At this time, the face of the charming woman became a little ugly. This boy was so slippery.

The space inside the entire formation was not very large, but Li Yan didn't say anything and just kept changing directions inside.

This made her almost attack the opponent several times, but in the end she failed one by one.

"See how long you can hold on?"

The charming woman snorted in her heart. Such a small-scale escape at high speed would require the opponent to consume a lot of mana.

And she had seen a lot of sweat on Li Yan's forehead, which was constantly falling off as he dodged.

At this time, the woman in the yellow skirt on the other side of the barrier had also come out.

Seeing that in just a moment, her sister was forced to show her defeat and was already in trouble, she quickly rushed towards her sister while running around.

But it was obvious that the aura exuding from her was very vain!

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