Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1712 Ancient Danyun

In fact, it was not only Li Yan who made this judgment when he saw the golden runes, but everyone else had already made guesses.

Obviously those runes cannot fly thousands of feet, which means there are two possibilities.

One is that the bookcase or the exquisite porcelain bottle on it may have the power of suction, which firmly controls the golden runes and prevents them from flying out of the range of a thousand feet.

There is another possibility that there is something similar to the formation cage within the thousand-foot range. For them, these situations can be guessed almost instantly.

However, everyone immediately went to grab the golden runes. How could they know what the situation was like without giving it a try.

The two twin sisters each threw out a light green belt from their waists, trying to wrap up the golden runes.

So when the belt hit the barrier, they made a duller sound, even covering up the attacks of the others.

This made five people, including Li Yan, look over.

"Earth treasure!"

The man in black clothes, who was in the late stage of becoming a god, couldn't help but whisper, with an undisguised look of greed flashing in his eyes.

He quickly looked at each other from afar with the other people, and they all saw the same look in each other's eyes.

The fluttering belt, but the movement of attacking the barrier was better than theirs. The earth magic weapon on the opponent's body was not only a defensive magic weapon, but an offensive and defensive magic weapon.

The two twin sisters in yellow skirts also noticed the changes in the expressions of these people, but they were helpless. Here, they must always be wary of others, but they had to take action.

The white-robed god-transforming monk outside the formation had no good intentions in his previous words, he just wanted them to fight.

At the same time, since the assessment given by Huang Qi Gu is divided into different realms, it is naturally impossible for the God Transformation monk to pass the assessment for the God Transformation realm so easily.

There are only about 400 golden runes within a thousand feet range. They must get fifty golden runes as soon as possible. How can they hide their methods?

It's just that under the current circumstances, although those people have greed in their hearts, they have no time to take care of themselves.

Sure enough, after the blow, everyone found that no one got the golden rune, and they couldn't help but focus on the golden rune in front of them.

After everyone adjusted again, they took action again...

And after more than ten breaths, Li Yan was also shocked to find that they still couldn't get any golden runes in the barrier despite using various methods.

Even though he was concentrating and his consciousness kept adjusting the direction and locking, his mana was adjusted and controlled again and again, but he still failed once.

"Why is this barrier power so weird? My magic power can obviously suppress it, but I just can't accurately capture it!"

Li Yan originally thought that as long as there was no interference from others, he was still sure to get a golden rune in a short period of time, but in the end, he failed repeatedly.

All of them are standing outside the barrier, and no one is willing to enter a barrier easily.

And after everyone tried it once or twice, they felt that they had mastered the resistance in the barrier, but after that, they were full of confidence, but they still failed again and again.

At this moment, after the two twin sisters quickly transmitted a message, one of them waved his hand and hit the light green belt, which wrapped around the other's slender waist.

The woman with the light green belt wrapped around her waist was the woman in the middle stage of transformation.

With the cooperation of the two, her whole body was filled with yellow light, and she stepped out without hesitation, instantly stepping into the invisible barrier.

The actions of the two women immediately attracted the attention of the other five people. They had actually thought about entering in person, but they all had concerns in their hearts and wanted others to enter first.

Just like Li Yan, although he didn't detect any abnormality from the barrier, he still felt an inexplicable discomfort in his heart.

Although the other four people often work together, they obviously cannot trust each other as completely as the twin sisters.

"It's really decisive!"

Li Yan looked at the behavior of the pair of sisters. He no longer continued to capture the golden runes, nor did he try to follow them into the barrier. He just stared at each other.

The woman in the yellow skirt entered the barrier, and her movements that she had just lightly stepped into slowed down instantly, but it was not as slow as she imagined.

It was just like walking normally, but the yellow light on the woman in the yellow dress was stronger, and the veins on her forehead suddenly appeared at this moment.

She gave people the feeling that her actions inside were becoming very difficult. If she wanted to go faster, she probably wouldn't be able to do it.

But other than that, there were no other abnormalities in the barrier. The woman in the yellow dress walked towards a golden rune with a vigilant look on her face.

Everyone outside the barrier is closely watching every move of the woman in the yellow skirt...

He can exert speed like a normal person, but he can already capture the golden runes flying in the air.

The woman in the yellow dress didn't last long before she walked up to a golden rune. However, she didn't use the light green belt in her hand. Instead, she stretched out her other hand and grabbed it directly.

Soon she was able to catch the golden rune, but when she just touched the golden rune, her movements slowed down again.

The expression on her face suddenly became strange at this moment, which surprised everyone, especially the woman in the yellow dress outside the barrier, who knew the situation between the two best.

After my sister entered the results, except for the light green belt that allowed her to communicate with the other party, the sound transmission between them could not be transmitted at all.

Seeing that her sister looked a little strange, she did not pull the belt immediately because this was the best way they could think of at the moment.

If this method doesn't work, then what else can they do to get the golden runes?

Although there was no sound transmission between them, they were twin sisters with telepathy that others could not achieve. She did not sense her sister's cry for help.

They are both very experienced monks. As long as the other party is not in crisis, the other must continue to cooperate as much as possible.

By then, if even the light green belt tied around the waist cannot be controlled, then people from outside will definitely enter at all costs.

At this time, every breath suddenly became longer. The eyes of the four strong men over there were already flickering with light, and Li Yan also narrowed his eyes.

After two breaths, the woman in the yellow dress suddenly stopped moving and continued to move in an instant, grabbing a golden rune.

But the golden rune suddenly accelerated, circling in one place, and quickly flew to the side.

At this moment, the palm of the woman in the yellow dress suddenly became blurry, and it surged at a faster speed, grabbing the golden rune.

At the same time, the green rune in his palm flashed and he put away the golden rune.

Outside the barrier, except for another woman in a yellow skirt, the rest of the people, including Li Yan, suddenly all moved together!

The moment they saw each other put away the green runes, they all rushed towards the invisible barrier without even a moment's delay...

The next moment, Li Yan felt his body sink suddenly, and then huge squeezing forces from all directions suddenly swarmed in and pressed down directly on him.

"Well, it's such a strong barrier power, but...this power is a little special!"

Li Yan's body slowed down for a moment. His consciousness was also suppressed here, but he could still use it.

These squeezing and suppressing forces around it are a bit strange.

In addition to still being able to use his spiritual consciousness, at this moment, Li Yan felt that all the rules of heaven and earth he was familiar with here suddenly disappeared.

The reason why monks are powerful is because they can mobilize the power of heaven and earth. When you lose all this, any monk will feel extremely unsafe deep in his heart.

And at this moment, Li Yan couldn't breathe!

Fortunately, even if the monks are buried underground, they can hold up a space without using magic to let themselves breathe freely.

They can also rely on the circulation in the body to continuously maintain vitality after holding their breath. As long as the magic power exists, they can never breathe, and nothing will be abnormal.

In the barrier that Li Yan entered, all the familiar rules of heaven and earth were instantly isolated and replaced by a fierce law.

The reason why it is said to be "strong" is because in addition to the endless squeezing force around him, Li Yan found that the magic power in his body also seemed to be firmly fixed in his dantian by a kind of extremely strong force.

This allows him to call upon the magic power, but only the magic power that remains in the tendons can circulate along the tendons.

If all the monks here at this moment want to move their bodies, they can still use the magic power in their muscles and veins to open up the movement space on the body surface.

Even if he is not a body-refining cultivator, the physical body of a god-transforming cultivator can already break mountains and rubble. He can also resist the huge squeeze from all directions and forcefully move forward.

"This is a special barrier formed by those ancient elixirs!"

Li Yan suddenly looked at the ancient book table in front of him. On that book table, there were ten exquisite porcelain pieces, and the golden light that appeared on the mouth of the bottle should be a kind of elixir golden light that contained laws.

Li Yan is also a well-informed person. He once read a classic in the Xiaoshi Sect, which recorded that when the alchemy path reaches the stage of great success, the pills refined have all kinds of miraculous qualities.

It is a normal thing to give birth to spiritual wisdom, and a pill can also contain the rules of heaven and earth, forming a space, which is called a pill accumulation.

This method was most common in ancient and ancient times. That kind of special space can trap enemies, kill enemies, and defend. On the surface, it is not very different from top-level formations and spells.

As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same destination. Three thousand avenues lead to the same destination. The Alchemy Path is also the most powerful path in cultivating immortality.

However, Li Yan has never seen the situation where Danyun blocks other laws of heaven and earth and directly isolates a piece of heaven and earth. Although Li Yan has read about it in books.

You must know that this is completely different from the storage space like Tuban. Any kind of storage space is actually made of precious space materials.

And those space materials were originally another piece of heaven and earth space. After being successfully refined, they entered the passage through the pulling of spiritual consciousness and reached that space.

The enchantment formed by Danyun still belongs to the original large space world, just like in front of you, but it can cause the loss of other laws within a thousand feet, resulting in this strange situation.

When Li Yan stared at the ten exquisite porcelain bottles on the desk, he also thought of another point, that is, the elixir here is not too scary.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible to control the area of ​​1,000 feet with ten porcelain bottles, but this was enough to shock Li Yan and his friends.

Li Yan's consciousness immediately glanced at the woman in the yellow dress who entered the barrier, and found that there was also no mana fluctuation on her body.

And only when she was grabbing a golden rune, some mana flickered on her palm to suck in the flying golden runes.

At the same time, there will also be some distortions on the golden runes.

The woman in the yellow skirt also felt several rays of divine consciousness sweeping towards her. Her beautiful eyebrows furrowed, but in the end she ignored these people and continued to move forward to capture other golden runes.

And soon, Li Yan and others all recovered their spiritual consciousness, because the speed at which their spiritual consciousness was consumed here was also extremely shocking.

After their consciousness leaves the body, they have to consume three times the power for the same distance.

The recovery of spiritual consciousness and mana are completely different. Even if the Bhutan medicine is swallowed, the recovery is quite slow.

If in an emergency, a monk who has lost his spiritual consciousness will definitely be in a more dangerous situation than ten times more.

Not far in front of Li Yan, there was a golden rune.

He now understood why the woman in the yellow dress stopped using her belt when she went to get the golden runes after coming in.

That means the opponent can't use much mana at all, and the mana in the whole body is only available for use in the muscles and veins.

Therefore, the woman in the yellow skirt here cannot just stand there and wave her green belt to capture it at will. She must rely on her physical strength to walk near the golden rune and take action.

When Li Yan thought of this, he walked directly towards the nearest flying rune. His speed was not much different from normal walking.

When he got to the place where the golden rune was flying, Li Yan raised his hand and grabbed it.

But the golden rune seemed to be spiritual, and it immediately wanted to fly to the side, and a suction force suddenly appeared in Li Yan's palm.

The golden rune was flying for a moment before it was caught in Li Yan's hand, but the moment the golden rune touched his palm.

Li Yan's movements also stagnated, because the golden rune in his palm had a tendency to turn into gold and flow away.

Li Yan immediately regenerated the mana in his hand, fixed the rune firmly in an instant, and then quickly put it into the green rune.

"With this kind of consumption, you may not be able to receive fifty pieces in half an hour!"

Li Yan's brows suddenly furrowed, and he finally understood why the woman in the yellow skirt was temporarily stagnant even after she had already caught the golden rune.

After they enter the barrier, they can rely on their physical bodies to resist the squeezing force and walk, but if they want to catch the golden runes flying in the air, they must use magic power.

And the mana in each person's veins is not too much, but the golden runes in the air are still further consumed...

Just when Li Yan collected the first golden rune, other god-forming monks in other places within the barrier also had their own gains.

Moreover, they all began to understand the ways in the barrier and knew the problem. They all took a look at the book table!

Soon after, when Li Yan caught the second golden rune, the woman in the yellow skirt on the other side had already caught the fourth golden rune, which was already very fast.

At this time, her pretty face had become very pale, and beads of sweat were falling from her forehead. She immediately pulled the light green belt tied around her waist.

Another woman in a yellow dress outside was staring inside.

Although the others all entered the barrier, she did not enter like the others just because her sister had successfully obtained the golden runes.

Although they only had half an hour available, they had discussed it before and wanted to at least grasp the real situation inside before making the final decision.

Time has only passed for a short time now, and other accidents may occur at any time, but the two of them are still cooperating as planned.

When the woman in the yellow dress outside the barrier felt the light green belt in her hand being pulled by the other end, she quickly poured in her magic power and pulled outwards quickly...

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