Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1704 Placement

"You can successfully use this technique after using the Five Elements to Return to Hongmeng. However, you must be extremely careful when practicing this technique.

As long as you are not careful, your life span will be greatly reduced, and this possibility is about 40%.

After all, you are not a true disciple of Yimu Immortal Sect, so your foundation of wood attribute is much worse. You need to understand it carefully before you can practice.

These are all the drawbacks of practicing this technique, but I think this technique has some value, and it does have some value.

Otherwise, I can also give you a refining material for a sixth-level monster, which is also a material from a water-type monster. You should be able to use it in the future.

In the end, you must think clearly about whether you want to practice this technique, but you can only choose one of the two! "

Fairy Ningke speaks neither too fast nor too slowly, making people feel that the surroundings are full of agility.

While she was speaking, a small piece of something like fur suddenly appeared in her other hand.

There were tiny hairs on that piece of fur, and the hair was a kind of pink, but like the weakest waterweed in the world, it swayed in the absence of wind.

As those slender hairs swayed, Li Yan's expression became condensed.

Because at this moment, he sensed that the most familiar law of water was changing wonderfully as the hairs swayed.

Li Yan felt that there was no need to use this piece of fur to refine it into a magic weapon. Even if he just understood the movement of the hair, he would have a stronger understanding of the laws of water.

He resisted the urge to get it immediately, but forced himself to look away. First he glanced at Dong Fuyi, but the other party just smiled but did not speak.

In this kind of matter, it's best to make a choice based on your own feelings. Dong Fuyi didn't want to give Li Yan any advice. It was his personal opportunity.

"I choose that skill!"

Li Yan forced himself not to look at the fur, but lowered his head and thought about it before choosing the technique.

After he calmed down, he thought that the first thing the other party took out was the technique, which undoubtedly meant one thing.

In Fairy Ningke's mind, Kung Fu was what she wanted Li Yan to choose. How astute Li Yan was.

In this order, Li Yan felt that the other party was not reluctant to part with the piece of fur. If that was the case, she wouldn't have to take it out and just replace it with other treasures.

Li Yan now also knows that exercises like "Five Elements Return to Hongmeng" are common exercises among the Five Immortal Sects, and everyone like Pei Buchong knows them.

This allows the five sects to have many techniques that they can learn from each other.

After Fairy Ningke heard this, she didn't say anything more and directly pushed the jade slip in her hand, and the jade slip flew towards Li Yan.

Li Yan first gave a big thanks and then put away the jade slips in the air.

"Ling Yao and Zi Ming, please go out with Li Yan first. Ling Yao has arranged a cave for Li Yan. We still have something to say!"

After seeing Li Yan catching the jade slip, Shi Ligui immediately said to Ling Yao beside him.


When Li Yan followed the two of them out, Ling Yao's big eyes flashed and she slowed down her pace. When Li Yan walked side by side with them, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Junior brother, after you come here, I won't have to do hard training all day long. I can also compete with each other if I have the chance, right?"

Li Yan was still thinking about the news he had just received.

Although the two uncles and masters talked with their master, they actually only exchanged a few words, mostly just to let Dong Fuyi understand some of the changes in the sect over the years.

But there is a lot of information contained here, and it is not at a level that Li Yan could have access to before.

Suddenly hearing a crisp voice, Li Yan turned his head and saw Ling Yao's pretty face with a beautiful smile. After being stunned for a moment, Li Yan immediately said with a wry smile.

"Senior sister, how can I compete with you with my meager skills? It's true that senior sister gives you guidance!"

Although Li Yan didn't know the time when this woman entered the profession, from the tone of the second uncle's tone, Ling Yao should have arrived here before the senior uncle ascended, so she should have been earlier than him.

The other party is practicing in the upper realm. Although he has only reached the early stage of void cultivation at this time, just by looking at his agile appearance, you can guess that his qualifications should not be any worse.

Although I can also attack the Void Refining Realm, my situation is different from others. I have been fighting all the way.

And even if the Five Immortal Sect's skills are against the sky, advancement is not as simple as drinking water, and the twists and turns will vary from person to person.

"Junior Brother, please stop coming! I was sparring with Senior Brother Bu Chong, but he was only at the Divine Transformation Realm, and he beat me to the point where I couldn't fight back.

You monks who ascended from the lower world are really awesome in your skills and grasp of the fighter planes! "

When Ling Yao heard this, she curled her lips. The young man named "Ziming" also looked at the two of them with a smile and did not interrupt.

Ling Yao was right, that Pei Buchong was so fierce and ruthless, among them Void Refining monks, it was not easy for even the late-stage monks to suppress him.

Senior Sister Ling insisted on competing with the other party, but Pei Buchong refused to agree. In the end, when there was no way to refuse, she took action.

But even if many people saw that Pei Buchong had given up, Ling Yao was no match at all, so more of them sparred with Pei Buchong.

In the end, everyone clearly understood the fact that cultivators ascending from the lower world are really scary.

In the past, it was only when some people were practicing outside that they heard about the ferocity of the ascended monks from the lower realm. They also found people to fight against, but maybe it was due to the suppression of their skills, so they still won.

After seeing Pei Buchong take action, I had other insights.

Today they saw Li Yan return to the sect. This was the second monk of their generation they knew who also came from the lower world.

In fact, these people have communicated privately, and they all want to try Li Yan again, so that they can determine whether the monks from the lower realm are more powerful when their skills are at the same level.

When Li Yan heard this, he immediately shook his head.

"How can I compare with Senior Brother Bu Chong? When he transformed into a god, I didn't know where he was reincarnated? Senior Sister, don't make fun of Junior Brother!"

"Junior brother, there are only two of us in this generation of the entire Guishui Sect, so let's talk about Taoism from time to time in the future. There's no problem with that!"

Ling Yao rolled her eyes slightly.

When Li Yan heard this, he couldn't refuse anymore, but he made up his mind that he would never fight with others easily, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Senior Sister Ling, are you and Uncle Shi the only two people in this sect before we come back?"

Li Yan actually already knew the answer.

But looking at the vast area in front of me, and with no monks flying around in the air, it felt like I was not in a sect, but like I was looking at a ruins.

The total number of pavilions on all the mountain peaks is not too many, but if there are only a few people here, then the area is too large, and it can even be said to be extremely empty.

Thinking that every time it was quiet at night, he would feel a bit cold, so he asked.

"Of course, our sect doesn't even have a single servant or outside disciple.

So when you go to the back and choose a cave, it's basically up to you, as long as it feels right. "

Ling Yao knew that the other party did not want to continue the topic. This was too similar to Senior Brother Bu Chong, but in the end, Senior Brother Bu Chong also fought against people like him.

Li Yan felt that he could still see more than a dozen people in the hall before, and with the various auras revealed, he still felt that he had a passable feeling in his heart.

But after hearing what Ling Yao said and constantly looking at the surrounding environment, he could only feel that the master was right, the Five Immortals Sect was too weak.

This is not because of weakness, but at a glance, it is really silent!

But soon, Li Yan no longer had time to think about this. Ling Yao began to ask Li Yan about the situation in the lower realm, looking very interested.

She kept asking questions even about matters in the fairy world. Shi Ligui always felt that Ling Yao's cultivation was not good enough.

So even if he agrees to let her go out, he will only let her move around the nearby area, or occasionally accompany him to do errands.

Therefore, Ling Yao did not have much knowledge about the outside world, and many of them still stayed in the knowledge he had before entering the sect.

This reminded Li Yan of what Dong Fuyi said when he first met Dong Fuyi's ray of spiritual thought.

"... If the disciples of the sect want to stay away for a long time, they must at least reach the integration stage!"

Another meaning in this sentence is to imply that disciples of the Five Immortals Sect may only be allowed to go out when they reach the Void Refining Realm, but this is not the kind of being away for a long time year after year.

It's just that Li Yan is not entirely clear to what extent this regulation will ultimately limit other people.

But this does not apply to himself and Pei Buchong. Even Pei Buchong only left the secret realm after he had achieved success in cultivation.

But that was in the lower realm, and with his strength it was already feasible. After that, they also had a bloody journey, and they were used to seeing strong winds and waves.

He was completely born out of the wild. He crossed over to a foreign continent during the foundation building period, and even wandered alone in the fairy world early on.

We have long been accustomed to the so-called dangers from the outside world.

So Li Yan guessed that the experience of the two of them was among the top among the six or seven people today?

This is not because he is arrogant, but in fact it should be like this.

But since the other party asked, Li Yan just said a few words, and Ling Yao's eyes lit up as expected.

The young man named Ziming didn't speak a word along the way and just followed them behind. This made Li Yan very strange.

He didn't understand that the other party was not from the Guishui Immortal Sect. Logically speaking, everyone had met each other and knew each other.

Both parties had taken what they were supposed to take, but why did they still follow me after they came out?

But soon, Li Yan seemed to have some realization.

"He and Senior Sister Ling are a Taoist couple? Or maybe there is at least some affection between them..."

However, Li Yan quickly put all this idea behind him, and he didn't want to spend more time on this matter.

And he quickly developed a good impression of the senior sister in front of him. She felt like a combination of Li Changting and Miao Wangqing.

Among the ghosts and spirits, there is a bit of a shrewd look.

About half an hour later, Li Yan chose a cave. This cave was located on the mountainside of the mountain, which was quite far away from other people's caves.

The caves of the Guishui Immortal Sect are located alone on a mountain peak, that is, from the mountainside to the top of the mountain, ten caves have been opened one after another.

The caves of Dong Fuyi and others were all on the top of the mountain. Ling Yao also chose a cave on the top of the mountain, but Li Yan chose the cave on the mountainside.

This surprised both Ling Yao and the young man. The environment on the top of the mountain was of course the best in all aspects, and Ling Yao also made it clear.

The young man just had surprise in his eyes, but Ling Yao asked about the reason and suggested that Li Yan should choose the top of the mountain.

Li Yan refused with a smile, but did not tell the reason.

These two people may not understand at all that it is not easy to change a person's ingrained habits.

In particular, Li Yan's behavior of always hiding and concealing his secrets has long been ingrained in his blood and marrow.

Even after arriving at the Five Immortals Sect, he no longer had to cover up his own cultivation techniques, but if you put him and Dong Fuyi and the others in close proximity, Li Yan would still not be used to it.

So he chose a more remote place out of habit, which made him feel more natural.

This mountain peak is also majestic. From the mountainside to the top of the mountain, ordinary people may not be able to climb to the top of the mountain in several years. It is already high into the sky. I wonder how deep it is?

After walking around the new cave, Li Yan was quite satisfied with this place. This was a place where both the Fusion and Mahayana realms would practice, so there was nothing else he could find fault with.

After Li Yan saw the cave, he planned to take out some good wine and chat with the two of them. After all, they were busy.

But the young man named Ziming suddenly spoke at this moment, but the words he spoke were for Ling Yao.

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