Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1703 The Blessed Shade of the Giant Tree

At this time, the second uncle Shi Ligui, who was at the head, smiled at Li Yan.

"Li Yan, this is the rule of our five sects. The elders of the other four sects will give something to the disciples they have never met.

But there is only one exception here, that is, each disciple can only get a space magic weapon from our sect or other sects.

That space magic weapon is the most important treasure for our disciples of the Five Immortal Sect, because the five elements rule will be born in it.

In the future, you can open up your own world, which can become the existence of a domain.

The space magic weapons of each sect of the Five Immortal Sect are Tuban of the Ji Tu Immortal Sect, Guichao of the Gui Shui Immortal Sect, Chunmu of the Yi Mu Immortal Sect, Shenghuo of the Ding Huo Immortal Sect, and Chiduo of the Xin Jin Immortal Sect.

Basically, this kind of space magic weapon is given by the master of your own sect, but you should have known the situation of the Five Immortal Sect, that is, there are few people!

Therefore, in the process of looking for inheritance, various unpredictable situations will occur, even including the original People fall, so they will leave a backup plan early.

But to refine this kind of five-element space magic weapon, you must reach the fusion realm, and everyone must go to the Pure Nirvana Realm in the outer space.

After getting some chaos soil, you must refine it into an equivalent magic weapon and place it back in the sect.

But chaos soil is not easy to get, so there will be a situation where you find a disciple but the master may not have chaos soil.

But this kind of space magic weapon is best to start warming up when you just enter the immortal way.

Otherwise, there will be defects in the fit with your own five-element space. When this happens, the other four space magic weapons will be used instead.

In theory, it would be better to use the space magic weapon of this sect, but this is not an absolute thing. For example, you got the soil spot..."

Shi Ligui paused here. As for Li Yan's affairs, they had learned about the situation after Qianzhong Zhenjun came back.

Because this matter is related to Dong Fuyi's whereabouts, Li Yan's situation will naturally be mentioned.

"Junior Brother Dongfu only found you with a wisp of divine thought at that time, but failed to give you Guichao, which is actually not very beneficial to your cultivation growth.

But you were able to get Tuban unexpectedly, which is a real great opportunity, and you got it in time. Although Tuban is good at earth spirit energy.

But its defense is the strongest in the early stage, unlike the other four space magic weapons, which have to grow to a certain level before their defense can be comparable to Tuban.

Take Guichao for example, its initial defense is to use softness to unload force, but this kind of defense of using softness to overcome hardness in the early stage is not as good as Jitu, which is as thick as the earth.

And in your early growth, no one cared for you and taught you, but Tuban saved you many times, right?"

Shi Ligui looked at Li Yan.

"Yes, uncle!"

Li Yan immediately replied respectfully. Li Yan had heard Pingtu talk about the Five Immortal Sect's space magic weapons.

But Dong Fuyi may think that it is better to go to the sect and explain it in detail, so he did not explain it in detail on the way.

"That's it. You have to stay with the soil spots for the rest of your life. You need to continue to nurture them.

So, when you come to the sect this time, you will no longer have space magic weapons, and you must remember that after you reach the fusion realm, you must find ways to obtain the chaos soil and refine at least one to return to the sect.

Since you are back, of course we have something to give you, otherwise your master will lose a lot!"

After Shi Ligui said this, he first looked up and down at Li Yan. When Shi Ligui was just sitting there, Li Yan felt that the other party was just an old farmer in the field.

Even though he was so close, he did not feel the slightest bit of oppression.

But when the other party looked directly at him, Li Yan felt that he was seen clearly inside and out by the other party.

It seemed that all his secrets could no longer be concealed at this moment, but fortunately, this feeling soon disappeared.

"Boy, were you jealous of the things in my hand just now? I have been in the lower world for so many years, and the things in my hand are only jealous of the cultivators of the refining realm.

The reason why I didn't give you other things is that after you return to the fairy world, I plan to find better things for you.

Now I didn't expect your second uncle to come back. This is your real uncle. Maybe I don't need to consider any good things anymore, hehehe..."

And at this moment, Dong Fuyi's voice suddenly sounded in Li Yan's mind, and his voice was full of joy.

And before Li Yan could react, the second uncle nodded, and there was a thin, fingernail-sized, almost transparent milky white jade pendant in his hand.

Then he pushed forward in the void and pushed it towards Li Yan.

"Your survival in the lower realm is more difficult than Pei Bu Chong's cultivation. He at least has the secret realm of cultivation refined by your uncle Qian Chong, so I will give you something. This thing is called Shouyi, which is a kind of magic weapon that I refined to conceal cultivation. You only need to drop some blood essence into it and refine it, and it will blend into your skin like a dirt spot, and it cannot be detected by others. When you want to use it, just use your spiritual consciousness to activate it. You should be able to use this magic weapon until the Tribulation Realm, and by that time, you will not need it. This magic weapon is a magic weapon that conceals cultivation, but it does not have the effect of hiding the body. However, once it is activated, only the Mahayana cultivators may be able to see through it. When we, the disciples of the Five Immortal Sect, walk outside, most of us still don't like to expose our true strength, although our own skills have the effect of concealing cultivation.

But often you can only hide a big realm at best. You have been practicing alone for these years. To be honest, it is not easy to be able to practice to this point and survive.

In fact, this magic weapon is already a bit heavy for you, but my uncle welcomes you to truly come back! "

After Li Yan heard the second uncle explain the function of the white jade pendant in his hand, his eyes suddenly brightened.

Moreover, the second uncle was right. This treasure had an effect on the body. It was really too valuable.

At this time, he already understood that this second uncle, who seemed simple and dull, was actually extremely careful and shrewd.

After Li Yan got acquainted with Dong Fuyi, he still habitually suppressed his cultivation throughout the journey. Of course, this was not just the suppression of Guishui Kung Fu.

Although these had no effect in Dong Fuyi's eyes, Li Yan just made himself feel safer in his heart.

Therefore, even though he returned here, he still did not fully show his cultivation habits. The second uncle only glanced at him a few times.

He should have guessed some of his habitual behaviors to produce such a good treasure.

"Only Mahayana monks... can detect the magic weapon. This..."

For a moment, Li Yan felt as if he was in a dream. He truly realized how powerful the Five Immortals Sect that Dong Fuyi mentioned was.

This is a huge, towering tree, soaring straight into the sky!

In addition to their top-notch skills, the treasures they gave him were also incredible. In this way, he would be even more powerful in the future.

He also thought of Dong Fuyi's words, "Master has suffered a great loss". No wonder Master said that he would spit it out even if he ate it...

It turns out that when he and he were disciples, they were able to take advantage of other elders. Now that Dong Fuyi is an elder, he has to give good things to the younger generation according to the rules.

Even though Dong Fuyi took out so many good things at once, he didn't give them to his disciples, which still made him feel heartbroken.

As the second uncle, he took more circumstances into consideration and the treasures he took out were much more mysterious than Dong Fuyi's, but his cultivation level was not there.

"Thank you so much, uncle, for your generous gift!"

Li Yan stood up quickly, not caring to pick up the jade pendant in the void first, and quickly bowed his thanks.

Shiligui was not polite and allowed Li Yan to pay homage. Everyone else saw this with smiles on their faces.

Even the young man and Ling Yao looked at Li Yan with smiles. They didn't have any jealousy, and the things Dong Fuyi gave him were considered very precious.

Moreover, Ling Yao also had something similar in his hands. After all, Shi Ligui was his master, and the young man also had a rare treasure presented to him by Fairy Ning Ke.

There are only a few people in the Five Immortals Sect. This kind of thing is just to send them away. They can also know that Li Yan must have gotten something good afterward.

If this is placed in those sects with a large number of people, there is no need to know what kind of blessing you have received. As long as he wants to kill people and gain goods, he will definitely be thinking about it all the time.

But Dong Fuyi and the others don't care about this. If you can be jealous and want to take action secretly, then they will be able to know the disciple's character in advance. Such people must be eliminated as soon as possible.

This is an important difference between a sect with a small number of people and a sect with a large number of people. Dong Fuyi and the others can treat every disciple carefully without overwhelming them.

This is also the reason why the Five Immortals Sect can still be passed down even though there are so many foreign enemies coveting it.

Otherwise, Dong Fuyi would not have desperately tried to rescue Qianzhong Zhenjun despite knowing that there was a trap on the Arctic Continent.

The relationship between them has been cultivated in this way since the day they entered the school, just like Li Yan and Ling Yao now.

At the same time, this is also related to the situation of every disciple of the Five Immortals Sect. Everyone knows how useless their spiritual roots are. In other sects, they don't need them at all.

If there is such a sect that makes them strong, they must defend it to the death. If the other four sects are destroyed, do they really think they can survive alone?

Their strong cohesion can only be achieved internally, and it would definitely be extremely sinister to attack externally.

After Li Yan stood up, he quickly put the jade pendant away. He was not in a hurry to check it here.

"The rest of the masters and uncles are either in retreat or out today, so I am the only one here to give you something.

When they come back, they will naturally make up for it one by one. You will be surprised when you think about it! "

Just after Li Yan put away the elixir bottle, the voice without any trace of dust and with an incomparable ethereal meaning sounded in the hall. It was none other than Fairy Ningke.

As she spoke, she seemed to have been prepared. She gently raised her sleeves, revealing half of Sai Xue Qishang's snow-white lotus-root arm, and there was already a jade slip in her hand.

But she did not immediately give the things to Li Yan like Shiligui did, but continued.

"This is a technique that I studied a few years ago. It can also be said to be the technique of Yimu Xianmen. It is mainly based on wood spiritual energy! Li Yan, do you know what Yimu Xianmen is good at?"

The beautiful voice of Fairy Ningke floated in the hall like fairy music.

"Law of Life!"

Li Yan replied without hesitation that Yimu Xianmen is proficient in wood-based exercises. Those wood spiritual energy have an irreplaceable role in longevity and healing.

Often a dying person can be brought back to life with just a wave of his hand!

Dong Fuyi had also analyzed Bai Rou's injuries at the beginning, but unfortunately it was not that there was a problem with Bai Rou's life, but that the sea of ​​consciousness had a strange power and had integrated into it.

Therefore, this is not something Yimu Xianmen can easily cure.

But Dong Fuyi also told Li Yan that perhaps when the Yimu Immortal Sect has been cultivated to the level of a true immortal, it will be possible to reorganize a person's sea of ​​consciousness, and the memory should not be erased.

When Fairy Ningke asked such a question, Li Yan's heart was moved. He immediately thought of powerful healing techniques, which were unique to the Yimu Immortal Sect.

If you can practice such a technique, it will definitely be of great benefit. Just after Li Yan answered, Fairy Ningke seemed to have read through Li Yan's thoughts, and the ethereal voice came again.

"Yes, it is the law of life. But what is recorded in this jade slip is not a spell that is beneficial to life, but a spell that destroys life.

But this is not the law of destruction, but shortening the loss of life in a short period of time. The result is actually the same as destruction! "

"Destroying lives?"

Li Yan never expected this. In his opinion, people who practice wood-attribute skills generally have a detached or gentle personality.

Even their attack skills are not too sharp, and they often rely on longer-lasting magic power than even earth-attribute monks to wear down the opponent.

And this way of death is also the terrifying aspect of wood attribute monks.

Not only are they good at healing people's injuries, but once they kill someone, they sometimes inflict cruel and endless torture on the enemy, making the other party feel that life is worse than death.

All kinds of torture are not as good as killing yourself directly or committing suicide.

That way, they can truly feel relieved!

Li Yan once heard about an incident where an evil tyrant killed a monk's daughter. When the monk finally found him, a big battle broke out between the two.

That monk was a wood-attribute monk, and he was at a disadvantage even from the beginning in the battle with the evil lord.

This made the evil tyrant, while constantly insulting him, feel that the other party came to seek revenge on him, and there was something wrong with his brain.

It seemed to him that he would be able to easily kill the opponent in a short time, but what surprised him was that the Evil Dao Duxiao forced the opponent to a desperate situation several times.

But inside the opponent's body, it seemed as if there was a very strong thread. Even if it collapsed, it kept breaking, and he was able to resist it.

The two of them continued to fight like this. Not only did the evil lord not be able to kill the other party, but his magic power became unsustainable.

Then, he had to continue to swallow pills to restore the continuously consumed mana.

However, no matter how he tried to kill the opponent, he beat the opponent until his body almost collapsed, but that person just kept fighting and refused to retreat, and his mana was flowing like an endless stream.

Moreover, the monk had never swallowed the elixir, and relied on the wood spirit energy to heal himself while continuing to attack desperately.

This made the evil lord think about escaping, but the other party was clinging to him, and he was not allowed to fight while escaping.

Later, his muscles and veins could no longer bear the erysipelas. At this time, he was already very scared!

But the other party just kept tormenting him like that. The evil tyrant was inherently ruthless, and naturally had a very tough mind, so of course he would not commit suicide easily.

But in the end, when he wanted to commit suicide again, he was unable to do so.

In the end, it turned out to be like a sparring partner. Amidst the wailing sounds, he had to be led by the other party and was forced to "fight" with the other party continuously.

Until the end, his mana was completely exhausted, but the opponent still didn't give up, and still led this man to "fight".

In the end, it was said that all the blood of the evil lord flowed out of his pores, including the last drop of water in his body, which was completely exhausted.

The whole person was rickety and tall, and only the body of a five or six-year-old child was left. The death state was quite miserable.

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