Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1693 Someone is coming from the peak

Mo Qing and Wei Zhongran on the other side listened to Li Yan and the other party's words testing each other. Even Wei Zhongran was shocked at this moment.

At this time, Li Yan seemed to be no longer the same person as he remembered.

Every time Li Yan returns to Xiaozhu Peak, if you tell him something, he will basically answer whatever you ask, and he will never say another word.

And he always treated Wei Zhongran with that kind of respect, which created a fixed impression on Wei Zhongran, that is, Li Yan seemed to have always been the somewhat reserved mountain village boy when he first entered the sect.

Even though the other party's cultivation level later surpassed his own, when Li Yan stood in front of him, he still only answered questions when he asked them. He still didn't take the initiative to say anything and was taciturn!

But now listening to the conversation between Li Yan and the burly bald man, Wei Zhongran was shocked to find that every word spoken by his young disciple was extremely smooth.

It seemed that he was answering some questions of the other party, but in fact, there was no actual content. This was far from the Li Yan in his impression.

Only when the people on their side knew about the situation did they realize that there seemed to be ten or eight hidden intentions in every word of Li Yan's words.

Even if you find some loopholes, he can plug them from all directions, and it still makes you wonder if you feel wrong.

Wei Zhongran sensed Mo Qing's strange look. He also glanced at Zhao Min and his sixth disciple, and found that Zhao Min and Gong Chenying didn't seem too surprised by this.

Zi Kun kept lowering his eyes and didn't seem to hear it at all.

"It seems that I really don't understand my disciples!"

Wei Zhongran said helplessly to Mo Qing.

As for Zhao Min and Zi Kun, they have already seen many scenes of Li Yan's confrontation with others, which of course includes verbal confrontations.

In their opinion, isn't this just the most common way to talk? Li Yan has always been like this when dealing with outsiders.

Mo Qing and Wei Zhongran were relieved. Although this place was already the Demon Sect, they were not familiar with the burly bald man.

No matter how much we are a sect, we each have our own inheritance, and there will also be grievances and resentments within them. It is better to only speak three words to each other.

Therefore, it was Mo Qing who communicated with the other party at the beginning. He was an old man.

However, after entering the mountain gate, the burly bald man wanted to say a few words to the senior Li Yan. They could only pay more attention, but they could not directly stop him...

Although the place where they were standing was a little off, it was still at the mountain gate. There were many monks coming in and out, making it a lively scene.

But at most, some people would glance at them. When they saw Zhao Min, Gong Chenying, and Li Zhaoyan, some people would also have a look of surprise in their eyes.

But that's all. The punishment for adultery and lewdness in the Demon Sect is quite severe, and the disciples never dare to touch it.

In the lower realm, although the Sprite Sect was called an evil cultivator among the four major sects, it was actually because many of its cultivation methods were too vicious.

Within the sect, there is no such method of harvesting vitality yin.

In addition, it is too easy for monks to want to have outstanding appearance. It can be said that there are many people who are as beautiful as the three women in the upper world.

It's just that the temperament of Zhao Min and Gong Chenying cannot be easily imitated. In addition, they are both practitioners of Dharma and Body, so their figures are not comparable to those of other Dharma practitioners.

Li Yan and the others were talking and waiting here. When it was about half a cup of tea, a slight spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared above their heads.

Among all the people, Li Yan was the first to sense the abnormality. The others still didn't notice anything. Li Yan couldn't help but look up immediately.

"Hey, the little guy's reaction is very good!"\u003c


As a soft buzzing sound came, Li Yan saw a figure, which gathered fifty feet above in an instant.

She was a beautiful woman in black clothes with a graceful figure. She seemed to be in her thirties, with skin as good as snow and a delicate face.

The moment Li Yan saw it clearly, he was shocked.

He was not surprised by the beauty of the other party, but he had already sensed the terrifying power faintly coming from the other party's body!

" this the late stage of virtual refining?"

Li Yan was immediately shocked.

Why did such a terrifying monk suddenly come here? With his current strength, compared with the late stage of refining the void, he must still be able to run much farther.

And when the sound came, Wei Zhongran and others seemed to be awakened, and then they realized that they had been bullied to their side, and they were still unconscious.

They all looked up, and then they saw a beautiful woman in black with a graceful figure appearing in the sky. Wei Zhongran found that this person seemed familiar.

But before he could react, excitement appeared on Mo Qing's face, and his body, which had always been calm and elegant, was already trembling at this moment.

He quickly raised his head and kowtowed, but his voice also kept trembling.

"Unworthy disciple Mo Qing, pay your respects to Master!"

Mo Qing did not expect that the person coming from Laojun Peak would be his master, whom he had not seen for more than a thousand years.

When he was still a little golden elixir, his master used his cultivation in the spirit transformation realm to find the node for ascension, and many of the techniques were taught to him by his senior brother.

Previously, the burly bald man said that after notifying the two peaks of their situation, someone would come over soon to check their identities again.

Everyone thought that the person coming behind them should be the deacons of Laojun Peak and Xiaozhu Peak, but they never expected that the person coming was a monk whose cultivation was too powerful to detect.

"Hmph! You are really unworthy. How come you are in the late stage of Nascent Soul, and you still haven't been promoted for many years? Su Changyang and several other people turned into gods later than me, and their disciples have surpassed you!"

When the beautiful woman in black saw Mo Qing calling Master and kneeling on the ground, her wonderful eyes moved away from Li Yan.

But she was still thinking in her mind, who is this young man?

According to the information she received, a clone of Gu Jiuqi is now in the lower realm. Su Changyang left because he could no longer suppress his cultivation. There are no other god-transforming monks in the lower realm for the time being.

"Did it only take a few hundred years for someone to become a god in the lower realm? But later on, didn't Su Laogui's disciple say that the person with the strongest cultivation in the lower realm at that time was Mo Qing?"

The beautiful woman in black was puzzled.

The burly bald man sent messages to the two peaks respectively, and he also thought that the person coming would be a deacon.

Therefore, the beautiful woman in black didn't know the situation of the others. She only discovered the others after she came here.

In addition, Wei Zhongran and others were not wearing sect clothes, so the beautiful woman in black wondered whether these people were friends whom Mo Qing met while searching for the sect in the upper world after her ascension.

Mo Qing interrupted her train of thought, but she had already seen clearly the other party's cultivation level, and couldn't help but be angry with herself, the youngest closed disciple, whose strength was still at the Nascent Soul realm.

At first, she saw that his bones were unusual, so she accepted him under the sect. However, since then, she has been in seclusion often, so she has given Mo Qing less guidance.

Hearing Mo Qing's exclamation, Wei Zhongran and others immediately knew the identity of the visitor.

Wei Zhongran's eyes flashed, and he said that this person looked familiar. It turned out that when he was in the lower realm, he had seen the portrait of the other person at Mo Qing, the main peak of Laojun Peak.

As for Li Yan and the others, they rarely go to Laojun Peak, and they have very little interaction with Mo Qing, so they don't know each other anymore.

Li Yan was shocked. He never expected that Mo Qing's master was still alive, but it was rare to hear anyone mention Mo Qing's master.

This made some people wonder if Mo Qing's master had already entered the avenue of reincarnation. Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be a strong man in the late stage of the Void Refining Realm.

Even Li Yan was like this, not to mention the shock of Zhao Min, Gong Chenying and others.

And just when Li Yan and others had just reacted and were about to salute the beautiful woman in black, a sound broke through the sky and a voice came over at the same time. ??

"Uncle Lu, are you praising me? I'm only a little better than Mo Qing, hehehe..."

As this voice came, a figure with blue light flashed across the sky. Regardless of the side glances of other monks coming and going, it arrived here with a sense of arrogance.

"Da Cen, what are you doing here?"

The beautiful woman in black saw clearly the person in the blue light, and she couldn't help but frown. This person from Xiaozhufeng was extremely flamboyant, with the same virtue from top to bottom.

She has always been a calm personality, and she doesn't like Xiao Zhufeng's personality. A monk must be devoted to the Tao and not be influenced by external things.

And almost as soon as the beautiful woman in black finished speaking, Wei Zhongran below also trembled. The person came so fast that he didn't even see who it was.

But that voice was all too familiar to him, and he said with excitement in his voice.


Just when the words Wei Zhongran were spoken, the beautiful woman in black glanced at Wei Zhongran.

"This person is a disciple of Da Cen, and his disciple is also in the late Nascent Soul stage?"

She thought with some surprise in her heart.

"Uncle Lu, of course this disciple is here to pick up the disciples from Xiaozhu Peak!"

The blue light faded away, revealing an old man inside, who turned out to be Da Cen, who had been missing for a long time. However, his age seemed to be much older than that of the beautiful woman in black.

"Senior brother, you have indeed succeeded in ascending!"

Mo Qing's voice of surprise also came from one side, and in a flash, he was in front of Da Cen.

Mo Qing was really surprised, and his emotional expression didn't seem to be fake. Among their generation, he and Da Cen had the most irreconcilable relationship.

But since the other party left the sect, he has completely lost news. Although Mo Qing feels that Da Cen should be able to ascend successfully, he is also worried that he will fall on the way to ascend.

Every time I think of the long years the two have been together, I still feel a little relieved.

"I said, why don't you follow any rules? You have to call me uncle. I am a monk who transforms into gods!"

Da Cen looked at Mo Qing who was flying over, with a look of indifference on his face and his hands behind his back.

This made Mo Qing, who was already flying in front of him, stunned for a moment. He felt the aura of the other person that was so repulsive to him, which made him feel that this person was so strange except for his familiar face.

Da Cen's attitude immediately caused a chill to appear in the eyes of the beautiful woman in black. He was still here. What did he want to do?

With Da Cen's appearance, everyone including Wei Zhongran felt that the person who came here was someone else's illusion and was not the Master in their impression.

But at this moment, Da Cen's expression suddenly changed, and his aura completely relaxed. He stepped forward and hugged Mo Qing.

"Hahaha...Old Mo, you're finally here. I'm really afraid that you will really ascend to the bliss of the West during your ascension. Then I will have to give you a few dollars in paper money!"

While he was speaking, he slapped Mo Qing on the back several times, making a thumping sound.

"Let the fuck go, let go... I'm going to strangle you to death!"

Only then did Mo Qing react. He cursed hurriedly and felt that his breath was gone.

Da Cen then let go of his hand, looked at Mo Qing seriously, and said with dissatisfaction.

"Uncle Lu is here. You are his most well-behaved disciple. How come you have lost your identity by speaking such vulgar words!"

"Get out...go aside!"

After Mo Qing heard this, she took a step back and almost cursed again. She couldn't help but take a quick look at the beautiful woman in black high in the sky.

"Okay? Get out of here quickly. Who are those people? Mo Qing, are they your friends?"

The beautiful woman in black looked at the two people below, and her eyes regained a calm look.

Although she didn't like the disciples of Xiaozhufeng's lineage, she could still see that the relationship between her little disciple and Da Cen was really good.

Although the two of them looked nonchalant on the surface, at a certain moment, their eyes showed sincerity.

Not only was the beautiful woman in black not expecting all these changes, but the burly bald man was even more surprised.

It turned out that the master of this old Junfeng monk was actually Elder Lu of the Void Refining Realm. He thought that his master was just a monk of the Divine Transformation Realm.

Fortunately, I know the path to ascending monks very clearly, and I have never been able to pick on these people, otherwise I would have offended Dafa this time.

Wei Zhongran also looked at his master in shock. In his impression, Da Cen was a very old-fashioned and protective person.

He never expected that his master would have such a side.

"Oh, those people should all... be my disciples at Xiaozhu Peak, huh? You... you are that little Foundation Establishment Li... Li Yan!"

When Da Cen heard Uncle Lu's question, he only glanced briefly and saw Wei Zhongran, Zhao Min and others. Besides, he had also received the news before.

When he was in the Demon Sect, he had been guarding the sect, and he had been stationed in the back mountain of Xiaozhu Peak all year round. There were only a few people in Xiaozhu Peak, so of course he was very familiar with his disciples.

Zhao Min, Gong Chenying, and Li Yan were all his disciples, but he didn't know the little girl next to him and the demon cultivator who exuded evil aura.

Moreover, why are there Jindan monks here?

Therefore, he planned to glance at Wei Zhongran and ask him to explain what was going on.

But then he was shocked to discover that the dark-skinned young man he was somewhat familiar with was also a monk in the realm of divine transformation?

This didn't mean that he was in the same realm as his own. He couldn't help but take another careful look. The other person should be Wei Zhongran's little disciple.

After years of hard work, I have only reached the peak of the middle stage of divine transformation. Why is the other party also in the middle stage of divine transformation?

After Da Cen confirmed that he had not mistakenly admitted Li Yan, he suddenly became confused and immediately ignored Li Zhaoyan and Zi Kun.

He already felt that he must have admitted the wrong person, he must have admitted the wrong person...

Upon seeing this, Li Yan was about to step forward to pay his respects, but Wei Zhongran got there first and winked at Li Yan.

"Disciple meets Master..."

He immediately took a step forward, first gave a big salute, and then immediately started transmitting the message.

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