Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 1692 The Upper Realm Sect (2)

"Where are the monks from? Please tell me your purpose of coming. Otherwise, please stay here first!"

Just when everyone was stunned, there was already a shout. The shout echoed among the mountains, causing rumbling vibrations in the sky that lasted for a long time...

"Disciples of the Demon Sect from the lower realm are flying up!"

Mo Qing took a deep breath and spoke loudly. .🅆.

At the same time, when Mo Qing said this, everyone's identity tokens appeared in their palms, including Zi Kun, who also took out the Xiaozhu Peak token.

"Ascended monk? How come so many people ascended at once? Did you come here together after you happened to meet each other in the upper world?"

The moment Mo Qing and others' identity tokens appeared, they felt a quick sweep of divine consciousness, and then there was a suspicious voice.

It's just that the sound at this time has been much quieter and no longer frightening.

Immediately, several figures appeared in the clouds and mist ahead. There were six people blocking the front, five people forming a row behind them, and one person stepping out from the front.

The six people were all wearing dark green robes, which were the sect costumes that Li Yan and others were most familiar with.

"One mid-stage Nascent Soul, five golden elixir monks, such a formation to protect the sect, even in the Moji Dao Sect, is nothing more than that!"

Li Yan had discovered the other party a long time ago. At the same time, he also sensed that there were many strong auras inside the mountain gate, but they just stayed in place.

Obviously, the Sprite Sect is still very cautious in protecting its sect.

Mo Qing and others were also looking at the other six people. The leader was a burly bald man, but what caught everyone's attention was their clothes.

There were actually some patterns on the sleeves of the six opponents. After seeing those patterns clearly, everyone was even more shocked.

Those were also patterns they were very familiar with. All six of them had a golden compass embroidered on their sleeves.

" this the logo of the Four Elephant Peaks? Could it be that the five peaks behind the mountain gate that I vaguely saw just now are the same as the lower realm?"

This was an idea that came to Li Yan and all of them at the same time.

The Demon Sect in the lower realm is not very clear about the situation in the upper realm. The information left by the upper realm to the sects in the lower realm only includes the location of the sect in the upper realm and different types of inherited techniques.

As for what the upper realm sect is?

So, there is no relevant record, which makes the monks in the lower realm always feel very mysterious about the sect in the upper realm.

While Mo Qing and the others were sizing up each other, six people including the burly bald man over there were also sizing up the others.

They had already seen each other's token clearly, and there was nothing wrong with it. Only one of them was a disciple of Laojun Peak, and the rest were all disciples of Xiaozhu Peak.

But there were several things that made them confused. One of them was the question asked by the burly bald man just now.

As far as the burly bald man knew, in the past, at most two or three people could ascend together, which was considered extremely rare.

That's because the number of Nascent Soul monks in the lower realm is also very limited. Even if someone ascends together, there is a high chance that someone will die on the way.

After ascending, unless the end of that space node is relatively close to the upper realm sect, you can get here quickly.

Otherwise, there is a high chance that the Nascent Soul cultivator will be killed on the way. Even the Soul Transformation cultivator will be accidentally killed with hatred even when he is so far away.

That's why he thought that these people should have ascended at different times. However, after they came up, they could not reach here in a short time because their cultivation was too low.

So I stopped to practice in some places, and maybe I met the monks who ascended later. They happened to form a team, and after their strength increased, they rushed over together.

In addition, what happened to the golden elixir monk among this group of people?

Could it be that these people are crazy? When they were ascending, they dared to take the Golden Core cultivator to the upper world with them. Do they think they are destined to die?

"That golden elixir monk was probably born in the upper world..."

The burly bald man's eyes lingered on Li Zhaoyan for a moment, and he also saw the Xiaozhufeng token in her hand.

But when I saw so many men and women in this group, I suddenly realized that if the other party's parents were both members of the Demon Sect, there would be nothing wrong with giving the heir an identity.

"That's not the case. We flew up together this time!"

And Mo Qing's next answer was far beyond the six people's expectations...

In a place inside the mountain gate, Mo Qing and the others stood there waiting for notification, but only the burly bald man was left here, and he had already sent a message to the rear.

The others have also gone to perform their duties, and he is the only one here guarding these people. The burly bald man is talking to Li Yan.

In his opinion, Li Yan is the strongest person here, so naturally everything is dominated by him.

For example, when Mo Qing talked to him before, it was because the other person's cultivation level was equal to his own, so he took the initiative to talk to him.

Li Yan and the others also sensed that this person's words contained a hint of inquiring, so they began to chat with him here.

Mo Qing, Wei Zhongran and others stood on one side and did not explain the relationship between them. In the world of immortality, strength is always respected, so they naturally understood what the burly bald man meant.

Li Yan did not lower his cultivation level to the Nascent Soul Realm. He also had other considerations. He was already an ascended monk, so he naturally knew that even a monk in the Divine Transformation Realm would be nothing in the upper world.

But this will definitely be related to the training resources allocated later. Of course, he is not willing to be allocated poor training resources.

Even if he won't be here for a while, he still wants to secure good resources and give them to his relatives.

Although Wei Zhongran and the others' cultivation level could barely cope with the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods, the Nascent Soul Realm was still the Nascent Soul Realm, and their strength was still too weak.

First of all, they must have the ability to protect themselves. It is impossible for them to take care of them all the time. And judging from the character of these people, no one is willing to be taken care of.

Li Yan wanted to buy them some time so that they could successfully transform into gods.

With the grand rules of heaven and earth in the fairy world, and with the help of abundant cultivation resources, these people's cultivation speed is definitely not slow.

After Wei Zhongran and the others' strength increased, it was not only related to themselves, but Li Yan had already had other considerations.

Judging from the fact that he was approached by the Yin-Yang Chaos Gate after passing through the lower realm, it is still possible that his identity will be exposed later.

Passive defense has never been his style. After Zhao Min and the others improve their strength, it will definitely be a big help to him in the future.

He cannot fight alone.

At the same time, he has a bigger plan, which he has never mentioned to Dong Fuyi. This requires him to try little by little and see where he can go.

After Li Yan ascended to the fairy world, if the news about the ancient wine flag had not reached the sects in the upper world, he would also report the events in the lower world in advance...

The burly bald man felt that the ascended young man in front of him was very scheming, and he could not get anything deeper about them from him.

But for people like Li Yan, he couldn't use force. There was no problem with their identity, and on every peak here, there were monks who had ascended from the lower world.

These ascended monks are actually the elites of every peak. Not only are these people extremely united, they are also extremely evil-minded.

If it comes to hands-on fighting, local monks like them will definitely be crushed. Those ascended monks are particularly crazy in what they do.

Not to mention anything else, he could understand a thing or two just from the fact that these people in front of him actually ascended with a golden elixir monk.

It's not that this kind of thing has no precedent before, it's just that he hasn't encountered it before.

And after talking to these people, it was just the Nascent Soul and Golden Core monks. This dark-skinned young man gave him the feeling that he was no stranger to the fairy world.

This made the burly bald man feel that the other person might not be telling the truth about the question he asked before. This dark-skinned young man should have been in the fairy world for a long time...

However, Li Yan had probably confirmed one thing from the other party's mouth, that is, the Jianzong of the Demon Sect in the lower realm was completely based on the appearance of the upper realm.

The upper realm also has five peaks including Laojun Peak, with Laojun Peak as the main peak.

The monks who ascended from the lower realm will eventually return to their respective peaks, back to the peaks they worshiped in the lower realm.

Although the other party didn't tell them the benefits, after Li Yan and the others knew about this situation, they could already guess a lot of reasons.

One is to allow them, ascension monks, to return directly to the sect they are most familiar with. That sense of belonging will definitely no longer need to be cultivated.

Secondly, the inheritance of the techniques practiced by the monks and their familiarity with the sect's set of precepts and rules are all integrated naturally, and there is no need for any further explanation.

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