Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 162 Wildness

Li Yan's consciousness spread out, and soon locked onto a hundred-foot mountain peak, where there were many rocks and bushes growing on the hillside. In his consciousness, there was a cave-like existence. He accelerated his steps and rushed to the mountain peak at a faster speed. After half a cup of tea, Li Yan held Gong Chenying and stood at the foot of the mountain in a place with dense bushes. During this period of time, Li Yan continuously input spiritual power into Gong Chenying's body. At this moment, the gray on Gong Chenying's face was slightly reduced.

Li Yan looked at the pile of rocks covered with weeds in front of him. There was a very small black hole, and the entrance was blocked by dense thorns. He couldn't find a better place in a short time. Holding Gong Chenying, he walked to the thorns that were soaring into the sky, and his consciousness was quickly released. In his consciousness, this black hole was just the entrance of a small cave, which was only a few feet in size, and the ground was not wet. After Li Yan retracted his consciousness, he quickly scanned the surroundings again, and took a step forward without hesitation while holding Gong Chenying. He kicked the cave entrance, which was originally only large enough for half a person, a few times. After he felt that he could enter with one person, he held Gong Chenying and flashed in. The ground in the cave was covered with a thick layer of gravel and dust. Li Yan waved his hand, and a column of wind instantly rolled up and quickly turned around in the cave, and then disappeared at the entrance of the cave. The cave suddenly became much tidier, at least it would not feel stuffy inside.

Li Yan moved very quickly, quickly put the jade girl in his arms on the ground, and then flashed out of the cave. His consciousness communicated with the "soil spot" on his left wrist, and several formation flags flew in the air with flashing light. Li Yan pointed with his hand, and several formation flags had flashed near the entrance of the cave and fell into the ground and disappeared without a trace. Then, several faint spiritual lights flashed by. At this moment, in Li Yan's consciousness, there was nothing unusual except for a large area of ​​grass and thorns. This was a set of simple concealment equipment that Lin Daqiao gave him before he entered the secret realm. It was used before he established his foundation, but this time it was given to Li Yan. Li Yan was not sure whether this set of concealment array could deceive Wang Lang, but it was better than nothing. At least it seemed to work well. He could not detect it himself. He looked at the foot of the mountain, which was flawless in his eyes, and sighed in his heart, "It seems that I have to find a better set of concealment array after I go out this time. This is a must-have for saving my life."

When he entered the secret realm before, it was not that he did not want to have a better one, but even a simple set of concealment arrays cost hundreds of spirit stones, which he could not take out at all. This kind of concealment array is more expensive than the attack array on the market, and a good concealment array is often out of stock and cannot be bought at all. Therefore, Lin Daqiao gave this set of arrays, which seems ordinary, but is actually a very valuable item. After all, he has just established his foundation not long ago.

Li Yan looked at the bushes with branches swaying in the breeze on the hillside, and took a step towards a bush. In an instant, he disappeared. Only the breeze blew gently on the hillside, and the valley returned to its quietness.

Li Yan's eyes blurred, and he was back in the cave. He looked at Gong Chenying on the ground, and quickly calculated in his mind, "It takes about an incense stick of time for the black shadow behind to move to this place, and it is estimated that it will take Wang Lang half a cup of tea to recover his ability to move. At that time, he was only 100 meters away from the black shadow in the sky, so he should move a distance away no matter what method he used soon after I left, otherwise he would die. This will affect the injury, so let's say it takes him a cup of tea to recover, but I can't estimate how much of his attack ability will be restored after he recovers his ability to move? The realm gap is too big, and it is impossible to estimate it at all. Then we can only regard him as having the ability to attack as long as he has the ability to move. Of course, all this excludes the situation where he does not have a sixth-grade or higher elixir in his hand. In this way, the safest time is within a cup of tea, and most of it is Going out after half an incense stick will be an extremely dangerous opportunity, so everything must be completed within a cup of tea. Considering unexpected factors, the best time should be about half a cup of tea. "

Li Yan only calculated in his mind a little bit, and he had already calculated the safe time he could stay here. While he was thinking, he did not stop his movements. He had already flashed in front of Gong Chenying. At this time, Gong Chenying's eyes were closed, his lips were blue, his face was pale and bloodless, and his breath was weak. But after Li Yan's spiritual power was poured in along the way, the gray breath had been reduced a lot. Li Yan couldn't help but marvel. He admired this sixth sister and Zhao Min very much in the sect foundation building cultivator competition. The two of them practiced in a very similar way. They both took the path of dual cultivation of law and body, and they were mainly physical cultivation. This injury plus the previous hard-hitting battle, if it was on him, it would be hard to say whether he could breathe. He was really a strong person.

Long Chenying had been laid flat on the ground by him. There was a large piece of black blood stain between his waist and abdomen, which made the color of the originally dark green robe much darker than the surrounding area. But when Li Yan came to Gong Chenying, he stopped his swift steps and frowned as he faced Gong Chenying lying flat on the ground.

Li Yan was in a dilemma. Gong Chenying's injury should be below the chest and above the lower abdomen. If he wanted to treat her, he would have to undress her. But Li Yan had never had skin contact with a woman since he could remember. He was embarrassed for a moment. But in Li Yan's eyes, this hesitation lasted only a breath or two before he calmed down. If he hesitated again, the safe time of half a cup of tea would pass quickly.

Li Yan took a deep breath, first raised his hand and slowly took out half of the Chang Ge that Gong Chenying held in each hand. He didn't want to be killed by Gong Chenying's unconscious blow during treatment. That would be tragic. Gong Chenying held her hands tightly, and Li Yan used a lot of strength to open her slender jade fingers. During this period, Gong Chenying closed her eyes and trembled slightly, and her figure undulated slightly. His arm moved unconsciously, which scared Li Yan into a cold sweat. He hurriedly connected with one hand, causing Gong Chenying to fall into coma, and then raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

After taking out two pieces of the long robe and placing them at the farthest point in the cave, Li Yan turned around without any hesitation and untied the dark green robe. However, the moment he untied it, his breathing became heavier, and his fingers A little trembling

, Li Yan closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. After taking off the outer robe, he began to take off Gong Chenying's underwear. When the underwear was untied, Li Yan felt dizzy in front of his eyes, and the sound of heavy breathing suddenly filled the little room. There was a sound in the small cave.

This is a picture of an absolutely perfect figure. Her skin is wheat-colored, a healthy color that makes people think of infinite youthful vitality. Two high peaks stand tall and straight on her chest. Although there is a trace of short lines on her chest and her chest is tightly tied, it is still It stands tall and proud, as if to break through the constraints and show its pride. Under the short tube top is a flat abdomen, which is now a blur of blood and flesh, but a few strong and feminine abdominal muscles can still be seen on the edge of the wound diagonally downwards towards the double ribs. Although the abdominal wound is It's terrifying, but Gong Chenying's whole body is filled with the beauty of wild violence, like a wounded female leopard.

Li Yan felt blood rushing to his brain, and two streams of hot water in his nose almost spurted out. He was in the best period of his youth at this time, when he was most ignorant and curious about men and women. He felt the hot stream in his nose and he was so horny. Spurting out, Li Yan secretly cursed himself for being shameless, quickly closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and when he opened his eyes again, there was only clarity in his eyes.

He fixed his gaze on the wound. This wound was extremely deep, but Gong Chenying should have dealt with it himself. A red material that looked like cloth was tied tightly around his waist and abdomen, and the wound was tightly tied. It's just that the wound has burst open again. The red thing is darker in color, and a gap has been torn open by a sharp weapon.

Li Yan looked at the location of the wound. It was above the Dantian, which made him feel relieved. If the injury was under the lower abdomen, he really didn't know how to treat it, and he wouldn't be able to explain it to Gong Chenying later.

Even now, he didn't know how the Sixth Senior Sister would react when she woke up. Fortunately, there was a tube top in her upper body underwear. Speaking of which, he only saw her abdomen, but when he untied the tightly tied It took a lot of effort to untie the red tie on her abdomen. Gong Chenying didn't know what kind of material the red tie was made of. She used it to bandage the wound, but it was obviously too wide. It's not enough. It's only two fingers wide. It seems that it should be used for temporary emergencies.

In the end, Li Yan had no choice but to take out a sharp sword weapon obtained from Miao Zhengyi. After pouring spiritual power into it, he finally cut off the red tie that tightly wrapped his abdomen. The movements made Li Yan sweat all over.

After untying the red tie, Li Yan couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at the location of the wound, because under Gong Chenying's wound, there was a silver ring, which was a small silver ring that was put on his navel. It was so exquisite that it seemed to be made of silverware in the mortal world. It was currently lying on Gong Chenying's flat belly with slightly blood stains, adding a bit of exotic style to her whole body.

Of course, Li Yan didn't want to pay too much attention to this now. His consciousness had already probed Gong Chenying's wound. After a moment, Li Yan raised his head with a solemn expression.

Gong Chenying was seriously injured, and after being severely injured, he repeatedly


He used his spiritual power to fight against people, especially after all his spiritual power was exhausted, he used pure physical power to fight Wang Lang for the second time. At this moment, some parts of his internal organs were completely shattered, and there was a faint phenomenon of instability in his Dantian and purple bowels. It is a bad sign that the realm is about to fall. It is not impossible to fall directly from the middle stage of foundation building to the Qi Condensation stage. In that case, it will be ten or a hundred times more difficult for Gong Chenying to build the foundation again than before.

If this injury were left to the outside world, as long as the sect's Golden Pill Overhaul takes action, the injury will stabilize immediately, and it will be back to normal after a few months of nursing. However, Li Yan is not that capable here, and there is not much time to let Gong The dust shadow rests.

Li Yan's first thought was the "Zhenyuan Pill" given by Pingtu. This was also the reason why he knew that he was not strong enough, so he asked for the pill. But after Pingtu explained before that this was an eighth-grade elixir, Li Yan was a little hesitant now. You must know that the highest elixir that the Sprite Sect can refine is only the seventh-grade primary elixir, which is already a legendary elixir. The medicine is only available to ancestors at the Nascent Soul stage, and it is extremely rare.

He originally asked Pingtu for the elixir, thinking that it would be at most level five or six, which would be enough to save people.

And the two "True Yuan Pills" he now possesses are from the fairy world. They give him two more lives. If they are used on Gong Chenying like this, Li Yan will still feel heartbroken. Originally, the fifth level The above elixirs can cure the disease, but now I don't have it with me, but I have to use an eighth-grade elixir that may not exist in this world. Just thinking about it makes Pingtu feel sad, let alone a minor cultivator like Li Yan.

However, this hesitation was just a slight indulgence in Li Yan's eyes. He sighed secretly in his heart, "I am not a ruthless person after all, and I am not cultivating the ruthless way."

His consciousness glanced at the mark on his wrist, and the next moment, a small white jade bottle appeared in his hand. Li Yan had now put all the valuables into the "earth mark" space.

Now that he had taken it out, Li Yan had no hesitation. After uncorking the bottle, a refreshing fragrance suddenly filled the entire cave. Li Yan expressionlessly poured out a pill in his hand and hurriedly capped the bottle. It is easy to put it into the "earth spot". This elixir is about the size of a soybean grain, and the whole body is emitting a soft purple light. Its body is round, and there are a series of runes on it that Li Yan cannot understand that are constantly flowing, and it is full of mystery. Color, and the moment the pill fell into Li Yan's hand, it had a tendency to fly away, but Li Yan forcibly wrapped it in with spiritual power, but he already felt like he couldn't control it.

Li Yan knew from reading the classics that elixirs are divided into ten grades. When the elixir reaches the mid-seventh grade, it will produce a hint of spiritual wisdom. With spiritual wisdom, the potency of the elixir can be increased several times or even ten times. This is the most terrifying thing about elixirs after the seventh level. The "Zhen Yuan Dan" in Li Yan's hand is already at the middle level of the eighth level, and its spiritual intelligence is equivalent to that of a five or six-year-old child, so it is difficult to take it from him. Human beings already have a natural fear.

Li Yan's whole body's spiritual power surged, and a spiritual light rolled directly towards the pill.

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