Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 161 Weird Black Qi

The two green strange insects around Gong Chenying had already dispersed. Even the two strange insects that were attacking Wang Lang turned into two wisps of green energy and quickly returned to Gong Chenying's body after knocking Wang Lang back two steps. That huge Changge, but the surface of this Changge no longer has any spiritual energy, and there are still marks from the sword on it. It has lost its spirituality greatly.

Wang Lang also put away the long sword in his hand, pointed and recalled the two flying swords that also had dim light, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, "This woman is really strong, she is obviously in the middle stage of foundation building, and her injuries are a few more serious than mine." She actually blocked my full blow. If I still had 80% of my spiritual power, I could kill her with just one blow, even if she had the means to save her life. , even if it directly knocks her into the black shadow dozens of meters away, there is no problem at all, but it is a pity! "The magic weapon "Buliu Xing" given to him by his master was originally used by Jindan monks, but it was extremely awkward and difficult for Wang Lang to use it. Otherwise, Quan Jiuxing would not have found a loophole and succeeded in using it, causing him serious injuries. The most important thing about the "Buliu Xing" magic weapon is that it requires huge spiritual power to support it. Even with Wang Lang's fake elixir monk's cultivation, just one blow will consume more than 80% of the spiritual power, and then it will be the weakest time. .

However, immediately the smile appeared on his face again, "Junior Sister Gong, that's great, but you can still take on a few of my swords." After that, under the infusion of his spiritual power, the two flying swords glowed again. It lit up, and the buzzing sword turned into an arc and stabbed diagonally towards Gong Chenying's shoulders. And he himself took big steps to face Gong Chenying head-on. His actions clearly did not want Gong Chenying to suffer. Chen Ying fled to both sides, using two flying swords to directly block the left and right roads, while directly attacking from the front.

Gong Chenying looked at the direct attack, a stern look flashed on her pale face, but she was still fearless. She patted the storage bag with her right hand, but there was no light flashing on the storage bag. When the item appeared, Gong Chenying secretly sighed in his heart. He originally wanted to squeeze out the last of his energy to use the golden axe, but now he couldn't even open the storage bag. In fact, her actions caught Wang Lang's eyes, but he couldn't help but twitch his facial muscles. "What kind of skills is this girl practicing? She obviously has no spiritual power, but she still looks like she has the strength to fight. This body is so strong." , is she a human or a demon?”

Gong Chenying's actions, not to mention Wang Lang, would be astonishing to any monk. When a monk has exhausted his spiritual power, he can still use his body to fight like a monster. This kind of physical strength makes human beings It is almost unheard of, and it is only possible for the legendary ancient physical trainers to achieve it when they have reached a high level.

Gong Chenying looked at the cold light that was getting closer and closer, endured the tearing pain in his muscles, took a deep breath, and the bones on his body continued to crack like fried beans. He grabbed the cyan Changge in front of him with his jade hand, and lowered himself At that moment, a circle of weather-proof guns and flowers appeared in front of him, and his ears heard two louder sounds than before coming from the sky and the earth.


Wang Lang, who was being pushed forward by the shock, couldn't help but retreat back. He felt dizzy, his ears were buzzing, and his blood was rising. After this loud noise, what followed was unexpectedly A powerful wave of air directly hit his body. Wang Lang felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen. The wound burst open instantly, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his buttocks. His throat felt sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His face instantly turned gray.

On the opposite side, Gong Chenying was covered in blood, with a large amount of blood spurting out from his waist and abdomen. The cyan Changge in his hand was broken due to the previous hit due to the lack of spiritual blessing, and it was broken when it collided with the flying sword. It was broken into two pieces, and there was a deep sword mark on one of them, which was almost broken by a flying sword. If it weren't for the Qing Ge that she refined with excellent materials, the blow just now would have been It would be split into three pieces, and even she and others would be split into several pieces. Fortunately, she turned sideways to release her force in the critical moment and was able to escape. However, her body was still pushed backwards by the force of the repulsion. He was thrown up and fell directly towards the advancing black shadow behind him.

Gong Chenying slid out of a curve in the air, holding two pieces of Qing Ge tightly in his hand. He fell into a semi-conscious state. Pictures flashed through his mind, and finally settled on one picture. It was a seven-year-old girl. The eight-year-old girl stood barefoot on a bamboo tower, her eyes full of stubbornness, looking at a large urn that was more than half her height in front of her. Inside the urn were colorful centipedes, green snakes that exhaled white air, and a Spiders, scorpions and other poisonous insects of various colors, which looked like highly poisonous things, raised their heads and hissed. Although she was shaking all over and her face was pale, she gritted her teeth and resolutely stretched out her bare feet and stepped forward firmly, standing on the big With the urn in hand, she gingerly picked up her little feet and put her hand directly into the urn, but her face had already turned away and she closed her eyes tightly...

The moment she fell into the darkness, a figure quickly shot over from the side. Seeing that he was not in a hurry, the figure's eyes flashed, and he simply blocked himself behind Gong Chenying, opened his arms, and the next moment He was hit hard by Gong Chenying's arms, and under this collision, the man's body flew back quickly. Before he could react, his back had already touched the black sky rising from behind. Above the shadow, he couldn't help but panic, and with a fierce push with both hands, he pushed the girl in his arms forward several meters, and then fell to the ground. As for himself, bursts of black smoke were rising from his back, and a sharp pain entered his mind.

This person is Li Yan. He was escorted by Pingtu and arrived here in a few breaths. However, during this process, he kept thinking about the last words Pingtu said. However, he still didn't understand, but seemed to The feeling of being broken at once.

But just as he was thinking

Suddenly, there was a dizziness in front of his eyes. When he opened his eyes, it was exactly when Gong Chenying danced his green sword into a circle to block it. He saw something was wrong at a glance. There was no aura on the spear flower, and Gong Chenying Although his eyes were firm, they were lifeless.

As soon as he landed, there were two loud noises, which made Li Yan dizzy and almost fell to the ground. When he barely managed to calm down, what shocked him was that Gong Chen's shadow had already flown into the black shadow behind him. Without any time to think about it, Li Yan's spiritual power surged out from all over his body, at an unprecedented speed. In less than a breath, he flew nearly a hundred meters in the air and came directly behind Gong Chenying. However, even if both sides were seriously injured, the aftermath of the fight was not something he could stop. He was blocking Gong Chenying. At the moment of his body shape, a strong force directly brought him into the black shadow behind him.

This shocked Li Yan, but he was unable to change it at this time. He only felt a chill on his back, and then a burst of heart-breaking pain penetrated his back. Without thinking twice, he directly put the warm jade-like body in his arms directly. Pushing it out, waves of severe pain penetrated his internal organs and made him groan. At the same time, the black shadow in the sky he had seen flashed through his mind, and everything turned into powder silently. picture.

"This is the end of the show. I think this body will turn into nothingness soon. Haha, after all, I didn't let myself become a ruthless person. Good people die first." Li Yan thought in his mind, holding on to his hand. The movement did not stop. While pushing Gong Chenying forward with his left hand, he punched the back with his right hand. The spiritual power from the late tenth level of Qi Condensation in his fist completely burst out, creating a beam of light that shot backward. The black shadow hit the ground, and his figure was pushed forward violently at the next moment, but there were bursts of severe pain in his right hand that went straight into his brain, causing his pupils to shrink. "The right hand is also finished." This was what happened to his brain. Thoughts flashed across his mind, and the next moment he felt himself falling heavily to the ground. The fall only made him feel dazed for a while, but the maddening pain on his arms and back made him wake up immediately. , subconsciously running the Guishui Sutra, what happened next made Li Yan at a loss. The place where the Guishui Sutra passed was cool, and the pain disappeared directly like a tide. This made Li Yan stunned. He hurriedly waved his right arm. An intact arm appeared in front of his eyes. It was just the sect's spiritual weapon-level robe from the elbow down. The right sleeve was gone. Li Yan was stunned. Lost for a moment, they quickly looked back. The black air behind them was a few meters away from them. It was pitch black. It turned out that those places, whether they were trees, grass or rocks as hard as iron, had long since turned into nothingness. , only endless darkness reveals the huge mouth.

Just when Li Yan looked behind him, a murderous intention suddenly emerged from the front. This shocked Li Yan. He didn't even bother to look back and rushed towards the fallen Gong Chen on the side. \u003c



Wang Lang was looking at him with red eyes. There were large blood stains spurting out on his chest, and blood was gushing out between his chest and abdomen. He was not eager to stand up, but his eyes were He looked at Li Yan's back furiously.

Wang Lang fell to the ground just now, his ears were ringing and his eyes were spinning. In addition, Li Yan moved too fast. He didn't see clearly the scene where Li Yan's hand reached into the black shadow and his back was already eroded by the black shadow in the sky. He just felt that his eyes were blurred and a figure appeared. Catching Gong Chenying's fall, the two of them escaped from the shadow in an instant. Wang Lang was unable to get up at this moment. When he saw that the other party was also a monk from the Demon Sect, he couldn't help but be furious. He was just a Qi Condensing monk. Even a tenth-level monk dared to appear in front of him. While his eyes were red, he touched his body with one hand. Instantly, the speed of blood pouring out between his chest and abdomen was greatly reduced, and the other hand touched his waist. Several pills appeared in the air and he inhaled them.

A huge coercion pressed down on Li Yan, causing his legs to feel weak and his spiritual energy to be sluggish. Li Yan gritted his teeth, not caring about the injury on his back and the strange condition of his right arm. With trembling legs, he picked up Gong Chenying, took a deep breath, and walked to one side with long strides. It was not until he was several hundred meters away from Wang Lang that the pressure on Li Yan was reduced in vain, and his figure accelerated towards the distance. . He had no intention of taking the opportunity to kill Wang Lang just now, and a seriously injured Foundation Establishment monk was not something he could provoke. Just the pressure of the fake elixir realm emanating from Wang Lang made him tremble and make him unsteady. But he also saw that Wang Lang was unable to pursue him at this time and could only watch helplessly as a man hugged Gong Chenying and followed him away. From the beginning to the end, Wang Lang could not see Li Yan's face clearly.

As he ran, Li Yan's consciousness swept across his back, while his spiritual power was circulating in his body. After a while, he felt relieved. In his consciousness, except for his clothes that were completely torn, revealing a large area of ​​black skin and muscles, there were no scars. At the same time, There was nothing wrong with his body under the operation of spiritual power, which made him feel relieved temporarily. He couldn't help but think of the meaningless words Pingtu said when he came out of the secret room, and there seemed to be a spiritual light in his heart. It flashed by, but he looked down at the beauty in his arms. Most of his long legs were almost half dragged on the ground. Li Yan couldn't help but smile bitterly. Among the women he knew, the Sixth Senior Sister and Zhao Min were really tall. In the past few years, Although he has grown a lot taller, he is basically just a little taller than these two people. Now holding this slender girl is not strenuous for his physical strength, but it is inevitable that his long legs drag the floor. No more inconvenience.

The faint body fragrance and the smell of blood emanated from the tip of his nose, which made Li Yan frown. At this moment, he had to find a safer place to heal Sixth Senior Sister. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Gong Chenying to survive for too long. Now Gong Chenying Chen Ying's face had turned blue-grey, and his breath was extremely depressed.

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