Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 114 Deadly Time

Li Yan was also impressed by the attack power of these young monks from the Pure Land Sect. It was really terrifying. With his newly promoted level, if he were to fight one-on-one against a Dzogchen monk at the Qi Condensation Stage, his chances of winning would be about 40 to 60. He is a fourth monk and a sixth monk. If he reaches the late stage of the eighth level of the Qi Condensation stage, he is estimated to be 70% sure that he can defeat the opponent with the power of the fragmented poison body. Even if the opponent is more than one person, it is him. They are all capable of fighting against all three. As the Guishui Scripture improved, he now realized that the more he practiced the Guishui Scripture, the more powerful it gradually became. Its power was not as simple as one plus one. He began to understand what Dong Fuyi said at the beginning. The reason for the arrogance in his expression when he arrived at the Five Immortals Sect was the strong self-confidence from the Five Immortals Sect and the Guishui Sutra.

Especially since he came to this secret realm, the Guishui Scripture in his body began to feel a little strange. This strangeness was related to this world, but he was sure it had nothing to do with the density of spiritual energy. Even the density of Xiaozhufeng's spiritual energy could To this extent, he believed that he should not feel like he was here, which led him to speculate on the origin of this secret realm.

Li Yan guessed whether the secret realm was related to the Five Immortals Sect in the upper world. Otherwise, how could the world here make him feel like a fish swimming in the sea? If Dong Fuyi were here, he would be able to see the secret at a glance. Thinking of that tall Li Yan sighed in his heart. He didn't know what was happening to the only master.

While Li Yan was thinking, he suddenly heard a "sizzling" sound above his head, and then a "rumbling" sound also came from the ball. At this time, all personnel from both sides gave up the attack. First, they took precautions to protect themselves. Then some raised their heads, and some looked around. Even Zhizhong and Gong Chenying in the distance stopped fighting.

After everyone left, their faces changed drastically. The "sizzling" sound above their heads turned out to be that the outer layer of the sphere was covered with a layer of black stuff, which was spreading and expanding, causing the original translucent sphere's light to begin to change. It dimmed, but the sizzling sound was like the burning sound of something being corroded.

At the same time, amidst the rumbling sounds, a two-foot-high earthen platform was raised on the ground at the two ball walls where the two parties originally entered. Everyone was stunned for a moment when the scene changed like this, and then they instantly understood the reason.

The huge black shadow in the sky has arrived, and it was suppressed from two roads. Now it has covered the sphere. The sphere should have a certain resistance, but listening to the sound, the sphere should be constantly moving. Weakness, when the sphere is broken, then everyone here will die.

Zen Master Zhizhong and Gong Chenying looked at each other and looked at the earth platform where they came from. Then they quickly separated and flew towards the two earth platforms. In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, the two of them were already on the platform. The earthen platform has been raised in flight


He took out the blue diamond crystal and poured spiritual power into it. At the moment when the spiritual power was injected into the blue diamond crystal, the two blue diamond crystals held high burst out two blue light pillars, and the light pillars reached the sky. He rose up and hit the sphere directly above his head.

As Li Yan and others looked at each other, the sizzling sound above their heads seemed to be blocked by a soundproof cover, and the sound suddenly became much quieter. Gong Chenying and Zen Master Zhizhong looked at each other, and their nervousness disappeared. It has calmed down slightly. Just when the two of them saw the two rising earth platforms, they had already made their quickest judgment. Although the sound of the buzzing above their heads was much quieter now, they didn't know if it was true. It played a role in preventing and delaying the attack of the huge black shadow in the sky, but at least now that the voice was quieter, I felt much safer psychologically.

Just when everyone was getting some psychological comfort, suddenly a "Woo" sound came from the side of the Sprite Sect, and it slashed directly towards the neck of a person from the Pure Land Sect. Everyone was stunned, and they didn't look for who it was from. Hands, and then both sides acted with all their strength again as if there was a tacit understanding. Colorful lights flashed in the field, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly.

It was Li Yan who launched the attack. He saw Gong Chenying and Gong Chenying's concentrated expressions, and he felt anxious and uneasy in his heart again. He knew that even if the two of them could delay the attack of the huge black shadow, they were obviously in this state. He couldn't hold on for too long. It could be seen from the solemn expressions of the two people that this required great spiritual support. So he didn't wait for Gong Chenying to speak and saw the monk closest to him. The wind blade slashed through.

Li Yan's current understanding of the wheel of life and death is two words: "speed". Only speed can buy you time to survive. The monks like these are much slower on the other road. After the two roads intersect, there is no rest time to recover the consumed spiritual power, so they are forced to choose to fight. , the reason is that they are slow.

Gong Chenying couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The moment she injected her spiritual power, the blue diamond crystal seemed to be a bottomless pit, and in one breath, all the spiritual power she had just poured into it was taken away. This made her feel sad. There was an uncomfortable feeling. The Ji Lun spiritual power had just continued to maintain stability, but the transferred spiritual power disappeared in an instant. She couldn't help but feel horrified. She knew that if this continued, she wouldn't be able to hold on for too long. With her peak in the middle stage of foundation building, Strength, there is still about 60% of the spiritual power in the body, and it cannot withstand a hundred breaths. For a while, there is no way to distract everyone and let everyone attack quickly. Just when she is about to forcefully separate a ray of divine consciousness to notify, but Seeing that a wind blade from one's side was already killing the opponent, he knew that someone had noticed something was wrong with him, so he looked out.

The black boy with ordinary hands couldn't help but have a smile on his lips. "Junior brother, the several reminders and actions we took here were timely. I didn't expect that my team benefited from him." Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at another earth platform. After seeing clearly the situation of Zen Master Nazhi, she finally She temporarily let go of her thoughts. The thin black Zen Master opposite her obviously didn't look much better than her. He also had an expression of giving all his strength. In this way, we can only see the outcome of the battle between the Qi Condensation Stage disciples on both sides. I hope they can do it in their own way. Kill the eighteen monks as quickly as possible before they fall.

After Li Yan made a move, his consciousness sent a message to the five people on his side: "You should pay attention to your own protection. The captain's side can't last for too long. I plan to attack with all my strength." After that, he glanced at the five people. Among the five people were Wu Shixi and Yu Yong from Lingchong Peak, and the other three should be the three disciples of Buli Peak. These people are also smart people, and they have already seen that Gong Chenying is under a heavy load, and they must fight quickly here.

"Okay, let's separate and attack with all our strength. No matter what, we must end the battle as soon as possible." Wu Shixi's scar shook, and his figure flashed out from behind Li Yanyu's curtain. With a casual throw, there were several colorful centipedes. It flew away, and he also slapped it on the waist, and several black lightning bolts flew out. The shape was somewhat similar to that of the Mirror Scorpion.

"Regardless of whether the other five teams have the same idea as us, after I sent the message to the other five teams, they will follow immediately." Yu Yi waved the brush in his hand and said lightly, and then saw him take a step back, opening and closing his mouth silently stand up.

"Okay!" The three Buli Peak disciples looked at each other, but they were not dissatisfied with Li Yan's private decision. They shouted and stabbed out from behind Li Yanyu's curtain in three directions.

Li Yan narrowed the rain screen, only protecting his own area, and jumped over with the wind blade just now.

From his attack to the sound transmission to the decision of a few people, it's a long story. The sound transmission from the divine consciousness only lasted about half a breath, and everyone had dispersed to attack.

Just as Li Yan and the others saved, the other five teams were reduced to pieces. At this time, the power of the attack was several times greater than before. The formations of the six teams of the Sprite Sect were originally formed from temporary drills. , it's okay to use for defense, but once they join forces to attack with the power of the formation, it seems a little powerless. After all, the cooperation time between the six people is still short. Now once they are separated, everyone shows their strongest attack method. The ground is full of time monsters, the sky is full of spiritual insects, and purple mist and green clouds are billowing and rising.

Li Yan stepped forward, and when his wind blade reached two feet above the monk's head, the monk was unmoved, as if he hadn't seen it. He lowered his eyes, but seventeen other people followed him at his feet.


The man turned, and when Li Yan approached, the monk had already turned away from his original position. As the Eighteen Arhat formation rotated, a vague lotus appeared above their heads. The lotus whirled rapidly and released golden light, causing Li Yan to attack with the wind blade and other monks. The immortal magic hit it, and it immediately bounced away and dissipated.

As the monk's feet moved around, Li Yan's body had just landed close to the monk. The next moment, he couldn't help but use his spiritual power to quickly twist his body and disappear from the original position. Just when Li Yan's body fell, he was supposed to be facing To a monk, but with the rapid movement of the eighteen-man formation, three monks appeared in the position facing Li Yan. Each of the three monks bent a finger and flicked towards Li Yan without looking at the result. Keep moving.

Li Yan felt that three rays of energy were coming from behind him like shadows. He couldn't help but dodge a few times at his feet. In an instant, three green rays of light passed by him, and a green light passed through his armpit, turning the dark green robe A finger hole was pierced. This sect's robe was a low-level spiritual weapon. Normal attacks would not cause any damage at all, but it was easily penetrated by a finger of strength.

"Bhadra Finger", the secret knowledge of Buddhist Luohan Hall is indeed extremely sharp, which makes Li Yan feel frightened.

Eighteen people appear and disappear like a whirlwind, and multiple people may appear at each location at any time. The attacker may only be facing one person at one moment, but must face attacks from multiple angles at the next moment, catching him off guard.

The Buddhist exercises themselves have the effect of restraining evil spirits and resisting certain poisonous gases. With the addition of the Eighteen Arhat Formation, the sky was filled with poisonous insects and living creatures that could not be dealt with for a while. However, many poisonous gas miasmas were produced. The effect was obvious, and many of the eighteen monks in the formation were obviously poisoned by the miasma. The formation gradually slowed down, but relying on the restraint of Buddhism, they were undefeated in a very short period of time.

As for the Demon Sect's disregard for defense, several spirit beasts were directly hit by the powerful Buddhist magic. One of them was killed and two were injured. The sky was filled with insect clouds, but for a while they were unable to attack and could not get close. On the other side, in just a dozen breaths, Gong Chenying and Zen Master Zhizhong were sweating profusely.

If this situation continues, although the Pure Land Sect will undoubtedly be defeated, it will take longer. Listening to the "sizzling" sound above their heads getting louder and louder, the monks on both sides are anxious.

"We must break the Eighteen Arhat Formation." After Li Yan's second attack failed, the biggest obstacle at present is the Arhat Formation. It blocks most of the attacks, just like a turtle shell. Although the monk inside has been poisoned, Moreover, the spiritual power is about to bottom out, but it is still barely enough to hold on for a moment. By then, he will drag himself to death under the black shadow. Time is getting increasingly urgent.

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