Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 113 Gong Chenying’s Dominance

The black and thin Zen Master slowly looked to the opposite side, the cold light in his eyes became more intense, but he was even less angry in his heart: "Why can't the plan keep up with the changes? The first time I met was not Shibuyuan and Taixuan Sect, but the Demon Sect that I least wanted to see. If they were from the other two sects, then the next step would be a climax of revenge and killing. Now they actually met the cultivators of the Demon Sect, and they were still cultivators, and they only had five remaining physical strength at most. How can the other side give their side time to recover? This seems to be a disaster. "

The eighteen monks behind him had dull expressions with a hint of absolute certainty. They understood their situation.

"Amitabha..." The black and thin Zen Master's eyes flashed, just when he was trying to find a reason to delay for some time.

"Kill", a crisp voice sounded in the ball, and then a green light shot towards the black and thin Zen Master. Gong Chenying didn't give the opponent half a chance. In fact, she now regretted that she took action too late. Here is the wheel of life and death. After all, it is not picking in the secret realm. There is a lot of experience there for reference. Before, there were only some records from ancient times. If they attack as soon as a figure appears on the other side, it will be the best time.

Amidst the cold shouts, Gong Chenying's figure was the first to explode into the air, and a green light shot out like lightning.

The black and thin Zen Master couldn't help but feel shocked and angry. He didn't expect that the other party, who had remained calm when they first met, suddenly attacked directly without saying a word. In this way, his plan was defeated. Not only did our side suffer a huge loss in mana, but we also only had half the number of people on our side. Although there were far more experts at the tenth level of Qi Condensation Stage than the other side, there was no slightest advantage at all.

Zen Master Hei Shou’s Dharma name is Zhi Zhong. His Buddhist skills are extremely profound. He has been ranked among the top ten Pure Land Sects in this secret realm selection. He was the team leader selected to enter the Wheel of Life and Death before. His cultivation has reached the Great Perfection in the later stage of Foundation Establishment. , only one step away from entering the fake elixir realm. During the picking trial, just as Li Wuyi and the others had guessed, he found a place to practice after entering and did not participate in a life-and-death fight. The reason why he was selected as the team leader was that he The Buddhist skill he practices is an immortal skill that is close to that of the evil Buddha. It is called "Xuezi Tuo". This skill is so vicious that one hundred and eight virgins need to be harvested at the first level of Qi Condensation Stage. The yin blood sacrifice completely melted a trace of pure yang in his pure yang body into yin blood gas, and the one hundred and ten virgins during the sacrifice could not be better than entering the 18th level of Shura, as miserable as the bones were peeled off, and the souls were born. His sanity is still there, but every trace of pain is always lingering around him.

Every time this skill reaches a higher level in the future, it must require three times the sacrifice of the yin blood of the previous virgins. In other words, when Zhizhong was building the foundation, he sacrificed and killed 324 young virgins at one time, but in his words That is, "This person has a destiny with my Buddha and can cross over." After practicing this set of exercises, he has the power of half yin and half pure yang, which can suppress all yin and filthy things, and can also resist the evil and evil practices. It can be said to be both righteous and righteous. Xie, there is Buddha and Nirvana, this is the reason why he was used to deal with the Demon Sect.

Seeing the green light


In front of him, Zhizhong's dark and thin face flashed with a fierce look, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He curled his fingers with one hand, and a strange red scripture shone with a strange red light. The red light was as bright as a bloody plum blossom, welcoming Go up to Qingmang. Just hearing a loud "boom", a wave of air exploded in mid-air between the two people. The cultivators behind them were shaken, and their heads were dizzy. Everyone was shocked and couldn't help but stay away from the two people. After the Pure Land Sect monks entered, the sphere began to expand about twenty times. Now the internal space seems to be at least seven or eight hundred feet. From this point of view, the entry of the second group of monks will trigger the restriction switch.

Seeing that the disciples in the Qi Condensation Stage behind them were far away from them, the two of them became even more violent in their attacks. Gong Chen raised his hand and threw up the cyan Chang Ge. The Chang Ge expanded several times in size. Her body flew in the air, and her hands flew in the air. With a pinch of magic, the huge Qing Ge turned into an extremely fine thorn. It made a loud "squeaking" sound, and with a dazzling green light, it penetrated towards the back of Zen Master Zhizhong's head, causing chaos in the world. It shook, and at the same time, Gong Chenying stepped in the air, as if she were stepping on solid ground, a "wave" sounded in the air, and her figure appeared beside Zen Master Zhizhong.

Zhizhong had a dark face. After receiving Gong Chenying's first attack just now, he seemed relaxed and defeated the opponent's thunderous blow with just one verse. In fact, deep down in his heart, he was already a little worried. Surprised, he saw that this pretty and tall girl's cultivation was only at the peak of the middle stage of Foundation Establishment. Her figure was the best he had ever seen. Although it was just a quick glance, Zhizhong was already feeling hot inside and wanted to capture her right away. The girl then violently tortured her to her heart's content. This girl's figure and appearance were completely different from all the women he had seen before. She was full of wildness, giving him a desire to conquer.

With his skills, he expected that it wouldn't be too difficult to defeat the opponent. However, after the first contact, he almost failed to defeat the opponent's attack with one blow, which actually caused his physical and spiritual energy to surge, which was quite uncomfortable. Only then did he realize that the other party might be a powerful body cultivator. Thinking of the tough body of a female body cultivator, he became a little more possessive. However, he knew in his heart that the spiritual power in his body at this moment was only about 60% of the usual strength. He wanted to successfully subdue him. The opponent may be a little unrealistic, but no matter how good a female cultivator's physical strength is, how good can she be? With her Dzogchen state in the late stage of foundation building, even if she loses nearly half of her spiritual power, if she continues to fight with the opponent, her physical strength will ultimately be the best. Even better, now he needs to find a way to distance himself, and fighting in close combat with the body cultivator is really the next step.

However, he didn't expect that Gong Chenying was extremely experienced in combat. After a failed attack, he threw up his huge Changge and attacked directly behind him. In this way, he blocked the retreat and made Zen Master Zhizhong's idea of ​​staying away from You Dou come to nothing. "Hmph", he recited the magic secretly, waved his left hand, and the yellow cassock on his body turned into a cloud of clouds that expanded instantly.

Yang, as if the cloak was fluttering in the wind, had already blocked his back, and he reacted very quickly. Just as the yellow cassock was fluttering away, his left hand curled into a claw and moved to the left side of his body. He grabbed the space with one claw. Just as he grabbed it with one claw, the space there was distorted. A long leg was thrown out by lightning. A tall figure appeared there. There was a "pop" sound, and the black The sharp claws as thin as fine steel have grasped the knee joints of the slender legs. A sinister smile flashed on Zhizhong's dark and thin face, and he clasped down hard with his five fingers. He thought that this was the moment when he clasped Gong Chen firmly. Ying's jade legs, even if she were to avoid them, could tear her tops and pants to pieces. At that time, the beauty of her legs was leaked, which also humiliated the foundation-building female cultivator.

Just as he was clasping down hard with his five fingers, Gong Chenying's upward swing and sweep seemed to have lost its strength. It twisted strangely at a very high speed, and its body was facing him head-on, changing at an impossible angle. It gave people a very awkward feeling of wrong force. Her knees sank instantly, and the aura flashed wildly on her legs. With the force of the sinking, her legs had absorbed the power of Zen Master Zhizhong's buckles and tears, and they When Zhizhong felt that all his strength was gone and his fingers had lost sight of the opponent, he secretly said "No", the girl bent her knees and collided with her. She let out a sharp "Woo" sound, and the impact actually hit the air. The friction produced a high-speed explosive sound, hitting Zhizhong's castrated five fingers. Several crisp sounds of "click, click" were heard in his ears. Zen Master Zhizhong made a strange cry, and his left hand was raised high by the impact. From now on, two fingers have been twisted and deformed, obviously badly injured. Her fighting style is somewhat similar to Zhao Min.

Gong Chenying's face showed neither surprise nor joy when he saw this. This kind of injury looked scary, but to a human foundation-building monk, as long as the spiritual power started to circulate again, it would be repaired soon. She didn't give the other party a chance to breathe at all. She raised her figure again and flew into the air. Looking up, she saw that the green thorns were pierced through the yellow cassock that stood up like a wall, and bursts of water burst out in the air. There were two colors of green and yellow yellow awns, and the green thorns on the cassock stretched out an inch and could not be punctured anymore. They only made a tooth-piercing sound. She stretched out her right hand and grabbed the thorns with one hand. At the tail, in the flash of spiritual power, the thin thorns instantly turned into huge changge. She turned around like a child swinging a chain hammer in a circle. With her as the center, the huge changge suddenly appeared. He made a circle and hit Zhizhong from the waist with a huge force.

As Gong Chenying had guessed, Zhizhong hurriedly retreated after his left hand suffered pain and deformed. As he retreated, the spiritual power in his body poured into his left hand. The two twisted fingers returned to normal, but the next moment , a danger that made his heart palpitate appeared, and he saw a huge long-barrel stick coming towards him from the waist. If it hit him this time or the half-moon head of the spear hit him, this would not be the case. He could only recover with his spiritual power, but his physical body would turn into powder. He hurriedly raised his spiritual power and moved sideways without a trace. At the same time, he moved his hand behind him, and the yellow cassock had been bundled into a long dragon and rolled horizontally in front of him. That swept across


The giant Ge.

Just when the two of them were fighting inextricably here, a few hundred feet away from them, the fight there was already more intense. It's not that the monks here have higher magic power than those two people, but that there are many people here with all kinds of spiritual powers. For a moment, the spiritual power was everywhere in the sphere space, and there were constant explosions, and the fight was very lively.

Since the battle began, the eighteen monks have not said a word, let alone recited a Buddhist name. The silence is a bit strange. They all closed their lips and attacked fiercely. The eighteen monks formed the Eighteen Arhat Formation. They used a running formation to resist the attack, completely disregarding their lives, and all their spiritual powers were fully activated. The golden light of Dharma in the space was overwhelming, forcing the monks of the Demon Sect to retreat step by step. There were actually 11 of these 18 people. There are seven people who are in the late stage of the tenth level of the Qi Condensation stage. Their strength is really terrifying. Among the thirty-six people on Li Yan's side, there are only seven people who are in the Great Perfection stage of the Qi Condensation stage. Ten people who are in the late stage of the tenth level of the Qi Condensation stage. If this were the case, Li Yan and the others would definitely not be able to get away with it. One Qi Condensation Stage Dzogchen cannot be defeated by ten Qi Condensation Stage 10 people.

But the monks of the Demon Sect also saw that the other party was trying to show off their power for a moment. When the auras of the opponent's eighteen people entered the sphere, they swept them with their spiritual consciousness. Each person only had about half of their mana left, so they took a quick action. A quick way to win a battle.

The thirty-six members of the Sprite Sect are now divided into six teams, each forming a small circle. Outside each team, there will be a layer of smoke, mist, rain, sand or the like. Although the eighteen monks have dull expressions, they are obviously very conscious. They were awake. Although they attacked fiercely, their eyes were solemn or showed some fear. Apparently they did not dare to get close to the layer of mist, rain and sand outside the Sixth Team, and even the spiritual power of the attack did not dare to penetrate deep for too long. , often after attacking to no avail, they retreat as soon as they touch it, which makes it extremely difficult for them to attack, and their spiritual energy is consumed very quickly. After a dozen breaths, after a strong attack, they have switched to a retreat, and they retreat into defense. The group only attacks occasionally, and most of them are using the Eighteen Arhat Formation to keep moving, obviously hoping to preserve their spiritual power and wait for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

Li Yan and his team were blocked in front of them by the rain curtain sent by Li Yan. The remaining five people were behind the rain curtain. After the rapid attack just now, the five people couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. When everyone saw the opponent attacking just now, three people were released. It was a protective magical technique, but when the other two saw the weird rain screen that Li Yan had released, they simply did auxiliary defense, and Li Yan didn't care when he saw it. After the monks attacked several times, these five people were even more relieved. Although the other five teams also had aerosols, sand and dust, their blocking effect was obviously not as good as Li Yan's infamous "maggot with bones" With the addition of the Cloud and Rain Technique, no matter whether the opponent's spiritual power is transformed into a spiritual weapon or a spiritual treasure, as soon as they enter the rain curtain, it will soon become extremely difficult to move forward, and slowly turn into a lump of gray matter, often even when they are still far away. When they were more than ten meters away, they fell heavily to the ground. Looking at the several spiritual weapons on the ground that had lost their spirituality, the five people couldn't help but feel a twitch in their hearts.

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