Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 106 Li Wuyi and Li Yan

Just when the time reached the twenty-first day, in a corner of the magic circle that had not been opened by the Demon Sect at noon, the spiritual energy began to fluctuate abnormally. The surrounding spiritual energy swarmed towards a person, and the black light on that person was hesitant, and then It actually began to faintly emit a textured black luster, and the body made soft and crisp sounds one after another.

There were several monks sitting cross-legged in this area, but only a few people glanced there. Some people didn't even move at all, and still sat cross-legged to practice. Obviously, this happened a lot, and they were used to it.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Li Yan slowly withdrew his skills, and all the black light on his body dissipated. His eyes showed joy. Twenty-one days after entering the secret realm, he successfully broke through to the peak of the early stage of the eighth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. He was originally at This morning he had broken through to the early stage of the eighth level, but he felt that his inner breath was still stirring and was still on the rise. He knew that this was because his body was beginning to adapt to the environment here, and his skills and the spiritual power of heaven and earth were slowly adjusting to a higher level. The high degree of compatibility is also the benefit of newcomers coming here. For example, monsters born here will receive a qualitative cleansing of their bodies due to the aura of heaven and earth when they are born. After a long time, it will have no effect. I can rely on myself to practice diligently little by little.

So he calmed down and adjusted his breath again. It took him nearly two hours to basically stabilize the state of the early stage of the eighth level of the Qi Condensation Stage. He felt the spiritual power in his body that was still about to burst out. After thinking for a while, he once again summoned up the remaining energy. The momentum rushed towards the peak of the early stage of the eighth level. After more than an hour, he felt that the tide of spiritual power in his body slowly receded. He opened his eyes and felt the spiritual power in his body. He was surprised to find that he had succeeded in breaking through again.

Li Yan felt an unprecedented strength in his body, and had the urge to dare to fight with others. He knew that this was the psychological effect of false expansion brought about by the increase in strength.

Li Wu turned his attention from the Tianxin Disk to Li Yan. In the past few days, he woke up from practice and found that his cultivation level had also improved. Although this improvement was only a slight improvement, it also made him feel a little happy. You must know that you may not get the slightest improvement in the realm of fake elixirs after practicing for more than ten years. As for condensing golden elixirs, it sounds like it is only half a step away. It seems that you can get over it if you work harder. In fact, many foundation-building monks have lost here. Half a step, you can't take it in your whole life, and in the end you have to turn into a handful of loess and regretfully enter the reincarnation. It can be said that not one of the hundreds of foundation builders may be able to successfully condense the golden elixir. It is often only a few who are blessed by God and become lucky.

Li Wuyi woke up from practice and did not continue to practice. Although he was also in a hurry, as a veteran foundation-building master, he knew that just this slight looseness may be something that many people may not be able to do for decades. Many foundation-building masters have been stuck there for decades, unable to make any progress at all. The fact that he was able to enter the secret realm again this time was probably due to the master's temporary arrangement in the later period. He may have considered that Miao Wangqing and others failed to make it into the top forty-nine, so that someone from Xiaozhufeng would handle the affairs, and in the end he was informed by the master. Li Wuyi entered the secret realm together. It seemed that he wanted to give Li Wuyi more opportunities, even if it meant practicing here for a few more days.


When Li Wuyi received the notice from the leader, he was stunned for a moment, and then he felt infinite respect in his heart. He was not qualified to enter here this time. He was not a participant. Every more person who entered would consume more resources on the passage. And he couldn't temporarily squeeze out any one of the forty-nine people in front, so he had to be the leader to enter. I don't know how Wei Zhongran negotiated with the sect after that. He must have used a lot of kindness to cultivate immortality. He is most afraid of cause and effect, and he is most afraid of owing favors, yet Wei Zhongran did it so quietly. In the eyes of others, he is not a qualified immortal cultivator at all, and his path to immortality will not be long-term.

Li Wuyi knew that his slight looseness was the biggest gain of this trip, so he stopped asking for more and began to focus on other matters. He looked at the Tianxin Pan and observed the surrounding situation from time to time, especially the three sects and the opposite side. Pay special attention to the three groups of monsters. Except for the three Qi Condensing monks from Shibuyuan who are a bit weird, the three groups of first-order monsters on the opposite side are basically late-stage first-order monsters. In the middle stage, there are only seven or eight heads. Even those seven-eight first-order monsters are In the mid-term, his aura was also extremely strong. It seemed that he was born with a different species or a race with strong bloodline. It seemed that the junior brother and the others were in danger of entering the wheel of life and death. Now he actually regretted letting Li Yan come. This kind of thing was not something he could do. It is basically invisible on his body. He, Li Wuyi, never regrets anything he decides.

He was brought into the world of immortality by Wei Zhongran when he was a teenager, so he was born into the world of immortality. He has seen countless intrigues in the world of immortality, but since Lin Daqiao and Li Yan entered the school, he felt a kind of innocence from these two people. And freshness, it is a kind of freshness that belongs to human beings, or the innocence of youth, especially Li Yan, who has lived in the mortal world longer than Lin Daqiao. Unknowingly, he treated Li Yan like a biological brother. Although he cared about the other junior brothers and sisters, he had a lot more affection for Li Yan. This was very rare for him. Li Wuyi's He is famous for being ruthless, not to mention in Xiaozhu Peak, but also in the entire Demon Sect. This is why many people are unwilling to deal with Li Yan after being entrusted by Wang Tian. They are all afraid of offending this lunatic, not to mention Li Yan. There is a bigger lunatic on Wuyi. Many Jindan elders have been telling their disciples privately not to provoke people from Xiaozhufeng. Anyway, it is not easy to meet just those people once, not to mention the disciples from Xiaozhufeng never take the initiative. Causing trouble, but not including Li Wuyi. This kid's character is the second Wei Zhongran. He is harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but he is too crazy in his heart. Once he goes crazy, in the Sprite Sect, it is estimated that only the golden elixir and above can control him. The monks of the same level There is not necessarily anyone who can win. Li Wuyi kills people just like eating and drinking water, and at the same time, you can't feel any anger in his heart.

Compared with generals, Li Wuyi is relatively easy to manage. After all, where is the realm, there are still many people above him who can suppress him after all the troubles. Wei Zhongran estimates that only his Nascent Soul Master appears to be able to train him, even if his Yuan Ying master appears. Yinglao

Zu came forward and estimated that that guy could fight to the death. As long as he couldn't subdue him immediately, he would probably be able to draw many monks of the same level to support him. Therefore, Li Wuyi should have become like this after hearing and seeing Wei Zhongran since he was a child. .

Li Wu saw what happened to Li Yan in the morning, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but turn up, "My junior brother is indeed very hidden. If it hadn't been for the last move, I would have been deceived by him. The sixth level of the Qi Condensation stage is nothing. Today's... He has officially entered the eighth level of Qi Condensation, but it looks like he still has some strength left. He wants to continue to attack, but this is not possible. The realm is not stable." When he was about to send a message to stop it, he immediately withdrew his consciousness and a pair of clear eyes. There was a smile in his eyes because he felt Li Yan suppressing his aura, which was the trend of stabilizing his realm.

"It seems that my junior brother still knows the truth about not being eager for quick success or greedy for success, but why is this Ten Thousand Yuan Kung so weird? The black light is clearly transformed by extremely pure water energy. How can the miscellaneous spiritual roots have such pure energy?" Li Wuyi felt a little strange when he saw the black light emanating from Li Yan's body. The "Ten Thousand Yuan Gong" technique is not only found in the Demon Sect, but also in many middle-level sects. This is a very basic technique, and its characteristic is inclusiveness. All things, but cultivators will choose the exercises with the strongest attributes to practice, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort. However, few people choose the mediocre and peaceful exercises like "Ten Thousand Yuan Gong", and they may not be able to reach the level of concentration after practicing for decades. At the tenth level of the Qi stage, no one in the Sprite Sect has practiced this technique for several generations, so Li Wuyi has never seen it before, so he is not very familiar with it. But he's not a pushover. As long as it's not a major issue that he can't figure out, he won't bother with it.

Seeing that Li Yan was in a stable state, he turned his attention to the Tianxin Disk. There were only twenty-four black spots left there. Among the other four sects, Shibuyuan had twenty-two white spots, and Taixuan Sect had ten more. Nine red dots, Pure Land Sect actually has 27 orange dots. As for the three teams with the fewest monsters, the one with the fewest green dots only has 11 green dots, and the other two teams are basically the same, with about 20 dots each.

"The defense of the Buddha Sect is amazing. In the end, I think it will be more than those two sects this time. When I killed this group of young monks before, they were very good at encircling them. They had deep magic power and the longest endurance. I don't know who is the second or third. , Lao Liu, can Changting and Minmei survive? Alas, cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals, life and death are at a loss." Li Wuyi sighed in his heart. In addition to thinking about Wei Chituo and Li Changting, he also turned to Zhao Min alone. Very concerned.

After Li Wuyi stared at Tianxinpan for a while, he suddenly frowned and turned to look at Li Yan. He felt that Li Yan's aura was rising again, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, "I praised him for knowing how to advance and retreat before, but he just broke through." Why is the level being forcibly improved again?"

When he turned around to look, Li Yan's aura was already rising. At this time, he could no longer stop Li Yan. He had to use his spiritual consciousness to carefully explore Li Yan. If Li Yan's aura lost control, he would take action immediately, although in his heart He was dissatisfied, but he couldn't sit idly by. But when his spiritual consciousness swept across Li Yan, he couldn't help but be stunned. Li Yan said this


Shi's aura was clearly extremely stable, just like a monk whose realm had been stable for a long time and who was approaching the next level normally.

"What's going on?" Li Yan only broke through two hours ago. He saw it with his own eyes, and is it stable now? Wan Yuan Gong or is it caused by fragmentation and poison? In any case, he would not know the existence and power of the Guishui Scripture. It is the supreme cultivation secret for people like Li Yan. The level of improvement and the deep spiritual power far beyond the same level are the largest among the five immortal sects. Secret, otherwise it would not be so outrageous that it would take tens of thousands or millions of years to find a successor. Of course, this also requires suitable resources, such as the extremely strong spiritual energy here, but this situation will not happen many times. , the overall plan for external promotion is limited.

Seeing that Li Yan's aura was long and thick, Li Wuyi was relieved. An hour later, to his surprise, Li Yan actually broke through to the peak of the early eighth level. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and paid attention to it, Li Wuyi would have How can one believe what is happening in front of him? Even if he is promoted, it will take at least half a month or even longer to be normal and stable. Doesn't that mean that Li Yan's qualifications are better than him, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a monster? , but it was clearly caused by miscellaneous spiritual roots. Li Wuyi was confused but could not figure out the reason.

After Li Yan stopped practicing, he also saw the surprised look from Li Wuyi. He was such a smart person. He immediately guessed that his behavior might be abnormal, but there have been many people who have made breakthroughs here recently. Therefore, there are really not many people who pay attention to him. That is to say, the senior brother continues to pay attention to him, but with the presence of Zangli Du, everything is easy to shirk.

"Junior brother, with your cultivation speed, I really doubt that you don't have many spiritual roots." Li Wuyi said in a message.

"Elder brother, it's not like you don't know what my spiritual roots are. Just a miscellaneous spiritual root, and the hope of building a foundation is extremely slim. It's probably just a fluke and God's blessing." Li Yan said vaguely of course.

"Haha, after you rest for a while, you'd better stabilize your realm thoroughly." Li Wuyi warned without delving into the root cause.

"Yes, senior brother." Li Yan listened carefully to Li Wuyi's concern.

"Senior Brother, do you think Second Senior Brother and the others can be ranked in the top 100 among all the monks who entered this time?" Li Yan quickly changed the topic. He first looked around and saw only six foundation-building monks. Four of them should have recovered with the help of the elders. It seems that apart from the loss of energy and blood, their lives are no longer serious. However, one of the other two is still sitting cross-legged to recuperate, and the other is actually lying next to the elder. On the ground, there was a look of uncertainty about life and death. After hesitating for a moment, he still asked through a message.

How could Li Wuyi not understand what Li Yan meant by what he said? According to the speed at which the light spot disappeared, and the ratio of the number of people who have come out so far, although there may be less than a hundred people who come out in the end, if they are ranked within a hundred, they will survive. There is still great hope.

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