Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 105 Weird Attack

Just when Li Yan raised his eyes and looked around, "Junior brother, don't panic. Someone is attacking the magic circle outside and cutting off the vision and consciousness. Now the junior brothers are resisting. It's not a big deal." Li Wuyi's voice transmission was in There was a sound in his mind. He turned around and saw that Li Wuyi was looking around with a curious expression. His eyes happened to move in his direction. At the same time, some of the other Qi Condensation Stage monks gradually woke up from their trance, and many of them hesitated. He looked uncertain, but no one spoke.

Li Yan quietly released his spiritual consciousness, and was suddenly shocked. His spiritual consciousness could not leave his body at all, and he could only passively accept the information coming from him. He could not see far in this formation.

"Don't panic, this is just the power of heaven and earth in the secret realm." At this time, a voice echoed in the formation, it was Elder Peng's voice.

"The world in this secret realm is so unstable, and it will generate attacks. How to attack?" At this time, someone was already asking the people around him in a low voice.

"But I don't know. I can't see what is in the sky above my head. It's all gray. My consciousness can't penetrate even half of my body." Yi Ningqi seemed to answer.

"Me too, I tried my best to release my consciousness just now, but it was to no avail."


This kind of discussion came and went. Seeing the rumbling sound outside the formation becoming louder and louder, Li Yan felt that the ground beneath him was shaking continuously, as if it was about to knock him to the ground. He focused his eyes and looked at the edge of the formation. From his position, he could see two elders on the edge of the formation. One of the two elders was the beautiful woman Li Peak's master, who was in the late stage of Jindan cultivation. The other one, Li Yan, seemed to have heard of it before, and should be in the middle stage of Laojun Peak's golden elixir. , after Li Yanyun had enough vision, he could barely see their profiles clearly. At this time, the two of them looked solemn, looking highly alert. But Li Yan was still relieved, because although the two men looked solemn, there was no sign of difficulty or sluggishness in the magic arts in their hands. It was obvious that everything was still under control.

Li Yan said nothing, observing the expressions of the two elders from time to time and trying his best to listen. After listening for a moment, he felt that not all the sources of the shaking noises came from nearby. The constant noises were loud and small. It was probably that the other three sects and the monsters were also attacked, but Li Yan would never have thought that the monsters were under attack. There was no attack at all, because the monsters knew that as long as they did not try to rush over, they would not be attacked and nothing would happen. Therefore, after the Nascent Soul Ancestor’s discussion, they did not believe it and tried several times when encountering this situation. This time, I found that this was indeed the case, but it caused a lot of suffering for my side. Later, I simply ignored it when encountering such a thing. Besides, the demon cultivators were happy to watch human jokes, as long as their attacks did not cause a war between the two realms.

The demon cultivator wanted to rush over to help before, not because of the deep friendship in the immortal world, but because he was afraid that human beings would suffer too much loss and would no longer come to the secret realm to pick. Then how would the demon beasts obtain elixirs and treasures? It would be difficult for them to break through those places if they did not understand the formations. Protection, let alone refining


Only third-level demon beasts and above can refine elixirs, and there are very few demon cultivators who have mastered this method. They rely more on their talent in cultivation.

But later it was discovered that human beings are indeed powerful and can use formations to resist such strange attacks with very little or even no losses. Therefore, the monsters and beasts are happy to see this joke. Even the secret world looks down on these outsiders. , there is such a long-lasting hostility, I don’t know why the ancient monks set up such a restriction.

Within the array, amidst whispers and confusion among everyone, half a quarter of an hour later, the sounds of attacks outside the array suddenly stopped, and then the dust on the transparent mask above the array suddenly disappeared without a trace. , moonlight and starlight appeared in the sky, and the Tianxin Disk hung firmly in the sky at the mouth of the valley, without any abnormality at all.

Li Yan saw the beautiful woman and the elder Lao Junfeng let out a long breath, and then withdrew their magic power, with smiles on their faces. It seemed that the attack had failed.

After the elders withdrew their mana, they also withdrew the formation. However, Elder Peng did not let everyone leave the area. Maintaining the operation of this formation requires a large amount of high-level spiritual stones. This time, the formation has been running continuously for fourteen days. Oh my god, the high-level spiritual stone is consumed very quickly. Elder Peng is also heartbroken. This is a high-level spiritual stone. It is also painful to consume it like this for the four major sects.

Elder Peng and the others knew that there was only one attack per time, so after the attack, they withdrew the formation, but the formation equipment was still there. This was their usual vigilance. Although there was only one attack each time they entered the secret realm, it did not It means that this will always be the case. If they attack again, they can quickly activate the formation as they are always on guard. Therefore, they do not allow the disciples of the sect to leave the original protection range of the formation.

Li Yan saw from a distance that several other Qi Condensation disciples were looking around with curious expressions. They also did not leave their own area. Apparently the elders in the sect also gave the order. At the same time, he felt that his spiritual consciousness had been released normally and without any hindrance. Go, I can't help but feel relieved. When a cultivator does not have spiritual consciousness, he always feels insecure in his heart.

When his consciousness scanned the three groups of monsters, he couldn't help but froze, and quickly moved his eyes over. What he saw was the same as in his consciousness, the three groups of monsters were roaring and looking towards this side, but Li Yan followed There was a sense of gloating in the eyes and roars of the three-headed monsters who led the team.

Li Yan felt confused, but seeing that there was no further incident between the two parties, he turned his attention to the Tianxin Disk. After looking at it for a while, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In the past fourteen days, one-third of the black light spots had disappeared. One, and look at the foundation-building monks around you

, only three people came back, which shows the tragedy inside. But what made him feel better was that a lot of the other six color light spots were gone, and some color light spots were even more than half gone. They were a group of monster beasts. Li Wuyi had told him before that the monster beasts were The quota is limited and several races may form a team, and they may also fight each other. In addition, many monsters are affected by their talents and like to fight for their lives directly. Even if their intelligence is turned on, some will not use it. Brain power, when facing smart monsters and humans, it is inevitable to fall into a trap. The so-called one force can defeat ten societies. This is only said under the condition of absolute power.

"I wonder what happened to senior brother, senior sister and her?" Li Yan looked at the Tianxin Disk for a while and found that the various colors in the Tianxin Disk were intertwined and woven together. It was possible for anyone to meet anyone.

After exhaling a breath of turbid breath, Li Yan slowly closed his eyes again in the night.

In the next few days, Li Yan would sometimes be awakened by the fluctuations around him. It turned out that after more than ten days of practice, many people in the four sects began to break through their own realms, so there would be a place in this area every once in a while. The light is dazzling, and the spiritual energy around the person is surging. It is obvious that he has broken through the realm. There are those who have broken through the big realm, and there are those who have broken through the small realm. But there are also people who dare not practice, such as Du Sanjiang and others who are in the Qi Condensation Stage. They originally There is hope outside to attack the foundation. Although it may not be successful, there is some certainty. Although opportunities are rare in the secret realm, they entered this time for the treasure. Although it is possible to participate in the wheel of life and death again as a team leader in the future, but They don't want to miss any opportunity. If they practice Dzogchen here in the Qi Condensation Stage and rise to the Foundation Establishment Stage without the Foundation Establishment Pill, for them, the purpose of their trip will be lost. If they are able to be promoted, if a monk who is not sure about building the foundation hears it, he will probably vomit blood for three liters of anger. After all, most cultivators hope to live forever, and realm is the king, unlike the people who can come here who are an army of cultivators. There are very few geniuses in the world who are certain about their future promotion, so they gave up building a foundation here.

Li Wuyi squinted his eyes, and he discovered a situation. Most of the people here who have improved in cultivation are the Demon Sect. Although there are people from the other three sects who have made breakthroughs, the overall number is not very large. He has watched carefully. Although many of these people are from the Ningxia Sect. The tenth level of the Qi stage is perfect, but proportionally speaking, the late tenth level accounts for almost 50%, and only less than 30% is the mid-tenth level. But logically speaking, these 80% personnel should also have room for impact and breakthrough, but he Looking at it, the total of the three sects' small realm promotions can only reach twelve or three people. This probability is too small. None of them have reached the big realm. These four sects are not the monsters opposite. They were born here and grew up here. , the body has become accustomed to the spiritual energy density here, and the promotion level has been promoted long ago.



This group of people has quite a lot of secrets. The aura on their bodies seems to be a bit mixed but deep. What is going on? "Li Wuyi squinted his eyes and thought. He looked at the uncles sitting cross-legged in four directions. Those eight people seemed to have forgotten about this and were all meditating with their eyes closed.

In fact, at this time, the eight Jindan members of the Sprite Sect were transmitting messages to the secret trader. How could anything Li Wuyi discovered escape their eyes.

"There is no doubt that the three sects have joined forces. These juniors have a strong sense of death, and they do not take advantage of the opportunity here to practice properly. It seems that they may have forcibly improved their realm through drugs. It is extremely difficult to break through a small realm. ” These are the words of Elder Peng.

"They thought very far, knowing that we would reject the proposal to build a foundation to participate in the Wheel of Life and Death. They even predicted our final proposal to use the Qi Condensation Stage to compete." Peak Master Yi's old voice sounded in the minds of the remaining seven people.

"Forcibly improving the realm through drugs, these people will be finished in the future. Even an inch of progress will be extremely difficult. The thirteen people currently promoted are all in the middle of the tenth level of Qi Condensation." Elder Feng of Laojunfeng said.

"The realms of these juniors are too neat. They are all in the late tenth level or above. The lowest mid-stage Qi Condensation stage only has about thirty people. We still have seventh, ninth and early tenth levels of Qi Condensation here, and the ratio is the same. It's quite a big part." The beautiful woman's lazy voice sounded in the minds of the elders. Even without looking, the picture of plump and voluptuous figure appeared in everyone's mind. Fortunately, they have been with her for a hundred years, or even longer. I'm used to it.

"This battle is dangerous, but how can they join forces in the wheel of life and death? Although the overall level of a single team vs. a single team is higher than ours, they may not be easy to win in the hands of our sect, unless they possess a rare treasure, coupled with the addition of World advantage." Confucian scholar Feng Peak said.

"You entered the war even though you knew it was a trap. Do you mean that you won't participate in the wheel of life and death every fifteen years in the future?" Another elder Yan from Buli Peak said this. Everyone fell silent. In the end, no one spoke again, even if he died. These Qi Condensation Stage disciples and three Foundation Establishment disciples are also going to enter. Through this time, they should be able to get some trump cards of the three sects, but they may be sacrificed in vain. The wheel of life and death is completely closed, and even light spots can be seen from the outside. Not until the end, everyone will be passed out at once, and those who have not come out will never come out again. If the whole army is wiped out, that is to say, no one will deliver the news, then this situation will happen again next time in the cycle of life and death.

The elders do not hate the three sects joining forces, because when a certain force begins to suppress other forces, the other weak forces will join forces to suppress it. This kind of thing has happened to the Sprite Sect and any of the other three sects. Since ancient times, I don’t know how many times I have done this, but who has made the Demon Sect become more and more powerful in the past few hundred years?

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