First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 130


Chapter 130 Temporary departure from Qingzhou City


After midwinter comes the New Year.

With the sound of firecrackers, Qingzhou City became more and more lively, and every household posted couplets and door gods to welcome the arrival of the new year.

In this season, even the poor at home will bite their teeth to buy some New Year's goods, put on a few feet of flowers, and buy a new dress for their children.

Qingzhou City is peaceful.

In the Liu Family, there is depression.

On the empty Martial Training Stage, from the clan elders to the servants and maids, all gathered here.

"My son..."

Liu Changfeng, who is in his sixtieth year, caressed his broken body covered with white cloth, and burst into tears.

All around, Liu Wenlong's wife, Xiao Wu, knelt down a lot, all crying. Several concubines were out of breath and almost fainted.

Slowly covering his son's horrified and unwilling face, Liu Changfeng turned around and looked at the crowd of clansman and clan elders, grief-stricken:

"My son is dead. !"

The huge Martial Training Stage was silent, and everyone dared not let out the air.

Liu Family, known to everyone, Liu Wenlong is the most reliant son of patriarch and the next patriarch that has been decided.

Seeing Liu Wenlong's death so tragically, everyone present could feel the rage contained under Liu Wenfeng's sullen expression.

“Sir Tang!”

An old man with white hair and beard stepped forward in grief, Shen Sheng looked at the only one team outsider in the Martial Training Stage:

"Wen Long, who killed him?!"

Everyone from the Liu Family looked to the front of the stage.

On the Martial Training Stage held by Huang Ni, the Constable of a team of Six Doors stood solemnly.

"My condolences to all of you."

Under everyone's eyes, Tang Bailie sighed slightly:

"Your feelings, Mr. Tang, everyone from Six Doors Colleagues also feel the same way! Along with Master Liu Young, one of my Six Doors silver-badge Constable and two bronze medal Constables..."

"Sir Tang!"

Liu Changfeng interrupted him with a cold tone:

“old man just wants to know, who killed my son!”

“Tang is here today. So, I also have this doubt."

Tang Bailie took a few steps forward and looked at the Liu Family clansman, indifferently said:
"In the middle of winter, the weather is very cold, although more than half a month has passed. , but the injuries of several victims are clearly visible, and they have undergone autopsy.

Master Liu Young from your house and a bunch of Constables in my door all died by the arrows of four elephants!”

Four elephant arrows? !

Tang Bailie's internal strength is extremely strong, his voice is reverberating, and the hundred zhang can be heard clearly from outside.

"Four elephant arrows?! Impossible!"

There was an uproar at the Martial Training Stage.

Regardless of collateral or direct line, ordinary clansman or clan elders are unbelievable.

The Four Elephant Arrows are a secret of the Liu Family. Although the clan can practice it regardless of whether it is a collateral or a direct line, there are not many people who have entered the door, and even fewer have reached a higher-level.

For example, Liu Wen's dragon-like practice is less than ten fingers.

Who can kill Liu Wenlong with four elephant arrows?
"This is impossible!"

A clan elder couldn't help but stepped forward to check the wound, but Liu Changfeng sneered back.

This old man of the age of ten, with his gray and messy hair all white, looked around with cold eyes, like a furious lion, as far as his eyes could see, everyone was quiet.

"There are many arrow techniques in the world, and there are not a few similar to the four elephant arrows. Yes or not, who knows?"

Liu Changfeng stared at Tang Bailie:
"Sir Tang, you read it wrong."


Tang Bailie couldn't dodge, instead of staring at each other for a long time, he just raised his hand and turned around Leaving:
"This is a vicious scorpion. If there is any trace of it, I would like everyone to assist in the pursuit!"

"Six Doors..."

Liu Changfeng clenched his fingers tightly, in pain Closing his eyes, he didn't believe that by means of Six Doors, he wouldn't know who the murderer was.



The old face of a clan was filled with grief and anger: "Six Doors are clearly bully intolerably! Wen Long died for them, and actually I don't even have an explanation!"

"My son will not die in vain..."

Liu Changfeng lowered his eyes indifferently:
"Whoever it is, whoever it is..."



"This Old Guy dares to intimidate adults! How bold!"

In the house, the faces of the several arresting officers showed great displeasure.

“An old man who has lost his son and lost self-control can’t be considered anything. And what he said is not bad. There are many arrow techniques in the world, and the murderer may not use the four elephant arrows...”


Tang Bailie waved his hand to stop everyone's roaring:
"Wait, go back to Six Doors!"

What else do the arresters want to say, Tang Bailie He left in a hurry, his feet were very fast, and he quickly passed through several alleys.

Soon, he came to a yard full of rockery, glanced at random, and then bowed slightly:
"Sir, Liu Changfeng is very sad and angry, maybe he won't give up easily."

"It's nothing but incompetent fury. Unless he can clear the comprehension of 'the changing seasons and the impermanence of heaven', and realize the four arrows of heaven's will, otherwise, there is not even the slightest threat."

In the rockery, a voice that was so calm that there was no emotion rang out:
"This Old Guy is suspicious by nature. You tell him, it's useless, you can only let him 'unintentionally' find out, and he will be convinced. Doubtful."

"The adults seem to be very concerned about the so-called four-signature arrows of God's will? A superior arrow technique is certainly precious, but to you, adults, it should be nothing."

Tang Bailie was curious.

Excellent martial arts are rare, arrow technique is especially rare, but that is only for ordinary people, what is it for this one?
"There are only rubbish people in this world, and there are no rubbish martial arts. Any superior martial arts, once they can practice Return to the Natural State realm, will be beyond imagination."

In the rockery, the voice does not fluctuate:
"All kinds of martial arts come from the two schools of Buddhism and Taoism, and the word "God's will", you can't understand the weight of these two schools, right?"

"That's true."

Tang Bailie seemed to understand nodded, and said:
"That kid is really evil, and Qin's brother is nothing, but Mrs. Shi was also planted in his hands. , but it really made his subordinates a little unbelievable."

He didn't like Mrs. Shi.

But this old woman has changed her blood nine times in the end, and is an expert in the excellent martial arts. It is not surprising that she was planted in the hands of a young man who was born in a small border town and is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

It made him a little bit more to be taken lightly.

"The practice of martial arts must be done step by step, but there are some things that cannot be handled with common sense."

In the rockery, the voice fluctuated.

"What the lord said is dao fruit?"

Tang Bailie's heart moved.

With his status, he can naturally come into contact with some things that ordinary people cannot understand.

Such as dao fruit.

The existence of dao fruit is not a secret to many people.

In fact, in the past 400 years, many dao fruits have been born, but behind the events that set off foul wind and bloody rain, the shadows of these things are often indispensable.

"A young man from the frontiers has reached this point in just two years. This is no longer an extraordinary natural talent."

In the rockery, the voice was faint:

"I can't do it, and no one in this world can do it."

Tang Bailie was convinced of his words, and had a strange feeling in his heart: "Then why not?"

"A seed can only be picked when it becomes a fruit..."

In the rockery, the voice gradually calmed down:

"Spring planting and autumn harvesting, Dao of Heaven and Earth also..."



The days after the granary fire seemed to calm down.

The state government is operating at a high speed, and the four major families and even the urban and rural gentry have generously donated money, but within seven or eight days, a new granary has been built.

The weather was a little less cold, and construction began outside the city in a frenzy.

Under the guidance of some craftsmen dispatched by the prefectural government, the area of several li outside the moat was busy.

Having food, promises, and a place to live for themselves, these tens of thousands of refugees outside the city, who have endured all kinds of hardships, erupted in a force that drew the attention of the residents of Qing State.

After seven or eight days of work, there are already some outlines.

"At this speed, it won't take long before these refugees can settle down temporarily..."

Looking at the construction of in a frenzy, Yang Yu sighed slightly.

The establishment of the city is not so simple, but the requirements of this group of refugees are not high, as long as there are tiles to cover their heads, they are satisfied.

"This Master Xu, after all, the name is not in vain. The country gentlemen exert their efforts, and the construction period is much faster than that of the state government."

The monk rebooting also sighed. .

How complicated and difficult is it to settle down for tens of thousands of people?
But it only took more than ten days of work, and he already had his eyes and eyes. This execution force made him a little amazed.

"It will take a few years for it to be completed."

Yang Yu looked away: "It's you, really plan to stay here?"

"Little monk originally wanted to be a wandering monk. Going back to the mountain to meditate is a cultivation, and here is also a cultivation of healing and saving people."

Rebooting put his hands together.

Converging Ground for tens of thousands of refugees, it is inevitable that all kinds of diseases will breed. These days, he mostly heals some injuries and diseases for the refugees outside the city.

"So, we'll meet again some day!"

Yang Yu led the horse and bid him farewell.

"Before, Patron Yang also said that it is not advisable to go out now, why did you change your mind so quickly?"

Rebooting was a little curious.

“The current Qingzhou City…”

Yang Yu shook his head.

Qingzhou City has become a muddy water, and even if he does not accept Huang Sixiang's task, he will not stay for long.

He joined Bright Gown Guard, Six Doors, and came to Qing State, not to roll around in officialdom.

But he didn't say much, just waved his hand and got on the carriage.

"Sit down!"

Xiao Wu, who had changed into a brand-new outfit, swung his whip excitedly, and the fat and sturdy yellow horse neighed. Dust away.

In the carriage, Yang Yu took stock of the things he took with him when he went out.

One sword, one knife, one bow, twenty catties of silver beans, ninety catties of golden beans, and a lot of clothes and dry food.

The small carriages are full.

“Which ingredient should I refinish next?”

After swallowing a few golden beans, Yang Yu thought in his heart.

It has been ten days since he returned to the city, and the golden bean is naturally stronger than the iron broad bean. It is only ten days, and the energy storage of Cauldron of Gluttony is full.

Yang Yu slightly closed his eye, and the ingredients in front of him flowed erratically:
"Golden armor, ten steps to kill, black whale swallowing the sea, ghost shadow Great Capture, or wandering around?"

(end of chapter)

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