First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 129


Chapter 129 Qing State fourth young master


Looking at the serious Huang Sixiang, Yang Yu's mouth twitched slightly: "Senior, let's talk straight."

Has this old man read too many novels?

Also fortune?

"cough cough..."

Xu Shi couldn't hang himself when Yang Yu stared at him, Huang Sixiang turned his head, lightly coughed:
"You sold your property and turned it into gold. Zhu, are you leaving Qingzhou City?"

"What do you say?"

Yang Yu calmed down, neither admitting nor denying it.

He has this thought in his heart, but at least for now, he does not want to leave Qingzhou City.

The situation in the city may be chaotic, but at least the person who is staring in the dark doesn't dare to shoot unscrupulously. If he leaves the city again, it may not be the case.

"I heard that you were excluded from Six Doors, and it was uncomfortable to stay there. You went out to catch thieves before, and it seems that someone followed you out..."

Huang Sixiang's eyes were faint. .

Yang Yu's heart sank slightly, but his face remained unchanged: "It's hard to avoid being left out when I first arrived. As for the rest, Junior really doesn't understand..."

"frankly, old man Here, there is something for you to do."

Huang Sixiang straight to the point.

"This, you may not have this ability."

Yang Yu's eyes flashed.

He also disliked Nie Wendong, but with his current strength, none of the Dragon-Tiger Four Guards might be able to match.

Easy to intervene in the battle of these two people, it is easy to become cannon fodder.

"Little Slicker."

Huang Sixiang smiled dumbly and didn't want to go around in circles:
"The old man recognizes your commander, and he knows a lot about you. ”


That naughty little girl is unreliable, so she sold him?
"We are colleagues."

Huang Sixiang saw his thoughts, smiled slightly, and took out a black iron waste token:

"A certain family, It is the former commander of the Bright Gown Guard in Yun Prefecture, Huang Sixiang!"

"It's an adult."

Yang Yu bowed his hands in awe.

He was searching for information about the four yellow elephants.

Unfortunately, he has been in the Bright Gown Guard for too short a time, and he has never even been to the Bright Gown Guard station. Naturally, he does not know much about the identities of other Bright Gown Guards.

But since he is the commander of the Bright Gown Guard, his martial arts must be extremely high.

Even if I am old and frail, I am afraid that I am a great expert who can wrestle with Yu Fengxian...

"The old man came to Qing State with the adults to take office. The young officer, who escorted the prisoners to the road alone, killed a lot of gangsters along the way.

After a little inquiries, I found out that you are also Bright Gown Guard. Plus, I happened to meet you yesterday. I'll see you."

Huang Sixiang stroked his long beard and smiled slightly:
"According to the rules of our Bright Gown Guard, if you can do this, you will have excellent martial arts, Blood-changing Great Dan, thousands of spirit refinement soldiers, and high-ranking officials have everything.

It is good fortune, right?"

"This, why do you want to find me..."


Yang Yu was a little moved.

But he also knows that there is no free lunch in this world, and the more generous the reward, the greater the danger.

"Where should I start..."

Seeing that Yang Yu was so calm, Huang Sixiang was nodded, and after a little thought, he asked:

"Qing State is rotten. Outside, there is a long stay in the mountains to gather righteousness. One side is in trouble. Inside, there are Aristocratic Family squires fighting for power. The situation is in chaos. How do you break the situation?"

"If it were me..."

Yang Yu slightly startled, pondering.

These days, he also knows a lot about the situation in Qing State, but...

"You're not afraid of being wrong."

Huang Sixiang He picked up the teacup and blew lightly.

"The chaos in Qing State, whether it be bandits or squires, are all overt, but they are still governed by officials. If I were Mr. Xu..."

Yang Yu thoughts are revolving.

I was thinking about the situation in Qing State, and at the same time I was speculating about Xu Wenji's purpose. After all, this Huang Sixiang came to the door and reported to his family. It was not that easy to get rid of.

But in the situation of Qing State, if he was Xu Wenji, would he come?

"Assuming I am Mr. Xu, I need to break it down step by step and proceed slowly. First, set up a cover for the four great masters, find a reason, deduct evidence, and beat them to death at one time!
Although I don't know Nie Wendong's personality, if things can't be done, he will definitely not help the four great families, and even add a fire! And then..."


Huang The four elephants brows slightly raise, and their interest increases greatly.

He had originally read the resume of the kid in front of him, and knew that he was only a refugee and beggar at first.

In addition to his young age, Ben didn't expect him to say anything.

But after hearing this, it seems that there is something.

"...As soon as the four leaders retire, you may find a few officials who are independent, or who are not in the same situation, and arrange government affairs. Then, find a few hard bones who have the courage to sing opposite Nie Wendong..."

The voice came to an abrupt end.

Yang Yu looked at the Old Guy suspiciously:
"I'm this tough guy?"

"cough cough...You kid, it doesn't look like you've only read it for half a year. You are illiterate..."

Huang Sixiang restrained his shock, coughed twice, and looked at Yang Yu suspiciously.

"It's just nonsense."

Yang Yu was overthinking and said a lot more.

However, you are illiterate!

I have been studying hard for twelve years!
"Although it's just a random guess, there's some truth to it. However, there's one thing you're seriously wrong about."

Huang Sixiang clicked one's tongue in wonder in his heart, but his face didn't move sound.

He waited for Yang Yu to ask, but the latter sat down and drank tea slowly, not wanting to talk more.

"The Four Great Masters, you underestimate the Four Great Masters!"

Huang Sixiang looked condensed:
"Did you not feel the existence of the Four Great Masters in Qingzhou City? Feeling?"

Yang Yu thought for a while, nodded.

Xiao, Chu, Ye, and Lin's four masters are famous like thunder piercing the ear, but after he came to Qingzhou City, he really didn't see where these four masters came from.

"That's because the richest person in his family went to the temple, or then went to the rivers and lakes! Rich fight while the poor write, it's even more difficult for ordinary people to ask for one of them, but right? They say..."

Huang Sixiang 'hehe 'sneered:
"Let's talk about the Qing State martial arts, you know, the Qing State is like a forest, the most famous rising star Who is it?"


Yang Yu was a little uncertain.

He came to Qing State when he left Montenegro. He didn't really care about the so-called Jianghu martial arts, except to hurry up and practice the exercises.

"Xiao, Chu, Ye, Lin are the fourth young masters!"

Huang Sixiang didn't sell off:

"The Aristocratic Family you thought was just rich The literati? No, the so-called Aristocratic Family is as high as the temple, and as far away as the rivers and lakes! p>

"Black and white take everything..."

Yang Yu's eyes moved, thinking of Poison Dragon Village.

According to the blue jade book, behind this Poison Dragon Village, there is one of the four great families.

As time passed, it gradually faded away, and now that I think about it, it may not necessarily be someone from Six Doors.

The tentacles of the four great masters are so long, and they may not be missing from Six Doors.

"Powerful, well-connected, wealthy, and martial arts, all of which are intertwined and interrelated. It is absolutely impossible to kill them all at once."

Huang Si Like sighed.

If he was Xu Wenji, he would never be willing to come to this muddy water, but why...

"Cut down mountains and ruin temples, and horses on rivers and lakes..."

Seeing Huang Sixiang sighing again and again, Yang Yu remembered Xu Wenji's 'governing the country in ten directions'.

Nowadays, it seems that its on the surface is aimed at the rivers and lakes, but in fact, it is still the Aristocratic Family clan...

"The adults at that time were still too taken for granted, in this world , who is willing to eradicate the Aristocratic Family and Jianghu, but only the Old Zhang family..."

Huang Sixiang looked complicated.

Governing the country in ten directions, up to now, it is still criticized by people, but the root cause is nothing wrong with the country, but...

'Old Zhang's family is the largest Aristocratic Family gate valve? '

Yang Yu murmured in his heart, but he also vaguely guessed something, and without hesitation, he asked directly:
"Your Excellency has said so many things about the Aristocratic Family, it seems that he wants me to do it. A pawn who eradicates the Four Great Families?"

"What do you think?"

Huang Sixiang looked at him.

Yang Yu without the slightest hesitation:

"I refuse!"

Is the Aristocratic Family gatekeeper hateful?

They hoarded and lived in strange places, controlled the price of food, and caused disaster, so they should be killed.

But with his current strength, he may not be able to shake the foundation of the Four Great Families even if he is killed by one head.

He doesn't want to do a business that is futile and to die for, no matter how big the profit is.

Mountains and temples are cut down, horses tread rivers and lakes.

Eight words, easy to say, look majestic.

But he didn't forget that Henry Zhang, the king of Zhao of the West Palace, who was able to fight in the Liuji Mountains where three million people fought fiercely, has not appeared in front of people for many years.

"This is really dangerous. It's normal if you don't agree."

Huang Sixiang was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it. farewell.

"Sir, I still have questions."

Seeing that he was leaving, Yang Yu got up to say goodbye, but he couldn't help but wonder, and asked:
"You I have an old relationship with the commander, so I don’t have to tell me so much, and if I order directly, I will not necessarily disobey and disrespect.”

“If this world is full of people who use power to oppress people and order people to die. , then this Great Ming is really going to end..."

Huang Sixiang looked blank.

Yang Yu was slightly absent-minded.

"This matter cannot be forced, you can rest, the old man is gone."

Huang Sixiang didn't say any more.

Yang Yu still has doubts:
"I'm not someone who is undervalue oneself, but not to mention Qing State, only in Bright Gown Guard, there are some who are stronger than me, why do adults like me? "

Yang Yu stared at the old man.

He has always been a man with a clear sense of his own weight.

He has exchanged blood six times, his blood energy is like a tiger, his arrow technique is proficient, and he is even stronger of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers. Even if the exchange level is higher than his, and he has cultivated superior martial arts to a consummate level, it may not be the case. is his opponent.

But aside from Yu Fengxian and the two commanders, Bright Gown Guard and a few thousand households and cognates, apart from this, Cao Jinlie is not too inferior.

However, he is not indispensable.

Whether Huang Sixiang or Xu Wenji, there is no reason to look at him.

"You are still undervalue oneself. The last person who was as powerful as you was, is now the Great General of the Qing State Army."

Huang Sixiangshen He took a deep look at Yang Yu, as if to see through him:
"even more how, people who are stronger than you, attract more attention, Bright Gown Guard is very powerful, and there are many people who can stare... "

"Okay, think about it for a few more days! The old man is going too."

Having said that, Huang Sixiang waved his hand and left.

Yang Yu stood at the door, silent, but his heart was touched.

In a trance, I seem to see a large and broken ship on the boundless ocean, which is about to capsize at any time.

Some people dismantle decks for self-preservation, some people unload sails to enrich themselves, but some people run around tremblingly, gluing left and right, and become a tinker.

There are thousands of people in the world, which one do you want to do?

Yang Yu?

There are only two updates, good night everyone. The challenge for the third shift failed. It rained for several days, accidentally caught a cold, and hung up on the water all day, and the spirit was not very good.

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