Chapter 146 Come on, let me introduce my wallet to you

I saw a slender man in gray clothes coming to the door of the private room. He was leaning against the door at the moment, revealing the eye of the water attribute god on his waist. He stopped the shopkeeper and revealed it to everyone in the room. A hearty smile.

Well, the first impression is pretty good.

After wiping the faded man's mouth, the fireproof girl glanced at the young man who had a temperament like the big brother next door, and couldn't help but sigh at his excellence.

When you have no money, you can come to your door to help you pay if you smell it. This kind of portable mobile wallet is really hard to find even with a lantern.

As soon as the young master finished speaking, everyone in the room turned their eyes and fell on him.

Although everyone was confident that the conversation would not be overheard, they were still wary of this uninvited guest, and naturally they would not give him a good look.

Suddenly, the young master who was originally feeling relaxed felt as if he was being targeted by a prehistoric beast. He stopped and cold sweat flowed from his forehead involuntarily. He looked at Zhongli who had a calm expression on his face and twitched the corner of his mouth. He gave an awkward smile.

It seems I came at the wrong time?

He picked up the teacup and took a sip. He glanced at the young master with his gold-leaf eyes, and Zhongli shook his head slowly.

No, you came just in time.


The dinner was over, so there was no reason to block people in the private room. They walked along the road to the living room. The young master had already made some good tea for the reception.


The refreshing fragrance fills the air. This is the flower that was just put on. After coming to Liyue for so long, the young master has learned nothing else, but his taste has improved a lot.

Who is this?

Seeing that the visitor was acquainted with Zhongli, Otto also smiled and asked.

A friend from Solstice.

[This person is an indispensable part of our plan. 】——Retired old man

Oh~ This is the tool man chosen by Zhongli.

Several people present nodded understandingly, put away their evil gazes, and immediately looked at the young master with much softer eyes.

After Zhongli signaled, he felt the pressure on his body suddenly dissipate. The young master raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, suppressed the body that was about to ignite because the strongman radar started beeping alarms after it was activated, and carefully looked at it. He looked at everyone present.

Everyone present seems to be a strong person worth fighting.

What an unexpected surprise.

After glancing back and forth, Dadalia was convinced that except for the soft-tempered blond lady, the remaining ones were all masters among masters, and she didn't know where Zhongli knew these people.

However, the young master also knows that this is not the time for a fight. He went out for business not long ago. After returning, his subordinates reported that Mr. Zhongli has received many strange faces these days. Some of them have dragon horns and tails, and they seem to be descendants of immortals. .

Hearing that Zhongli was entertaining guests at Xinyue Pavilion, the young master naturally came over. Based on his understanding of Zhongli's friend, he must have brought no money, so he just came to help pay the bill. By the way, he looks familiar.

Zhongli treats guests, and the young master pays the bill.

‘You see, this is the consciousness of the wallet.

Hello, I am the executive officer of the Fools. You can call me Young Master.

Now that the misunderstanding was resolved, the young master introduced himself to everyone generously.

‘Sir, what kind of name is this? ’

He frowned and glanced at the three people next to him who never used serious names. Otto also replied in a bad way: Hello, you can call me 'Bishop'.


Fireproof girl.

Hello, beautiful lady.

The Fader.

Um, hello.



Hiccup~ Hello good friend, my name is Momonga, Hiccup~


I have reason to think you guys are playing tricks on me. Where did you come from?

The corners of his mouth twitched, but at least he did not lose his grace in front of outsiders. The young master looked at Zhongli again helplessly, wanting Zhongli to help him out.

Zhongli raised his hand and introduced the young master: These are my friends from other countries. Because the Palace of Life is going to take over an important funeral ceremony recently, I asked them to help.

Funeral ceremony?

The young master is quite puzzled. He believes that the world is vast and there are countless people who are more powerful than him. But what on earth do such a group of fierce people get together to do?

Who are you going to bury?

He usually teases Zhongli about being a Taoist because of the business of the Hall of Rebirth. Is it possible that Zhongli and the others really have something that they don't know about hiding their business?

That's right, it's a matter of your own life, so of course you can't be careless.

Zhongli nodded and did not explain too much. Then he looked at the young master and asked, I wonder what important business you have here?

‘Do you believe me when I say I just want to help Zhongli pay for your meal? ’

Although he thought so in his mind, the young master's emotional intelligence was not that low. Just when he was about to make a joke and fool him, another strange voice came from the door of the hotel.

Good evening! Zhongli, I'm here to take you back~

As the words fell, a girl walked into the living room. I saw this girl with a pair of ponytails and her eyes like fiery red plum blossoms. She jumped up and down in front of everyone, looking fierce and full of enthusiasm in her behavior. A lively flavor.

The person who came was none other than Hu Tao, the current head of the Shengsheng Hall who was responsible for Liyue's funeral, and who was also Zhongli's boss.

Otto's eyes also fell on Hu Tao. Although he had seen her many times, Otto could still easily overlap this little girl with a certain white-haired dumpling under his surveillance.

To be honest, it doesn’t feel right no matter how you think about the fact that the voices are exactly the same. Otto noticed something was wrong from the beginning. The voiceprint comparison results told him that not only Hu Tao but also Zhongli’s voice was essentially the same as Siegfried’s after careful comparison. no difference.

Finally, with the consent of both he and Zhongli, Chika Fujiwara shared the information about the two worlds and discovered that the two worlds actually came from the same background. This solved their doubts.

Otto is now studying a way to travel to Tevat without relying on chat groups. After all, he already knows the coordinates here, which is much more convenient than searching aimlessly in the vast space of imaginary numbers. It will pave the way for future travel in the Tree of Imaginary Numbers. Accumulate data.

Hall Master Hu, long time no see.

The young master smiled and greeted the visitor.

Long time no see, young master.

Hu Tao's sense of the young master is quite good. After all, after he came to Liyue, he helped share most of the firepower of Shengsheng Hall.

Zhongli is a man who is well-informed and reliable. Well, it seems that he is not very reliable now. Anyway, he spends money too much. Every time he looks at the book, Hu Tao feels like he has a splitting headache. The young master is willing to support Zhongli, which can be said to be Her half-brother.

Hu Tao came forward in a ripe way, and a pair of dazzling plum blossom eyes caught the young master's eyes.

Brother, how are you thinking about the cooperation between Shengshengtang and Yu Renzhong that I told you last time? The professional team of Shengshengtang wants to know about it. The cooperation discount is half price for the second monument, and there is also a pick-up and drop-off service for group purchases.


Chapter 147 I am Hutao, do you want a monument?


The meeting was a very impactful conversation, and the young master almost lost his temper.

He pressed his hand to his mouth, moved his throat, and forced himself to swallow the tea. The tea that overflowed from the corner of his mouth fell down his angular jaw and fell into the teacup.

Ha~ahem~ Hall Master Hu, we fools have a sound settlement process, so you don't have to worry about it.

He took a breath, picked up the paper towel on the side, and wiped his mouth awkwardly. There were a few black lines hanging from the corners of the young master's forehead, looking quite helpless.

Hey, don't be so hasty to refuse. Young Master, you can also buy one in your own name. I think you have black hair, a cleft lip, and a burnt tongue. There will be a bloody disaster in the near future. How about treating it as insurance?

Seeing the young master's refusal, Hutao smiled.

She was not very willing to give up on this potential customer, which could be seen from the generosity of the other party when she went shopping with Zhongli, and although she came right to the point, what she said in the end was all the truth.

The young master looks like he is going to be in bad luck soon. Even if Hutao fails to get some business in advance, it doesn't matter. Just give him a discount and book a business. Isn't that enough?

Based on this man's willingness to fight with others every day and risk his life all year round, he is definitely a high-quality potential customer of the Rebirth Hall, and he might die someday.

Um, no need, no need.

I've been hungry in the mountains for almost two days. How can this Yintang not turn black? I didn't even have a proper meal before I came to see Zhongli. Are you cursing me?

The young master has never trusted these mysterious fortune-telling techniques. In his opinion, they are not as useful as the power in his own hands. Could it be that he planned to kill the fortune-telling master directly after going to the fortune-telling master? Could it have been expected?

Hall Master Hu, you are here to see Mr. Zhongli, right?

The young master really couldn't cope with Hu Tao's offensive. He gave Zhongli an apologetic look, then simply cleaned up his image and planned to run away.

It's almost nightfall, so I'll take my leave first. Hall Master Hu should be busy with the big business of your Rebirth Hall first.

Smiling a rather gentle smile, the young master brushed Hu Tao and rushed out of the door.

Hutao didn't stop him and got out of the way. Then he pulled the door frame and shouted at the young master's back: You can't buy the service of the Rebirth Hall. You can't be cheated. Moreover, if you want to return to the Winter Kingdom, you can also provide transportation for extra money. Service, I’ll give you another ride, I can bury you twice, think about it!”

The young master staggered a few steps, then waved his hand from a distance, his expression hurriedly submerged in the gradually darkening street. Seeing this, Hutao also put away his hand and muttered a little doubtfully.

Big business? What business?

After driving away the young master, Hu Tao also approached Zhongli who stood up and patted his shoulder.

Hey, Zhongli, is there any business in the Palace of Life lately?

currently there is not.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he led everyone away from Xinyue Pavilion and came to the fence. Looking down at Liyue Harbor that gradually became brighter in the night, Zhongli raised his hand to introduce to the three people present.

This is the current leader of the Rebirth Hall, Hu Tao.

Compared to the young master's casual introduction, Zhongli's introduction to Hutao was much more formal, as if he was introducing his daughter, as if he intended to let both parties get to know each other well.

Hu Tao beside him could not hold back his curious gaze for a long time. He looked at several people with his darting eyes, and took the initiative to say hello after Zhong Li spoke.

Hello, I'm Hu Tao, the seventy-seventh generation leader of the Rebirth Hall. Well, I'm specifically in charge of some minor matters of life, separation and death.

Stretching out his hand, a smile appeared on Hutao's slightly immature face. Compared with the off-line when getting along with the young master, he was much more serious. The identity of the hall master was once again emphasized. See It seems that she is very proud of this identity.


A very cute little girl, the fire-proof girl shook hands with her, a faint golden light flashed through her, and by the way, she soothed the trembling little soul.


You all walked slowly along the streets of Liyue, chatting briefly with each other.

It's time for me to go back.

It was getting late, so Otto said goodbye. Naturally, he had met Hall Master Hu earlier.

This dinner was mainly for the fire prevention girl and her party to cleanse themselves from the dust. Now that they had had a wasted meal and digested it, it was time for him to leave.

Watching Otto's back as he walked into the hotel, the fireproof girl reminded Zhongli.

It seems we don't have a place to stay yet.

Following the reminder from the fire-prevention girl, Zhongli remembered an important thing. He had not yet arranged a place for the fire-prevention girl and the others.

I didn't think enough about it.

Replied apologetically, Zhongli raised his hand and handed a pack of mola to the fireproof girl.

This is fifty million molas, which should be enough for you to use in Liyue. If it is not enough, you can tell me.

Thank you.

After shaking her wallet, she took out a mola that looked like a gold coin. The fireproof girl also found that this currency was quite interesting. It contained energy inside and was not just a simple precious metal.

Zhongli is not without money. He can be said to be the richest person in Teyvat, because Mora, the only currency in Teyvat, comes from his hands.

However, as a guest of the Palace of Purity, Zhongli, who had treated guests to dinner before, naturally could not rub mola from his body at will. This was his status as a mortal living in Liyue.

But now, in a public place, between Lordran's light god Gwen'Thul and Teyvat's rock god Morax on the other, they no longer have to abide by mortal rules.

Wow, Zhongli, so you are so rich?

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