None of the people present were outsiders. Felianor also had the talent of a fireproof girl. She knew that the Faded One was a good kid when she saw him for the first time, so naturally she showed no mercy.

The fireproof girl was sitting obediently on her seat, listening to Felianor's scolding, with her head lowered, her face almost buried in her chest, and she didn't look like a contemporary god-king at all.

Ashes, on the other hand, has nothing to do with her and hangs up high, looking at her eyes, nose and heart, with a good attitude of admitting her mistake. The old god is sitting there, everything is instructed by the fire prevention woman, and it is not her turn. , it was my mother anyway, so the scolding was basically over.

‘Hmph, who told you to keep silent about how you wanted to merge with the First Fire? If you didn’t let me come, it would make others worry. That’s right. ’

As for the faded ones, they are the ones who are most afraid of it. She should have been happy to see the fire-proof girl's mother, but who knew she would turn out like this. Her face is pale and her legs are spinning. She is afraid that she will do something wrong and make this super fierce mother-in-law angry. .

‘Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu What should I do? Su’er’s mother is so scary. Did I do something wrong? ’

Su'er, I don't even know what to say about you.

Mom, I was wrong.

The fireproof girl knew that she couldn't talk back now. She regretted in her heart that she had miscalculated the time of return and came back three years late. At the same time, she actively admitted her mistake. When her mother was angry, everything she said was definitely right.


Felianor still felt sorry for her daughter. She couldn't bear to let people kneel down when such a big thing happened. She even asked the fire prevention girls to finish a good meal before they started to scold her. They were almost dry with saliva before she stopped talking.

Looking at the three people who had a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, Felenor finally sighed helplessly. She knew that if these three little ones encountered something that required them to stand in front of them, they would definitely rush forward without hesitation.

It would be nice if I didn't have to carry everything myself.

But Felenor said so much, and at the same time, he also hoped that the fire-proof women would think more about their relatives who have been worried about them before making a decision. Is there anything that they can not talk about and solve together?

I got it, Mom.

Seeing that Felenor was a little loose, the fireproof girl quickly jumped out of her seat, hugged her mother's arm and shook her.

It will definitely not be like this next time.

Felenor raised his eyebrows and slapped the fireproof girl on the butt.

Do you still want a next time?!

Mom, I am also a God King after all, so please respect my status.

The God-King who ran to the primordial furnace as silently as your grandfather, right?

Oh, oh, mom, I was wrong.

(End of this volume)

End of volume remarks

Ah, in short, it was a bit bumpy, but it still brought the world of Dark Souls to a happy ending.


Hehe, this is a breakthrough for yourself.

After your own story reaches a perfect ending, you will naturally have to help others.

In the future, you can focus on writing chat groups, and you can make some interesting interludes in Dark Souls, such as taking the characters of Dark Souls to other worlds, hehe.

In fact, there is a lot I want to write but I haven’t written it yet, but the space is really not enough.

Moreover, my update speed is also very slow, and I am also very busy with studies in reality, so if I describe the plot in a more detailed way, 80% of the book will collapse.

If I really want to write about it, I can fill up to 800,000 yuan for the world of light souls. I will concentrate on writing a book of souls when I have the opportunity in the future.

After all, everyone came to see Dark Souls and the chat group at the beginning. On the contrary, in my case, it is mainly in the soul world. Until now, I have probably not even talked about the chat group in ten chapters (laughs)

I am also really grateful to the readers for supporting me all the way. Thank you very much.

In short, I am also seriously reflecting on it, and I have also sought advice from the big guys.

In the future, I will try my best to bring you higher-quality plots. There are still many unforgettable tragedies waiting for our fire prevention girl to save.

See you tomorrow~

Love you carefree pigeons.

Chapter 145 Today’s consumption will be paid by the young master

Liyue is one of the seven countries in the Teyvat continent.

There are swamps all over the place and river networks criss-crossing the area; clouds and mist surround the place, and the mountains are deserted.

The diverse geographical environment together constitutes Liyue's rich landforms, which glow with colorful elegance under the climate with four distinct seasons.

Precisely because this place is so beautiful and rich, it seems that in the distant past, this place was also the place where the war between demons and gods was most intense.

Among the wonders of the mountains and rocks, Guyun Pavilion has buried endless ancient gifts from the Demon God of Rock, waiting for people to discover them.

The fire prevention girl and her party came here to find the treasure buried under the mountains and sea.


In Crescent Pavilion, the Demon God of Rock is entertaining guests from afar.

A round table, a group of friends, as the host Zhongli, when he learned of the arrival of the fire prevention girl, he naturally invited them to come and get together as he usually does when entertaining guests.

Thank you.

The Fireproof Girl was also quite surprised. After she had dealt with the final incident of Rodlan, she sent a teleportation request to Zhongli. Unexpectedly, this person directly set up a large banquet.

However, since the host was so generous, the guests naturally did not have to be polite. They sat down with the Ashes and Faders behind them like bodyguards, and started eating happily.


Zhongli did not move his chopsticks, but picked up the tea cup and took a sip. There was a rather beautiful flower beside him.

This was a funeral gift given to him by the fire-prevention girl. He liked it both for its appearance and the will to dedicate everything to the things he protected.

He did receive this sentiment.

Unknowingly, more than ten people have joined this chat group. Although they communicate frequently with each other, they have never gotten together together. I just didn't expect it, but they got together here.

According to common sense, Zhongli simply said in the group that he was retiring. Most of the friends in the group must have simply congratulated him and sent some gifts to express their feelings, and nothing more happened.

But after some inquiries from Chika Fujiwara, Zhongli said that his so-called retirement was to hold a funeral for himself. According to the translation of Leziren, it meant to perform a show of burying himself. The group of people who were originally uninterested He immediately changed his mind and said that he must come.

Come on, it’s so cool to hold your own funeral. How can you do it without your group of friends?

Not to mention the young and fun-loving people in the group, even the fire prevention girls and their group of hundreds of years old are also very interested in this.

How many opportunities do people have in their lifetime to have a funeral for themselves?

Then a group of people took the time to come one after another. Someone who came early also experienced a wave of the customs and customs of the Teyvat continent, found a job, and just settled in Liyue.


At the corner of the table, a black-haired man was holding a spoon and stuffing food into his mouth, crying with emotion.

Is he always like this?

Seeing that this person was not bad, but he looked like he was chewing something with the meme of you will cry when you eat it, the fireproof girl asked Otto in a low voice.

It's been like this since I came here.

Holding the chopsticks skillfully, he picked up a piece of meat and nodded. He was on vacation this time, so he brought nothing but a body that was closest to a human being.

That person is naturally Ainz Ooal Gown, one of the supreme beings of Nazarick. As for why it has become like this, it is entirely because of a topic in the group not long ago about restoring Ainz Ooal Gown's human senses.

Although he only has an elementary school education and is still just a game geek, under the guidance of a group of high-quality talents in the group and the foresight of the plot, Ainz Ooal Gown is now thriving.

Actively established diplomatic relations with local countries and various races, used undead magic to increase local productivity, eliminated some short-sighted scum, and restrained his own gang of problem children. Moreover, due to the characteristics of its game setting, the security of NPCs with large tombs On the contrary, Zizhi is the fastest to popularize the technology tree in the StarCraft world.

Nowadays, Ainz's world is prosperous, so naturally he won't do anything as ridiculous as in the original work.

However, the physical condition of the undead and the disgusting passive skill that could clear his emotions still made Ainz miserable.

In the end, Otto provided the clone body, and the fireproof girl was responsible for transferring the soul, and obtained a physical body for Ainz. Moreover, because the enthusiastic group of friends had added a lot of personal goods to it, the strength of this body was not at all comparable to His poor guardians were naturally treated as permanent forms.

Under Otto's simple summary, the fireproof girl nodded her head in understanding, and looked at Ainz who was devouring his food with pity.

As a human under the cyberpunk world view, after time travel, he directly turned into a skeleton. I'm afraid he has never eaten normal food in his life.

The soul vision scanned the surroundings. Except for a certain overtime maniac who couldn't get away, the fire prevention girl was already the last one to arrive.

Because the fire prevention girl and her entourage arrived unexpectedly, most of them had already finished their meal.

So except for a certain starving guy and the archbishop who got along well with Zhongli and the two of them went shopping together, they were basically playing outside.

Merlin routinely tells stories in the teahouse, and it seems that he has accumulated a lot of popularity. The story of Emperor Yanwang has been told over and over again for thousands of years, and now people are even more willing to try something new.

Doom and Kratos were not used to the elegant environment and did not come directly. Moreover, these two macho men seemed to have encountered some inexplicable radio waves. The two of them were currently making sculptures in a courtyard with arms folded.

Renault was accompanying his wife to experience the customs and customs of a different world. The sweetness of a long separation was better than a newlywed. Everyone around him avoided them directly to avoid being caught, but Kerrigan's head was like a fire. For long hair, I have to thank a certain fire-proof woman who wishes to remain anonymous.

Two young people, Chika Fujiwara and Tallulah, got together to play with their mobile phones. They closed the distance and almost blinded the fireproof girl. They were operating gray-haired characters to climb into the abyss and stab each other on the back of the blaster Pipima. , without even thinking about it, Chika Fujiwara must have brought it from her.

Otto is really big-hearted, he is careful that his underwear will be seen clean by his friends.

But speaking of it, Chika Fujiwara and Bengsan have all appeared to recognize treasures. Doesn’t that mean that Genshin Impact has also been out for a while?

Chika Fujiwara's world line has everything except some subtle differences. Fireproof Girl can imagine the scene where the group of friends will go to a party there in the future and a group of people will play by themselves in front of their mobile phones and computers.

Wait, Zhongli was playing Genshin Impact in Liyue, why did I have such a strange dream?

The fireproof girl glanced at Zhongli with a strange expression, wiped off the remaining particles at the corner of her mouth, put away the chopsticks, placed them on the table behind the bowl, level with the dining table, picked up a paper towel on the side and wiped her mouth.

Do these dishes taste good?

Seeing that the fire-proof girl only tasted a little of various dishes, she put away the tableware. I wonder where the fire-proof girl learned such standard table manners. Zhongli replied that he was not good at entertaining, so he asked.

Not bad, very delicious.

Taking a sip of tea and moistening her throat, the fire-proof girl raised her hand to indicate that these dishes naturally inherited the characteristics of Liyue's parallel world. They were full of color, flavor and flavor, and were not much different from what she ate when socializing in her previous life. Anyway, she ate them. Nothing wrong.

However, seeing that both the Faded Man and Ashes liked to eat it, the Fireproof Girl chose to just taste it briefly and leave a little more for them.

It's a pity that the chef of Wanmin Hall is not on duty at the moment. The Liyue dishes she produces are the most authentic.

Zhongli understood what the fire-prevention woman was thinking, and then changed the topic to business matters.

Miss Suer, please leave me with the matter of the devil during this trip.

Zhongli planned to relinquish his position as a god, so he was naturally worried about the rebellion of the demons buried deep within the seal. If something unexpected happened in the future and he had to return again, then his suspended animation would be meaningless.

The existence of the Fireproof Girl allowed Zhongli to see another solution to these demons.

What the Fireproof Girl needs is the soul soaked by the Demon God for a long time, not the immortal power of the Demon God, and this direct washing of their will is a rather gentle way of dealing with the masterless Demon God. The power will naturally return to the earth's veins under deliberate guidance, without causing much impact.

Don't worry, this powerful soul that has been tempered for a long time is the best tonic for my world.

She signaled to Zhongli that there was no need to be polite. This was a powerful soul that had come to his door. She would have come to him even if Zhongli didn't tell her. The fire-proof girl had already sensed Zhongli's rock-solid soul when she met him. Even if those demons were not as good as him, they would surely be the same. Not much different.

That's very good.

Zhongli nodded. He couldn't say he disliked the losers left over from the Demon God War, but he also didn't have much sympathy. With the guarantee from the Fireproof Girl, he naturally planned to be more radical and solve these problems once and for all. Hidden danger.

It sounds really metaphysical. Logically speaking, the power of the demon god should be the most precious, but the fire-proof girl is not needed. It is also a strange thing that a powerful soul can nurture a world where existences like the fire-proof girl can be born. .

Everyone was happily communicating with each other, and protected by miracles, they naturally did not let outsiders listen to the conversation. After discussing the necessary details, the dinner came to an end.

It's time to pay the bill...

Everyone has put down their bowls and chopsticks, and Zhongli also subconsciously looked to his side.

Seeing nothing but emptiness, he then remembered that the little girl from the Hall of Purity was sent to help him buy a pair of fine jade objects. I am afraid that he had been delayed for a while and had not returned yet.

Shopkeeper, check out, send the bill to...

Without hesitation, Zhongli called the shopkeeper. Just as he was about to pay, he heard a hearty voice coming from the door.

Hey, shopkeeper, I've invited you to have this meal today. Mr. Zhongli's friend is also my friend.

The wallet came to my door by itself.

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