Yes, they will get the most fair punishment.

'what a pity. ’

The fireproof woman's eyes narrowed under her goggles. To be honest, if she hadn't been the leader of a country now and had to consider the impact of everything she did, these sages would never have thought it would be so simple.

The Great Library is the base camp of the mage forces and the highest institution of learning in the mage world. Almost all the magic inheritance of Rodlan is its branch. The mages in it call themselves sages, delving into various mysteries and exploring various legends regardless of the cold or summer. Outside the world, it is a school of its own.

As pure scholars who pursue the truth, mages have their own pride.

In the view of Big Hat Logan, the founder of the Big Library, the so-called politics are hypocritical, power is ugly, and only truth is eternal. They reside in powerful countries and provide them with knowledge, but they will also not intervene. in politics.

Therefore, their camp should also be neutral.

Even if Osroais wanted to rely on their power, he would have to recruit them from the Great Library and work for him as priests, thus completely isolating them from the Great Library.

But this time they intervened in the royal civil war.

The tragedy of the Fireproof Girl also begins in the Big Library.

Thank you for your kindness.

The crystallized old man lowered his head lower and took the initiative to negotiate with the fireproof woman, at least preserving the heritage of the big library.

Everything is for the future of this country.

Now that the sages have surrendered, the fire-proof women will naturally not choose to kill them all. The precious knowledge in their heads can make Lothric's magic improve a lot, and they can continue to serve Lothric after serving their sentences.

As for the principal culprits, they were all burned to death after the trial.

I'll take my leave.

As a large number of troops entered Lothric, the Great Library returned to its rightful place, and there was not much resistance left in it. The church knights, known as the most loyal wings of Osroais, were among the ring-seal knights. Encircled and suppressed by the Black Knight, there is only one chance of destruction.

The priests are also reawakening the petrified knights of Losric and restoring order in the city is only a matter of time.

A familiar figure came to his side.

Ashes have arrived too.

Then there's one last target left.

The fire girl looked at the rather grand palace at the end of the bridge, where the two princes hid.

Your Highness, do you need our assistance?

Richard asked.

The fire prevention girl took a deep breath and said, No need, the next step is our family affairs.

You are responsible for handling the affairs in the city.

As commanded.


Away from Richard and the others, walking on the bridge leading to the palace, Hui Jing smiled and asked, It's a family matter and you still want to take me with you?

You are different.

Why is it different?

The ashes are getting bigger and bigger.

You are family.


Chapter 133: Royal fight, two princes died violently, how satisfying

@Fire prevention girl, Sister Suer! Sister Suer! What are you doing recently? - Cancer of the Earth

When the fire-proof girl was about to open the door and start the boss battle, the news about Fujiwara Chika bombarded her. So the fire-proof girl, who had not followed the chat group for a while, still opened the message interface, intending to see what this girl was looking for.

Then she saw a dense mass of red unread messages. Almost all the group members had privately messaged her, which made the fireproof girl wonder if the group members had encountered some unsolvable problem.

...Did something urgent happen recently? - Fire Prevention Woman

Looking through the records, she found the bonfire upgrades that A'Die always left in her private messages, as well as the Yajin energy that Doom sent daily. Most of the messages were asking if the fire prevention girl was there, which made her relieved.

The messages that were still flooding the screen paused, and then flowed out, allowing the two of them to communicate.

Ah, Sister Suer, you have responded. - Cancer of the World

Mr. Zhongli is going to hold a ceremony to invite immortals recently, and he plans to invite us to come and have fun together. Sister Suer, will you come?

The old man also plans to bury himself in glory.

On the streets of Liyue, Chika Fujiwara held Liyue's delicacies in one hand and jumped behind a young man with a handsome appearance and a calm temperament who was carrying a precious thrush birdcage with a cheerful smile on his face.


The fire prevention girl's expression changed. Time passed so quickly. Before she knew it, it was time for Zhongli to retire. However, she still remembered her agreement with Zhongli to deal with the people under Guyun Pavilion once and for all when he planned to retire. Demon gods, the reward is naturally the souls of these demon gods.

In order to prevent forgetting this matter, the fire prevention girl also specially turned off private messages during this period to avoid reminders, just to avoid being busy and forgetting the time.

Is time pressed? - Fireproof Woman

There is still some time before the ceremony of inviting immortals. - Retired old man

Fujiwara Chika's face was stagnant, and she wanted to dig out something about the date of Liyue from her mind, but she suddenly found that she was busy eating during the time she came here in advance, and didn't remember anything. Fortunately, Zhongli spoke up in time and The calendar was given to the fire girl.

After checking the calendar, the fireproof girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Ah, there's still enough time. I still have a little thing to deal with. I'll come over after it's done and prepare some funerary objects for Mr. Zhongli. - Fire Prevention Woman

What have Sister Sue been busy with recently? I haven't seen you for a long time. - Tallulah

The white-haired dragon girl was waiting for Zhongli and the others in a teahouse.

A certain Bai Mao was standing in front of a bookcase with his staff in hand, waving fragrant flowers. His usually flirtatious tone seemed quite solemn at this moment, making people unable to believe that this person was Merlin.

Then let me tell you a story about a king.

The teahouse was overcrowded, and Tallulah came in advance to reserve a seat. To be honest, the story Merlin told was indeed very attractive, and the localization was very good.

While dealing with the rebels, I happened to have to give my two rebellious royal brothers a grand burial. - Fire Prevention Woman

Ah this. - Tallulah

Uh. -Ainz Ooal Gown

Need help? - Ghost of Sparta

Kratos, who was purchasing stones at Liyue's trading market, asked.

No, this is a family matter.

Well, remember to tell me if you have anything to say.

Kratos was also straight-tempered, and when the fireproof girl refused, he continued to negotiate prices with the stone merchants.

The quality of these stones is much better than that of Greece, and among the merchants, Kratos looked fierce and did not dare to make any small moves.

I offline first.


What's wrong?

Hui Jin asked after seeing the fire prevention girl stunned for a long time.

There was something that came to me in the chat group, and it has been resolved now.

After waving her hands to indicate that nothing happened, the fire prevention girl said.

Let's deal with my dear brothers first.


The two men stepped forward and pressed their arms on one side of the city wall, and the long-closed door slowly moved open.

haven't seen you for a long time.

Along with the vibration, the accumulated gravel poured down. The fire prevention woman stepped across the worn red carpet and looked up at a rather thin figure on the high platform.

I'm here to settle matters, Brother Wang.

Lothrik, the little prince named after his country, was the salary king who was supposed to spread fire and continue the world in the last days, and was one of the culprits who started the civil war.

Those who have abandoned the mission of spreading the fire, will you choose to spread the fire yourself, or will you let me ask you to spread the fire?

When sacrifice becomes a habit, not sacrificing becomes a vice, sister.

As if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, the little prince sneered and replied: I don't want my future to be burned in a furnace.

Oh, so, as a ruler, you start a civil war and then just hide in the palace like this?

Meeting Rosric's gaze without showing any signs of weakness, the fireproof woman asked.

Have you figured out how to survive in the deep sea era?

The fireproof girl looked at the alienated hands of the little prince. This was the result of Osroais trying to lift the little prince's curse. It was obviously a good intention but a bad thing.

This father was not cold-blooded and still loved his son before going crazy.

The abyss will also infect the gods. You should know better than me. When humanity breaks out and floods the world, do you plan to take everyone with you to death?

Do I have to walk into the stove obediently and die first?

Lothric gritted his teeth and shouted: The world is coming to an end anyway, what's wrong with dying together? Is it wrong that I just want to live a little longer?

He has lived in the palace for a long time, received the best education since childhood, and enjoyed the beautiful brotherhood. He does not want to end up walking into the furnace to extend his life for those whom he does not know at all.

Those guys only pray for you to spread the fire. What have they done?

Lothric pointed to the headless corpses outside the palace. These Lothric knights were all warriors who came to ask the little prince to pass on the fire. Now their heads were cut off and the corpses were piled randomly on the road.

They are also ready to sacrifice. If the desire for the throne does not exist, they are the cornerstones that pave the way to spread the fire, and they will be integrated into the flames before you.

The fireproof woman never questions the knight's consciousness. In the initial furnace, there are broken Lothric weapons everywhere. They are buried in the ashes of the knight's body, telling the tragedy of that year.


It seems we can't understand each other anymore.

The fireproof girl had expected this. If a few words could resolve the conflict between them and allow them to voluntarily integrate into the first fire, then she would just change her name to Uzumaki Naruto.

Words are useless, then use the method that the soul world has always pursued to resolve the conflict between the two parties.

No one will be involved in today's war. It's fair for the two of us to treat you two.

Do we have to go to this point?

Lothric looked bitter. He didn't want to fight the fireproof woman, he just wanted to live.

I can give this country to you, and I don't intend to block your way to save the world. Can you let me and my brother go?

If you didn't plan to spread the fire from the beginning, why would you still enjoy everything that this distinguished status brings?

If I let you go, how should I explain it to the soldiers who were loyal to me and the people who suffered in the civil war?

The armor was on, the light was condensing, and it was cast into a solid body. The fireproof woman raised her sword and pointed it at Lothric. At this point, it was meaningless to argue about who was right and who was wrong. Let the strength of both sides decide everything.

You refused to sacrifice, did those knights sacrifice themselves in vain?

Lothric is trying to get rid of the fate of spreading fire, while Fireproof Girl is trying to save her subjects who have finally been saved.

Lothrik looked up at the still-burning wall lamp and made no further attempts to negotiate. With a sound of metal rubbing against the ground, a figure in golden armor slowly crawled out from behind him, and the giant sword in his hand glowed red. Veins, blazing flames ignited, slashing at the fire-proof woman.

What about you, Soul?

Clinging to his brother's back, Lothric asked, Now that you have taken over everything in Lothric, are you ready to sacrifice again?


Surging energy flowed through her body, and the fire-proof woman had never felt so powerful. The wall of light easily blocked Lorian's indomitable sword.

What do you think?

Chapter 134 I am your retribution

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