Moreover, the current weakening of the apocalypse cannot be used as a reference. Anyway, the weakening of the First Fire will weaken all the residents of the fire in the same way. Except for the Incarnation of the King of Xin and the Abyss, everyone has become weaker.

To put it mildly, the nameless king has probably killed more dragons than anyone the Fireproof Girl has ever seen. A large part of the wedge-shaped stone veins buried deep in the ground of Rodland are now unknown contributions.

Wuming took a sip of tea and rubbed the fireproof girl's head.

A family, as it should be.

Chapter 131 How the flame will burn

After wandering in the small park in front of the sacrificial site for a while, the fire-prevention woman sat on the edge of the courtyard and looked at the energy floating in her hands.

The adults still had some private matters, and Ashes was sent to help deal with the patrolling butterflies and human pus in the city. By the way, she brought along the newly arrived ring seal knights. The Lothric knights and the rebels were fighting outside the palace. With the library's intervention, it already had an advantage.

Everything is proceeding steadily as planned.

It is also rare for a fire-prevention woman to find a place to relax her mind.

It's still too weak.


Compared to Wuming and Feliannuoer, it is still not enough. All the strong men who still exist today have power that surpasses her.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, apart from the need to pay attention to the two princes and Osroais, the fireproof girl has never worried about the possibility of losing in the civil war. What she is most worried about is the incarnation of the King of Fire.

When the flames ushered in the end of weakening, all the fire beings fell into a situation where their power became weaker and weaker. This was the overall degradation, but there was only one existence that was not affected.

The incarnation of the Salary King.

As the testing mechanism of the inherited flame, the Guardian of the Initial Fire,

No one knows when he appeared.

In that period of history when the initial fire was gradually extinguished, there were still countless people who turned into firewood and devoted themselves to it. They integrated the skills of all the Xinwangs from the first generation Xinwang Gwen to the present day, and had the energy of the first fire. No matter they lost What you have and what you want is no longer important.

They became the ghosts who guarded the first fire, the guardians of the warriors who used absolute force to verify their qualifications as kings.

After sending away the ashes, the fireproof girl talked to Wuming in private, and Wuming also bluntly said that she was not a match for the incarnation of King Xin, and could at most defeat a few of them.

To be honest, the fireproof girl is not 100% sure that she can defeat the incarnation of the King of Fire, and she also doesn’t know how the original incarnation of the King of Time and Space could be defeated.

Of course, there is no foolproof way. If one person can absorb the existence of the king's soul collected by the fire-proof girl, he can naturally gain the power to defeat the incarnation of King Xin.

However, this huge amount of king souls obtained from various worlds cannot be used easily. In addition to judging whether it is capable of containing this power, the existence of this king soul must also be burned as the main fuel. In this way, we must consider A matter of loyalty.

A vessel that has sufficient strength and dedication.

So the question is, who will make this main salary.

nameless? ash? still--

Leaning back, the back of his head rested on the cold stone pillar, his fingertips traced the air, and various king souls were revealed in the air.

They come from all worlds, and all of them possess majestic soul power.

In the future, this will be the backbone of the soul world.

You are really laid-back~

A slightly familiar voice came from behind, and the fireproof girl turned her head slightly to look.

Your soldiers fought bloody battles on the front line, and you're here to admire your trophies?

She traveled to various battlefields, but she never expected that she would finally find the fire prevention girl here.

I trust them more than I trust myself. At least they never have any doubts about their own path.

Glancing at the air beside the road, a graceful black figure slowly appeared.

I thought how long you would wait, um... Yulia.

The black clothes that wrap the whole body as usual, and the iconic dark crow mask, are none other than Rondal's former leader, Yulia, the current bishop of the Rondal branch of the Sun Church.

——It's an honor for His Highness to remember my name.

The face hidden under the mask showed a slightly shocked expression. Yulia took a few steps forward and stood opposite the fire-proof woman, slightly farther away from the king's soul.

I remember everyone's name.

Raising her hand, the various king souls immediately dimmed their light, making Yulia feel a little more comfortable.

The fire-prevention woman did not shy away from Yulia's exploration. Anyway, she had no ability to take them away from her. After discovering that the quality of these king souls was quite good, Yulia's expression became a little subtle.

Although it has been spread throughout Lothric, it is still hard to believe unless you see it with your own eyes.

There was a trace of obsession in her eyes. After some struggle, Yulia let out a long sigh and finally gave up some unrealistic ideas.

You skipped work to see me just to watch this?

Squinting her eyes slightly, the fire-proof girl remembered that it was not the church's break time at this time.

Be careful, I'll punish you by working without sleep for a month.

Hmph, if you can really continue the world, let me work until I die.

With a snort, a scroll of scripture appeared in Yulia's hand and she threw it to the fireproof girl.


Raising her hand to take the ancient book, which seemed to be a little older, the fireproof girl turned on the time acceleration and flipped through the pages.

The process of usurping the flame?

It's the process of dedicating flames to the gods. Don't put it in such a bad way.

Yulia rolled her eyes at the fireproof girl.

You would actually hand this over to me. Are you going to rebel?

My subordinates have all converted to the Sun Cult after staying in the Undead Settlement for a few months. Why would I rebel on my own?

I don’t know what kind of magic power the fireproof girl has, it’s just like brainwashing.

After curling her lips, Yulia continued to ask.

Who are you going to make the main salary?

The answer is not what was asked.


The fireproof girl remained silent, looked up at Yulia, and finally laid her eyes on her.

The desire for the throne can only maintain the status quo. To rekindle the flames, we must face the incarnation of the Salary King.

Londoer's understanding of the incarnation of the King of Fire is much more detailed than you think - in terms of its strength, Lothric should not have a more comprehensive understanding of it than I do now.

Looking at the sky, although it is blue near, it is still dim red in the distance.

If the main god of the Sun Religion becomes the Salary King, many people will be troubled.


‘Who are you cursing to death? ’

The king's soul surrounding him paused, and gradually condensed with the will of its master, condensing into pure flames, which were gradually swallowed up and swallowed up into this seemingly fragile body.


After a while, the fire-proof girl let out a breath.

There were sparkling waves beside her, and fish from another world were swimming slowly in the pond. The fire-proof girl looked at herself in the water.

‘How long have you not looked at yourself like this? ’

The long pale golden hair is hanging down, and the hair is stained with pure and flawless water drops. The face that makes people's hearts beat just by looking at it is obscured by the eye mask, but there is a hazy beauty that wants to explore the true appearance.

Quite beautiful.

With everything deeply remembered in her heart, the fireproof girl stood up and left, casually returning the book to Yulia.

Get back to work.

Take a step towards the burning bonfire and open up a new future.

Her back glowed in the sun.

As you command, Your Majesty.

Chapter 132 My brothers, I’m here to find you


With the sound of burning flames, the fireproof girl opened her eyes.

Unsuppressable flames overflowed from the corners of his eyes, but fortunately they were shielded by the eyepatch, which made it impossible to detect any abnormalities.

Stepping on the road leading to the palace, there are still some traces of the battle here. The troops belonging to the Fire Guards are moving in an orderly manner. The bodies of the knights who died here in the past were collected one by one, waiting for their future. It's a decent funeral.

The originally splendid palace has become dilapidated. The statue of Osroes was decapitated, the murals were scratched by sword blades, and the appearance of the past is no longer visible. The churches of the Green Sect and the White Sect have also been smashed to pieces. , now only dilapidated ruins remain.

It’s stuck~

He reached out and plucked off a piece of raised gravel on the wall, and the picture that had been wrapped for countless years was revealed again. It was a slightly blurry picture of gods giving alms. The owner of the picture could even be traced back to Gwen, the founder of the Bai Sect. Lloyd.

Time flies, even Lloyd of the White Sect has long been no longer believed in, and the gods of the older generation have almost been submerged in the dust of history.


The fireproof girl suddenly felt a little emotional. Countless beings who wanted to continue the Age of Fire have long since passed away, and even their traces have been erased by time. Can she really make Rodlan exist forever?

Eternity is not static, but like running water, it keeps moving along the road so as not to enter corruption.

And what kind of surprises will come on this road of change?

After calming down her mood, the fire-proof woman found Richard, the Knight Commander of Lothric, who was escorting the prisoners in the crowd, and asked him: How is the battle situation in other parts of the royal city?

Your Highness, there are a considerable number of Lothric knights left outside the Palace of the Two Princes, but due to our numerical superiority, we quickly stopped resisting.

After patting the shoulder of a knight standing guard and signaling him to take over his job, Richard came to the side of the fireproof woman and reported the battle situation.

There are two artificial flying dragons infected with human pus remaining in the flying dragon training ground. However, after the purification by the priests, they have returned to a healthy state. Currently, various legions are still cleaning up possible resistance forces in the city.

Lord Ashes is dealing with the Pilgrimage Butterfly. Do you need me to deliver a message to her?

After a brief report, Richard asked.

He still has some discernment, and since the Fireproof Girl has arrived, Ashes should also come.

Well, leave it to you.

The fireproof girl nodded. She originally planned to contact Ashes, but since Richard was summoned, she didn't have to do anything extra.

Yes, Your Highness.

Going up the stairs, the two of them soon arrived at the door of the big library.

‘It’s back again. ’

The fire prevention girl looked up at the building standing in front of the towering clock tower. This place brought her a very unpleasant memory.

The large library contains a large number of ancient and precious documents. It is a national magic research institution in Lothric. Its origins can be traced back to the period of King Gwen. The magic system studied by White Dragon Sith can also be called Bailongxue.

After the white dragon was killed by ashes and sent to the furnace, Big Hat Logan researched and improved the white dragon science, eliminating the drawbacks that would affect the human mind, and created a new soul type and crystal type based on it. Magic became the origin of modern magic.

Your Highness, the Great Library has been restored and will no longer interfere in the civil war.

The crystallized old man pushed open the door of the big library that had been repaired not long ago and came to the fire prevention woman.

He noticed the arrival of the fire-prevention woman. Holding a crystal ball in his hand and wearing a broad hat that proved the great sage's identity, he bowed and saluted the future owner of this land.

Why is there only one wise man left?

The soul vision penetrated into the library, but the fireproof girl did not find the figure of the person who imprisoned her back then: Where are the crystallized daughter and the other sage?

My brother and Clinehid have been handed over to the church.

Even though they had a good personal relationship, the crystal old man still did not choose to cover up, and the brim of his hat swayed slightly with his movements.

They blatantly opposed the spread of fire and even imprisoned members of the royal family, which destroyed the neutrality of the Great Library since ancient times and deserved to be punished.

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