Kevin stared at the primitive equipment, his eyes widened, and he rubbed his hands nervously. Finally, he gritted his teeth and refused, saying uneasily: I deserve it.

Captain Kevin's nervous look is very much like that of a young man who met his idol when he was a middle school student in his previous life. The Fireproof Girl can understand it very well.

When I was traveling during a vacation in my previous life, I met someone named Zhou at a bus stop who was a very average singer. At that time, this person took off his mask and was singing bayberry. Although his cheeks were bulging, he was still recognized by me. She It was the same look when I nervously stepped forward to take a photo.

But in the end, not only did the group photo arrive, but a signature was also signed on the T-shirt.

Take it.

After taking out everything, there was no reason not to give it away, so the fireproof girl stuffed it directly into Kevin's arms.

Get dressed, let's go straight down.



I obey my orders!

The idol's original equipment was right in front of him. Kevin swallowed and suppressed the excitement in his heart. He took it from the fireproof woman's hands with a ceremonial sense of respect and put on the equipment. Artelius's armor had Very good stretchability, even when worn by Kevin, it looks good.吐

Under the guidance of the fire prevention girl, Ashes had opened the mechanism. With the movement of the altar, a new passage appeared deep in the temple.

Overlord Wonir of Cassas, after destroying many ancient kingdoms, finally ran into a wall in front of Lothric and Irushil. He went to the top of the ancient dragon to seek the power of the ancient dragon to no avail, and finally got involved in it driven by his ambition. abyss.

But what a terrible product the abyss is, something that even Gwen cannot eradicate. Warnir finally paid the price for his greed and ignorance, and was swallowed by the abyss, barely surviving.

Overlord Warnir, who did not believe in gods, finally carried the sacred weapon he had snatched and prayed to the gods he had always despised. He obtained miraculous power from it and proudly resisted the pull of the abyss to prevent himself from sinking into the abyss. However, There is no way to escape the captivity of the abyss.

Casas lost their king and fell apart. Those warriors of Casas who were loyal to him renovated the place where he fell into the abyss, built a mausoleum, and volunteered to be the guardians of the tomb.

The Immortal Team noticed the abyss spreading below them when they first returned. Unfortunately, the First Fire weakened and their combat power declined. Not only did they not pull out the source of the abyss, but they made themselves miserable.

Now that the fireproof girl has arrived and has solved the source of the undead team's inability to function properly, it is natural to directly remove the scourge of Warnir.

The fireproof girl didn't like to wait, and she didn't want to come back later. It was better to choose a different day and send Warnier away today.

A remnant of the Destined Immortal, an undead team leader in salary king state, and a fireproof woman, it would be easy to kill Wonir.

Leaving the black knights who were inconvenient to play their role above, walking in the underground tomb, the fireproof woman stroked the exquisite reliefs in the passage.

Most of the reliefs are engraved with miracles of charity by gods. Most of these reliefs were used by the White Sect in the past. Combined with Warnier's cruel attitude towards the priesthood, one can imagine the fate of the priesthood here.

With Kevin opening the way, the remaining two people couldn't intervene. It was very easy to move forward. The Casas swordsmen who blocked them were reduced to ashes under the flames.

Not long after, the three of them arrived at the demonic ruins and entered Warnier's tomb.


Let the Gurus return to the demonic ruins, wipe out the remaining Kasas forces, and open the way to the Lake of Ashes.

Next, you go to the Undead Settlement to report, accept the route about Rondoul, the Kingdom of Ghosts, and designate an attack plan in a short time.

After giving the order and dismissing the undead team, looking at the skull with the crown in her hand, the fireproof girl showed a smile on her slightly embarrassed face.

Warnier's strength is indeed not very strong. To be precise, most of his strength is consumed in the endless tug of war with the abyss. Although it still caused a little trouble, he also failed when facing the fireproof girls. Basically there is not much resistance.

After withstanding several rounds of attacks, the three of them rushed close to him.

As the ashes shattered Warnier's sacred weapon bracelet, the fireproof woman used the dragon miracle to tear his skeleton into pieces. Kevin, who was no longer afraid of the abyss, rushed into the abyss to carry his greedy soul. The skull was removed.

The god used his own power to crush the last struggle of the careerists who coveted the power of the god.

The dark abyss swallowed up the remaining residue, and fell into a calm state again under the threat of the first fire. The culprit who caused the abyss to overflow again was finally punished.

This small episode on the road of rebuilding the country and the country has finally come to an end.

Chapter 78 Yulia, you don’t want Rondo to be destroyed either, right?

Hmph hum~ hum hum~

The fireproof girl hummed an unknown light song.

This is a ditty that has recently become popular in the settlement. It is said to have been composed by an immortal who was a musician in the past. The tune is light and full of future enjoyment, and it quickly became popular in the settlement.

In the light humming sound, the fire prevention girl returned to the fire sacrificial site with the ashes.

The troops stationed at the Netherworld Church have driven away the Church Knights, and have conducted friendly negotiations with the Maggots and Winged Knights of the Angel Cult. They are currently sending the Archangel Cult's main god, Rosalia, the Mother of Rebirth, to the Undead Settlement.

The next step is to burn the Nether Church, and then hand it over to the church priesthood to seal the Nether here. From then on, this Nether area will be under the direct jurisdiction of Lothric.

The Immortal Team will also come to the settlement to report after arranging the cleaning and defense of Flan Fortress.

I gained two forces in one trip, and also found a suitable Chai Xin. If the fire prevention girl is not happy, she is definitely very happy.

Originally, the fireproof girl was a little worried about whether she would encounter considerable resistance when facing Warnier, but she didn't expect that he who was trapped in the abyss was really a paper tiger, worthy of the strength of a salary king.

As a result, the head was taken away by the fire prevention girl.

This huge skull was placed in the sacrificial hall, on the throne that originally belonged to Eldridge. The skull was bathed in flames and dyed with burning lines. Ludos felt that there was less pressure on him. A few points.

Even in the center of the sacrificial ground, the bonfire on top of the royal vessels became much brighter, leading directly to the corridor where the blacksmith Andrei rested. The five high thrones became bright under the warm light.


She clapped her hands and quickly cleared away the contaminated ashes. The fireproof girl nodded her head with satisfaction.

There were considerations in placing Warnier's head in this position. The skull's crown was hollowed out, and it looked like a cup when it was carried on its back.

When the fireproof woman went to deal with Eldridge, she just put his disgusting and sticky soul into the skull so that it would not be an eyesore.

Warnier is not guilty of this.

‘Now that the minor troubles around Lothric have been dealt with, I have to save my cheap uncle. ’

With this thought in mind, the fireproof girl wiped her blindfold clean, straightened her appearance, and then looked at a woman who had been hanging in the air since they entered.

This man wears a raven mask and a black ecclesiastical robe from Lundauer. The hem of the feathered garment droops slightly, like a crow caught in a net.

Hello, strange guest, I am the fire prevention girl at the sacrificial site. How should I call you?

Playing with the invisible transparent blade, the fireproof girl raised a soft smile on her lips and asked.

I have met His Highness Gwensul. I am Yulia of Rondal.

It seemed that the person who came here had done their homework and conducted some research on the fire prevention girl. Even though she was hung in the air in a humiliating position, she still maintained her etiquette and introduced herself like the fire prevention girl.

This person is now the leader of Rondoer, one of the three sisters of the Black Church. Now the eldest sister Fried is afraid of fire and has gone to the world of painting to isolate herself. The third sister was assassinated by the Dragon Agent of Behem. This Rondoer has become Yulia's words.

But this guy is really brave. He dares to come to the sacrificial site alone. Does he really think that the fire-proof girl has no one?

The fire prevention girl looked at this traitor who was trying to usurp the fire with interest, which made Yulia feel a little hairy.

Your Highness, can you put me down to speak? Or is this how Lothric intends to treat guests?

Huh, how could he still be considered a guest when he was caught sneaking into the Fire Sacrifice? If the fireproof woman hadn't let the Black Knight spare Yulia's life, this person would have been chopped into pieces and thrown into the fire.

Of course that's not the case, but I have to make sure that he is really a guest, right?

After pretending to ponder for a while, while lighting the blindfold, the fire prevention girl called out.



Yulia also said that the fire-proof girl had some questions. She turned her head slightly, pointed her ear towards the fire-proof girl, indicating that she was listening, and then responded.

Have you found someone who can carry the First Fire?

The fire-prevention woman asked out of nowhere. Yulia's attention was focused on the fire-prevention woman's question and she spoke subconsciously.

found it……

Oh~ I found it. Can you introduce it to me?

The fire prevention girl covered her mouth slightly and said to Yulia in an exaggerated manner.

‘Damn it! ’

Yulia cursed softly in her heart, but she still remained calm, her face hidden under the mask, making it impossible to see her expression.

Your Highness, what are you talking about? I didn't hear it clearly just now.

A master at pretending to be stupid~

The Fireproof Woman no longer plans to have a showdown with the Riddler.

Has the person to usurp the fire already been selected?

Haha, Your Highness, what are you talking about? We, Rondal, are the successors of the Kalim Church. In order to protect the birth of the suffering immortals, spreading the fire can eliminate the immortal curse. Naturally, we are loyal to the spreading of the fire.

Her eyes were slightly wandering, and Yulia didn't know why this secret, which few people in Rondo knew, was known to the fire-prevention woman, so she pretended to be calm and replied.

I was lucky enough to be there to observe when Sister Friede of Rondall was passing on the fire. It's really miraculous that the first fire can be incorporated into a person's body.

Yulia's breastplate was torn off, and her dry body was exposed to the air, with a dark hole in it as well.

She seemed to have this thing on her chest at the time.

Yulia said nothing. She couldn't admit this matter. If she did, she would be close to death.

Okay, okay, let's get over this little matter first.

Seeing that Yulia was in denial, the fireproof girl was not in the mood to spend time with her, so she directly told her plan.

The French Undead Army is gathering. What will happen if they know that the daughters of the serpents who have invaded the abyss are leading Rondal?

The fireproof girl took off Yulia's mask, revealing her face that had turned into a zombie. The fireproof girl couldn't figure it out. How could a normal person not want to pretend to be an undead person? Then she continued.

You have only two choices. One, you can disarm Rondall yourself, and Rondall will retain the Black Church and merge it into Lothric. Second, let the Undead Team disarm Rondall and forcibly merge it into Lothric. .”

The fireproof girl hopes to solve the problem peacefully. In the final analysis, Rondo is just a country established by a group of poor people who gathered under the outbreak of the immortal curse, but it is only used by people with ulterior motives.

Religion doesn't really matter. Without the armed forces, you can believe whatever you want. The fire girl won't care. Anyway, she will only choose the administrators in her own church.

You don't want your three sisters' family fortune to be destroyed in the end, right? Orochi's daughter.

Chapter 79 The End

Tick ​​tock~

It rained heavily outside, and the raindrops fell on the newly paved bricks outside the sacrificial site, washing away a layer of stone powder that had not yet been polished, and then slid down the slope to the ancient trees that carried the sacrificial site. .


Thunder came from far away, the wind was blowing, and the candlelight in the sacrificial hall flickered slightly, flickering on and off, as if Yulia's uneasy heart.

After sneaking into this place and being discovered and captured by the Black Knight, Yulia was thinking about a way to escape.

She made countless assumptions in her mind, and combined with the intelligence she gained along the way, she was confident that she could escape safely. In order to deal with certain special situations, Yulia even prepared a spell-removing spell that could restore her normal appearance. stone.

But she never imagined that it would be like this.

Yulia felt that she had been completely seen through by His Highness. The other party knew her plan well and might even have guessed her arrival.

The fireproof girl blocked her attempt to negotiate from the beginning. She opened her mouth slightly, not knowing how to speak.

You can't really admit your guilt. If you do, you might really die here.

How do you think about it?

The fireproof woman handed the transparent blade that she had been playing with for a while to Ashes, and continued to ask Yulia: My kindness is time-limited. Maybe I will come up with this idea in the next moment.

I agree, Your Highness.

After struggling for a while, Yulia finally opened her mouth and said.

I am willing to annex Rondal to Lothric, as long as the dispute can be resolved peacefully.

Where are the military forces of the Black Church?

We will disband the armed members of the church.

No, that's not enough.

The fireproof girl shook her head dissatisfied. It was just disbandment. With the appeal of the Black Church, it could be recalled at any time, and Rondoer was far away from Lothrik. God knows how much disbandment would be considered disarmament.

I want all the records of all of your church members, as well as their whereabouts after dissolution and the positions they held in the past.

This is an order, and there is no need to discuss it. The fire-proof woman does not want Rondo to hide people under her nose. What she wants is to completely break their knives.

Is Your Highness so sure of the credibility of our church?

Faced with the aggressive request, Yulia couldn't help but sneered.

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