The halberd was swung, and with the advantage of the longer weapon, it pierced the first undead team member who jumped up and hung it in mid-air. The undead team's offensive was stopped.

The black knight with sword and shield stepped forward with his shield on his head, using the corpse to block his sight. The huge force pushed several undead members back.

After a brief battle, he discovered that the battle with the undead team could not only focus on defense, otherwise he would only be torn apart by their continuous offensive.

The best defense is offense.

In an instant, the undead team used as human shields were torn to pieces. The sword and shield black knight threw away the shield and held several flange swords with his sword in both hands.


A shock wave visible to the naked eye passed through the air, forming a circle of rain and mist with the Black Knight's sword as the center, stirring up the golden light spots that turned into light sources and flashing continuously, but he remained motionless.

He lifted up with force and swept several opponents in front of him into the air.

They struggled in the air trying to fight back.


The Black Knight of Sword and Shield raised his sword and cut it off at the waist.

So strong.

When his back touched the ground, Kevin rolled on the spot and lost his strength. Wolf blood gathered in his body. He noticed the one-sided battle not far away and couldn't help but admired.

As expected of a knight following King Gwen.

That's natural.

Elton continued to bully forward, but Kevin hastily blocked the swinging sword with his dagger, and immediately retreated. The team members on the side pounced on him, intending to give his captain a chance to breathe.

Elton crossed the shield, and the sword blade scraped against the Black Knight's shield, making the temple brighter for a moment. The undead team's power was exhausted, and then Elton crossed the shield and ran forward with all his strength.

Overwhelming the two undead team members who were blocking him, the sword turned in a circle in his hand, slashed backwards, and cut the guy who wanted to sneak attack from behind into two halves. Elton did not give them time to retreat, and continued to attack. forward, crushing their heads with the force of their advance.

Your style of play really doesn't give anyone a chance to survive.

After wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Kevin kicked his legs hard again and began to fly close to the ground. His big sword continued to scrape sparks on the ground and swept across Elton's lower body. He did not intend to confront him head-on.

Swing the sword, sweep, jump up, change moves, and continue flying close to the ground.

The Black Knight's sword passed over his head, blowing his cloak. Compared with other undead teams, Kevin's sword skills are more elegant and agile, and he can retract and release them freely. He often changes his moves in the middle of the attack, giving Elton's The offense caused a lot of obstacles.

A sword blade passed through, and the wind pressure left deep carvings on the solid wall. After Kevin broke away from Elton's strong suppression, the fight between the two had reached a stalemate.

However, Elton was not in a hurry and continued his offensive steadily, treating it as a long-awaited warm-up.

At their level, although there are still differences between strong and weak, their own skills have reached perfection, and the impact of equipment is minimal.

Apart from the first encounter, after each other has become familiar with the fighting methods, it is not easy to decide the winner in a short time.

Now just wait for those undead teams to be killed by the Black Knight and let the wolf blood concentrate on Kevin.

And for this result, you don’t have to wait long.


As the last undead member, Hawkwood, who was more familiar with the Black Knight and persisted until the end, was hung on the halberd, the first phase of the battle ended.

Tick ​​tock~

After throwing the bodies of the undead team to the ground, the black knight looked at the captains of both sides who were still fighting.

The blood on the undead team finally stopped flowing and fainted on the ground. It was lifted up by invisible force and converged on Kevin, who was still fighting with Elton.


The wolf blood was gathering, further strengthening Kevin. He withstood the attack, and the collision of the sword blades left an obvious gap between them. This time, he forced the black knight back.

The blood turned into threads, connecting every undead team member and converging into the body of the only survivor.

Blood carries souls, and the fusion of blood is the fusion of each other's souls. When the heroes' souls gather again, the Abyss Walker also returns.

Be careful!

His eyes were filled with scarlet, and the burning marks spread across his body.


The blade is stained with fire, and the ashes are rekindled.

The flames swept across and collided with Elton who turned to a defensive posture.

The fire wave spread and melted large pieces of bricks. The fire-prevention woman raised her hand and moved the corpses of the undead team present, thus allowing them to avoid being destroyed by their captain.

The fire dissipated, but the deadly high temperature still spread in the air. Looking around, the extremely solid floor had long since disappeared, and what remained was just a molten circular cavity dozens of meters wide.

This power is no longer beyond the reach of human power.

Elton was forced back by the majestic force. Parts of the Black Knight's sword were missing. Molten red metal kept dripping, and green smoke sizzled on the ground. He looked at Kevin, who was already on fire.

This is the salary king!

Sure enough, it's still a little bit worse.

After sprinkling a handful of repair powder and restoring the weapon to its original shape, Elton sighed unwillingly, put the blade behind his back, and retreated to the fireproof woman's side.

Your opponent will not be me next.

But me.

Hui Jin crossed his hands, moved his joints, took out a double-edged sword, and strode towards Kevin.

Kevin could no longer maintain his rationality, and his body instinct drove him to hold the sword straight, lower his head slightly, hold the dagger tightly in his left hand, and place it in front of his right shoulder.

Ashes returned the favor.

Then, fight!

The fire rose from the ground and swept toward the ashes. Kevin stirred the flames and drew a beautiful arc. An endless offensive was about to begin.

Ashes made no nonsense, the double-ended blade also ignited blood flames, and the blade went straight to Kevin's heart.


The blade penetrated the opponent without causing much effective damage. Kevin's sword spurted out flames. It was so close to the high temperature that Ember's armor was already showing signs of melting.

The power of the sword was like a sudden leap. Kevin's steps slipped and he dodged Ember's slash. The elegant swing of the sword became even more powerful when illuminated by the flames.


Yanlang pushed the ashes out, but did not cause any effective damage.

If you want to fight King Xin, you must first have the ability to stand in front of her.

Landing lightly, white steam emerged from the gaps in the armor. The ashes of the helmet began to gradually melt. The iron sheet gradually rolled up under the alternation of hot and cold, forming a crown-like appearance.

[Intense sweating]

The spell of the conjurer Carmina who can absorb fire to activate his own inner potential.

Reduce the damage caused by fire to yourself by sweating violently.

This is a strong enough opponent!

A smile appeared on Hui Jin's lips. This was the strongest person she had fought against since her rebirth. Her previous opponents were completely incomparable to Kevin in this state.


The big sword hit the ground again, setting off flames. With the cover of the flames, Kevin completed the charge and struck with another jump slash.

Ashes felt like he was fighting Sif back then. The jumping up and down posture was almost exactly the same as Sif except for the addition of fire attacks.

The current fighting method of the Immortal Team is already of its own kind. It is completely different from the steady and deadly nature of Artreusso, who was born as a sword and shield knight. On the contrary, it has inherited the cunning and ferocity of the wolf.

She took half a step back, turned around, and elegantly avoided the wolf attack. The sword edge passed by her, but the heat had no effect on her anymore.

Invisible wind stirred up at his feet, catching up with Kevin who missed a single blow and chose to retreat. Ashes handed the sword forward, like a noble dancing an elegant tango with a street kid.

We have so many dancing kings.

The fireproof woman hid under the protection of the black knight's large shield and watched the battlefield.

The undead team's movements are fast and dexterous, and what stands out is their surprise, just like street dancing.

Ashes fights unhurriedly, every movement is crisp and graceful, with a touch of freedom and ease. Once he seizes the opportunity, he sticks to it and cannot get rid of it, just like a tango in urgent need of a dance partner.

There is also a dancer on the other side of the Yousui Church, and the fight is full of the flavor of palace music and dance.

Kevin, who was stuck to the ashes, was naturally unable to move. Unable to dance, he was like a husky who had been forced to suppress his nature, and his attack movements became more and more irritable.

Sweeping the flames again, he waved the dagger with his left arm and stabbed hard at the ashes that pierced the flame barrier.


The blade was blocked by the arm armor, rebounded with great force, and Kevin fell back uncontrollably.

Hui Jin swung his sword again, Kevin touched the ground with one foot, fell down to avoid the slash, and blocked the second heavy slash with his big sword.

The short knife hit the ground, and Kevin turned around again, slashing horizontally with the big sword.

Ashes reacted quickly, jumped up lightly on his toes, and drew the blade tightly against the soles of his feet. He ignited the magic fire in his hand and hit Kevin hard on the face.


In the violent explosion, the black figure was blown away, breaking through the smoke and hitting the wall.

Ash separated the double-headed long knife and continued to press in.


Pulling his arm out from the gap in the rock, Kevin blocked Ashes' pursuit, then turned around suddenly, ignoring the short knife that hit his waist, flipped his wrist, and stabbed Ashes with the power of turning around.

you lose!

The trajectory of the short knife changed, and it stabbed directly at Kevin's neck. He turned his head to avoid it, the blade turned, and Ashes stepped forward again.

The tip of the great sword was blocked by the crossing blade, and the inertia pushed Ashes back.

At the same time, the short blade that Kevin avoided scratched his neck again.

Meeting Kevin's dimming scarlet eyes, Hui Jing smiled.

I won.

Chapter 77: Dealing with Warnier

Your Highness, this-

After sacrificing a handful of Ash's hair, Kevin, who was successfully purified of the wolf blood infection, also fully recovered.

He climbed up from the ground, picked up the big sword, and looked at himself reflected on the sword in disbelief. His ice-blue eyes were not scarlet at all. Kevin closed his eyes slightly, feeling that his thinking was clearer than ever.

It's absolutely true.

Yao was mentally prepared, but at this moment a miracle really happened, and Kevin was also extremely surprised.

Kevin picked up the short knife and planned to slit his wrist and return the wolf blood to his team members.

Hey, don't worry yet.

The fire prevention girl made a sound to organize herself, stepped on the melted and then re-solidified floor, and signaled: There are still things down there, let's just deal with them together.

Kevin, who was in the salary king state, could naturally sense the existence directly below, deep in the cemetery, that made him fearful. Seeing that the fireproof woman planned to let him and others use it as they went, he nodded in agreement.


‘Can you give this to them? ’

The fire-prevention girl quietly glanced at Ashes. She didn't know how Ashes could understand what the fire-prevention girl was thinking through the blindfold. She immediately understood and raised a doting smile on her lips.

‘What’s mine is yours, whatever you want to do with it. ’


With Ashes' consent, the fireproof girl searched in the small vault and handed Kevin the Artelius ring and armor that she had retrieved from Patch.

Leave this to you. You will inevitably fight against the abyss in the future. Now Frank Ghost is trapped in the painting world. This equipment can provide you with a lot of help. Neither Ashes nor I need it.

It was her own consideration to bring out the Fireproof Girl at this time. If she had brought it out in front of the Immortal Team at the beginning, with the Immortal Team's attitude of pushing Artelius alone, it would inevitably cause unnecessary confusion. Now directly Better to leave it to captain Kevin.

As for what happened next, that was an internal matter within the Immortal Team. She had given away everything, and then she would just let Kevin have the headache.

We already have a promise to you. We haven't made any achievements yet, so we don't dare to ask for anything more.

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