I'm sure I can't let Fried control that place forever.

The fireproof girl said patiently.

After she stabilized Lothrik, she led the army directly in, killed Fried and the priest, and safely evacuated all the affected people and creatures inside. It was not too late to let the eldest lady paint.

Fried was afraid of the power of God and did not dare to touch the eldest lady easily.

And even if he takes action, there is nothing he can do against the eldest lady. The eldest lady has the blood of a dragon, and Ququfrid is not worthy of killing her.

At that time, this little aunt she has never met will not need to look at anything else. She will know how to draw a world with flames just by looking at the fire prevention girl.

Thank you very much. I am willing to go to the Fire Sacrifice and wait for your summons.

After weighing the situation, Gale finally nodded, handed over the painting fragments, and exchanged them from the fire prevention woman for the bone fragments that were returned to the Fire Sacrifice.

Although I am not very powerful, please don't be polite when you need me.

Gale crushed the bone fragments, white light covered him, and he said to the fireproof girl: I will do anything for the eldest lady.

Charisma Appraisal: Passed

Finally done.

Under the white light, Gale's figure disappeared, and the fire prevention girl also breathed a sigh of relief. After getting rid of this guy who might disrupt the situation, everything can proceed step by step.

It was also thanks to the fireproof girl's own aura, which she inherited from her mother, otherwise it would not be easy to frighten Gale.

Gone, Ashes.

The fire prevention girl, who was in a good mood, took the lead to leave the small purification church and pointed at the vague fortress in the distance.

Next stop, Fran Fortress!

Chapter 72 Arrival at the cesspit (3k)


The fire flickered, then ignited, and within it, several figures condensed into shape.

It's okay, it doesn't consume much.

The fire prevention girl led the team in front of the bonfire in the forest.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the church knights had left. The maggots who served the Mother of Rebirth and the bodyguard knights could still communicate with each other. They gave up the resistance after knowing that the unit belonged to the fire-proof female greeter. The giant slaves were dumbfounded and looked at the congregation. After a round of deception, they soon believed that Lothrik and the others were their real masters, and there was no longer any war in the Church of the Deep.

As a result, the Lothric knights stayed in the Nether Church to deal with the follow-up matters, and the fireproof woman teleported back directly through the bonfire with her personal guards.

Compared with teleporting with a large army, the consumption of teleporting with a small number of people is much smaller. In the final analysis, the initial fire is too weak now, and the farther away the church is from the fire sacrificial site, the more consumption caused by campfire teleportation. big.

When the First Fire becomes stronger and the sun's rays envelope the world again, flying dragons or other flying creatures can drop spiral swords in the air at their destinations, and the Fireproof Girl can freely drop troops all over Lordland.

After dispersing the flames in her hands, the fire-proof woman looked around and found that this was the domain of the crystallized old man, and two guests had arrived.

Sensing the flames igniting, the old crystallizer came forward with the two visitors.

Your Highness, you are back.

Because there were outsiders, the old man did not make any intimate gestures. He held the crystal ball, bowed slightly, pointed at the two warriors beside him, and introduced the fire prevention girl.

The soldiers wore thick armor and looked squat. Their leg armor was stained with sticky dark green stinky sludge, which spread in the clear lake water and was then purified by the flames.

They seemed to have just come out of the fortress and hadn't had time to clean up, or they didn't care much about it.

After the undead team spread the fire, the blood of the wolf was cut off, and the Fortress of France was also swallowed up by corruption. In that fortress, the exiles led by the old wolf guarded the sleep of the warriors.

The two of them are the exiles who guarded the French Fortress after the Undead Team spread the fire. Since His Highness plans to purify the abyss of the fortress, I asked them to come as His Highness's guides.

Fran Fortress has been isolated from the world for a long time, and the landscape has long been changed by the long-term corrosion of the abyss and time. It is full of mutated blood-sucking insects and cursed frogs, as well as the Gulu who guard this place conscientiously. If you rush into it rashly, it will inevitably cause their attacks. Attack, but with the help of the Exiles, it will be much easier.

Hello, Your Highness Gwensul.

The two men had a cold attitude. They glanced at the embarrassed ** Wood in the crowd. His face under the metal mask showed no expression. They politely saluted the fire prevention woman and remained silent.

The fire prevention girl knew that because of Osroais' past operation of deceiving the undead team into spreading fire, as well as the two princes' indifference to the French Fortress after Osroais went crazy, the French Fortress was now not interested in the royal family. Trust, the typical fear of being cheated, that is, the ones coming this time are from the Sun King Gwen's lineage, otherwise they may not even pay attention to their ideas.

All in all, it's nice to be willing to help.

The road to Frank Fortress is for your trouble.

A miraculous light appeared and shone on the warriors, washing away their wounds and filth. The fireproof woman thanked the two exiles.

Don't dare.

Bathed in the light, the two of them quickly leaned forward, and their senses about the fireproof girl suddenly improved a lot.

Let's go now, okay?

The fire-prevention woman didn't intend to delay. If she solved it as soon as possible, she could return to the fire sacrificial site earlier.

Please come with us.


The Fortress of Farlan has been declining day by day since the fire spread by the Undead Team of Farlan and the elevation of Lothric cut off the bridge.

Because the First Fire weakened, the abyss suppressed under it became active again, causing the entire area inside the fortress wall to be corroded by the abyss, and countless species became extinct, including the lovely mushroom people.

The remnants of the sick village who settled near the fortress also died. The humanity flowing out of their corpses settled in the fortress, forming a black abyss. Together with the erosion of the abyss, it polluted the area. The effect of one is greater than two.

Stinky stagnant water, rotten branches, tattered corpses, rotting soil, and the accumulated Gulu feces that have been left unattended over time are mixed together. After countless years of soaking and fermentation, this area has turned into a highly toxic swamp. .

Under the guidance of the exile, the team passed through the walls of the Farang Fortress.

The astonishing stench hit her face, and the fireproof girl couldn't help but cover her mouth.

The air here is extremely poisonous.

The exiles distributed detoxifying moss to everyone to protect them from the poisonous gas.


As soon as they entered the city wall, everyone met the unique monster here, the crazy sinner.

The twisted appearance and scarlet eyes are proof of being eroded by the abyss. In the past, these humans infected by the abyss were within the scope of the Frank Undead Team's cleanup. The iron chains wrapped around their bodies were shackles that prevented them from escaping. , but over the years, no matter how strong the rope is, it will decay. Many monsters broke free from the shackles and escaped from the fortress.

Before the exile could take action, a black knight holding a dragon-hunting bow swallowed the purple moss, stretched his arm behind him, pulled out the arrow, placed it on the bow, and slightly pulled the bow string.


The arrow wrapped in golden lightning flashed past and pierced the sinner's twisted and strong body. The barbs on the arrow hooked him and flew flat until he was nailed to the solid city wall.

They are warriors who wanted to inherit the wolf blood after the undead team left, but were unable to resist the erosion of the abyss and went crazy.

The warrior holding a big stick issued a signal, waiting for the arrival of support, and then pointed at the wooden torture tools on the monsters that looked like the Sword of the Dark Moon emblem.

In the past, the Dark Moon Swordsmen of Irushil would come over to help, but now I haven't seen them for a long time.

At the signal sent by the exile, three tall Gulu elders walked through the fetid swamp and came to the crowd.

Gollum is a descendant of demons. Because of his hard work and strong survivability, he was responsible for the logistics of the undead team after being absorbed by Lothrik. After the undead team spread the fire, a large number of Gollums also shouldered the heavy burden of guarding the French Fortress. Flag, fight against the creatures of the abyss and the soul-sucking ghosts who constantly harass the Faran Fortress.

Elder Gollum is the commander of the Gollums. Compared with the skinny Gollums with tumors on their heads, they are closer in appearance to their ancestors, the Chaos Demons.


After passing through the poison and arriving in front of everyone, Elder Gulu holding a long sword saw the dark knight. Fear filled his heart, and he couldn't help but turn around and wanted to escape.

Come back quickly, they are not enemies.

Farland Fortress has been closed. If we want to reopen the door, we must extinguish three beacons.

After finally calming down the fearful Elder Gulu, the exile sighed, pointed out the locations of the three beacon fires on the map for everyone, and continued to say to the fire prevention girl: Your Highness, we can divide into three groups to go to the destination to extinguish the beacon fires. Then we’ll meet at the old wolf’s resting place.”


The fire prevention girl naturally had no objections.

Ashes and Fireproof were paired together, and the remaining Black Knights were divided into two teams to follow the two Exiles.

Fireproof Girl and Ashes stepped on the outstretched arm of Elder Gollum. When they looked back, they found that Elder Gollum was unwilling to approach the Black Knights, so naturally he could not carry them. Fireproof Girl smiled helplessly and released a miracle for the Black Knights, allowing them to They can walk on the swamp without drowning in the foul-smelling mud.

The beacon fire ceremony is the joining ceremony of the undead team. It is inherited from ancient deeds. A warrior needs to go alone to three reliefs describing the epic and extinguish the beacon fire, and then he will be qualified to join the undead team.

However, these are extraordinary times, and naturally there are no such restrictions.

These three stone tablets respectively record the story of an unknown warrior who crusades against the hotbed of chaos, kills the original dead Nite, destroys the rebellious four kings of Little Lund, and returns the world to light.

It’s stuck~

The high temperature passed over the blade of the sword, drying out the dirt. The ashes knocked the sword against the stone bricks, and all the dirt left by the battle fell off.

After extinguishing the flame, Ashes stepped forward and rubbed the image on the stone tablet, feeling nostalgic.

It seems there are still people who remember me, but I don't know why there is one missing.

Yes, the protagonist of these stories is Ashes, the unknown salary king who once completed the impossible path.

Lothric associates with dragons, and the founder of the Great Library, Big Hat Logan, is the heir of the White Dragon Doctrine. The White Dragon Hiss has naturally become a taboo that cannot be desecrated. Lothric deleted the part about the destiny of the undead conquering the white dragon in the Beacon Ceremony. This part is also reasonable.”

You know this too?

Ashes said in surprise.

Is it strange that the fireproof girl knows about the deeds of her guardian knight?

The fireproof girl turned her head and looked at the ashes and said.

I really believe you understand destiny.

Ashes replied, and even though it was through her helmet, the fireproof girl could tell that she was very happy.

That is.

The fireproof girl had her hands on her hips, still thinking about the relief when she saw the ashes.

If there are only three who are not used to it, I will add them back to you later.

No, there's no need to go to such trouble.

Withdrawing his hand from the relief, Ash waved his hand to refuse, but the fireproof girl held her hands.

How can this be done? Heroes' deeds should not be forgotten.

Fireproof Girl put one hand behind her back, and poked Ashes' chest with her fingers. Since they met, she has been giving silently, with almost no demands. Fireproof Girl feels that this is one of the few things she can do for Ashes. .

Listen to me, no one will forget you this time.

Staring into Ash's eyes, she was a little uncomfortable with the gaze that could penetrate metal. She took half a step back, and the fireproof girl leaned forward and pushed her against the wall.


Ashes nodded and agreed.

Chapter 73: Old Wolf——Xif


As the three beacons were extinguished one after another, the door of the sealed Flan Temple was gradually opened under the operation of the huge mechanism.

The vibrations of the mechanism connection came from afar. The sticky mud kept shaking under the impact, and dirty mud beads kept splashing. The terrestrial slugs that had sucked up the rotten matter were also awakened and surged up from the bottom of the swamp. Stirring, the smelly water and mud that were about to be separated were mixed together.

Suddenly, the originally quiet swamp filled with poisonous mist became lively.

Elder Gollum was walking in the swamp with Ashes and the Fireproof Girl. Their designated gathering area was the resting place of the old Wolf Fran.

This is so disgusting.

Putting on the gas mask kindly provided by Mr. Otto, the fire-proof girl didn't dare to look at this scene that was enough to make a cryptophobic patient faint on the spot. Thanks to the tall elder Gulu, he was lifting him up, otherwise the mud would probably splash on her. on the body.

I think it's okay.

Ashes looked indifferent, and then looked at the fire-proof girl's mess with a smile. She had rolled in similar cesspits many times before, and her mind had been trained to be extremely strong. This level of disgust could only be described as drizzle.

Fortunately, I prepared some extra spiral swords.

Taking out the spiral sword from the small vault, the fireproof girl threw it into the swamp, intending to purify the area first.


After killing a slug, the spiral sword gradually sank to the bottom and was swallowed up by the surging mud.


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