His face froze, Patch thought, this is not giving him a way to survive.

You can gain the right to survive in Lothric after you are released from prison. Of course, you can also try to cheat again.

The fireproof woman wrote a penalty report about Patch, and then he went to the undead settlement to receive the penalty.

This is a naked threat!

Patch's face looked very ugly, but when he saw the black knights staring at him around him, he didn't dare to get angry.

As long as he can defeat these people.

Seeing this guy's suffocated look, she vented her anger for Ashes. The fireproof girl smiled and stuffed the punishment letter into Patch's arms. As a leader, he must be familiar with the rules he has set. It's impossible to make a bad guy like this feel uncomfortable.

Illegal tomb robbing, burglary, defrauding the goddess, attempted bribery, attempted theft of state assets, attempted harm to others, several crimes shall be punished concurrently, and you will be sentenced to eighty years in prison.

Eight hours of work, eight hours of ideological education, eight hours of imprisonment, and after your sentence is over, you will be given the status of a Lothrik citizen. Each time you try to escape from prison, your sentence will be increased by one month. Do you agree?

That is to say, in order to preserve the strength of the fire girl as much as possible, the laws set down by the law are not too severe except for treason and some crimes. Otherwise, Patch will be hung on a tree and killed several times.


Patch was a little hesitant. He felt that this punishment was too heavy for a free man.

Ah ah ah, no, I surrender, please, don't kill me! I will convert, I will believe in the goddess Gwensur!

Just when Patch was still debating whether to agree or not, a tragic howl came, attracting everyone's attention.

No, don't burn me! I don't want to die.

All they saw was a Netherworld bishop wearing a red bishop's robe. His swollen face was covered with hideous burn marks. The Netherworld's robes that had shielded them could not protect them from the burning of the fire of sin.

He wailed and struggled, but his legs were cut off by the Lothric sword knight, and he was dragged out of the woods ahead.

Your Highness.

The knight came to the fireproof woman and bowed.

This is the last bishop left in the Nether Church. He got into the dirty and wet giant slave excrement, endured the burning of dragon fire, and then escaped from the sewer.

If the arakkoa people in the sky hadn't been monitoring the surrounding area, this guy would have escaped.

Take it and burn it.

Casting a disgusted look at this scumbag, the fireproof girl waved her hand and told the knight to drag him to trial quickly, so as not to pollute everyone's eyes.

Your Highness, please, don't do this to me. I can trust you. Please give me a chance.

The man howled and wanted to step forward and pull down the fire-proof woman's trouser legs, begging for her mercy. In the end, he was dragged away by the knight and further away.

The fire-proof woman looked coldly at the trail of blood dragged out on the ground without any mercy. They were a hundred times more cruel when they tortured the infidels and slaves. Did they ever think about mercy at that time?

Just burning it is the greatest mercy.

Not thinking about these disgusting scum, the fireproof girl then turned her head and asked Patch: What should I say, Patch, have you thought about it?

“Should I accept the punishment and serve the sentence, or should I accept the punishment and serve the sentence?”

You don't give me the right to choose.

Patch wanted to cry, his legs were shaking, and he looked at Jack Baldo with resentment. He should never have provoked this Onion Knight in the first place.

I accept it, I accept it!

In the end, after a fierce psychological struggle, Patch agreed to accept the punishment of the fire girl.

I hope you can change.

Watching the frustrated Patch leave, the fireproof girl also withdrew her gaze. She didn't care about the time it took to change. As long as Patch was willing to change, there would be plenty of people to take care of this guy.

The fireproof woman is not worried that Patch will run away. He has been planted with a miracle. As long as he deviates from the road, he will return to the road, and then increase the sentence until his sentence is over, and the miracle will dissipate.

Chapter 71 Negotiations with Gale (3k)


The Black Knight opened the heavy door, and the echo of the prayers of this church that once belonged to the White Sect reached everyone's ears.

Ah, goddess, mother of taboos who have no place in the world, please see our awakening.

The knight wearing a red turban knelt down beside the statue of Belga, which was covered with red cloth, and repeated his prayers while kowtowing.

Give Iredel the fire, please grant Iredel the fire, give me the ashes that can ignite the fire.

He knelt down devoutly again, and tiny grains of sand fell from the cracks in the rusty armor. The mottled blade style, which could only be seen in Anor Londo's prosperous period, undoubtedly told the story of this knight. ancient.

The fire girl knew him.

The specific active time of this knight is unknown, but in the past he was a paladin who belonged to the White Sect and hunted and executed blasphemers for the White Sect. In fact, he dealt with the undead.

However, the irony is that after the outbreak of Dark Souls, this knight who had spent his life executing undead people became an undead himself.

Having lost his honor, he naturally also lost his responsibilities. However, for the sake of his hard work throughout his life, the Baijiao did not deal with him. After some twists and turns, he finally entered the world of painting and became a slave knight to protect the people. It exists as a painter of this world.

Until Fried, who couldn't stand the burning of the first fire and was afraid of becoming the King of Fire, brought a certain licking dog to the painting world in order to relieve the pain of the burning fire, and killed all the members of the Kalim Church. He also reached a consensus with the priest and imprisoned the Painter.

Unable to fight against Freed, who possesses the fighting power of King Xin, Gale escaped, taking the fragments of painting time with him, and hid in the small church of Purification, waiting for the arrival of the prophesied person who would rekindle the world of painting.

And now, the man of prophecy has arrived.

Ah, you smell the same as that woman.

Gale, who was calling in front of the statue, saw someone coming, turned his head, and immediately locked onto Ashes in the crowd, not knowing whether there was anything unique about Ashes.

I am Slave Knight Gale.

It was obvious that everyone present, except for the fire prevention girl, had been burnt by the first fire and could not be turned into ashes.

You are also the ashes of Wuhuo, right?

Can I say no?

Hui Jing felt that he had gotten into trouble again without realizing it.

If you were ashes, you must also be longing for the first fire.

No, I crave fire-proof women.

Ashes stepped forward and stepped on the red carpet that protected the church from the erosion of the darkness, wanting to see what medicine this guy was buying in his gourd.

This is Iredell's painting, a dilapidated corner of her...

Seeing that Ashes didn't make a sound, Gale murmured to himself, searched for it in the pocket at his waist for a while, held the painting cherished, raised his arms, and offered it to Ashes who came forward curiously.

Come on, reach out your hand and touch her.

Oh, this familiar feeling.

Instinct drove Hui Jin to reach out subconsciously, wanting to touch the fragment.

Don't touch!

The fireproof girl grabbed Ashes, who couldn't control her hand, and motioned her not to touch the fragment with her eyes.

“This draws you into the world of painting.”

Staring at Ashes, the fire-proof girl was quite helpless, wondering if she could change her habit of touching things randomly every day.

Reality is not a game. If you are really sucked into the world of painting, it will be difficult to get out.

You, where did you know that?

Gale raised his head in shock, and his attention finally shifted from Ashes, whom he had been paying attention to, to Fireproof.

The outside world is not ignorant of the time of painting.

Before the painting in Anor Londo was burned, many arakkoa fled from the corrupt world. Anyone who cares knows the virtue of painting time.

Are you a fireproof girl?

After all, he was a knight who had worked in the White Cult, and Gale recognized the fireproof girl's outfit.

She is also Gwen's granddaughter, Gwen'sur, and is now the actual leader of Lothric.

This knight was an old man who survived from a long time ago, and the fireproof girl did not hesitate to move out Gwen to support herself.

Why are you here?

Hearing that he was a descendant of Gwen, Gale's expression softened slightly and he asked.

For the painting in your hand.

The firebender pointed at the fragment in Gale's hand.

Painting, no!

Gale held the sword placed on the ground and cautiously arched his body toward a cheetah that was ready to attack.


Seeing this scene, the Ashes and Black Knights also drew their weapons, waiting for the fire prevention woman's order, and then stepped forward to take them down.

I don't want to use force, nor do I intend to be detrimental to the Painter. Our purpose should be the same.

The fireproof girl looked at this loyal knight, she didn't want to be his enemy.

You should go after the painting world. After all, you have arakkoa in your team, and you should also take back their hometown.

Think about it. Although I am talking to you now, I can definitely take it away directly.

The fireproof girl said to the hesitant Gale: You are too weak now. I don't worry about leaving the remaining passages in the painting world with you.

Will you help the eldest lady?

The eldest lady, the painter of the world of painting, is speculated to be the daughter of Bella, the goddess of sin.

Gale protected the fragment in his hand and asked. The fire-proof woman was right. She could just snatch the fragment away. She was already giving him face by being willing to discuss it now.

Of course, that's my aunt. You can leave the collection of paints to me. You just need to wait for her to finish the painting and go inside to get together.

A reborn world is always better than a cold and corrupt world. The fireproof girl nodded affirmatively, raised her eye mask slightly, and showed Gale her signature dragon eyes.

Now that the battle in Lothri is not over yet and everything is in ruins, it would be unwise to get involved in the affairs of the painting world.

That's it.

Gale held the sword and lowered his head, seeming to be thinking.

Why is your aunt so weird?

Gale was still struggling, but the fireproof girl was not anxious when she saw this. She pulled the corner of her clothes with one hand, and Hui Jin asked in a low voice.

You should ask my grandpa and grandma.

The fire-prevention woman spread her hands, and it was well known to everyone that the old Ge family's yin was rising and yang was declining.

We can only blame Gwen and Bella. Who allowed these two to have children with each other or with others, and gave birth to so many cubs? The serious male god is a dragon-hunting war god whose name has been erased because he associates with dragons. .

What, you mean Gwendelin?

How many people can say this are not confident in their eyesight and hearing.

If you look like Gwendelin, you can just go to the Dark Moon City and ask the nobles of the month to ask if this person is a boy or a girl.

Anyone who is not blind will think that this guy is a woman, and even if he is blind, he can still hear the voice, right? Is that the voice that a serious male god of the Sun God Clan can have?

What about your decision, Gale? If you are not at ease, you can also go to the sacrificial site and wait, but all this must be under the supervision of the Black Knight.

Seeing Gale's delay in agreeing, the fire-prevention woman continued, saying that the fire-prevention woman was really worried about leaving Gale alone. This was a man who made the impossible possible, so his actions must be restricted.

In the future, in order to find paint for the eldest lady to paint the world, this man ran to Ring Seal City alone. Not only did he absorb the dark soul of the dwarf king, but he also cracked the egg guarded by Felenor.

To be honest, she was really afraid that in order to collect black souls, Gale would go to Ring Seal City and smash the egg her mother was guarding. After the egg was broken, her mother's life would basically enter a countdown. That was really Ge Even Wen Zailin can't save him.

The fireproof girl's pupils were squeezed towards the center, shrinking into a slit. If her mother could not be saved, then there would be no need for this world to continue.

Moreover, Huanyin supported the kings of the dwarves as his servants, and he was good to their family back then. He couldn't just kill people for paint. That would be too unfair. There were obviously gentler ways to obtain paint.

The fireproof girl had her own plans and candidates to solve the Ring City. In order to help her mother get out of trouble, she also left behind a unique king soul obtained from Olympus.

Fireproof doesn't mind using violent methods if Gail doesn't listen.

It is true that the current Gale, as an ancient White Knight, is indeed not weak in combat power, but without the ability to swallow the Dark Soul, his upper limit is there, and it is impossible to compare with the Black Knights who follow King Gwen to spread the fire.

Are you really going to the world of painting?

After carefully observing the fire-proof girl, Gale confirmed that this was Gwen's bloodline.

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