...I have nothing left to teach you.

Looking at the majestic stars in front of him, the painter blinked.

Want to go out and have a look?

The fire girl didn't answer.

No, I don't want to go out.

Why, don't you like it?

The Painter tilted her head. She could tell that the Fireproof Girl really enjoyed the lively celebration.

Believe it or not, the moment I go out, this wonderful festival will not be possible.

The firebender smiled and shook her head.

Everyone will gather around me, just like watching rare animals.

And this celebration is for enjoying joy, not for promoting me in another way.

Looking at the lively scene outside, the fire prevention girl was sure that since Rodlan was born, there has never been a moment comparable to today.

The painter looked at the fireproof girl thoughtfully. She already knew something about this relative.

The Fireproof Girl is more like a person with divinity than most gods, but His Majesty will act rigidly in accordance with the rules established by himself in some aspects.

It's better to enrich yourself and wait for the right time to have fun with the people.

After putting away the pen, the fireproof girl's palm gently brushed the canvas, and the stars in the painting seemed to come alive.

But you really have nothing to learn.

The painter looked at the fireproof girl and breathed a sigh of relief.

Of the two of them, one is an acquired talent and knows nothing about world building, and the other is a natural generalist who doesn’t know how to teach.

At the beginning, both sides were studying patiently. One was studying how to learn, and the other was studying how to hand over what he knew.

Fortunately, both parties are not fools after all, and after spending a period of time groping, their studies are finally on the right track.

The fireproof girl looked at the starry sky on the canvas with great satisfaction.

In painting the world, the important thing is actually the world.

The so-called drawing is just a means, a process of constructing rules.

It is not that the world painter, a born generalist, can draw the world with a brush, and he needs to forcibly learn according to it.

It can be expressed in the form of music, speech, or any other form that can have an impact. In essence, it is still necessary to construct a stable and usable law for it.

And the current fire prevention girl has indeed learned almost enough.

Graduation is much earlier than expected.

Stretching, the fireproof girl rubbed her neck, finally no longer having to maintain concentration all the time.

The gift given by Noah is really a good thing. As the first ray of light at the birth of the world, the light he gave brought great growth to the fireproof girl.

Without this harvest from the Ultra Universe, the fireproof girl would have probably spent a long time learning to build the world.

I'm sorry to trouble you during this time, little aunt.

In the heart-wrenching eyes of the painter, the fireproof girl poured the unused paint into the bucket beside her.

Damn it, I know that your great Majesty is never short of souls, but can’t you leave me more pure paint?

The painter squinted his eyes and glared helplessly at the fire prevention girl.

Your dear aunt is very poor.

Because the laws he belongs to are too broad, and he still has no idea about power.

Therefore, as a protoss, the painter does not assume the responsibility of maintaining the operation of the world.

There really aren't many souls that can be obtained.

Gale's working soul was basically used as paint for her.

Now that you've finished studying, let's go!

Seeing that the fire-proof girl was planning to leave and still wanted to scoop up the candy that Gale had prepared for him, the Painter put his hand on the fire-proof girl's waist with a sullen face and pushed the bag.

You don't welcome me so much~

There was a soft touch on her lower back, and she was pushed all the way to the door by her aunt, who was much shorter than herself. The fireproof girl subconsciously rubbed her hair.

not welcome!

The Huishe decided to retract her previous evaluation. She had misjudged the person.

This guy just comes up with whatever he wants, and he disrespects his elders very much!

Okay, okay, since my aunt doesn't welcome me, I have to be obedient.

After stuffing a handful of souls into the painter, the angry aunt was coaxed, and the fireproof girl chose to leave.

The task was overfulfilled, and the situation at the junction was still unclear for a while.

Next, you can go find Ashes and the others. After that, let’s choose other worlds to see.

Go visit old friends and see how retired people like Gilgamesh or Kratos, who have married, are doing.

I heard Kratos say that his place is quite stable now. Although there seems to be an old man with no eyesight who sends crows to keep an eye on it every day, it is still a mythical world, so it can be used as a relaxing vacation.

The fireproof girl returned to the Fire Sacrifice and immediately smelled a strange smell in the air.

When she noticed that Ludos, who had been watching dramas with Little Crow, cast his eyes on her, the fireproof girl realized that there seemed to be an uninvited guest.

Staggeringly pushing open the door of the Fire Sacrifice, the empty shadow distorted, and the fire-proof girl saw a guy she really didn't want to see.

It must be because I didn't read the almanac when I went out today.

You don't welcome me so much?

Facing the sunshine, the white-haired girl with a beautiful face said with a playful smile.

not welcome!

The fire girl turned around and was about to close the door.

Hey hey hey~

Naiya quickly stretched out her hand and got stuck between the cracks of the door, shouting: Your Majesty, I have a business here——

No answer.

Pushing Naia's annoying face out, the fireproof woman closed the door expressionlessly.

Ouch~ hair, hair is stuck!

A bunch of stupid hair was caught in the middle by the solid door. The fireproof girl looked at the white stupid hair indifferently as if it was alive, and then swung it back and forth in response to Naiya's call.

After giving the fire sacrificial ground a few insurances, the fire prevention girl ignored Naia's calls and went to sleep.

Naia tried to pluck out her stupid hair and wanted to enter the sacrificial hall to bet on the fire prevention girl.

Damn it, I can’t pull it out!

Why is it so exciting just by going to Ultraman's world?

Help, this is a big deal about the soy milk being poured out in vain!

Naia started calling.


The fire girl opened the door expressionlessly.

Tell me, what bad things have you done recently?

Grabbing Naiya and pressing her onto the throne of desire, the fireproof woman spoke in a bad tone.

I asked, why haven't I heard from you recently, Paopao? What did you do at the soy milk dumpling?

The fireproof girl always thought that Naiya was always obsessed with blocking her and causing trouble around her. What kind of trouble was she trying to get into the soy milk Baidu?

It's not a big deal. I didn't sign an agreement with someone over there just to find you. It's just a small matter. As long as you are willing to go there, you can definitely get it done.

As the name suggests, the current situation is that you are trying to sway someone, and the best candidate is naturally the fireproof girl.

Signing a contract? Who did you sign the contract with?

The fireproof girl looked at Naia, her gaze was like the indifference and destructive power of the sun in the sky.

Naia realized that she was no longer facing the fireproof woman who was kind to everyone, but Gwensul, a master of the world who was growing, and even had grown beyond himself.

And the end of reincarnation.

Naiya replied decisively, she had reason to believe that if she dared to talk nonsense again, the fire prevention girl would dare to let her experience what it felt like to be firewood.

The end of reincarnation?!

The fireproof girl couldn't stand still, she just felt like her head was buzzing.

What did you sign?

At the end of reincarnation, the soy milk poured out in vain to an extremely powerful existence in the virtual realm.

Compared with the small favors given by other existences in the virtual world, the bonus of The End of Samsara to a civilization is huge.

But the price is also extremely high.

That’s the reckoning.

Able to easily project virtual entities into reality through contracts, and come to collect debts forcefully after the civilization time limit reaches fifty years.

At present, Doujiu Baiduo and the big traitor have all dealt with Him, and they have already made plans not to repay their debts.

After all, the ether phase engine has been set up, and it is only a matter of time before the virtual realm is drained.

Then you secretly signed a contract with Him just to find me?

What are you thinking about? Do they know that the soy milk is in vain?

If Naiya couldn't explain why at this time, the fireproof girl was ready to light a fire.

As long as your Majesty is willing to go there, then as I said, it's not a big deal.

Seeing the fireproof girl's impatient look, Naia smiled.

I just promised to let the End of Reincarnation continue, but I never said what form it would take.

As long as your Majesty wants to, it won't be difficult to simply retain consciousness, right?

So you plan to let the soy milk go to waste. They are facing a three-front war at the same time. Let's not talk about the Zhengzheng Agreement. The high-dimensional demon can really wipe out the family.

The fireproof girl frowned, and her soy milk was in vain. They currently have a large number of troops facing the insect swarm at the edge of the galaxy. If there is an internal thunderstorm, they will easily collapse.

“How can we attract guests if we make the dining table bigger?”

Naiya smiled. The vastness of the world of stars cannot be summarized by the civilization of a mere galaxy. It is just a virtual realm that covers a galaxy. Its vastness is not as vast as that of higher dimensions.

You are...

The fireproof girl was stunned and her face darkened.

what do you want?

You can't give me what I want now. You should understand what I mean.

Then I can give it later, right?

It must be possible.

The fireproof girl calmed her expression and became slightly silent.

Many times, Naiya, I don't like your deceptive attitude.

Your Majesty, dishonesty will gain me more.

Naia leaned forward slightly and waited for a long time, but received no response from the fireproof girl.

It seems that I am destined to fail today?

That's not necessarily the case.

Holding Naiya in hand, the fireproof girl contacted Doujiu Baiduo through the chat group.

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