I just wanted to defend justice and protect the weak, so I did it.

But in those times when civilization was suffering, I had the power to turn the tide, so I did it.

He doesn't care about the gains and losses at all, and he doesn't make any demands on the civilization he saves. He just chooses to retreat peacefully after solving the disaster.

For the ideal you pursue, risk your life and fight for the civilizations you have never met!

It’s not like the fireproof girl hasn’t seen heroes before.

However, I have never seen such a pure hero.

Throughout the history of Lordran, there have been countless familiar heroes in that epic chapter.

For the continuation of the world, King Gwen resolutely chose to burn himself first.

In order to break the curse of immortality, he embarked on the road of spreading fire, hunted the kings, and finally threw himself into the First Fire and became the legendary immortal.

After all the kings left, the road of spreading the fire was almost over, but the dwarf king Ludos still decided to fulfill his duties as the fire king.


There are too many, and their strength may be very different, but each of them has the courage to not be afraid of sacrifice.

However, they never became heroes simply for a broad ideal.

What drives them to make sacrifices is that everything they hold dear lies in this land that is about to enter the next unknown era.

These heroes, and everything that makes up their existence, exists in this land called Lordland.

Gwen has his own descendants and country.

The undead have companions who accompany them all the way.

Ludos is more of a responsibility. No matter how reluctant he is, he is the only one among the salary kings who finally recovered to choose to fulfill his obligation to pass the fire.

In short, in order to carry their own world, for their loved ones, and for a responsibility, these beings with different statuses have embarked on a heroic path called sacrifice.

But Ultraman is different.

They have their own country, their own culture, a long lifespan, and powerful power——

With endless resources and living space, there is no need to be forced on a path full of sacrifices like the unlucky ones in Rodlan.

But they still embarked on this path resolutely.

In order to prevent civilizations that they don't know at all and have no contact with, to prevent disasters that they are unable to withstand.

Incarnate as a member of that civilization, but never interfered with the development of the civilization itself, and even chose to leave the planet after his identity was exposed in the human body.

Picture what?

It can only be the dreamlike ideal mentioned by the father of Ultra.

But why doesn't Ultraman directly guide these civilizations to follow the same path as himself?

Promote the development of their society, promote the progress of their science and technology, and then jointly spread this idea to the entire universe.

As a peaceful and friendly civilization, this is what the Galactic Federation does.

In their country, there are no real barriers between races. With advanced genetic modification technology and advanced mechanical prosthetics, all individual gaps can be bridged through technological means.

The highly mature productivity and social system can quickly bring an ignorant civilization to its own level and inject ideology into the process.

The deterioration of the environment will be eliminated, and food, clothing, housing, and transportation will no longer be a problem. Even the life span that troubles countless intelligent creatures has already been solved.

Developed and wealthy.

There will be no class differences, no gap between rich and poor. In the open and inclusive Galactic Federation, all races will only become more prosperous.

Countless races have been kneaded into a collective. After fully enjoying social resources, life can embark on the path of constantly pursuing the truth of the universe under the guidance of national ideology.

Even without the help of the Fireproof Girl, it would only be a matter of time before they assimilate those decadent fallen empires.

This is the advanced nature of ideology.

It's wonderful, isn't it?

Then why, in the view of the fire-proof girl, the Kingdom of Light, which is obviously more powerful, more correct, and less in need of those insignificant sacrifices, did not choose to do this?

What the Kingdom of Light has done and its current prosperity all prove their kindness and their power.

If more countries like theirs could be created and there were more giants of light, would the cosmic security team still need to bear such huge sacrifices?

Wouldn't it be bad for the universe to reach peace under such conditions?

Countless questions ran through the fireproof girl's mind.


The fire-proof girl understood clearly and looked at Ultra's father and the countless giants of light behind him, feeling nothing but admiration.

The Kingdom of Light longs for a great ideal, and longs for the day when this ideal becomes a reality.

However, they do not think that they are right now.

The Kingdom of Light has never been arrogant in thinking that it can lead the civilization of the entire universe to the right path.

Now they are on their way.

Indeed, the Kingdom of Light can indeed rely on its own technological level that is far superior to other civilizations, and through constant interference, let these civilizations follow the same path as them.

But the consequence of doing so is that the road to civilization that they interfere with is cut off, and the end can be seen at a glance.

If there are no problems in the Kingdom of Light, then they can still say that they are on the right path.

But what if something goes wrong in the Kingdom of Light?

What choices should these civilizations who will only follow the path of the Kingdom of Light make?

Just like when Big Brother was shattered, half of the country that belonged to that red country suddenly became only five.

So when the time comes, how many of these civilizations will be left that have been forcibly bound to their own path by the Kingdom of Light?

The universe is very vast, and there is enough space for different paths.

What you want has never been for other civilizations to become yours.

The fireproof girl took a deep breath, this was really——

Although different ways of thinking among racial civilizations will always bring about various differences, it is difficult to understand the behavioral logic of other civilizations from one's own perspective.

But the Kingdom of Light is too grand.

Does such a civilization really exist?

What we need is not a vassal who repeats our path, but a friend who goes hand in hand, a partner who walks side by side.

The father of Ultra nodded, his huge horns swaying slightly with his movements.

You could tell he was happy.

It's nice that the fire girl was able to understand them in just a few sentences.

The fireproof girl didn't ask any more questions. She had already gotten the answer she wanted.

It's time for me to leave.

After grabbing the Faded One, the Fireproof Woman bid farewell to Ultra's father.

Before you leave, please accept my gift.

A faint golden glow lit up, covering the body of Ultra's father.

The power of time flows and begins to repair this powerful existence.

This is.

The light flashed by, as if it didn't exist. When Ultra's father regained consciousness, he felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Even though our paths are not the same, I still hope you can go on.

The fireproof girl calmly took a breath and waved her hand.

The power of time seemed to easily repair the wounds that even the Ultra King was helpless to do.

But only the fireproof girl knows that even because of her own special characteristics, repairing the wounds of such a powerful existence is a very expensive project.

But the fireproof girl still did it.

Either he was infected by the spirit of the Kingdom of Light, or it was a temporary impulse.

So we did it.

This is the gift given by the Fireproof Girl to this respectable civilization of the Kingdom of Light.

Of course, this is a customer experience benefit, but you will be charged for it in the future!

The time of departure has arrived, and the glorious figure finally disperses.

The father of Ultra looked at the slowly disappearing figure, and the smile in his eyes became even stronger.

(End of this volume)

Chapter 347 Fireproof Girl: Naiya starts to live again


Breathing the fresh air of Longji Snow Mountain always makes people feel refreshed.

Although I have lost that illusory power again, I always have to devote my energy to boring study, and then look at the city that I have seen countless times every day.

But this still does not affect the fireproof girl's love for home.

She turned off the alarm clock and glanced at her schedule.

Today is still the day to continue learning to draw the world with my aunt.

In other words, everything today will predictably become boring.

The fireproof girl sighed, and for a moment she didn't know whether it was better to adventure in another world or stay in a warm little home.

Honestly speaking, although it is indeed more enjoyable to play outside, Lothric is your forever home. At least you have your relatives and friends here, and responsibilities that are difficult to give up.

The fireproof girl stood up and got dressed.

She is still wearing simple black clothes. The fireproof girl likes this kind of loose clothes very much. It can cover people tightly without affecting daily activities.

Picking an eye mask and putting it on, giving herself a refreshing miracle, the fireproof girl rubbed her face vigorously.

My life has indeed fallen into a gentle land recently. Apart from daily study, I am spending time with the Faded and Ashes, and I feel like I have completely relaxed.

After taking a look, she found that the lights indicating that the Painter's studio had opened began to flicker, and the fireproof girl directly opened the door with the teleportation runes on it.

Lothric, New City area.

On the broad avenue, a grand festival celebration is taking place.

Men and women in gorgeous clothes were walking on the street, their faces filled with happy and fulfilling smiles, and the exquisite lights on the majestic streets illuminated their clothes brightly.

The adventurers who were away from home also returned to their hometown after a long absence, enthusiastically sharing interesting experiences outside with their relatives and friends, or telling each other about the dark history that had been repeated for hundreds of years, and bursts of cheerful laughter from time to time. .

This is the day of the Celebration of Light, a festival established to commemorate the true eternity of the Age of Fire. The people of Lothric will put aside everything on this day and enjoy the light brought to them by the great Majesty.

It's really lively——

His voice sounded softer than anyone else's.

Looking at the group of Onion Knights walking arm-in-arm in front of the studio, the fire-proof woman stopped painting, and their departing figures were reflected on her smooth eyepatch.

It allows them to live a carefree life, and they always feel that the boring life they have been studying patiently recently suddenly has meaning.

You're distracted again.

After adding the final touch to the canvas, waiting for the paint to spread out and transform into the painted world, the artist raised his eyes to look at the dazed fire-prevention woman.


She turned back and continued to fill in the unfinished painting. Her pale golden hair was gently blown by the refreshing wind of Lothrik, and reflected a little bit of light in the sunlight.

The painter jumped down from the high chair and came to the side of the fire-prevention woman holding her hair like a snow-white snake.

She was a little far away. The beings in the Age of Fire felt that the warm breath just existed made the painter feel like he was about to melt.

The Fireproof Woman is not hostile to her. This natural sense of threat comes from the fundamental differences between them.

The Painter knew this very well. Ever since she shared the light and darkness of the world with Ashes, the Fireproof Woman had become literally inaccessible to her.

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