Raven gritted his teeth, controlled the spacecraft, and planned to return directly to the earth.

How can your description of the earth and the moon being blown up make people feel relieved? I want to go back!

After hearing the raven's rebuttal, the gray snake came back from his thoughts, shook his head gently, and after a complicated look flashed in his eyes, he spoke softly to the raven.

Are you worried about me?

I'm worried about you ******

The raven's curse came from the other end of the communication line.

If you are worried about the children you have adopted, then there is no need. I will send them to an absolutely safe place. As for you, Miss Siola, I will not make fun of your life.

If I really die, I hope you can write an epitaph for me.

Gray Snake instinctively felt that she was the only one whose life and death were determined by this drama.

That god was a benevolent being, and even those ME employees who had suffered unparalleled disasters were given a chance to live.

But she still chose to warn the world about the disaster and settled the members of World Snake.

Every time she gave an order, she would feel whether it was too unnecessary and inefficient, but instinct, the human survival instinct, still drove her to do so.


Gray Snake sneered.

It's really funny. She was the one who caused all these disasters, she was the one who issued the warning, and then she was still here pretending to comfort the raven.

Maybe this is a human contradiction.

With your level of hacking, don't even think about cracking my program. You can try to see the scenery in outer space, or record a video for me.

Across the communication line, Black Snake smiled and waved to the impatient Raven, not caring whether the other party could see it.

Haha, in short, wait until the results are revealed, Natasha Siora.

The stage must be beautiful enough, and she herself must act beautifully enough.


Hearing this, almost completely subconsciously, Raven looked up at the glass behind her. Facing the farthest end of the lunar ruins, the north and south poles stretching across the lunar surface were all lit up with a permeating crimson color.

In the raven's confused and bewildered sight, crimson light soared into the sky, gushing towards the blue planet. Just like what was described in the fairy tale, it represented the judgment of the gods, and the great flood fell from the sky and poured down on the earth. s surface.

The raven opened his mouth.

A collapse disaster sweeping the world should have enough weight, right?

Hollandale watched the waterfall formed by pure crimson Honkai energy pouring down from the chasm, and the voice of the fire prevention woman sounded beside him.

But there is a limit to the amount of Honkai energy a Honkai beast can hold, and the Honkai beasts known to the earth cannot carry so much energy. And Sister Su'er, you don't seem to be planning to let Herrscher appear.

Youlandel turned to look at the fireproof woman who was playing with the final power.

She had heard it several times during Otto's chats with the fire-proof girls. Today's fire-proof girls don't seem to be able to use much of their own power in their world.

Sister Su'er, what can you do if you need this kind of collapse?

This pure infusion of Honkai energy seems to have no effect other than making the work intensity of the Destiny Valkyrie skyrocket.

The fireproof girl shouldn't use so many Honkai to do such boring things - right?

Hmm, after staying with Otto who revealed his true face for so long, my reasoning ability can be said to have skyrocketed, little silly goose.


Youlandel fell into silence.

Indeed, apart from intimidation, I do have other purposes for using such huge Honkai energy.

After throwing away the authority of the end, and almost squeezing out the cocoon of the end, the fireproof girl nodded and admitted Bianca's suspicion.

I hope to open a stable enough channel to the quantum sea for the earth.

Quantum Sea?

Youlandel is no stranger to the Quantum Sea.

When she was twelve years old, she once traveled in the Quantum Sea through the Key of the Second God, and was recognized by a world.

Now, the world bubble floating in the quantum sea is in her body.

That's right, using my power directly may disturb the tree, but as long as I borrow other people's things, the tree won't care about me.

The fireproof girl stated her purpose, and then made a pistol-firing gesture towards the earth.

Next, as long as enough Honkai energy is used to bombard a stable passage to the Quantum Sea, the preparations for the 'Good Friend's Wife Rescue Plan' will be completed. How about killing two birds with one stone?

As for why the Fireproof Girl was able to convert imaginary energy into so much Honkai Energy through the Cocoon of Finality in such a short period of time...

Again, even if she doesn't use the power of First Fire, Fireproof Girl is still an accomplished light magician.

As for whether the Tree of Imaginary Numbers will cause trouble in the future, we have to find a fireproof girl. It is impossible to calibrate the collapse of the world.

The fireproof girl is not stupid. The quantum sea channel she wants to open does not exist on this earth in terms of high-dimensional cognition, but on the physical level, the channel entrance will appear on the earth.

She just wanted a stage to fight against Honkai. She didn't have the power to open the Quantum Sea. Even if she used the Imaginary Number Tree to explore the world, she couldn't find any problems.

She wasn't the one who could open a hole in the tree by extracting so much Honkai. If she wanted to cause trouble, she should go find the higher-dimensional beings spreading the Cocoon of Ending.

So, Sister Su'er, you arranged everything from the beginning?

Youlandel grabbed her long golden hair, and they went on a daily field trip. As a result, the fire prevention girl had clearly arranged the earth.

The Fireproof Girl is avoiding the observation of some existence, so she cannot be the executor of a series of things related to the Quantum Sea.

From wooing Moon's artificial intelligence, to intimidating Gray Snake into executing the plan, and now relying on a large amount of Honkai energy to open the Quantum Sea, Fireproof Girl has removed herself from the executor.

And the fireproof girl can erase such traces herself.


The fireproof girl was noncommittal, looking like she was actually in control.

This is the confidence that reading the script gave her.

There were times when I really felt like I was facing another Otto.

Hollander sighed. She had also seen this kind of clear-cut operation of arranging things for everyone while talking and laughing. She had also seen it on Bishop Otto.


A chill crept up from the soles of my feet.

The fireproof girl's smile suddenly became extremely gentle.

You can't curse people.

I know, I know.

Youlandel nodded timidly.

Ah, speaking of Otto.

Seeing that Youlandel realized her mistake and the matter was revealed, the fireproof woman waved her hand, and the scene belonging to Otto immediately emerged.

Let us see what the great Bishop Otto is doing now.

As soon as I connected to the image of that space, I saw Bishop Otto spreading hatred again.

Oh, it's been such a long time, Mr. Walter.

In a campus full of European medieval style, the blond man sat casually on a bench and said hello to the gray-haired man coming towards him.

I'm really sorry that I didn't let you have a happy Thanksgiving in New York.

The reunion between old friends is always full of different meanings, and Otto opened his mouth to tell his false apology to Walter.

For so many years, I have always wanted to express my apology to you, and I have even thought of many ways: such as finding a monument and kneeling down on the spot, performing a performance for you and crying bitterly.

But now that so many years have passed...you don't actually need these artificial rituals, right?

Is this what you came here to say to me today?

It’s hard, the fist is hard.

Walter pushed his eyes and looked coldly at the Archbishop of Destiny who killed his father. The veins on his left arm holding the courseware were slightly exposed, which seemed to show that his heart was not very peaceful at the moment.

Haha, what else can I say? We can't fight each other with swords again. Walter, we are no longer enemies.

Otto spread his right hand to the empty space beside him, as if to invite him.

Those who died, maybe you can see them again...

Just when Walter opened his mouth to say something, the angry shout from Theresa not far away interrupted the conversation between the two. :

Grandpa! What are you planning to do this time?!

Chapter 276 Fireproof Girl: The earth is going to explode, but there is no Kansai!

Standing at the rear of the transport plane, facing the cold wind at an altitude of two thousand meters, Theresa felt that she had been tricked by her grandfather again.

Just now, the communications department from Hyperion received a communication warning from Anti-Entropy. Then, with the full work of the satellite, the Honkai Impact reactions from all over the world were quickly included in the statistics of Hyperion.

Then this report was sent to Theresa Apokalis, the head of the Far East Branch in Changkong City, who finally got rid of Otto.

Dozens of large-scale Honkai Impacts broke out around the world, and Reverse Entropy claimed responsibility for the events.

One, two, three - add up, 100,000hw?!

Theresa counted a series of zeros after the Honkai energy reading, and opened her mouth in shock.

This is not the upper limit of Honkai energy, but the upper limit of the monitoring instrument!

Otto had done something behind her back again.

Theresa looked at the report in her hand and her blue eyes widened.

It's back, the familiar feeling is back.

This was also the case in 2000. When Honkai broke out and all the Valkyries of Destiny had already taken action, I was still stupid and didn't know anything.

Grandpa, this guy is not trustworthy at all!

Although she didn’t hate getting along with her grandfather, rather she liked the feeling of being with him. But even though Otto signed a letter for herself under her supervision, Theresa still expressed disapproval of Otto’s visit to St. Francis. Rhea's purpose was doubtful.

This was also the reason why she was here when she should be accompanying Otto on the campus.

Since 2000, Theresa's trust in Otto has dropped to freezing point.

She was afraid of Otto's concern for her, and afraid that her relatives and friends would die one after another under Otto's calculations.

So Teresa chose to escape and chose a corner of the Far East to build her dream campus.

I just didn't expect that Otto was still there.

I just want to come and see my dear granddaughter.

Theresa recalled her conversation with Otto. Facing her questions, Otto's gentle smile on his face was still vivid in her mind.

That's all.

That's all...

Could it be that Grandpa has completely given up and thinks there is no chance of resurrecting Kallen, so he plans to drag the whole world with him to bury him?

Theresa thought rather pessimistically.

Theresa has always been relatively clear about Otto's purpose. After all, she was also the product of the experimental project to resurrect Kallen. She was able to have the chance to be born thanks to the person she had never met and only existed in the story. grandma.

It doesn’t make sense. You’ve been persisting like this for five hundred years, so why did you give up so suddenly?

However, even if there were other reasons, this matter must have something to do with grandpa.

After shaking her somewhat overloaded head and asking Huberian to ensure the safety of the Far Eastern Branch and broadcast the crisis to the world, Theresa moved her short legs and hurried towards Otto's location. go.

The top priority is to question Otto face to face!

Theresa did not doubt the truth of her judgment.

As long as something big happens in this world, there is a 100% chance that it is definitely related to Otto.

This is the life experience gained by Theresa after staying with Otto for so many years.

If humanity can survive this crisis, she must write this sentence into the motto of St. Freya College.

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