Why are you here now?

A figure was projected from the camera in the internal space. She was a clever girl with an expressive face. Judging from her face, she was very similar to Bronya, who was sleeping on the sofa.

As I said, I'm just helping my friends realize their wishes.

After all, the story of a young man with a longing for beauty crossing time and space to save his sweetheart is very romantic no matter how you look at it.

The fireproof girl nodded her forehead in distress.

Why doesn’t anyone believe this is true? Half of what he said is true.

Why don't you see those people who were fooled by Otto doubting Otto?

Prometheus, you seem to be a little suspicious.

The fireproof girl looked at the projection girl in front of her seriously.

Super artificial intelligence from 50,000 years ago, the technological crystallization of the fire-chasing moth of the previous civilization, and now the will of collapse.

After being overthrown by the astral computer that was poured out of soy milk, Prometheus No. 17, which should have dissipated due to being activated in advance, was retained because the fireproof woman used some small permissions to modify reality.

Now he is responsible for serving as a caretaker, guarding the cocoon of the end that is sealed in the moon.

To be precise, it would be more accurate to call me [No. 17].

Prometheus squinted his red eyes, and the projected face showed a vigilant expression at the right time.

Different names always carry different meanings. Do you want me to call you No. 17?

The fireproof girl looked at this artificial intelligence that had always been wary of her.

Oh, maybe now, she is no longer suitable to be called artificial intelligence.

Don't you think the name Prometheus is more pleasant? As a person, it is too strange to be called No. 17.


Hearing the word 'human', Prometheus tilted his head, unable to understand the meaning.

The World Snake has sent fusion warriors and they have landed on the moon.

The subtle silence lasted for a while, and Prometheus stopped looking at the gem on the fireproof woman's mask that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts and asked.

Are you sure you want me to disable the [suppression device]?

Suppression equipment, a device used to restrain the cocoon's collapse energy, its specific origin cannot be verified.


Seeing Prometheus' hesitant look, the fireproof girl couldn't help but joked: You don't think I can't even handle the collapse, do you?

It's this nonchalant attitude that makes people even more suspicious.

Prometheus squinted and looked through the camera at the existence in front of him that could truly be called a god.

She was worried that the fireproof girl would give up the attack just for fun after asking her to break the seal of Honkai Energy, and finally watch the destruction of civilization.

I'm not a devil.

Sensing Prometheus's thoughts, the fireproof girl couldn't help but correct him.

What's more, I chose to keep you alive from the beginning. Doesn't this just prove that I have no ill intentions?

Maybe this is part of your plan. Let me destroy the civilization I am going to protect with my own hands to see if the artificial intelligence will have despair.

Well, what you said has made me a little interested.

Listening to Prometheus's inference, the fireproof girl found this plan very interesting for some reason.

Would you like to try it? Anyway, restarting for a short period of time is not too troublesome for me.

Speaking of which, I just picked up a little guy similar to you on Earth and did a little experiment. Now he looks more like a human.

Your clone is only that small, and it should be more stable. Do you want to try it?

Looking at the fireproof girl who took the topic away again, Prometheus sighed.

Many times, I suspect that I am seeking skin from a tiger.


But... Prometheus chose to believe in you.

Sure enough, the strongest emotion after the artificial intelligence obtains a soul is the desire to survive.

This scared me out of my mouth.

Okay, okay, let's get started.

The fire prevention girl waved her hands and started chasing people away. She was too lazy to do those unplanned things. Now she just wanted to save enough energy quickly and then burn a handful of trees of imaginary numbers. The fun in the process could be seen but not seen. It doesn't matter.


Prometheus nodded and decisively disconnected the communication.



The spacecraft landed, blowing up lunar soil.


The airlock sprayed high-pressure gas and opened the thick isolation door.

A warrior dressed in pitch black walked out of the hatch and stepped onto the land of the moon.

This is the moon? It's really different from what I imagined when I was a kid.

Looking at the surrounding relics that looked like they were not natural creations, Raven suppressed her curiosity, returned to the hatch, and began to transport various instruments outside.

Raven, world snake cadre.

Among the many cadres of World Snake, Raven can be regarded as a relatively special existence.

Compared to those who are either mad scientists with almost no moral bottom line, or conspirators who are simply not human at all, paranoidly looking for the meaning of their existence, or the will of the stigmata to fish in the stigmata space.

The main focus is a spiritual and species diversity.

Raven, who has been educated by things that don't count as a human since childhood, is rare to have the cognition of a normal human and the thinking of an ordinary human.

To be honest, even Raven himself has to admit that World Snake is indeed an organization that does not care about people.

But World Snake has money, and Raven has nothing to offer except his martial arts.

After spending a period of time in the mercenary life in Buxinxie and discovering that his income was far lower than that of World Snake, Raven, who wanted to buy a villa and island to live a retirement life, finally succumbed to World Snake's money offensive.


After setting up the equipment, opening the startup program that he didn't understand very well, and hanging a certain God's Key with a bad temper on his waist, Raven took a breath.

Another day of aiding the evildoer.

Chapter 275 Fireproof Girl: This is the confidence that reading the script gave me

The moon's surface welcomes the sun's rays, mixed with crimson Honkai energy, exuding a dangerous yet charming aura.

In the sky that ordinary people cannot detect, the seeds of certain disasters are brewing and sprouting.


There was silence in the deep space, with only the creaking sound transmitted from the armor to the brain through the vibration of the ground. The raven sighed exaggeratedly, as if to add a little more sound to the silence.

I'm alone again. I'm almost having a psychological problem.

I don't know what's going on with the children, but I kept all the money. I hope I can send them back safely.

Raven has always dreamed of having a place she can call home, a place for herself and her children who have been affected by the Honkai disaster. This is why she is dedicated to the work of the World Snake.

Although the World Snake is really not a good person when it comes to work, and it only looks at him as a field worker to squeeze him, but no matter what, the money it gives is really a lot of money.

The funding given by Gray Snake for this mission was very high, so high that Raven directly completed the progress of the mission she had always hoped to complete. Worried about her life safety, she almost immediately settled on the villa she had been thinking about for a long time. island, and then boarded the spacecraft to the moon.

I'd better pay more attention to myself. I don't know what the island is like. If the mission goes well... I'll go take a look after the mission is completed.

With this thought in mind, and seeing that everything was arranged, Raven dialed the communication with Gray Snake.

Let me guess which Gray Snake it will be this time.


A long busy tone came from the other end of the communication——

Just when Raven's expression showed a hint of anxiety, wondering if he had dialed the wrong number, the communication was finally connected.

Ah, raven~

A lazy female voice came from the other end of the phone. The owner of the voice seemed very tired and asked feebly.

Mission accomplished?


Raven opened the communication channel, and the two characters belonging to Gray Snake were clearly visible in front of her eyes. Only then did she confirm that she had not dialed the wrong number.

Did you find yourself a secretary to use as a microphone, or is it a completely new style?

The voice on the other end of the phone was clearer than ever before, as if it was a real voice coming from the throat of a human being, a complete human being.

The super senses of the fusion warrior can even allow the raven to clearly hear the sound of air flowing along the nasal cavity into the lungs on the other end of the communication, as well as the sound of swallowing saliva.

Haha, I will take this as a compliment.

The voice on the other end of the phone laughed softly, and then asked about the progress of Raven's mission.

How's the mission going?

The equipment has been set up, if it goes as you said.

The raven raised his head and glanced at the display screen, which was still flashing data.

If the liberation of data can bypass the blockade of Prometheus, then my mission has been completed.

At first, when Raven saw the funds given to him by Gray Snake, he thought it would be an ambitious mission. Unexpectedly, it was just to place some instruments in the ruins.

My 'job' is done, right?

As long as she waits for the moment when Gray Snake nods in agreement, she will sail back to the earth, throw away the spaceship and the Key of God, and return to the villa island at the speed of light. From now on, she will no longer have to worry about all the troubles in the world.


The voice on the other end of the phone paused, followed by the sound of a body pressing against the creak of the chair back.

But I'm afraid you won't be able to retire with honor.

I knew it.

Raven, who had just boarded the spaceship, cursed secretly, and the smile that appeared on his face disappeared in an instant.

What else do you need from me, Gray Snake, let me stay in outer space to help you shoot a documentary?

If you have experience in this area, you can also try to take a picture. I will pay for it. It is best to stay away from these two celestial bodies.

There were a few chuckles on the other end of the phone.

However, keeping you away from these two planets is not due to a leader's oppression of employees, but out of the guardian's concern for the ward, Miss Raven.

What on earth are you going to do?

Raven tightened her grip on the control column of the spacecraft, instinctively feeling uneasy.

I made a deal with the gods, well, one-sided.


Don't worry, if everything goes well, no one will die, and even the Honkai Impact will end.

Gray Snake pretended to be relaxed and replied, playing with the miniaturized Honkai Furnace in his hand. He closed his eyes and felt the body without any Honkai reaction. He recalled the time when his soul was just born and glimpsed the billions of radiant objects. Composition of Holy Fire.

That is the place where all material spirits are condensed. All reality and illusion will be put into it, smelted and recast to build a new existence.

You also said that if everything goes well.

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